“They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner: RED
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Izzy, Cirie, Matt, Felicia, Meme plan to keep Jag and tell Jared at the last minute so that he doesn’t get emotional evicting Blue. (6-5 vote to keep Jag if Jared votes out Blue) ** Cirie & Izzy will likely flip a minimum of 100x between now and Thursday.

7:53pm HOH Room – Izzy and Cameron
Cam – we’re good? Everyone is good with the plan right? Izzy – Absolutely! Cam – so yeah leave it the same and we get our number one (target number one out = Jag). Izzy – yeah this feel like it worked out… Cam – this was a solid solid a$$ week. Izzy – fantastic. So how are you feeling? Cam – I am great, the only weird part was everyone being like what do you want? What? Like we did the thing.. like what are we talking about here? Izzy – of course but just like you want to know our decisions. Cam – no, yeah we’re a team dude. We had a 1, 2, 3.. and we still got one on the seat so lets do 1. Felicia, Cirie, Bowie and Meme join them. Cirie – we just got finished talking to Jag. He was making his pitch. Cam – what did he say? Cirie – I think you would take somebody down and I was like I don’t know I haven’t even talked to Cam yet… I mean not you but Red. Matt and Red join them. Cirie – I said why would they do that? Cam – why would who do what? Cirie – Red take someone down and put somebody else up. I said I haven’t talked to Cam and Red yet so I don’t know anything like that. Felicia – they said they would maybe approach you to take someone down. Red – GOOD LUCK! They’ve both been running my name around. Why would I!? That makes about as much sense as wiping before you poop! Jag is the target.. what sense does it make to take either one of them down and make his (Cam) job harder? And he is not safe next week. You can’t maintain numbers that way. Cam – why would we put anyone else up.. it doesn’t even matter at this point. Now Blues about to see what it feels like to sit beside someone running your name through the mud.

8:12pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie, Felicia.
Felicia – maybe if we say listen I know you don’t want to hear this. They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up. Cirie – I will tell Jared to tell her. Felicia – because if you do anything, they will flip that script on you. Cirie goes to get Jared. Cirie comes back and tells Felicia – I am going to vote her a$$ out.. I am going to tell him straight up. I am telling him to tell her. Felicia – tell him to tell her if she says anything and we get wind of it.. we will flip that scrip on her a$$ and she will be the one going. Jared joins them. Cirie tells Jared – Jag is the target, they just told us to vote out Jag. But Blue is telling Jag that she wants to talk to Red to see if he will possibly use the veto and possibly put someone else up. I’ve already talked about the 7 deadly sins… if Blue tells them everything, we going to vote Blue out. Jared – I’m with you. Felicia – you better tell Blue to shut up! She ain’t got to tell Jag.. she can just be safe all week. Cirie – if she goes and runs her mouth and they come back and tell us all that, we voting Blue out! Jared – alright, I’m with you. Felicia – just tell her be quite, Jag is their target. Jared – okay. Felicia – unfortunately she is going to have to separate. Jared – I got you. Jared leaves. Felicia – Jared told me that he was the one that gave the idea to Blue. Cirie – WHY?! Its not to keep Blue because Blue is staying anyway. Its to keep Jag. Felicia – he might think that people like Jag better than Blue and he was worried about Blue going home so he was trying to save her. Cirie – that is the dumbest sh*t ever. Felicia – Cory is telling us stuff and he is telling them stuff. He is feeding them information. He is the name that nobody is saying. Cory is going to slide his way to the final four. Cirie – No he won’t! What we can’t do is let them know that Jared told them this dumba$$ idea. Felicia – no we don’t want to do that because then Jared becomes their target. So we cannot do that. Cirie – what the hell! I don’t know why he thinks its so necessary to keep Jag. Felicia – I think he has just gotten attached to him and he knows that Blue wants him here. But if we say that out loud .. Jared will go next week if they win. Cirie – I am just scared what Blue will do when she gets up there. Felicia – that is why he has to tell her to shut the f**k up or we will convince them that you … if I hear any inkling of our conversation and they say Blue said… OH you gone! Cirie – I wonder if Jag is stupid enough?! I’ve never played with people this stupid that tell everything. We know everything and everyone knows everything. You know why because people are playing all sides.

