3:14pm Jason and Paul HOH
Paul – what was numnuts trying to say to you
Jason – He just wanted to know if he was public enemy number one.. I was like f* no.. he said if I win HOH he’s putting Cody and Jessica up
Paul – we’re going to be alright..
Jason – I think the showmances are f*ing playing us
Paul – I think they are trying but.. if they get the chance to they will.
Paul says as long as they don’t give the showmances the opportunity to have power they’ll be fine.
Paul says you can tell by his actions “I ain’t no dumb mother f*er”
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3:18pm Christmas is telling her she’s off the pain meds she’s been on the meds for 3 weeks. She broke her foot day 13.
3:25pm They get to practice for Tomorrow’s HOH
Paul – Stand behind the line to hit the Ball with the putter at the two targets .Experiment with straight shots, banked shots, and feel free to utilize the obstacles you may move the obstacles and targets you will each get 10 practice Shots everyone should practice enjoy,.,.
4:20pm After practicing..
Jessica and Cody complaining about the competition being a luck based one.
Cody – we’ve already won..
Jessica – we have 1 week together… 7 days
Cody – lets make the most of it..
Cody – if we don’t get it we should play in the safety competition together..
Jessica – lets do it..
Jessica – we’ll both be on the block next to each other unless you win the den of temptation.
Cody – We’ll fight
Jessica – like we always do.
4:22pm Paul, Matt, Raven, Xmas, Alex
Paul – A it will be WAY more difficult than that.. and you get 1 chance..
Paul says Jessica and Cody are really worried
Matt – they should be
Xmas – she was shaking (When Practicing)
Raven – she was shaking like a dog ..
Xmas – she’s shaking more than you (raven)
Raven says it’s because of her disease.
Alex comes in..
Xmas says she’s going to feed Jessica the wrong strategy..
Paul goes on about possible strategy’s, “We try to get a good score locked in”
Xmas – Cody didn’t bank anything he just straight shot it
Paul says Cody put too much power into the shot.
Paul says he thinks Jessica and Cody will get a disadvantage as the curse.
Paul – last season they gave them beer goggles which f*s up everything..
Paul starts singing the circus song..
Paul – I’m going to be talking sh1t (During the HOH to Cody and Jessica.. LOL here we go again)
Paul – don’t shut the f* up
Paul – I need help..
Xmas – when you talk sh1t.. you have to talk sh1t like Ohh Jessica .. you’re riding on Jessica’s coat tails..
Paul – because she’s going home
Paul – I don’t want to be the only one doing it.. it has to be strategically done by everybody in the club.. I don’t mind taking the heat..
Josh comes up.. “it’s 9 against 2”
Paul – we have to make them uncontrollable throughout the day.. I’m banging pots and pans.. (Please do this
Paul – lack of sleep they are going to get frustrated
Xmas- it’s also high pressure because they’re going up on the block..
Paul – this is a strategy MENTAL CRACK MENTAL CRACK.. Don’t sleep before a competition that you need to focus on..
Paul tells them to stop talking game to Mark and Elena
4:40pm Paul going off about strategy’s to take out Paul and Jessica
4:47pm Josh, Alex, Kevin and Jason
Josh asks Jason to carry him
Jason – NO
Kevin – We’ve been carrying you for 6 friggin weeks
Alex – good one
They head to the APSR to do a Friendship/meatball talk..
4:52pm Kevin and Josh
Josh tells him his dad can’t speak English but he understands English and he can defend himself in English.
Josh says they have to win the HOH because of Cody does he’s going up.
Kevin tells JOsh he’s got to do yelling tonight (at Cody)
Josh – I can’t..
Josh says he’s not. tells him he was cool with the dancing and pots and pans but some people took it way too far with the personal sh1t.
Kevin – Like who
Josh – the d1ck size comment.. (Raven)
Kevin – wasn’t me..
Josh says he’s not messing with Cody tonight.
Josh – i’m playing the game where I’m joking and when it gets personal nah..
5:51pm Storage room Cody and Jessica
Jessica says she doesn’t even make eye contact with Raven.
Cody – I’m convinced Christmas might actually be a witch..
Cody Cackles..
6:18pm Paul and Matt
Paul – we know Alex and Cody are with us..
Paul says Mark trust him and Matt more than he trusts Christmas.
Paul says if they win HOH and some how Jessica and Cody finagle their out of being evicted
Matt – stranger things have happened Cody winning the temptation and Jessica winning veto
Paul says they put Elena and Mark up in that scenario..
Paul says Elena told him she’s given up on Mark.
Paul – we can justify getting Mark out for Elena..
Matt – 100% dude
Paul – Mark is not as strong of a Player as Elena
Matt – I’m very confident we can control Elena..
They agree Mark will be their Target if Cody/Jessica are off the table.
Matt wants to use Josh as the Pawn
Paul says Jessica and Cody are starting to be nice to him, “Forcibly being nice.. for some reason”
6:27pm Mark and Jason
mark is worried about what Paul is saying about him.
Jason doesn’t think Paul is thinking about Mark.
Mark says Elena leaving him came out of nowhere.
Jason wonders if someone has something on her.
Mark – she left me out to dry
Mark – I told you the week Alex was HOH I don’t trust Raven.
6:35pm Matt and Raven
Matt asks her what her thoughts are with Elena..
Raven asked Elena what is wrong with Mark. She said he’s upset with how Jessica and COdy are being treated and he’s upset for Elena leaving him.
Raven says Elena knows it upsets mark when she lays with him so she’s doing more of it.
Raven – If you are hanging out with Public enemy number one that makes you public enemy number 2
Matt – what can we do with Elena moving forward..
Raven – Jessica, Cody, Mark, Christmas, Elena, Josh.. that is my order .. and that would leave the five..
Matt – Kevin’s 6th
Raven – he’s not a good competitor.. he respected both of us
Matt – Kevin and Josh can stay as long as they want..
Matt says each one of them has 2 or 3 targets ahead of them..
Raven says if she was Jessica she would have taken one look at that competition and telling Cody ‘you’re going home”
Raven explains that because it’s a crapshoot competition odds are against Jess/Cody winning it and when one of them win it they are taking Jess out.
7:11pm Mark, Jason and Alex chessboard
Mark tells Alex that they have the most in common when it comes to lifestyles.
7:40pm Josh and Christmas in the APSR
Josh tells her she’s his number 1
Christmas doesn’t think Jessica should be the first one out she thinks it should be cody.
Josh says he has a problem with how crazy things got on Monday.
Christmas says you can’t attack people’s character like that.
Christmas says Raven fell hard when she went down that route on Monday.. (ZOMG)
Christmas – Paul sees you as a loyal dude
Josh – he doesn’t express much game with me but he understands where I stand
Christmas about Paul “I hope he sees my Loyalty now and will return that loyalty as he see with you”
Josh goes on about how Paul is playing such a great game, “He knows what he’s doing”
Neither of them like Matt’s game much. Xmas says once Matt gets to Jury he’ll start winning competition and will protect Raven with everything he has.
