“The whole Angela pop off.. I mean even Lisa got blown up on for literally laying on my butt” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa

Chelsie’s plan as HOH: She wants Lisa to go this week.

1:40 am Chelsie and Mackensy

M – I’m in a way happy cause now I can play my own game Which almost is selfish. But like, it’s not that type of thing. It’s just like, obviously like that type of situation makes me tied to somebody. And that’s, you know, one more person that somebody else has to trust, I would talk to, you know, So it doesn’t let me play my own individual game.
C – which is exactly why they don’t want to Showmance
M – there’s a lot more to the story
C – like a secretive thing.
M- No, it’s it’s like,
C – you part of the C. l. A. Like, what happens in here?
M – Yes. No, no, no, no, no. I’ll tell everybody, but I just can’t because yeah, Uncle BB Is. Uncle BB ‘s,
C – but is it bad?
M – No, no, no, no, no, no. my god, my feet are black. I’m so sorry. It’s because we just walked out there. I got mud on my hands too. I had
to wash those off. But no, not bad at all. It’s just funny. It’s a funny story.
M – it’s actually funny, but he’s great. I feel bad for him that he went home

C – How do you feel about the 8 to 3 Vote ?
M – Yeah, that’s kind of like, that’s where my head’s like, whoa, cuz I wasn’t expecting. in a weird way, I feel like I’ve been praying about it a lot this week, cuz I was like, dude, it’s just like, it’s such, it’s just, it was almost like,

M – I hate that all that happened, but I was like, this is too good of an opportunity to not get a good player out on us, you know, And so I was like, I just felt so weird about it. I’ve been praying about it, which is why, like, I think, like, I distance myself from everybody, and I just spend a lot of time with
him. And then I also, like, I don’t know if you noticed, but I wore all denim, which I wasn’t going to at first, but then I was like, you
know, F*** it kind of you know trivia. But it really did surprise. me, and I think it more surprised me, just because of the 8 of us having something, which.
I don’t know if it happened I had heard, I haven’t really talked to him about people about it.

M – But I know Brooklyn was like, apparently. there was already something going around about people saying that if Matt was on the block, they wanted him off
and people didn’t want it to be too tied because they didn’t want it to seem like it was a split house already which totally understandable like I completely understand I just wish that like I would have had a little heads up not for like telling Matt sake or anything like that because I wouldn’t have cared. I would have voted Matt you know, I just wish that I knew and felt aware of the decision and been like with the house not even with the vote just like been aware of the houses vote and with our people because I want to trust us you know I want to come in knowing like hey like talk. about it

M – Like, this is what I think we want to do. X, y, Z, and be like, okay, you know what I’m saying? Because at this point, like, I feel like we need the
numbers and to stay truthful and to stay honest, to get each other to where we want to be. And that’s just kind of what I wish that we had, or at least l, because I would have been completely understandable if they were like, yo, like, this is an opportunity. We can’t miss. We’ve heard this. I think
this is what’s going to happen. And I would have been like, you know what? If. that’s what you all need to do. That’s fine. I just wanted to be part
of it. And like, or at least know something.

C – Or just be aware

M – Yeah, just because know I feel like I’m like, is it me? Is it him? I don’t know where I stand with everybody. And I thought that I have, I think I have really good relationships with everybody. I try to pull back a little bit after the whole Angela pop off, because,
like I said, I wanted people to make their own decision upon the judgment.

M – Like, I didn’t want to be like, I don’t want to campaign for Matt. You know what I’m saying? Like, that’s not my job to do and, but I still want to support them, because I was really close with him. I mean, I know we had a lot of late nights, but like, literally, nothing happened. We talked so much about faith, our life.

M – just everything we have in comparison, like all of that stuff. And so I got really close to him personally, and it made us just kind of grow closer because we felt like, even though we were in the house, we weren’t in it. And so just sucks whenever it’s like, you do have that personal connection to somebody, but at the same time, like the play connection wasn’t as much there. Like, we didn’t really talk about play. I was just like, I ain’t heard nothing. I’m not talking about it because I don’t want to

M – I’m not talking about it because I don’t want to. it’s not really my job. And I also didn’t want to pressure anybody. I even told Angela I was like, I didn’t talk to you after anything, because I didn’t want you. I didn’t want her to think that I’m coming in for pity votes or to, like, try and make a way for somebody else. Like, I want you all to make your own decisions. Everybody talk about what they needed to do without being part of the drama. M

M – I mentally, I hate that he’s gone because I think he’s a really, really good guy, and I just hate that he went out on a note after such a targeted negative week.
C – eventually, it feel like he’s going to be a target, because he’s a good
player. The perception of is a threat to everybody.