Kitchen – Izzy and Jared.
Jared – don’t make them feel as if you’re uncomfortable. Them being those dudes (Red & Cam) upstairs because if you’re uncomfortable.. then you don’t trust them. Izzy – no, I know.. I know. And I wasn’t trying to do that. Don’t say nothing. This is between me and you. He (Cam) came up to Cory.. Izzy – he was asking about me. Jared – and he said are you going to target you (Izzy) and he said no. Izzy – I know. Cory told me that. I don’t also want to be overly out of character because .. Like I should fix my face. But I can’t just be like YO can I come and hang with you a little bit. They’re not going to like that. Jared – no, that’s not the truth though. You don’t got to do that. You don’t got to like them but you don’t have to be like this. (Jared makes a scared face) Izzy – maybe I am just not doing a good job .. like maybe Cory is right that he wants to sit next to me in the final two because he knows he can beat me. Like these are the f**king things I am thinking about. And the fact that he was like having me, you and America together would be good for us. As if me and Cory aren’t an us. As if he is already thinking about when.. Jared – yup, yup. But that’s what you wanted right? You wanted outside relationships and you got it.. so don’t push away from it. Izzy – right okay. Jared – and its not a bad person to have because you’ve got the leg up on him. Izzy – yeah. And he’s going to have to be sooner than maybe anticipated. You know what I mean. Jared – yeah you know I am already on that train. Jared – after Jag we coast and then we start looking at the Cory’s. Izzy – no I know. We just have to win.

8:41pm Airplane challenge.

8:55pm Bathroom – Jared and Blue.
Jared – I told you about this sh*t already and you’re already doing it again. Blue – I know! I already know. I’ll behave I promise. Jared – you got ot let that sh*t go. Blue – I will, I promise. BB switches the feeds away and then back after a bit. Blue – I was just saying you me and Jag talked about it and we thought there was the potential. That’s all. I wasn’t campaigning for him. I wasn’t trying to potentially keep him and throwing Izzy under the bus. It was none of that. I was just trying to explore if there was another option and that was it. And that is all I was going to leave it at. Jared – Yeah I get that but if you approach that before you are even safe Bro… and you are the one approaching it. Blue – I know. Jared – when you know that it is not needed from you. Its not f**King smart bro. Blue – I know. Jared – and what I just found out was that he has the numbers and that he’s not worried. So you’re so f**king focused that you’re making plans to keep him and he is already telling people that he’s got the numbers already. Blue – I know. I get that. Jared – I hope you do. I hope you. Because I don’t want to f**king speak about this no more. Same thing with Izzy.. I am like Bro you got to f**king stop I am tired of explaining things that I know ya’ll know. Come on bro! Enough is enough! Blue – I know. Done!

9:02pm – 9:25pm Bedroom – Izzy, Matt and Jag.
Jag – did they say who? Is it me? Izzy – I don’t want to lie to you. They’re fully pushing for it to be you. Jag – and that was my assumption. I would be surprised if it wasn’t. How are ya’ll. Izzy – I am devastated about it. Matt – its sh*tty because its either you or Blue. Izzy – yeah. Matt – and they’re pretty solid and they’re not going to use it. Jag – did they say why? Not the veto but did they say why me versus Blue? Matt – they just see you as the target. Izzy – I mean ultimately they’re threatened by you. Matt – and that you’re good at comps and stuff. Jag – yup. Izzy – which is awful. But I think you should talk to everyone. Matt – yeah just talk to everyone. Jag – Yeah for sure, that’s the plan to see if there is anyway that I can stay. I appreciate the honesty. At the end of the day I know who I am and what kind of a player I am. I know I got ya’ll and I know you guys are smart players and will do what is best for you and your game. Hopefully we can continue to have conversations. Izzy – what exactly would be your pitch to them? But yeah I mean like they might not buy the whole pitch I want to work with you. Jag – I don’t know what my pitch would be. What do you think I should even do. Clearly I should make some pitch or do something. What do you guys think? Izzy – I am just still coming down from how adamant they were… so I want to think about it Jag. And I want to give you the best advice. I know you’re close to Blue and don’t want to throw her under the bus. Ultimately its not about trashing Blue… so what do you have to offer them? Jag – yeah….. Matt – you have a day and a half why they should keep you and not her. Jag – Where the votes lie is where the votes lie. Whether that is me saying, that will happen. I also wouldn’t ask you two to throw me a rope.. I really believe that they would want to keep me. The reality of it is and how this game goes .. if I can get the majority is all that is needed for a lot of folk to sway over. I am not going to ruin your game, or your game, or Cirie’s game… I am not going to blackmail or ruin anyone’s game. Izzy – Definitely something I am thinking is you would be an incredible person to have here next week to help win HOH. Jag – the other thing even though this sucks to say is I will be a target and I would be a shield. Izzy – that is definitely a positive thing to spin, your threat level… because I feel like I am next with them. Izzy – I am going to go start talking to people and you should too.