Josh says people are starting to get annoyed at Raven and Matt
Christmas says Paul can’t be the only one playing the game Matt has to start stepping it up.
Christmas doesn’t trust Elena, she thinks Elena is very dangerous in the game and is worried about how close ELena is getting with Paul.
Josh says he wants it to be him, Xmas, Kevin, Paul, Jason, “and like whoever else.. Alex”
Christmas – Alex.. she’s a hard player but she doesn’t like you she’ll come after you sooner than later.. ”
Josh – she’s tough.. but for now she’s good she’s a strong competitor..
Xmas – she will actively campaign to come for you sooner than later.
Josh says Alex likes to talk sh1t about people and he doesn’t
Josh – I swear to god I can tell when Elena lies.. I can see it in her face. .
8:20pm Kevin, Alex and Xmas in the APSR
Kevin says he’s cool if they win the HOH he’ll hang out in the corner with Jason.
Kevin thinks Paul gets to compete in it.
Kevin says Jessica and Cody have a 14% chance to win the HOH.
Kevin – lets go out there and have fun
Jason joins them..
8:38pm Elena, Ravena and Matt in the HOH. Elena tells them she’s going for the HOH she needs to be off slop and get a letter from home.
Matt says either Elena, Raven or Josh will be best case.
8:42pm Have not room Paul, Jason, Kevin and Alex.
Paul tells them if he gets too choose the order he’s picking Cody first then Jessica.
Paul tells them they all compete for safety.
Paul – it’s 2 against 10.. it’s 2 against 10
Jason – why are we so worried
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Someone told josh how he was being perceived during the drama the other day..because he is all of the sudden sooo set on being nice to them, after weeks of saying shit..that or he is legit scared cody will knock him out.
Paul is beyond obsessed. He doesn’t stop talking about those two..so annoying
Wait til baby huey returns to Miami. Hoping some vets sit him down and teach him how a real man acts and talks.
That do rag needs to be shoved down his pie hole
Honestly, after watching tonight’s episode and reflecting on all that I’ve seen, Mark is perhaps the most decent human being in that house. Which means he’s probably not gonna last much longer unfortunately. Yeah he threw the pickle juice and Josh’s face at least he owned it and apologized for it profusely.
I’m in complete agreement with Hymen about Mark. He’s a decent, thoughtful and sensitive guy.
And Cody – what a foolish man. Not every situation requires a Game of Thrones response. Cody, there is a lot more to life than being a fucking Alpha. You’ve got a lot to learn.
Is Cody still calling Jessica “Alex”? I wonder if he’s still got Alex buried in his subconscious
Cody likes Alex..he couldn’t get her off his mind in the beginning
I think when the plastic surgeon asked Elana what look she wanted, she pulled out a blowup doll and asked “can we do this? ” He said he could try. I think he came close.
My daughter and I have said this since week one. Last eviction she made the (omg) (O) mouth again lol it was perfect lol
Yea Elena went way too far with the injections. When my wife & I first saw her we were like:
“Daaaammnn that girl got some BIG azzz lips”….
And we’re Black!!
Search pictures of her from a few years ago, and she has had work on her face. She was a public radio personality in Texas.
With Cody, it may be PTSD. If it is, he’s not understandable. I like him a lot, and I’m grateful to him for putting his life on the line for me and everyone that I care about in America. If it is PTSD, it’s not a joke, & it’s not fun for him either; it’s painful. If so, it’s a horrible consequence of his bravery. Our brave men and women come back wounded in so may ways, and it plays out in so many ways. I think he’s doing the best that he can, and that’ll have to be enough.
SUZYQ, I think you are right. He acts like he’s dealing with PTSD issues. I just wish he would let Jessica know that, maybe she would understand, maybe not. This is a game, and Cody uses what he has been taught in the military, spot on strategy, except once you are out of the military with PTSD, that strategy becomes groggy/clouded. I hope he and Jessica can work it out. I can’t stand Paul and Josh, those two morons need to go.
SUZYQ- I agree. Cody probably has PTSD, or at least displays signs of it. If he knows he is, he should share that with Jessica, maybe she would understand, maybe not. I like Cody, I appreciate what he has done with his life for our Nation,,, It would have to be very very difficult living in that situation with dogs like Paul and Josh, never ending lip flapping going on and the lies! I know it’s a game, and strategy is the name…but with PTSD, the strategy Cody had to learn in the military could get cloudy with PTSD> and the patience to deal with the numbnuts like those two…….I can only hope BB gets rid of both paul and josh SOON!
I think he is just sick of Paul…as AM !
But Matt wiped cum off his stomach with a towel then continued to dry the dishes with it
Wtf no way really!?!? That’s nasty
He really did, it’s on you tube.
He is so cute he reminds me of Wreck it Ralph 🙂
Seriously, mark is a hypocrite! He said nobody said anything when josh was bullying him what about when Cody was telling Megan he just doesn’t like her so that’s why he put her on the block. Who says that to someone! Nobody said anything then either(not even MARK)
You are comparing someone running around like an animal, banging pots and pans screaming insults, to telling someone you don’t like them?
Saying you don’t like someone is being honest..not bullying. Get real
Are you serious???
What Cody said then was class A a**hole – Saying you don’t like someone, on national TV, … that shit’s personal, and for no good reason, … and unfortunately to a girl with real PTSD, not all this ridiculous conjecture that COdy has PTSD. People are so ready to lick the ground he walk on when all I see is an inconsiderate prick who needs some humbling. I don’t care if he was army or not; my brother is in the army and he wouldn’t ever be that kind of level of jerk.
Common sense, and a sense of humanity this guy lacks.
I’m shocked this comment is allowed. Is this what you think marines should do? Beat people up in the streets? Disgusting
Simon and Dowg, this comment incites to violence. It should be removed.
So you would just let people talk and act like they do to Cody? Are you a pussy or just weak? Not every argument needs a violent turn but you dont think Paul, Josh, and Matt deserve a beating? Do you really think Josh, Paul, or any of the girls would really talk to someone on the street without getting their asses kicked? If Cody knows hes going home he should dangle Paul from the 2nd Floor.
The only people who deserve beatings are people that come at you with violence first. If someone comes at you with words, you respond with words or not at all. It is NEVER okay to beat someone up just because you don’t like what is coming out of their mouth. Otherwise you’d be beating up everyone who calls your momma fat or your daughter a slut or whatever silly little thing that could trigger you.
Your wish will. Be granted.
They need to get rid of Josh, he should of been removed last night when he started with Mark and those pots and pans. I can’t stand him I don’t know why they are keeping him safe.