M – Oh, absolutely.

C – I thought he was going to win A.I
M – We had talked about it, he was like, if it’s something to do with, like, memory or math or puzzles or something like that, he’s like, I’m not going to win.

M – I know he probably has closure. He’s such a respectable and kind and mature man, and obviously, you know, ex-pastor and y’all are so deep in y’all’s faith. And I really admire it. And so you all have a lot of things, you know, that I seek to grow in. And so he’s probably fine. But like, to me, I’m just like, it just would have been. really awesome. And I feel like fulfilling to see that happen for him. But I completely understand that he got out fair and square. It’s a good move by plays. Honestly. I mean, I completely agree. Like eventually I would have had to vote him out because mother*cker know how to talk. He’s social. He’s good at what he does like I will give it to him

C – So how do you feel about it being like you Lisa and Leah against the whole house in the vote?
M – was it Lisa?
C – I think it was
M – me and Leah don’t know who voted.
C – I think it was Lisa she
she told me after the first after eviction that it wasn’t she
didn’t but I think it I think it was
M – Yeah I haven’t talked to anybody about it honestly me and Leah talked about it like we don’t really care we think that people whoever voted what like that is their choice and we don’t need that like we voted Matt to stay loyal to Matt because we had gotten really close with Matt personally and we me
and Leah both kind of figured we had a very big inkling that like it wasn’t gonna go our way because of the fact that people weren’t talking to us about it like we would kind of just try and check in and be like, so like, what are you thinking?

M – They’re like, we don’t know. And I’m like, I’m like, and that’s the thing too. Like, if they knew that it was somebody that wouldn’t affect us, I think that they would have said it, which is totally fine, totally respectable. It’s a game. So we had kind of just come to the conclusion of, like, you know what? We’re going to do what we think is personally correct close. We’d helped him through it, and we wanted to see him hopefully take charge of it.

M – And so we just kind of voted with that. And I have no bad blood with anybody. The only thing I wish to come from this is for me to be able to play my own game. Me to grow my relationships because I think I do have good relationships with everybody. But. to not be tied to Matt anymore. Like to me like and be a strength because

C – how would you have gone about this week had he stayed this week?
M – probably the same way. Honestly. Like I had been telling everybody I really want to get some good one on ones. I want to talk to
everybody because I did. I kind of secluded with Matt because of the fact of everything. I knew that like I said, people correlated with me and
Matt. And if I talk game, it would have been like they felt like they were talking game with Matt and I and so that’s just why I pulled back and I think this week I would have done the same exact thing.

M – I wanted to talk to everybody or they’d be HOH or not like I really wanted a lot of one on ones. I wanted to see where everybody was at I want them to know that they can trust me and that I am a valuable player today. The memory thing I usually have an elephant brain. I was real fucking flustered

M- I had told everybody yesterday I was like, I really like I even apologized to Kimo and like T-Kor I was like, I’m so sorry I haven’t talked to you because before the blow up, I was talking to everybody. Very good, like, very personal. Like, I wanted to start getting into things. Blowup happened. And I was like, Oh my God, everybody kind of secluded away from me and Matt totally understandable. And I was like, okay, I’m going to give them they need, which is space, obviously. I don’t want to pressure it. I don’t want to be there like that. I said, And so we’re going to let this week play out, do what they need to
do. And after whole new week, whole new game. And I don’t think people, and this is just my percentage.