9:38pm – 10pm Havenot room. Izzy and Jag.
Jag – America told me and I said I won’t tell anyone… Izzy – what did she say? Jag – that the conversation that America and I had and I said I won’t tell anyone.. it was pretty much that America heard from Cory that Jared told Cory. Right so that is the train. Izzy – so America heard from Cory that there is an alliance? Jag – America heard from Cory who said Jared told him. Izzy – that there was this alliance that involved you, Blue, Matt, Me, Cirie and Jared. Jag – I don’t know if she named all 7. I know she said you, Cirie, Izzy.. .. Maybe she mentioned Felicia was in it but later she mentioned Felicia so you didn’t make a deal with Felicia or didn’t align with her… so it might have been all the same.. it might have been 6 of the 7. And I said that I won’t say anything so I want to be serious about how I don’t want it to go anywhere. Izzy – yeah for sure. I don’t want it to be a thing where we pull Jared aside and be like did you do that? And I don’t know if Cirie would do that. Izzy – I don’t think it would be weird if you pulled Cirie. What are your thoughts about this for the future. Jag – I was caught off guard. I was like this is something that we can’t ignore either. Izzy – and you denied it to America. Jag – yeah. I denied it to America. Izzy – I really don’t think Poo did it with any malice. I am just a little shook by it. I didn’t see it coming. Jag – I don’t think it is from malice either.

10:17pm Comic Bedroom – Jag and Cirie
Jag – Izzy knows this. Earlier today America came to me… first thing whatever I tell you has to stay.. Cirie – I am not doing that. That’s the problem with this house, everyone runs their mouth. Jag – but she came to me and straight up said are you in an alliance with Cirie, Izzy.. Cirie – and names all seven? Jag – that is what I am trying to remember. It might have been 6, I don’t know if she named all 7.. but she pretty much named everyone and I denied it. I was like what the hell. I was like where did you get this from.. and she said she heard it from Cory. Cirie – Cory don’t even know. Jag – he heard from Jared is what she said. Cirie – Jared is in it though ain’t he? Jag – yeah. Cirie – I hope she ain’t running and telling them (Cam & Red). Jag – I don’t know .. she’s not close to them from what I know. Izzy joins them. Cirie – Jared told Cory.. and Cory told America?!?! Come on man! Izzy – I’ve just been in shock. Jag – to guess that is wild. Cirie – why is he telling America? Jag – she asked me 2 or 3 times so you’re not in an alliance? Cirie – you have to keep saying no. Jag – I just said that I have good individual relationships.

10:28pm Games Room – Cory and America.
Cory – you talked to Jag, what did you tell him? America – Nothing, I just said I don’t think you should be that confident with the votes. Are you working with them. I said there is no other reason. Cory – here is what Jag thinks.. apparently the alliance is called Seven Deadly Sins .. I just found that out and he is freaked out because he thinks that you found out from me and I found out from Jared. And that is what Izzy just asked me. And I said no, I didn’t know the f**king name of the alliance. And I haven’t talked to her since because Bowie walked in .. but I was going to say that I was trying to hint to America that she shouldn’t trust Jared fully. I never said your name or Cirie’s name. So I think she is just poking around. America – I am sorry. Cory – I just need to know what you told Jag? That was it? America – that was it. And I did mention it a lot …like are you sure you’re not working with him? I am sorry. I feel bad. Cory – but you see what I mean with Jag? America – I keep trying with him. Cory – but he keeps f**king you over. America – You’re right.. I’ve Victoria and you’re the Cody (BB16). I am so sorry. Cory – I am just trying to figure out what to do. America – what should I tell Jag. What should I do. Cory – I don’t know why he is freaking out about that .. we didn’t target him. America – what should I do. Cory – Just don’t push him again.