Paul was disgusting last year but, this year is over the top. He’s so jealous of Cody he can’t see straight. I’m embarrassed for him, the other followers are just idiots. I can’t wait for them to get out and see the show. Absolute worst players of any season.
Close to the worse but remember season 15
Was that Amanda and mccray? Arryn? That was horrible season, but they got theirs in the end.
But these guys are stuck in this pack mentality. Any sign of weakness and g hey eat each other. It’s too bad they haven’t thought any further than two weeks out and where they are on the food chain. Heh this is the first season ever, I’m hoping for some BB intervention for Jess and Cody. But, hopefully this time they can keep humble and let those measly effs…come crawling. Arghhh
I agree close though….
I don’t see Paul as jealous of Cody ? Paul realizes Cody has never liked him since day 1. Cody made it a personal game in very beginning.
With all of the bullying in the WH it would be nice to watch an episode of BB where relaxation was the usual. Perhaps only one vet (Paul) was a horrible idea. This year is really mean and shows gang mentality; something I really hope other viewers feel just as disgusted about as I do. This will be my last episode after 17 yrs.
I feel the exact same way. Big Brother has been my summer guilty pleasure since the very first episode. I am so disappointed with this season. They are so mean and Paul is so over the top that he is making himself look very immature. Previous houseguests had fun and included each other; which I enjoyed watching. There is nothing fun about watching mindless people being so cruel and listening to everything Paul says. Bad casting CBS.
The tipping point for Paul was when America awarded Jessica a special power. He just fell apart after that and began taking the game personally. It’s like something snapped for him. And he certainly seems to be feeling the pressure more this year. A lot less fun and games. Too bad.
I totally agree .It has become a mob mentality.
first summer in ages i lost interest in big brother
Well they only got renewed for this year and next so maybe that is saying it’s almost over anyway. Would be nice to go out with a good one though and not one where they recruit the people or bring back vets like Paul. Jus saying.
I agree that someone must have said something to Josh. The thing is even though Josh is sorta crazy I genuinely think he has a conscience and feels bad after the fact. I don’t think he really likes being mean but I think hes insecure and wants to be accepted so bad that he will do what ever they tell him or act tough to try to impress them. Now Paul, Raven, Alex and Christmas, I don’t think they have one once of regret. They are just mean to the core and think what they are doing is all ok. Btw, I’m not defending Josh and I’m not a fan of his.
Josh is being used. He thinks this is the way to keep friends. very insecure and stupid. he has no chance of winning sadness
Paul sounds like a scared 12 year old girl. Listen to that patter. He’s weak without his mob mentality. What a pussy.
Big Jacket you are so right…. I didn’t like Paul last year, but I did have some respect for his game… NOT NOW… he is a huge bully, and it is absolutely disgusting to watch all the others play his sick game with him. I have loved BB since the very beginning, but I told the hubs last night I can’t keep watching this mess…. CBS screwed up bad when they put this little Kim Jong Un wannabe back in the house… just disgusting behavior…. no game or no amount of prize money should justify this mess…
Paul is a psychopath. When Dominique was on the block, Paul ordered the HGs to isolate her. No one was allowed to speak to her. He wanted to make her feel alone and terrified. He delighted in seeing her mental state destroyed. He laughed and egged them on to terrorize her. Paul told them to shut Dom down every time she tried to speak to another HG. He already made her a target. She was going home. Why did Paul have to make her miserable? He picks someone out and then tells the HGs to shun them and make their last days in the house a nightmare. How do these HGs not see what he is doing? To top it off, Paul wanted them to bully & terrorize Cody so that he would have a PTSD breakdown & violently attack someone. How can production condone anything he has done?
He had Dom isolated so she could not put seeds of doubt in people’s ears about him before she left. Even if someone is leaving for sure it doesn’t mean they can’t destroy your game on the way out. It’s just game play. He was also not trying to get Cody to have a permanent mental breakdown, he just wanted him to be fed up with being stuck in the house and genuinely want to leave. Also just an example of game play. It’s not one that looks great on tv but it’s game play nonetheless.
Josh, you just surprised me.
I’m thinking Paul has absolutely no faith in himself or his minions if he feels he has to talk trash to Cody/Jessica during the HOH. Also Paul mentions he doesn’t want to be the only one doing it, so in other words he wants others to look as moronic as him.
Here we go again, its the Paul, his ego show and the blind followers. Would someone in that group wake up already and lead the charge to get Paul out!! Someone….anyone just show the viewers a little life!!
The only cracking going on is with Paul and no one can see it! Bull horn guy please go back and start yelling more at these oblivious house guests!
Paula is just working it cause he knows if Jess uses the hex, Paula can’t play for next HOH!
Lets hope Jess does use the hex and they get Paul out. Don’t need him in the house or jury. Less than a Human-being.
I wonder how after show interviews will go. If anyone will ask straight up questions to Paul like do you think your first strategy to try to get someone to become violent and kicked out is great game play to be proud of? Now to torment someone hoping they mentally crack? Would you think it would be awesome strategy if it was reversed and happening to you?
Crapshoot, Xmax might win this one with a broken foot. Or *Gasp* Matt, Raven or Josh.. I kinda don’t like crapshoot comps..
Elena is the golfer of the group.
You mean “gopher!”
(ar chew!)
I predict either Matt or Mark will win HoH. Even though Josh seems fine now, if he wins HoH, the Tasmanian Devil will be unleashed again
Watching the show I can’t believe they didn’t show all the names and lies Paul was yelling down the stairs at Cody then in the kitchen after the bedroom confrontation!!!
Oh I know!!! The bullying even made it on E! News but on the episode Cody was the aggressor (My ass! He’s been holding it together!). So many fans did flood the cbs site and emails and it’s obvious production told them they’re being portrayed as bullies so then they put a fake act of “kindness” to protect their “image”. It’s ridiculous. Where’s CBS?! Quiet no comment. Hopefully Cody wins HOH and he gets some of his Marine photos tired of these house guest questioning him and speaking badly on him. And yes I am seeing Jess’s cattiness but she does that to fuel herself like I that hand comp.
One of my favorite comments they made was that he “hides” his dog tags…… THAT is how they are to be worn…. under your shirt. This whole cast does nothing but talk trash about things they know nothing about. It’s pathetic. I am wondering if they will show the clip of what a vile nasty person Raven is.
They were commenting as to why his tags were covered with tape and that they probably weren’t real. . I think production wanted them taped together so that they don’t clink together and interfere with audio on his mic. Dumbass house guests
He keeps them covered because they have his ssn on it.
They keep them taped because there are two tags .. so keeping them taped keeps them from clanging and making on mic.
well, the best is how they’re calling him out for taping them. um, standard dog tags have your social security number on them. this is definitely not information cody wants broadcast on tv. no one would.