C- I don’t think people secluded from you guys. I think you
guys did that to us.
M – You think so?
C – Yeah.
M – Okay.
C – I had no dog in the fight this week, so there’s nothing that I could do, but. it felt like Angela painting him as a target made you guys sketchy
about everybody except Leah and it kind of hurt me a little bit
M – Matt got a little nervous about some people and was nervous about our alliance and I was like hey, like no like we’re rocking like I had so much faith in y’all which I’m a little scared but I understand that completely and maybe that my fault and I own up to that I apologize for that and that’s why I’m saying like I owned

C – I don’t think it’s in like apology needed. I don’t think apology is necessary yet. I just I think this game is interesting way of making us a little bit
paranoid conclusions and I don’t think anybody was like wanting to exclude either of you guys. I think that’s what made it harder and
maybe have made that more of a target because there was like OK. Angela blew up on y’all but we didn’t like yeah, we weren’t so it’s like It felt to me and I’m not gonna speak for anybody. It felt like what the heck did we do like we didn’t do anything and it felt like you guys besides Leah wanted nothing to do with
anybody else in this house. He’s three that’s what it felt like that

M – I’m glad you told me that
C – because and I don’t say that because I’m like you’re a target or anything. I just say no you can I think perception is I don’t think the
house was against you guys. I think it was just like
M – no that’s good to know that’s good to know especially for me because maybe I just subconsciously took it maybe because Matt and I would talk
about it and we’d be like and. again on personal maybe we got in our own heads and I really did
get my own head like I mean I wasn’t even that targeted by Angela I mean she had two very yeah
C – she jab
M – she jabbed at me definitely but I think maybe I have like I’ve told you this I’ve really high anxiety I think I just was scared that I didn’t want anything to come to y’all because of me so I pulled back I was like my gosh I don’t want them to hate me and then get blown up on because their friends with me or because they’re you know they talk to me or I mean even Lisa got blown up on for literally laying on my butt like I was just laying

C – but then but then again perception … Lisa wasn’t messing with nobody other than you Matt and Leah
C – if I was just laying on your butt and talking to other people nobody would have said
M – yeah yeah yeah
C – but the fact that she wasn’t messing with nobody only people she really is creating game conversation around

M – I wasn’t trying to be in a showmance I even told Matt I was like you were not doing this but it just kind of happened to work out that
way. Yeah.

C – Who would you feel threatened by?
M – threatened by
C – You probably feel like the whole house
M – I’m like I don’t know I don’t feel threatened by y’all I really do when I have throughout my life I’ve been through alot which is weird to say since I am 22 but I’ve learned a lot about trust and it is a choice until someone does something really bad to you and the thing is it is
perception in this house and I understand that what happened today wasn’t targeted towards me or targeted at Matt personally it was a good move on yall and so.
I do want to trust everybody within that alliance. I do trust everybody. I don’t think anybody had any ill will to try and hurt me or is trying to target me. I would hope not you know but it is a little scary because I need to reassure that obviously.

M – I’ve talked to a few people and they’ve been like no like we promised like this was just like kind of a good opportunity. It was the house like a lot of people talked about it and I was like okay like if that’s what needed to happen that’s what needed to happen. I said I just want personally
for all to see me as like my own player now you know that’s my biggest thing and if that’s like me just trusting yall and like having good conversation and like coming up to yall and just like

C – So would you want like the Barber shop to reconvene and have a conversation is that something
M – absolutely I think that could definitely be happening and like I had kind of after everything happened like I apologized to people in the room. I was like hey like I’m so sorry that I didn’t talk to you all I said but I want y’all to know like I love every single one every single person in that room I talked
to them and I went to the kitchen I was like I have so much respect for y’all for y’all playing y’all’s game I said I don’t be able to know yes I’m sad because personally like he was a great man and it sucks that he went out this week however. it was a good game move and so I was like I’m not mad I’m not upset I just asked that you all now and still trusted me and respect me enough as my own player and let me continue with y’all and so that’s kind of that I would like
that I think we had a really good group I think we have really good just dominating players.

C – Yeah I agree
M – that can get us far to where
C – we need to be I agree yeah I agree I just think trust needs to be re-established
M – I don’t know how I mean obviously I don’t know if
you had heard about kind of like the way that the vote was gonna go before if it had been discussed with you around
C – no I had no I so I the only thing I had to go off of was. me observing the relationships in the house and I was sitting there as a microchip counting like O.K. This vote is going to go I thought it was going to be six 6-5 vote
M – I thought so too but because of that when I was like I had figured that it wasn’t gonna go well for him. I was like if this happens I was like I think that something’s happening because because I knew Matt did a campaign and wasn’t really like highly focussed.
C- some point while sitting up there I thought he would have… somebody would have used the power up on my I heard it was a double vote so I at some point and I believe Lisa that has it is what I was been told and she’s fighting hard against it but there’s been three people that have told me already that she has it so at that point she would use it on that cuz it felt like from the outside looking in it was it’s you Matt Leah and Lisa and so I’m like
and I’m only telling you this because I was trying to count the vote based on my observation there’s no way Matt is going to go home with you guys and then
the double vote and then the alliance So no I was shocked I thought he was first of all I thought he would take himself off I didn’t even think that would have to be a conversation to be honest. It was Kenny Kimo it was Kenny and Kimo so I didn’t think that this would have to be a conversation
Chelsie says most of the conversation she heard was Kenny or Kimo.
Chelsie tells her if her and Cedric could have voted the vote would have gone down differently.