Backyard – Jag and Cameron.
Jag – if you do have a say in it, if it comes to a 5-5, how do you feel in terms of which way you would go. Cam – I wouldn’t even say that it was too early. I would say if it came to a 5-5 split you would have felt confident enough to come and say hey I’ve got 5 votes and you tell me who it is and I would talk to those 5 people and we would come to a solid agreement and I would do what would be needed in the best interest of everyone involved. If you have 5 then I would talk to those 5 and figure it out. Jag – we can kick around the sand all day. Cam – there is forever and a day till then and we both know that it isn’t being used.

10:45pm – 11pm Comic Bedroom – Matt, Cirie, Izzy and Felicia.
Matt – I think they will make a move against the 7 next week if we don’t make a move first. Felicia – Jag would be the better one to keep if we wanted to keep someone competitive. Cirie – that’s all we saying. Felicia – but I also think that I am sick of all these f**king groups that want to get rid of all the guys and be left with a bunch of females that they think the can steamroll over. That’s what the hell they doing. Cirie – any guys that they think can beat them, they want out, they want an easy path to the end. Hisam is gone. Now they want Jag gone. Izzy – They’re buttering you up. They’re also trying to get close to you.. Just like they made a fake alliance with us .. they’re going to cut you out. Cirie – we’ve got some time but we really need to think this move out before we do anything. Felicia – I am all in for it. I am ready to make that move. Cirie – I am too. Felicia – this is where we let them know we know you’ve been blowing smoke up our f**king a$$ and we are sick of the bullsh*t. We drawing the line. We kept Jag so that we have the numbers to compete against you.. because once you two gone you ain’t got sh*t. Once one of you is gone.. you ain’t got sh*t. I feel bad for Blue but if we are going to keep someone we want someone who will compete with them. Izzy – we have 1, 2, 3, 4 (Izzy, Matt, Cirie & Felicia) … Jared and Meme.. that’s 6. Felicia – its going to be 6 – 5. They agree not to say anything to Jared until right before because he is going to get emotional (with Blue being evicted). Meme joins them and they fill her in on the plan. Cirie – JAG will be infinitely loyal! Izzy – Jag will be with us.

11:10pm 11:20pm Games Room – Izzy and Cory
Cory – I am just f**king pissed off. I am still trying to figure out if I should be pissed off at Jag or America. I just pressed America for 25 f**King minutes. Here is the story that she is telling me so see if it matches up with what she is saying. For the past couple days I have been like maybe don’t trust Jag so much. I think she was trying to investigate Jag. So she is saying are you working with these people? And she told me yeah I mentioned Cirie and Izzy… and I still am not telling her about the f**king alliance right? And so its annoying that I am trying to interrogate her about something that she shouldn’t know about.. unless she knows some other way. I asked what did you say to him? She said I basically said why do you feel so comfortable and why do you think you have the votes? I was like why the f**k did you tell him that. I was like that makes sense but it doesn’t because who the f**k cares if he thinks he has the votes. Here is the thing that doesn’t make sense to me. The story that she is telling me is super f**king vague. What Jag said was very f**king specific. So what did Jag say she told him? Izzy – that you told her something that she told him. Cory – was it that there was a 7 person alliance? Izzy – that there was a 7 person alliance and that she said names. Cory – She is leaking information but my concern is how the f**k does she have this information? Here is where I am with her.. I still believe.. call me f**King naive.. call me a young man in love (barf).. Izzy – you think that she is still with you. Cory – I think that she would have voted out Jag and I really think that. Izzy – and you don’t think she will vote out Jag anymore. Cory – no I 100% think she will vote out Jag because I think my interrogation of her made her very suspicious about Jag. Izzy – Jag cannot know I told you this. Cory – he will not know.. and all of this doesn’t matter if Jag goes home. Izzy – right now you’re not going to cause anything extra.. you’re going to be normal with America. Cory – I am going to be normal .. she is going to flirt with me and I am going to blush. Izzy – you’re going to love it. Cory – I do love it too.