Also don’t dog tags have their social security number on them? If so, I would cover that up so all of America couldn’t see it.
That was terrible editing Wednesday night. Never showed how terrible Paul is and pathetic the minions are. CBS loves Paul. If someone gets hurt from Paul instigating violence, I hope CBS gets sued big time. I give Cody and Jessica a lot of credit having to endure the bulling, mob mentality.
I think it’s the only fair one that can be played because if it was any other comp and Jessica and Cody won then. Then you know production rigged it to give Cody and Jessica more of a chance. I glad they are doing this comp because I’m tired of watching Cody and Jessica . Jessica would be more fun to watch without Cody but if I was honest I don’t like either one of them as game players.
I think it’s the only fair one that can be played. If it was any other comp and Jessica and Cody won, then you know production rigged it to give Cody and Jessica more of a chance. I glad they are doing this comp because I’m tired of watching Cody and Jessica . Jessica would be more fun to watch without Cody but if I was honest I don’t like either one of them as game players. Cody had more of a bully mentality talking to Mark I can’t stand Paul never liked him and had he never come in the door we would have owned this game. Cody would have bullied everybody to do what he wanted not try to work with him. Remember how it was first week. He didn’t need anybody’s advice he made all them choices by himself. Jessica has him on a leash now having to control him.
Jessica laid there on the bathroom couch rubbing her tits to get her nipples hard. Kevin, Cody and Christmas were just staring at her watching and nobody said anything. Practically every conversation Jessica has is sexual – and graphically sexual. It’s the only thing on her mind. She had sex with Cody on night #2 (only because he tried to get with Raven on night #1 and she rejected him). All Jessica and Cody do is have sex all day. If she’s not having it, she’s sticking her finger up people’s asses, rubbing her tits or talking sexual.
Oh stop yoyoyo … are you another one of Paul’s relatives?
look at the pictures of Jessica above and tell me what she is doing?
What does Paul’s relatives have to do with this???
Go ahead and look at the post that has back-to-back-TO-BACK pictures of her rubbing her tits.
Jesus people, don’t let your immature hatred blind you to the facts.
This commenter is getting all these thumbs down for something that can be proven from just reading the post.
The only way to get thumbs up on comments on this site is to make disgusting comments about Elana being fat, or Xmas looking like a man, or Codys resemblance to a mass murderer and last but not least, the person doing the most despicable thing EVER, Paul for actually playing the game.
Paul is acting like a tough guy something he wouldnt dare to outside the house. Thats called being fake and a lot of people dont like it. Dont worry you can suck him off when he gets home.
So you know Paul in his real life?
You must be one of Cody’s…
You all obviously don’t have the live feeds. She laid on the couch rubbing her boobs saying she wanted to get her nipples hard! There is a picture of it above. And the others just stared at her in disbelief. :))))))))))))))
Jessica is disgusting. I actually like Cody.
Raven has a disease? I had no idea.
Yes… a ‘disease’ she so conveniently likes to bring up when people tell her about herself. This disease is not life threatening. Her stomach can’t digest food on it’s own so she has a pacemaker in her stomach to do it for her. And half the house is willing to let her win the game for this ‘disease’.
The only disease Fraudven has is lieabetes.
Actually she has two terminal diseases.
— both of them make everyone else want to die.
Don’t fall for it, it is a hoax!
Youtube search #RavenExposedParty
It’s more than 1/2way through the episode and they are focused on where Jessica was pissed at Cody
I do not like any of them, so I have no dog in this race, however, they sure are giving Paul and the others a great edit! For example, Cody was leaving the hoh when Paul told him too, he only cam back when Paul was trashing him on his way out! As I said I truly think they all are deplorable but it infuriates me that the two worst (Paul and x-mas) are receiving such great edits!
There’s no hope unless Luck prevails and Cody or Jess win HOH. None of them will ever change their ways. It’s done..if this next episode of torment and ganging up really happens … it’s who they are. Paul will continue to rule and dictate to the end:( No words other than “Disappointed”
CBS knows that it’s extremely likely that Pail will win the game. They can’t let on that he rallies his minions to incite vicious name-calling and verbal attacks as a strategy to get a player to self evict. It was sickening enough for the live feeders to watch. Paul is probably going to win, that’s a lot of weeks that they need to have viewers tune in.
I think they’re saving the big blow up for tomorrow’s episode. I could be wrong, but I don’t think Paul will look as chummy tomorrow.
Probably in their contracts due to their “image” and social media followers; most are casual fans.
Yeah, we’re watching it on DVR now and I told my husband the parts they are airing versus the parts they are not airing pisses me off. Hubby doesn’t watch After Dark so he’s just appalled by what they ARE airing LOL. He has no idea! Now I’m confused between what I’ve seen on the live show, versus what I’ve seen on After Dark, versus what I’ve read here. Poor Mark, the only two times he did anything slightly aggressive, it gets aired 100%.
I hope someone clowns Paul when he leaves the house, and i hope someone captures it and puts it on Youtube.
Rubber snakes or holding dog leashes lol
Paul is soooo boring. I can’t stand to watch him. And his scared groupies deserve everything they get. Pretty bad when you have to use mental abuse to win a game. Go Jessica & Cody???? You guys are out numbered but soon they will start eating their own. Hopefully the little twisted liar Raven will be eaten first.
Yes, watching Cody and Jess screwing and making out in bed all day and night is much more entertaining. Yes, his groupies are like a bunch of lemmings following him around, but the walls are starting to crack with the comments Jason, Kevin and others have made. Once Cody and Jess are out of the house, I think there will be a move made soon.
Jess, the Conductor:
“Alllllll aboard the skank train”
At least she’s playing the game and not like the other minions setting up Paul to win it all! I’d take her 100 times over Raven.
What a d#$;!.. Way to slut shame. Forget Raven giving it up to Matt. Are their tounge down throat sessions are any better. You must be the gnomes Mommy ???…
Raven stfu this girl always have to bring up her disease your disease has nothing to do with you doing poorly practicing for a crapshoot competition. Paul needs to let it go.. I can’t believe nobody is seeing him shit bricks right now Someone Please put him on the block so he can sweat a little I’d like to see him save himself from getting evicted.
Paul might win the dorky season in the end! EWW!
I don’t think so. Depending on what happens when the double eviction happens, I say either Alex or Raven will win it
i think jason is in the best position to win. i struggle to see how paul navigates choosing between raven/matt, xmas, and jason/kevin/alex and retains at least 3 of them as jury votes.
You’ve hit on Paul’s exact potential weakness. He beats Matt and Xmas and likely beats Raven. I think whistle Nut and Kevin both have a small chance heads up. Needs these folks to start picking each other off back and forth after jury formed or He’ll become the target instead.