C – if you and Matt didn’t want this picture of an alliance or a showmance to be painted and felt like that was a threat to your game. Why did you continue to seclude yourself with him?

M – I think it was really. I think I it ate me up more than I wanted it to like the target towards me because I thought I had gotten rid of it because the
first you were laying there like she apologized and I was like yeah I was doing good at finally kind of like getting away from him I just wanted to help him through talking to Angela because he knew he wasn’t closer. and I was finally I was like yeah this is good this is good I’m separating but then the blowup happened and it really did eat me up more than I wanted it to and I don’t want to admit that to anybody because I just that’s fair I just like I was already in a personal space I didn’t want anything personal to happen I didn’t know where people were you know I didn’t want like it to get back to Angela \

Feeds flip then cut. When we’re back…
When we’re back Mackensy is telling her she has the power.

Chelsie recommends she starts talking to people.
They hug it out.

2:37 am good time to scrub the showers

3:20 am Lisa, Mackensy and Leah
Lisa says this is better for Mackensy game. She didn’t think he would get voted out this early.
Leah and Mackensy disagree.
They go on about how sweet his speech was.

M – he went out. He went out with his head head high and he went out with the character and the integrity that he needed and you have in the end
and he forgave something and I know it’s hard for him to forgive.

Mackensy says Matt forgave Angela right away but she told him “I don’t need it”
Leah – Did you see how she reacted? She looked. She didn’t even look at him.
M – today she rolled her eyes. It was because she doesn’t think she needs to be forgiven, because she thinks that she’s right. She’s in the right and that she didn’t say anything wrong. And that’s how she felt. You know, I had to tell her she was in the wrong. P

Leah – remember when she told me in the bathroom.. It’s like I’m talking to a freaking wall.. she was telling me I was wrong there’s nothing to be wrong about.

Lisa – her energy has changed so much that he was out the second.
M – She came and she was like I just want to hug you and say it’s going to be O. K. And I was like, are you fu*king kidding me in front of her? I wasn’t gonna do anything because I’m not a mean fuc*ing person.
lisa says it was really impressive Mackensy didn’t say something.
M – Dude dude I am trying.

M – The thing is, I’m not going to let a 51 year old women get a freaking reaction out of me when she doesn’t deserve it. I’m like, you know what? You
M – you may be 51 and I may be 22 but you are acting opposite.
Leah says Angela has attacked all three of them .
M – When you were showing you PJ set and she just like was like, what is going on? No. Not your PJ girl. What is wrong with you. you are a mother.
Leah – you should have compassion for people

Lisa says Angela was making up lies about her.
Mackensy says Angela thought they were all in an alliance.
Lisa – the funniest thing is we’re not in an alliance but maybe now we will be. come join the dark side
M – come join the assholes
Lisa thinks Angela is bothered by her Joy and happiness. Leah thinks it’s because they are young and having fun.
They agree they thought Angela was going to be different.

leah called into the Diary room

3:30 am Quinn, Kimo, Tkor

Quinn – the three of us make it to Jury 100%
T – 13 weeks left to go, 14 people left to get voted out to get to number one.
Q – Double evictions last year were 5-6 and 9-10, 9-10 is the common ones
T – we’re in a good positions we’re in the middle
Q – that is crazy… damn I did not want Leah to vote out matt. I was like
trying to Jedi mind trigger and be like hear me please and then so
that sucks.
T – She’s cool though.
Tkor asks who he wants in jury