11:39pm – 11:45pm Bathroom – Jag, Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – If we keep you. We are drawing a line in the sand. We need you to have our backs. Jag – and I am going to have you. Cirie – it is done but don’t say nothing to nobody. Jag – I won’t say nothing. Cirie – if you do, they’re going to come for us. Jag – and ya’ll know I am good for it. I am loyal, I have shown that already. The people that I am loyal with, I ride or die. I did it for Reilly and obviously that put a target on my back. I fought for her, I am going to fight for ya’ll! Cirie – okay. Jag – I think we can get it done too.. and just know too. I am a 100%! No questions asked. NO questions asked! Jag – and also I don’t want to too early start doing too much and then all of a sudden we’re sitting around for 3 more days. Felicia – we’re not saying sh*t. Cirie – we’re going to wait a little bit before we tell Jared.. so its Me, Felicia, Meme, Jared… She then turns to Felicia and says who’s our five votes? Felicia – me, you, Matt.. Cirie – oh Matt.. Me, Felicia, Izzy, Meme, Matt… we just need Jared and we will get him right before. I don’t trust Cory and America. Izzy walks in. Cirie – I am telling you Jared will vote with us. He will vote with us. Jag – you think so? Felicia and Izzy nod yes. Jag – I trust ya’ll. Felicia – I already asked Jared ..what are you going to do when you have to vote her (Blue) out … he said its about money and the game.. I care about her and its nice having company in here but I still ain’t losing sight of my end goal. Jag – I hope he means it. Felicia – he does. Jag – I know that this a big thing that you guys are doing for me.. I am not going to f**k it up. Cirie – this aint no bullsh*t, this ain’t no fake fake.. this is straight up. We have to get them before they come for us and the way they trying to get to us it to get rid of all the people that would protect us. We need to keep you here and we are going to keep you here. Jag – thank you!

12am Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Matt.
Cirie – here is the funny thing.. they won’t know how we got the 6 votes. Matt – that is what I am saying. I can still be like next week I didn’t flip. Cirie – they will think it was Cory or America. They won’t think it was you which is good. Matt – I’ll still be in there being like I don’t trust Cory. Cirie – so if we got 6 votes, they won’t know how we got 6 votes. I bet they’re going to think ti was America. If America says she didn’t do it, Cory says he didn’t do it, and you say you didn’t do it… who do you think they will believe? Izzy joins them. Cirie – They don’t have to know that Matt voted with us. Izzy – oh that’s true. Matt – they won’t know who did it. Cirie – if Jag stays the three people they would have to question are America, Cory and Matt. Who do you think they’re going to believe. Matt – I promise I am voting to keep Jag.

12:15am HOH room – Bowie, Cory, America, Red and Cameron.
Everyone but Bowie and Cory (havenots) having Cameron’s wine.

12:22am – 12:30am Comic Bedroom – Cirie and Izzy.
Cirie – I am going to tell him (Jared) that Red told me that Cory is bringing up information .. and I am going to be like Jared.. forget about this game.. I am telling you as your mother. Don’t tell Cory NOTHING. Cory is going to be the reason why you go home. I know you think you got these people but they know about the 7 .. unless you told them.. how do they know. He told me straight up that Cory is bringing them information.. so I am telling you don’t tell Cory nothing else!! I know this is the right thing to do .. I am going to sleep on it but I know its what we have to do. Izzy agrees.

1:39 am Blue and Jared
Kissing under the covers. Jared tells her his mom is in the game.
Blue – that’s your secret that is the thing you were so nervous to tell me?
Jared – maybe
Blue – I’m over it I’m not speculating anything until you tell me.
Jared – I just told you
Blue – Really?
Jared – Yeah I just told you
Blue – Not lying and you decided to tell me now? You made such a big deal about it and now you just tell me.
Blue – why would that affect me?
Jared – if you found out my mom was in this game. YOu would feel as if ok maybe I need to do something about that.
Blue – You mentioned that someone else in this game knew whatever your thing was. Who was it?
Jared – her
Blue – that doesn’t make sense why would she come up to you an say I know? I’m confused.
Blue – now I want to know.
Jared – I just told you.
Blue says she won’t see him or treat him any differently.
Jared says this is a test he’ll see how she handles this information if she passes he’ll tell her more. “If you start passing some tests you’ll learn everything the whole story”
Blue – did you tell her you are telling me
Jared – no.. but you don’t even know I’m telling the truth.
(looks like he didn’t tell her it was Cirie. Blue is thinking it is Felicia)

2:40 am Hammock time America, Matt and Corey
Chit chat

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48 thoughts to ““They’re not going to take any deals. Jag is their target and you should probably just shut up.””