As for the CBS edits they are terrible at minimum. Tonight’s episode was a joke. True they stopped after POV ceremony and the real blow up happened afterward. How they address the Hex and whether they do a “do over” in a day or let the season run with a double a week early no idea. They still have 13 hamsters something has to give.
Lastly I’m amazed at the completely childish nature of Paul’s minion commentators on OBB. So and so(Jody) called someone a name….. boohoo. So that opens up plan, staged bulling as acceptable behaviour. You folks are a joke. Most of Jody’s far from kind comment are between the 2 of them. If you have watched previous seasons you know this happens in private every year. The gang mentality and aggression clearly resembles BB15 without the racism. I hated 15 and the last week plus I’ve gone from liking the season to very disappointed at Production. Never saw that coming….LOL
At the end of the day on OBB at least Paul’s “scorched earth” policy doesn’t sit well with the majority on commentators. A few Politically correct types aside the consensus appears to be Paul is terrible and his minions simply pathetic sheep. Personally I think Jody have few true fans but we love rooting for an under dog especially if there is even a little bit fight in the dog!
Paul and Ravens trolls will continue their hypocracy here and we might as well get use to….my guy/girl really didn’t do what followers of the feeds saw but Jody must of done worse so let me make up a 1/2 truth or lie to deflect the real truth. Until these 2 are both gone we all just have to ignore the trolls.
As for the game D. is very shrewd to see the potential fun of J/K/A versus R/M/X.
Well it helps that this is the third comp that they did in last years season! He came in second on this last year! SMH
This comp is a crap shoot also everyone is saying Paul can’t play?
Glad to see our hacker (could he be RUSSIAN?) has not scared Simon from adding the side snarky quips! ALL YE RAISE YOUR GLASS OF THY KRAKEN………………To standing up to online BULLIES!!! Oh Canada………………..LOL
Here! Here!
Love you bunches Simon:)
Does anyone know Bullhorn guy? Does anyone own a Bullhorn? This is going to get thumbs down but… I would get such satisfaction if someone yelled something Like “Attention everyone but Cody and Jess America thinks you suck! Stay Strong Cody and Jess!!!! I would love to see the reality set in on their faces. Please Bullhorn Person
I am convinced that they will show most/all of the explosive night out of sequence tomorrow night
whoa, no veto ceremony in tonight’s show because of how much fallout it caused. crazy.
I don’t get the show in Arizona for an hour:( can’t wait did they show what really happened?
they ended the show before the ceremony. presumably it will be in tomorrow’s show.
Paul seriously needs to get booted out from the game. He’s not even playing on a game level, everything has become personal, and he’s just attacking someone’s emotions and character, when he’s the one whose lost it all. This was not meant for him a second time around. He hasn’t taught any houseguest the beauty of the game, to enjoy the experience, have fun and win the prize. You can’t teach a bully what’s right from wrong, when you try to use his/her tactics in the process. BB, lesson learned, never ever throw a Vet into a pool of newbies, we all know how it turns out. I do hope these people return to the real world, not taking away from the immaturity and bullying. That might have just cost them a few things in life.
A.Fan, you hit it on the head! I have been trying to figure out why this season seems so much darker than others, and it is the fact that this season is not FUN!
I am all for drama, some behind your back gossip and even in your face confrontations because at the end of the day, folks shook it off, accepted their fate, and had fun with the experience. Not this season. 🙁
Paul has officially lost his mind, Christmas needs a detox facility, and Matt made me LOL with his “we can control her” statement.
I wonder if Kevin was goading Josh to antagonize Cody to get Josh in trouble or to mess with Cody via proxy. Mark needs a friend but is too busy trying to be liked by the “cool kids” to fully align himself with Jess and Cody.
Somebody needs to pots and pans Josh,
Elena needs to pick a side…if she knew how close she is to being evicted, she would grab Mark and team up with Jody. She is all alone in the game but doesn’t see it as long as Paul invites her to join the chat.
There is nothing but time to kill in the “#Big Brother 19” house and #Cody passes the time trying to learn more about #Jessica. He wants to know more about her father, but she hasn’t been willing to open up about how he earned a living. What she finally shares, is something no one saw coming.
The following contains “Big Brother 19” spoilers. If you want to be surprised by what may make the editorial cut for the show, now is the time to stop reading.
The houseguests have been locked in the “Big Brother” house for weeks, and Jessica has yet to really open up about her father. She had said that he was the one that got her interested in the game, and they had watched the show together.
When she won the Head of Household competition right after Cody won the Battle Back, she was emotional. It was the third anniversary of her father’s death.
And the answer is…
Cody has made it clear that he plans to marry her. He wants to know everything about her, and with the live feeds going, that means America is learning a lot of intimate details about the “Big Brother” houseguest as well. He has been asking her what her father did for a living, and she has refused to answer. When he started to get upset, she finally relented. According to “Joker’s Updates,” at 2:06 PM PST on August 1st, Jessica answered the burning question. She told Cody that her father had been a stripper and turned tricks for homosexual clients. (NOTE: To see the exact statement, go to “Joker’s Updates” and select Quick View.
Once there, scroll back in pages to 2:06 PM PST on Tuesday, August 1st.)
Fans weigh in on social media
Social media has blown up over Jessica’s response. Some “Big Brother 19” fans see it as something she said to stop the questioning. Other fans think it isn’t true and whatever job he really did must have been pretty bad if Jessica said this instead. The actual comment Jessica made is so direct, it can’t be quoted here, but fans on social media are posting the uncensored statement. Many are appalled that Jessica would speak of her father, who has passed away, in that manner.
Jessica and Cody have been spending a lot of time alone in the “Big Brother” house. That doesn’t mean they are staying clear of the drama, however. The two have frequent conversations about ruining someone’s reputation or hurting their careers when the game is over. They have specifically mentioned both Josh and Paul as potential victims. Fans speaking out on social media are disgusted and sick of hearing the fat shaming and other personal statements they are saying about the other houseguests.
Didn’t see the show yet tonight. Did they show any of the craziness from the other night or just what they wanted us to see?
Mark/Josh confrontation, Paul/Cody HOH confrontation and mostly Jess/Cody breakup.
It didn’t show any of the name calling Paul did coming down the stairs and in the kitchen ZERO
7-9 Pauls vs. 2 people
Not sure if I can stand another week of the Paul show.
It’s tough..
I am very disappointed reading these comments. All these posts “standing up against the bullies” involving horribly misogynistic rants: Pussy, Paula, 12 year old girl, acting like a Bitch (referring to a man). You want to stand up for what is right, better get yourselves right first. Right now you sound like you are the brainwashed idiots blindly following sexist bullies. Which is EXACTLY what Cody is. And why it was so easy for Paul to get people to act like this towards Cody. Good rule of thumb, if you can’t replace your “harmless insults” with another subjugated group it is sexist. Example: Paul is acting like a real (insert minority). Your hypocracy is breathtaking.