Quinn doesn’t want Cedric in Jury. Says Cedric has never watched one season. “he’s super smart but other times he’s Downplaying”
Kimo – Cedric has a great social game.
Q – I do not think Lisa will survive this week
T – I don’t think so either and if she does survive this week they’re going to come after her again next year that’s going to be very difficult for her.
Q – I like the idea of getting close to her.
T – just in case.
They talk about wanting to get to final 3. They all agree Brooklyn would be great in Jury.
T – she knows how to talk
Q – she smart
They all like Rubina “she is wonderful.. I would love to work with her”
Feeds flip to the have not girls where lisa is complaining about Anglea then quickly flip back to the outside crew.
Q – we’re kinda the odd ducks..
T – Tucker is so funny.. the way he see the game is very individualistic if he’s in jury he will vote based on who wins the most comps.
Quinn goes on about taking out players like Tucker during a double.
They agree Kenny might go home his heart’s not in it. He might go before Angela.

Feeds flip to the have not girls briefly then back again to the backyard…

They are talking about Cam Tkor is worried about Cam getting far because he’s athletic and has one of the best social game. They all clue in he’s the biggest guy and everyone likes him he’s a D1 athlete
T – nobody is threatened
Q – he’s so sweet
T – Cam and Rubina are great players we would love to see go far we just have to watch out.
Joe joins them.

4:50 am Quinn and Leah

Q – In my opinion that you are one of the best players in this house, and I want to be a better player. I think that by sticking with you, I will get that opportunity. I feel very comfortable around you from like
minute one. You have been a source of, like, warmth and kindness that live appreciated. And so I don’t think anyone is judging you for being friends with Matt. I was friends with Matt.

Q – He and I had a lot of heart to heart conversations. I just. did not want to vote against the house. And so I guess trying to tell you today that like Matt, I wasn’t trying to tell you what to do. I just wanted you to not get caught up in. no one. No one’s going to look at you negatively for being a good friend. But people will use the fact that you didn’t vote with the house as a reason to target you luckily you are one of the best
players in the game so I don’t think that like Chelsea is going to put you up this week and it is I have a feeling that Angela will probably go up and I would feel comfortable voting her own.

Q – You don’t have to worry about going home this week. But I do think that you did put yourself in a bad position. you’re on people’s radars when otherwise you And so that’s why I wanted to approach you and talk to you about that, because it was like, I want you to be here. I want you to know that I want you to be here, and I’m willing to stick my neck out for you. And I will contribute to conversations in a way that benefits

L – Same here.
Q – I appreciate that.
L – Same here And I genuinely, you have no idea. Like, I’m not getting teary eyed. I have never end this game. You might.
have just been the most honest person with me in that moment because nobody there was one other person that told me they were voting against Matt…
Leah says he was open to voting out Matt if she knew the house was. Matt would have understood if she did that for her own game.
Leah – I knew he was going home based on the actions towards me not because of the words they said.

Leah says Lisa wants an alliance with her to happen. “She wants that to happen but she’s been she’s been trying to talk game to me for blah blah and I keep telling her I’m
clocked out I’m clocked out I’m not doing it. I’m not doing I’m not doing it and now worried because she’s in this freaking have not room that I’m gonna get grouped in with her.
I need to have a fu(king NOT house meeting but I need to have one on ones.
They talk about a possible showmance between tucker and Rubina.

They move over to the hammock..

L – I want to work with the best player in the game.
Q – Cam’s the best player in the game.
L – I think cam is a very smart guy. I like him.
Q – Noted. Noted
L – he is. you know, I don’t think it’s like a secret. Like I’ve, bonded with him on certain things. Like we have a lot of weird similarities that I don’t have with other people
That being said, I want to be smart, of course. Love T-kor. Love Kimo, Obviously love you. So what is it? It’s me. You. Oh, this is going to be fucking good. Now that I’ve gotten to know everyone, I’m able to make decisions.
Q – You have. only said the names of
L – the people you brought up.
L – I’ll be honest. I love Brooklyn. I do, but what are your thoughts?
Q – I love Brooklyn and I said that about Brooklyn. You’re gaming me. I’m getting game.
L – I’m not. I’m not. I promise you to. That’s one person And don’t game me right now. I’m going to confide into you that me and Brooklyn have told each other like we have our necks out for each other, basically like we want to work together.
Q – Final 2
L – Not necessarily. We haven’t said those words but we we would want that. like kind of. It’s like a mutual understanding. And like in the pedal room. We have like me. Lisa
Rubina and Brooklyn.
L – Brooklyn wants to work with and be loyal to whoever is loyal to her. She was in the room when they named the B. S. Barber shop alliance.
Q – That’s a terrible name.
L – So fucking stupid. And I knew it wasn’t going
to work out.
L – it’s literally BS barbershop. BS Stupid. It’s closed. Clearly never opened.
Q – Whose idea was the name?
L – Who do you think?