  1. Simon, other than a wrecking ball crane machine is there another device that can pick Felicia up & swing her through the air to do BB Comics?

  2. Cam says this is a solid a$$ week? More like a snooze fest HOH. Him and Red said they trust Cirie hahaha ha! Thes two are dumb and dumber and why do they always have their aviators on?

  3. Jag, true to being a lost cause, has outed that Jared told Corey told America asked Jag about 7 deadly sins. To Izzy (the one that actually told Cory).
    Way to fuq everybody Jag.

    1. toldja voters. Cory and America were going to need the help more than moron Jag. long term. 2 week power. tealeaves were pointing right at it.

      1. Everyone in the house is spilling everything to cerie and Izzy. I don’t get it. And the chaoscoven + Jared are becoming unbearably unlikable.

  4. Matt’s reaction – calling America a bitch. He’s been pissed with America and Cory since Reilly told him they’d turned on Reilly. He’s also mad at Cam and off and on distrusts Jared.
    He’s building bonds with each of them so he keeps his enemies closer…based on Reilly’s moronic social reads.

  5. So Jag’s campaign throwing the unreliables alliance to the wolves may have saved him….
    they want america cory bowie and Jared left out. Jared told last second.
    That’s 5. They need 6.
    It’s Saturday.
    Chaoscoven has 30 flips in them by veto ceremony Monday.

    and the 2 people that are on to Cirie’s game are screwed either way.

    1. Cirie already said she’s not waiting to talk to Jared & will tell him they intend to blindside Blue & he has to be with them. Actually it’ll be more like a demand as she intends to say I’m not asking – – I’m TELLING you as your Mother.

      She’ll back this up with the revelation Cory is playing both sides while throwing Jared UTB. That will include the intel of how he tried to get Izzy to commit to F3 with him/America & has stated Cirie/Felicia cannot go deep in the game bc he can’t beat them (do the math Jared your F2 didn’t mention you in a sea of 4 ladies so his intent is to take Jared out before F5.

      Plus, she’ll tell him about the America fiasco where she spilled 7 Deadly Sins to Jag – naming at least 6 of the 7 in the alliance and said Cory told her. I’m still not certain if she said Jared told him or if that was Jag’s assumption but Cory doubled down on it so that should wake Jared up to the fact while he’s been playing footsies with Blue, Cory has been making big moves including trying to paint a target on Jared.

      As per the six votes, they have a definitive five ( Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, Meme, Matt) so Jared is the sixth.

      The assumption is that the four opposing votes will be Red, America, Cory, & Bowie. Cirie will definitely say she voted out Jag & Matt is saying he will too (Izzy is going to want to say so did she but they’ll believe Cirie/Matt over anyone else).

      I’m also assuming Cirie will put in work especially with Red (since he told her Cam/her are his top people) telling him how Cory is a double agent creating chaos. All she has to do is say he’s the one telling Izzy that Cam wanted to target her not this week but next week & how he told them about an alliance Cam wants to start with him, Amer, Red, Matt, Bowie & maybe Jared. (THAT will blow his mind). She can say I didn’t buy it bc Cory/America lie & talk about inventing untruths to stir the pot (that’ll be their cover if Cory starts spilling tea).

      You’re spot on this is likely to flip-flop a million times. The question is whether they back off keeping it secret from Cory/America who would prefer to keep Jag. If they want Jag/Matt focused on targeting CamRed & Cory/Amer then they stay quiet.

      1. thought it was f4 with Jared. earlier today.
        i think we’re going to see jared push back, huge, and do what he wants because that’s what he’s been doing lately.
        Jag Jags. he’ll screw himself thinking why not get as many votes as he can.
        it’s Saturday. when has the chaoscoven kept the same plan for more than 36 hours.

        1. Oh for sure the plan is bound to change BUT if Cirie finds out Jared told her about his Mom being in the house (and how confident are you Blue won’t say something either to Cirie or Felicia depending on who she really believes his mom is) that will only increase the reason for her to go this week.

    being mad at america because she knows about your double dipping multiple alliances is… a choice. Really, she should be pissed with them for being so alliance heavy that they are disloyal to her alliance with them.
    But these are the same women that haven’t gone a day without personally attacking Bowie Jane behind her back while acting the good people part.