Who are these thumbs down coming from on all these posts that are standing up for human decency. Hey, bully police. Are you watching I am standing up against the bullies. Would it help if I said I was a vet. Is that when human decency matters. You want these houseguests to think for themselves and be consistent. Then be consistent, independent thinkers. Right now, you sound like you are trapped in the house with Cody and drank HIS koolaid!
I stopped watching the network show. I’m just checking this website for updates.
That’s what I did after the first week of BB15 and 16. Might have to do the same for this season if it goes downhill further. Good thing is OBB updates are often more entertaining than the actual show.
Same here. I’ve stopped watching and just keep updated here.
Ok, game aside. For the FIRST I am liking Cody, because you saw the human side of him. This is a guy who needs help/therapy. He said himself he has anger issues, family issues and no friends. Life is really hard!!! It was heartbreaking. I wish Cody would get help, so he can live a happy life.
Who would of thought Josh would be the voice of reason and (through help of production) see that the ganging up has gone over the top. Shame on Kevin and Christmas Witch for trying to push Josh to do their dirty work.
CBS is still making Paul look good…………..Josh not so much. They are not showing the others and their cheery little personalities. They did put some of the things out of order.
I think BB let Josh’s mom talk to him, and tell him she was going to beat his bottom if he kept acting like a spoil brat……….making the family look bad. There is no way he is changing his behavior by himself.
I hate this season, no fun to watch!
Xmas the wicked witch of the west. Hehehehehe!
I am the only one not watching on CBS until Josh is out? every since Jessica decided not to use the veto I realized they are all dumb-asses! sorry not sorry can’t stand Josh and now Paul. Could care less about Jessica and Cody as well but they are more bearable then the other two!
I cannot stomach watching it anymore but from what I read Grodner showed her lapdog, Paul, as the victim. I was never a Cody/Jess fan but after the mob mentality of the other 10 they are the only ones left and that is sad! I really hope little Napoleon, Christmas, Raven, Alex and Josh come face to face with a lot of Marines after the show and are down their own type of Karma! I cannot believe other shows have not commented on the constant mob mentality bullying going on in the house. IT speaks volumes that it is not news with the amount of bullying and suicide going on in the world today! It seems CBS is condoning it!! Wonder how Chen would feel if it was being done to her son in school? Would she speak up if it became home to her front door???
It was aired on E! News. They even showed Fraudven yelling like a dumbass and Paul
Clapping for it.
Geeze Lola, I can’t even remember how many posts you’ve made about wishing some Marines would get these guys after the show but it’s been at least two or three posts from you about this. I’m a marine and guess what… me and my friends are not willing to get arrested just because some of you people can’t handle a little “bullying” within the context of a game. Can you guys simply not root for the people you don’t like and be done with it? This kind of talk is what stirs up the crazy people to do stupid sh!t.
It is sad to see Josh get manipulated by Christmas. I bet on the outside he is a likeable big baby huey.
Christmas is just, ughhhh. I don’t see encouragement in her words, just forcefulness to do what she says.
So my take on the Paul/Cody/Jess drama is they all overreacted. Cody overreacted when Paul told Jess to lower her voice….All he said was ‘lower your voice” he didn’t say “shut your fuc&ing mouth”. I also think that Paul overrated……Cody did NOT get in his face, to me getting someones face is getting a lot closer than Cody was to Paul. The way Paul is talking is that Cody got in his face and was going to get hit him….Cody had something in both his hands. This is what makes Cody dangerous? I also think that Jess overreacted…..She also made it seem so much worse than what he actually was. The way she was taking, it was like Cody and Paul got in a fist fight……. At this point I am still routing for Cody and Jess but I am also able to say when they are wrong.
My husband is one of the most grounded human beings, but if a man, especially one that feels it is his god given right to dictate what can and cannot be said, to who one can talk, and now at what volume, he would not be ok with it. I know this is a game so you know, context and all but Paul’s complex is very real . He can call it a game all he wants, but you only come into the game with toils already in your possession.
No surprises..as always. BB producers obviously are also “afraid of Paul”. Their edits tonite proved that. Didn’t want to show how out of control the house is and just how much Paul owns both BB and his puppies.
The blowup should be shown before the hex is used tomorrow night
Paul should be cast as Jack in Lord of the Flies. And… that’s NOT a compliment.
Perfect example
If CBS continues to allow this bullying tomorrow will be my last time watching EVER!! Yes Cody should have shared his strategy (or obviously not) with his “alliance s” but hehe’s the only one with the smarts or backbone to do it. Quite apparent that the rest of you are Paul-struck and just there for 15 minutes of fame or showmancing.
There is nothing but time to kill in the “#Big Brother 19” house and #Cody passes the time trying to learn more about #Jessica. He wants to know more about her father, but she hasn’t been willing to open up about how he earned a living. What she finally shares, is something no one saw coming.
The following contains “Big Brother 19” spoilers. If you want to be surprised by what may make the editorial cut for the show, now is the time to stop reading.
The houseguests have been locked in the “Big Brother” house for weeks, and Jessica has yet to really open up about her father. She had said that he was the one that got her interested in the game, and they had watched the show together.
When she won the Head of Household competition right after Cody won the Battle Back, she was emotional. It was the third anniversary of her father’s death.
And the answer is…
Cody has made it clear that he plans to marry her. He wants to know everything about her, and with the live feeds going, that means America is learning a lot of intimate details about the “Big Brother” houseguest as well. He has been asking her what her father did for a living, and she has refused to answer. When he started to get upset, she finally relented. According to “Joker’s Updates,” at 2:06 PM PST on August 1st, Jessica answered the burning question. She told Cody that her father had been a stripper and turned tricks for homosexual clients. (NOTE: To see the exact statement, go to “Joker’s Updates” and select Quick View.
Once there, scroll back in pages to 2:06 PM PST on Tuesday, August 1st.)
Fans weigh in on social media
Social media has blown up over Jessica’s response. Some “Big Brother 19” fans see it as something she said to stop the questioning. Other fans think it isn’t true and whatever job he really did must have been pretty bad if Jessica said this instead. The actual comment Jessica made is so direct, it can’t be quoted here, but fans on social media are posting the uncensored statement. Many are appalled that Jessica would speak of her father, who has passed away, in that manner.
Jessica and Cody have been spending a lot of time alone in the “Big Brother” house. That doesn’t mean they are staying clear of the drama, however. The two have frequent conversations about ruining someone’s reputation or hurting their careers when the game is over. They have specifically mentioned both Josh and Paul as potential victims. Fans speaking out on social media are disgusted and sick of hearing the fat shaming and other personal statements they are saying about the other houseguests. ( Paul know this is a game everybody is posting how they think he is a bully . But look at what Jessica and Cody are saying and doing is no better .