Q – I don’t want to say it out loud.
L – Yeah, just don’t worry. They were. He was rushing and and grasping for air.
Q – Cedric or Matt?
L – I think it was them together. It That was one of the leaders. I don’t know who came up with it, came up with it, but Matt announced it.
Q – I’m so hurt. Matt, what the fuck, man?
L – You were the first person he named that he wanted to work with, but he was scared that you were working with Angela.
Q – I was, but I’m like,
L – we’re keeping her close until we can’t keep her close anymore.
Q – Yeah, I would love her to go home this week.
L – She has to go easy and easy go home. But regardless, again, future talk.
Feeds flip When we’re back…
L – Me, you, T-kor, Kimo, Brooklyn and Cam
Q- I don’t think we can get Cam. I think we can work
L – I didn’t finish my thought. Poop. It feels like Cedric, Cam like Chelsea Ruby and R or something’s going on.
Q – I think Chelsea and Cedric are like this. Me too.
L – That’s a newer thing since they were mascot seems like they’re solid
L – So where does Joseph stand with you?
Q – I like Joseph you know, he said he wanted to date you. You know, we can leverage this.
L – We got to work with America Sweethearts… US..
Q – That’s true.
L – Being the favorites.
Q – can that be our name.. that’s too much.. That’s too much. It’s too funny,
right? That’s too fast. That’s too fast.
L – I have to think. Give me time and I will try to think of a name.
L – So are you saying you’d want to build something, or you want to add me to something that already exists?
Q – I don’t know, but like adding
L – you have something that you’re not telling me about. That’s why you think I have something which Jedi mind tricking me right now.
You’re guilty because of your own experience.
Q – I’m cute.
L – What the hell is going on?
Q – I’m cute.
L – How did you know the house was voting for someone? If you weren’t speaking with the house?
Q – What? I don’t get this. You and Lisa, are you drinking Are you drunk? Because I feel like everyone’s talking
about it.
L – Not to me,
Q – because you were too close, but that’s fine. I don’t think that’s a big deal. Also, low key shows that you’re loyal.
L – Well, now we’ll see. Yeah. And maybe they’ll give me an opportunity or they view me as a threat, and they need to get me out, which I assumed would happen in this game.
Q – Do you think.
L – I think I want to work with people who want to compete and do well. I hate if people are viewing.

Feeds flip
Quinn said the best strategic win for HOH today was he could use it to get closer to Leah.
Q- I’d be able to get closer to you,
L – really, In a romantic way
Q – No..
L – In a game way?
Q – in a game way.
L – O. K. Good.
Q – And then I would be able to long game
L – it to me Really.
Q – And then you inevitably fall in love with me. That’s usually
what happens.
L – That was a good swing.
Q – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 0K,
L – Are you serious? Are you jedi mind tricking me?
Q – No, no, that was my intentions. I was going to try to win today, so that then you would have, like, a reason to, like, talk to me and stuff like that.
L – Are you kidding me? I thought this whole time we were working too.
Q – I thought so too. Never been the head of households. Exactly.
L – Exactly. Oh my god. We’ve never been in, you know, the head of
Q – the mouse holds. Can that be? Can we be something like the mice or something? Yeah. I feel that with the cheese boys.

L- Me, you, Tkor, Kimo, inner circle tight. I’m confident with that. Boom. We’re going to bring Brooklyn in because. she’s a vibe. She’s a good competitor. She brings something to the table. She’s a hot mamita and we need that.
Q – I can’t say those words, but yes, everything else.
L – You don’t feel comfortable?
Q – I don’t. I don’t objectify women.
L – win after win.. Quinn after Quinn
Quinn wants to form a three with her and Brooklyn as well.
Q – Are you working with anyone strategically right now?
L – Lisa,
Q – I don’t want to. You’re not fucking with me? Just Lisa
L – and Brooklyn.
Q – Just those two people. I’m sorry I don’t have a game play with

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10:00 am house guests are getting up

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Thank you Simon.


Is this homemade flash back system available for other people to use ?