    The moral indignation is a bit much.

    1. know why they hate bowie jane?
      she doesn’t leak EVERYTHING to Cirie.
      she parrots the information they give in previous convos.
      For calling everyone else stupid… she hates the only person not playing tell Cirie everything. And Cirie hates her not being a lemming unless she’s got a vibe that something is up.

      1. Like love language — Cirie’s game language is info & loyalty. I’m more on the Cirie island than you so I get why she’s not happy with Cory.

        It was okay for Cory to be a double agent as long as he kept Cirie in the loop. I think she clocked him (granted with incoming intel from Matt & Red) the minute he began trying to reset the house & take the power position. Cory relied on Izzy keeping their convo private which included his proposed F3 with her/America and that he didn’t think he could beat Cirie/Felicia in the end.

        Couple that with the reveal from Matt on the alliance with Jag & the proposed Cam alliance that includes Cory/America in both but not Cirie & the writing was on the wall. The big difference being Matt TOLD her, Cory didn’t.

        You mentioned the Survivor thing — but I do feel Cirie is influenced by her experience where they have six hours between the immunity challenge and voting versus the four days in BB from the POV ceremony to eviction.

        We’ll have to see if Red climbs up her list once Cameron is gone b/c he has displayed loyalty and will likely sidle up to her the minute Cam is voted out. My guess is yes (bc she can use him to target Cory & Jag).

        From a game perspective, I’m with you on the paranoia & could do without it BUT from a pure entertainment perspective after a season of no live feeds in Canada I’m living for this season. Plus, her vapor outdoes Dan’s mist any day. There are copious examples of her displaying this prowess even to help others.

        Maybe I’m too big of a Cirie stan, but I’m loving watching her in action with the live feeds whereas we never get this much depth from Survivor 🙂

        1. See, I started as liking her on survivor. loathed the show with stef, janelle, rachel. didn’t hate traitors.
          what i’m trying to do is judge her as any other houseguest in terms of game moves. The illogical flipflop stuff? That tanks her in my opinion. the slutshaming and behind the back attacks on women? I don’t give it a pass.
          I can’t get past the stuntcast. she’s more likeable than paul… but it’s the same story.
          with Jared outing his mom is in the house and inferring it’s felicia, getting a really quick d/r call and trying to walk it back… what would we both say about that in a normal season? We’d call it dr gremlins Grodding.
          i still think that’s production twist as a strategy to tank another houseguest (felicia) and therefore not allowed.
          it’s been my opinion the house knows but isn’t allowed to openly talk about it unless a fields reveals it. TPTB want that secret kept.

          1. I’m not sure the house knows – but I do agree production definitely has its fingers in the pot bc of the abrupt changes. I’ve even wondered if they’re asking Cirie to stir the pot for the drama.

            I find Cirie & Felicia (who both can be too aggressive in their comments) hilarious overall.

            Still, I’m a sucker for a good mist & she’s at the top of the leaderboard in that regard production or no production. I get lulled into her chats she’s so calming and positive. I know I’d buy what she sold me & I’d be sitting OTB probably paying the price for being mist struck.

            1. So did Paul have a good mist also? Production or no Production makes zero sense. If you’re brought in to play with a cast that built to help you get far and you also have the d/r leading that same gullible cast into helping you how is that mist?

      2. Funny how Cirie bitches about everyone talking too much, but yet hates the only one who DOESN’T talk too much??? Hypocritical much, Cirie?

      3. They also think it was Bowie Jane who told Red about the back door Hisam plan. Cirie and Felicia said there is no way Cam told him, it had to be her. They are so delusional.

    1. “I’m sick and tired of her stan twitter speech pattern”


      “I BE LIKE…” ….”SHE BE LIKE….” …”THEY BE LIKE..”


  7. Oddities:
    Until the for real for real Izzy and Cirie hated Meme.
    They thought she was against them.
    looked to me like she wanted to quit.
    Suddenly she’s in favor.
    Cirie is mad Jared played for his own game for a minute and suggested Meme renom.
    Now she’s going to I’m your mama him for playing his own game not do everything for mama?
    I think the guy is spoiled brat dick…
    But maybe mama needs to stop expecting everyone to play for her, while saying how stupid everyone is for playing for her.
    what good is Meme to Jared’s game? At least Blue is a lust sloth for him.
    Telling Jared give up your bro, and give up your showmance at the same time? someone is going to pout.