Game stuff aside…i love seeing Cody and jessica alone. They are cute and funny. Elena is just mean and the 2 furniture pieces r just annoying and obnoxious
I hope Kevin winds up winning HoH because I’m curious to see who he puts up. I’m still not sure where his loyalties lie. I don’t think he would put up Paul yet but he did tell Jessica about everyone voting out Ramses last week and he sure doesn’t believe Raven’s multiple “life threatening illnesses” 🙂
ANYONE who wins will not buck the mob and will put up Jess and Cody.
Whoever wins besides Cody and Jessica will nominate Cody and jessica. At this point even mark will nominate them. Apparently they all have a final 2 deal with Paul in which case they will tell jury to vote for Paul over themselves.
All those holding out hope that Kevin is a stand up person, a free thinker and any match for a real leader…. or a real man like Cody (only one in the house) are going to be disappointed. He’s weak. He’s a follower. He’s a kinder version of Paula (but a helluva’ lot taller). Much more likeable though. Too bad, if wasn’t such a pu$$y he could own this house with his personality. Kevin = lap dog #4
So who all competes? Is it everyone?
Everyone EXCEPT NaPauleon!
Napoleon wasn’t actually shorter than the average man during his life. All people were shorter back then. If you look at a bed from that era you’ll notice it’s pretty short. I did a tour at Mount Vernon and Washington’s bed looked about 5 feet long. Paul is like a little yapper dog, annoying and you’re afraid to smack it cause you might kill him.
The only ones I like are Jessica, Cody and Mark. Josh is a bully and needs to be brought down. There was no reason for all of them to turned on Cody for putting Paul up. He was the Hohhot.They should have voted for Paul to be sent out.
I don’t like Jessica & Cody but I understand Cody better.
Was just watching the show and thought is Cody suffering from PTSD , he may have witnessed some nasty shit over where he served . I know from experience that some of these place people see some nasty crap .
Jeez, Jess is a crazy bitch and I hope Cody can see her for what she is. She acts like she’s an heiress or something better than Cody with a wealthy family that she has to impress. She came off as never satisfied and the guilt trip she put on Cody was unreal.
CBS better show the bullying tomorrow. They did show Josh acting like an idiot tonight but they really need to show Paula and his gang acting they way they did. It’s only fair.
Cody was a sniper so apparently he witnessed more horrible things than we can imagine and was called upon to do horrible things! I am sure that affects you the rest of your life! There is no way that it couldn’t. I am thankful for his service and cannot imagine the nightmares he lives with everyday.
I really feel sorry for Cody! He’s appears to be an introvert with a possibility of PTSD emotions. Kinda hard to have a Millennial as a partner. It’s hard to be in a social game with that kind-of handicap.
At around 4:20 Jessica tells Cody she wants to bake cookies for the house and poison them all. Yeah she’s a real class act. How many times has she talked about doing something violent to the other houseguests? I guess that’s okay though. And yes she was called the DR and told not to poison anyone.
She jokingly said she was called to DR and told not to poison anyone. It was a joke, not a real I am going to poison everyone. Joke
Kevin is a 55 year old man. Obviously he’s not gonna be great at some comps. Hey but let’s be honest Matt and raven. You’ve won just as many comps as him so don’t be calling him a bad competitor.
thank goodnes cbb uk right know at least they know build a cast to!chad john on it to!
Paul’s so dumb, saying Cody is scared. Cody literally said in tonight’s episode that he knows he has no shot winning this game. He ain’t scared of you josh or any of your little minions. One thing he does know is that paul is scared of him cause he knows he’ll knock you the hell out
4:47pm Josh, Alex, Kevin and Jason
Josh asks Jason to carry him
Jason – NO
Kevin – We’ve been carrying you for 6 friggin weeks
Alex – good one
ZING!!!!!! Best one liner so far, Kev! I didn’t like Kevin at the start of the season, but he (and Jason) have really grown on me!
Cody may not have a lot of friends but I can see him being loyal to a few. That’s how I am. I don’t count everybody I know as a friend. The ones I have are very close and I can trust with everything.
It was heartbreaking listening and watching Cody express himself to Jessica . He is honest and loyal.
mark Jess or cody have to win the next HOH
if one of them three win the house will begin to eat itself especially if mark wins and puts up say Alex and jason or josh and paul
Im so tired of reading comments about bullying.
So Elane abandoned her “Showmance” BC she was told to.. BC of that she will come off as a unloyal trader b!#$@.. Jessica ignored the demands and she is throwing away $500k.. There is no appeasing the group of 9.. Jessica played nice her HOH did what they asked. Still nothing but, if she wins again she should not play nice. Play her game! Put up Paul & Raven, one of them comes down up goes Alex. Don’t be safe create a mosh pit in their “Friendship” bubble. That’s the way you bust up a majority choke hold. If they win and fall for the line of shit again my head will explode. And so help me if Mark wins that side of the house is going to send Elana to persuade him to do their bidding by putting up Jess & Cody..
Paul isn’t so smart. Banging pots and pans, has not affected jess and Cody…the last comp when they heckled jess and Cody and picked on them with the punishments , jess won..and after all this taunting this week..those two are going to be gunning HARD tomorrow. He needs to get over this whole “mental breakdown” strategy and start thinking of some actual strategic things. I mean it’s 9 against 2..and he has control over all his minions..preeeettty sure you could relax for
A bit here Paul.
yet bb uk has chad john counter paul!
I have been watching BB since season one and if CBS allows them to chatter during anyone’s shot at HOH or being purposely distracting them i will no longer watch… This by far has changed BB the game into an ugly vicious game… Worst season ever!
What we know from the feeds post mob:
paul was called in to diary. told no inciting violence or intimidation to self eviction.
josh was called in to diary. told to cut it out.
christmas was called in to diary. told no more talk of intimidation to self eviction.
matt was pulled aside by someone from production and told not to speak of any talk of inciting violence.
Each of these people have said on feeds that production has spoken to them about these things. So, we should not expect the episodes to include any of the pre-discussion / planning to intentionally attempt to incite either cody or jessica into hitting someone. We should not expect the episode to include any talk of forcing them to self evict. We should not expect to see Paul revving them up to go after the pair. Since they’ve been told not to talk about the mitigating planning, it’s doubtful the audience of episodes will see the plotting of intent.
I think the whitewash will be an organic argument with no planning or discussion by the puppeteer. There will be very little focus placed on the crowd that watched, and very little focus on Paul. I’m thinking it will mainly look like one discussion turned into an argument where everyone yelling decided it was festivus and it was time for the airing of grievances before the feats of strength.
If tonight’s episode is cut to make the other side look good and protect Paul, Xmas, Alex, etc then I will no longer watch until CBS fires this entire production team and finds a new one.
Paul’s attitude was sunshine and roses compared to Cody’s sad behavior. If he wouldn’t have been such a hothead they may have smoothed things over and avoided the extravaganza. Cody was not prepared for civilian life.
Am I the only one who heard Paul say “the Showmance Killer is back”? Weren’t the other house guests in the room when he said that? Why didn’t that raise suspicion for them?
@ Say What?!?! Nope. I heard it too. But we must remember that Paul has made such perfect fools of them all, that they don’t even notice when he threatens them. As far as they are concerned Paul is the savior and the only danger to them is from Cody and/ or Jessica.
Haha..I heard it too. Raven and Matt didn’t even bat an eyelash…such freaking sheep it’s not even funny.
I was actually hoping for the slip and slide competition just so I could see Josh fall on his ass over and over again. How does anyone believe that guy could possibly win any competition that isn’t just dumb luck?
As much as I would love to see Jessica play the game w/o Cody, my concern is that Paul will change his mind and target her because she is the one with the hex. It is more beneficial for Paul’s game to get rid of the smarter one of the two. He knows Cody has no game. If she decides to trust Paul ( G-d forbid), she will be leaving herself wide open to be voted out. If Jess is already feeling like a fool, imagine how she will feel if she holds on to the hex, thinking she is safe, and exits the house with the hex unused and non-transferable. She HAS TO USE THE HEX, even if Cody reaps the benefits. She cannot afford to trust “the house/ Paul” to evict Cody. If nothing else, they have demonstrated to her their willingness to bend to Paul’s will. And if Paul has too much time to figure this out, he might very well decide that she is the threat and Cody is a mere annoyance that he can be free of at some later date, whenever he chooses. After all, Cody is not likely to start making friends (LOL) any time soon. Keeping Cody gives everyone a common enemy behind whom they can all hide.
Save yourself, Jessica!!! TRUST NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the most important HOH comps of the summer and you make it a comp involving more luck then skill. C’mon BB make it interesting and the best way to do that is endurance comps. Really shows who wants it the most. Start this hashtag up, #BB or BS
Anyone that actually believes Paul is going to do anything so proactive as to bang pots and pans so that he can’t later claim culpable deniability… I’ve got some swamp land for ya.
Much more likely… he’ll get someone else to do it. He’ll need to rest up, or he’ll have a headache, or he’ll be tired. I can almost hear it now, “oh you know I would, but i can’t. I’m so tired, and i have a headache, hey Josh, how about you stay up all night and keep them up all night. That’s a good boy.”
women like elena make me sick! Watching her hurt mark on purpose is disgusting! She’s got paul in between her legs then when she goes to the washroom and mark isn’t paying attention she starts hitting him with the towel and says are u mad for some reason?? Acting clueless. This poor shmuck would SADLY have her eating out of the palm of his hands if he treated her like shit,,,trust me! Its these types who turn men into assholes. She lives off the attention, she’d be sad and pouting in her room if she didn’t get it lol shes getting & finding insecure men she can destroy after they catch feelings! Its sad actually… Her and raven are the 2 females that TOP all other seasons ( hands down) for being the worst needing attention desperately! I wish they had a janelle or britney hayes in there just so these wackjobs wouldn’t get the time of day lol
I guess we don’t have to worry about the usual talk of a woman’s alliance this season. I can see it now. Enter scene: (living room) Alex says she doesn’t need a man, Christmas says she is like a man without the d*** (statements they’ve actually made). out of three more rooms pop the heads of Elena, Jessica and Raven “did someone say d***… where??” with an additional me first because I’m terminal. end scene.
I respected paul at the beginning for being the ONLY one playing the game, thinking strategy and ahead of the game BUT now i can’t stand him! He’s obsessed with cody and constantly telling the others to mentally attack him!????? Then says ” i dont mind taking the heat? Lmfao taking the heat means doing it yourself not getting everyone else to! And it’s disgusting knowing cody is a veteran ( whether you like or hate him) you should have respect not to break this guy by constantly messing with him, this could be very dangerous to his mental health. Def not cool to do this to a war vet! Ya some shit talking ok cool but enough is enough paul!! And these houseguests? THE WORST what a bunch of loser followers! Every one of you, act like pauls little bitches and act like he’s god. Good job casting ” picking all followers haha only one i like now is kevin. This guy will take a shot at paul come 4-6 ppl left trust me he’s no dummy! He even said pauls like a mini charles manson with followers, hes gonna play the game then strick.
Jody fans might be worse then Jeff & Jordan fans. Settle down. Production made sure Jody was safe this week that’s what the hex is for. America votes never actually affect the game, America votes for 2 things “have not food & 25k favorite HGs”. Production helped because the odds was too far against Jody, they do this very season. Let’s keep it Chill.
Paul is just making up conversations and he believes they’re true. He has lost it mentally over this Hex.
Paul could be cast as Jack in Lord of the Flies. And…. that’s no compliment.
I’m actually enjoying this season of BB. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be stuck in a house closed out from society fighting to win money. Analyzing what each person is or isn’t doesn’t appeal to me. I’m just enjoying watching these fools do what they do. It’s only a game, you do what you feel you need to do to advance further. I’m confident all of the guests are good, decent people. I’d go a bit crazy doing what they are too. LOVE the pots and pans band Josh does.
Is it just me or is everyone sick of Josh using the whole “your boy” shit in the DR? Wasn’t that already done? Hmmmm, wonder where he got it from……..
Josh, you are definitely NOT anyone’s boy.
Josh is my boy. I am his Momma and he can do no wrong.
It seems like some commentators, along with the house guests, don’t really understand the HEX. It shuts down the voting. No one goes home. You can’t use it on anyone in particular. Jess blew it by not telling that to Paul in private. She should have kept her mouth shut after Paul won HOH, and then gone to him in private and told him exactly what the HEX would do….but maybe tell him it was only good for this week. Then tell him if he doesn’t put her and Cody up, she won’t use it…and she and Cody are back to being targets next week. But no…she didn’t tell Paul anything much which forced him to put her and Cody up just to call her “bluff”. yeah, only it’s not a bluff. Paul must realize that Jess has something, he just doesn’t know what.
All that said, this season sucks. The players suck. Only Paul has a clue and he was just there last season. Why is he back so soon. That sucks too. Why am I watching this CRAP!?!! I must suck too! Yeah, only I’m about to stop sucking because I’m quickly getting tired of watching all of these losers. ALL OF THEM.
Most of these people disgust me. Tbis is the worst season of Bb in my opinion. Bullying and personal attacks are so wrong. The majority of that house should be ashamed of how easily they jump on Paul’s bully bandwagon. Grow up and play your own game… bunch of frikkin spineless sheep floaters. Cody, jess and paul are the only ones playing and worthy of winning that game.