    Jag… sold out two votes… and is depending on Jared’s vote to stay after he just bused Jared who is lustslothing Blue. and no red flags?
    Jag is a moron. He’ll try to get America and Cory to keep him because unreliables… and they’ll know the jig is up. He’s a cowardly lion after all.

    I don’t get why bowie was defending Cirie to the banjobrothers… Cirie has been openly rude to her face 2x since veto. I’d be cheque please, ciao bitches for that.

    Wonder how long before Moron Jag tries to sell out Jared to Cam.
    Wonder how long before it clicks to Izzy just how much she spilled to America and Cory.

    1. You’re right about Jag. I really liked him at first, and he seems like a great guy, but he is HOPELESS when it comes to this game. It’s excruciating listening to him on feeds.

    1. LOL…..



      VOTE FOR ? LOL…

  8. Blue doesn’t care that Cirie is Jared’s mom. How does this affect Blue is all the lustsloth has to say…

    Blink once if you have a brain. Damn.

  9. frig.
    he didn’t NAME CIRIE.
    i was 1/2 asleep.



      think he knows he is tie breaker vote if his mom chaosspins. so she’s staying.

  10. As far as prizes and twists…
    is there not a rule that you can say nothing, but if you reveal, you can’t lie?
    The family tie is a production twist.
    once he revealed he shouldn’t be able to lie and say it’s Felicia, because that’s using production as a strategy to unduly tank Felicia’s game.
    True or not true?

    Is that why he was called to d/r? within minutes?

    btw toldja he’s used to using his mom’s cred to pick up wannabes.

  11. Ok. Thanks for the context. I had missed the Cirie/Izzy discussion before Izzy was saying “It’s best that you don’t talk to him”. It’s still weird but at least there’s context

  12. Before I Crash:

    1. red won veto says not using it
    2. legend25 meeting was general red ordering the troops
    3. jag outed america and cory while trying to bus Jared. to izzy and cirie.
    4. America and Cory’s games tanked.
    5. matt helped convince the women to keep Jag
    6. matt hinted to america / cory vote might flip to keep Jag sorta
    7. jared told blue his mom secret no names
    8. Blue later knows it’s cirie once she gets naked for Jared
  13. Jared thinking with his little head isn’t surprising at all.

    What an idiot.

    Blue needs to reveal that if she gets voted out (and if she survives she for sure should use it when her back is against the wall).

  14. Cory and Jared are throwing out some serious red flags on what a relationship with them would be. They treat them like floor mats. It’s nice to feel wanted but this is some sick shit. Hope they get cut down to size and soon. Rant over

  15. I would like to apologize. When I said Cirie would be gunning fully for Blue I did not have this in mind as the way it would happen when apparently a djinn was listening in and mistook it for a wish…

  16. True we still have the bb comics power vote? So jag or blue might still be coming off the block if its happening this week.

  17. I’m hoping Jag is stupid and tells Cameron about the votes and who they are before the veto ceremony. Then Red uses the veto to take down Blue replaces with IZZY! Then Jag goes home for being stupid.

    I thought he was going to be good at this game but he talks too much and believes everything he hears. He also talks like a sad puppy all the time. No fun spark in him.

  18. There’s nothing to indicate that Blue actually knows Cirie is Jared’s mother. She still thinks it’s Felicia and Jared swore her to secrecy

    1. i’m going to be 100% honest. it was almost 7am for me when i crashed.
      I’m pretty sure i heard them under the blue blanket post lustslothing talk about Cirie.
      There is a chance I’m the moron

  19. Ok here is a question for UN Autre, given that Jag came in 21 seconds behind Red, does 5hat mean veto was an individually timed event as I suspected?

    makes that 4 person comp critical and will that happen before or after the veto ceremony

    1. i think if it was times it had to be individual timed.
      the 4 person invincibility will also be individual timed.

  20. “I don’t get why bowie was defending Cirie to the banjobrothers… Cirie has been openly rude to her face 2x since veto. I’d be cheque please, ciao bitches for that.”




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