“The next two up will be Blue/America or America/Blue I don’t care but the next one out has to be Corey.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner: RED
Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used. Nominations are locked
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation We’ll see what happens to the nominations after the power drops into the game. Vote is fluid they’re going to flip flop like mad on this one. From what I gather Jag is in the most trouble.

2:41 pm Cirie and Izzy
Cirie – I put Matt on the job of finding out what the real plan is next.
Cirie – If they (Red/Cam/ect) are considering waiting two weeks then do we want to erupt it right now? (Keep Jag)
Cirie – every week we get closer is beneficial for us right? Do we want to automatic erupt it this week by keeping Jag especially if they truly contiplanting getting America, and Getting Blue after us. That is the piece I don’t know and that is the piece I think Matt can get for us. They trust Matt and they think they can pull in.
Izzy says that Corey is really opening up to her.
Corey trust me a lot a lot… which is good but makes me wonder if something is wrong.
Izzy says if they do this and keep Jag they will lose Corey.
Cirie – if we are the true targets then we go ahead with it right?
Izzy – I agree
Cirie – if we are not why mess up things right now and make ourselves targets
Cirie says by the time the other side gets down to taking out Jared they will have the numbers.
Izzy – I want to do it
Cirie – just for the thrill of it and the Cameron thing
Izzy – I can see Jag and Matt being really solid numbers for us given the fact we are already targets. I can also see a world even after the fact if corey and america are left out that they still potentially see better paths with us than them. If we work on that possibility that would mean we have 9 to 3 (I took 2 days off and now they are talking about a 9 person alliance)
Izzy – Without Corey and America we still have 7 to 5.
Cirie says red is scared of Izzy. “He feels you might target hime”
They laugh
Izzy calls him a “Pu$$y”

3:00 pm Cirie and Red
Cirie says Blue started her pitch to Felicia and her. “She said she’s happy that it stayed the same”
Cirie- She thinks Jag know he’s more of a competitor than she is. She said she doesn’t want to campaign but she would like to stay. She Actually thinks that Jag has resigned that he’s going.
Cirie – she didn’t say anything about last week. Jag wants to talk again later.
Red – sometimes you have to let a person squirm so you find out what is in their brain.
Cirie – I think she said that Cam told her who the target was.
Red – he told her she’s fine.
Cirie – Izzy is relaxed.
Red – I pulled her aside asked her you feel better now?
Red says she told him ‘No I’m worried about every veto’
Red – I’m like C’mon
Cirie – Stop it

3:38 pm Cam and Red HOH
There not even frayed yet you cut those resent..
Cam – I’m scared to put them on
Red – I got underwear it’ll definitely stick out the bottom
Cam – you will get some laughs on this one buddy
Red – go play some pool with my a$$ cheeks hanging out
Red puts them on “what were you really going to do with these?”
Cam laughs.
Red- I wanted them to work.. I wanted them to work real bad.. I wish I brought my short shorts. I got a perfect pair actually they are girl shorts that’s what they are they fit real good.

Cam goes on how “f***Ing nuts” it would be if Red won HOH this week and he turned around and won veto.
REd – did they hear both their convos? Ohh you’re so intelligent You’re this you’re that
Cam – I heard Jag’s specifically.. Blues was like whatever.
Cam – Blue was talking she wasn’t pumping you up with anything she was just being Blue taking the spotlight sorta thing. Jag’s was more well directed.
Cam – nothing weird today? Normal shit? it’s pretty calm we kinda calmed everything down.
Red – I did pull Izzy over to the side and said ‘do you feel better now’
Cam – She’s back to her annoying self already
Red – yup. She’s the one that will incite unrest in our group If it’s going to happen. I’m doing my best to keep her tolerated.
Cam – she kept looking at me..
Red – she said ‘ohh I’m Nervous before every Veto’
Red – NO NO you’re not.
Cam – why would you be nervous at every veto. You’re telling me you were nervous last week? C’mon. You weren’t f***ing nervous last week you just wanted to get it over with. \
Red- She said she wanted to Backdoor his a$$.. she didn’t even have the power
Cam – talking about Hisam?
Red – yeah, then was acting all sad that she was going.
CAm – I don’t know if she’s a shitty actor or if she’s literally emotional all over the place (Both)
Red – I think a little bit of both (HA)
Cam – Definitely a shitty actor she wears every little piece of emotion on her face and sleeve.. She can’t help herself. that is what I told Bowie today.. she said Well she’s happy today.
Cam – I said well that is because we didn’t use the veto. She’s back being her normal self. Get use to that every week will be a swing.
Red – if I win next week she’ll be nervous all week.
Red – I really need to not win it but I can’t.. I need info from home.
Cam – if you win I win.. Everything you know
Red – same
Cam – I’m really happy to have you man. Shit would be really hard if it wasn’t me and you… Really hard. I don’t know if I really like anybody else.. There’s no one that I can be THAT with.
Red – Psychologically this would be really hard if I didn’t have you as a reminder of home.
Cam – yeah
Red – I would have never considered an early two person alliance with anyone else.
Cam says corey needs to “Get gone”
Red – He will. Unless he wins
Cam – He’ll get something. He’s been playing that middle too well. The guy that gives information to us but I think he’s giving a lot to Izzy
Red – he’s giving it to America and She is.
Cam – they are both.. there’s no other side to give it to. There’s no side, what Blue?
Red – she talks a lot with Jag and Blue. In the corner with Corey
Cam – she’s talking to Jag even though he’s on the way out. She talked to him for a damn hour or so.
Red – It could have been about personal stuff but I doubt it. She’s not the type
Cam – She doesn’t care.
Red – well if she thinks they wouldn’t benefit her. For sure.
Red – With jag gone I will feel a lot better. Blue will still be targeting me, America will still be targeting me, I don ‘t know about Corey but I think he would make a bigger move that that.
Cam – He would, Whatever Corey would do America would do and he has no reason to come after you
Feeds flip When we’re back.
Red – I’m trying not to show my hand but its really hard when you are a competitor.. I’m no slouch I’m no Dummy. I had to show that on a puzzle game which I didn’t want it to be it had to be in a physical comp.

Red – If legend 25 makes it all the way down to 8 it will be solidified as a legendary alliance that eliminated the entire side of the house with no falters (barf)
Cam – it would be pretty solid.. it would be solid a$$ . No alliance normally makes it down to what they wanted it to be. I think that one has true potential of actually working. Problem is you and I both know a solid portion of that group doesn’t want it to go down to that final 8 do the math. It goes down to that final 8 there’s two people sit above the whole group.
Red – competitor wise
Cam – YUP
Red – Yeah I know I hope they don’t make that shot yet.
Cam – they want to but not yet.
Red – not they. Izzy maybe Felicia .
Cam – Izzy is going to get upset, Felicia will agree with her then the ball gets rolling.
Red – Cirie won’t jump on board. Bowie won’t jump on board. MEME would.
Cam – matt won’t
red – Matt will NOT so …. good luck
Cam – the next two up will be Blue America or America Blue I don’t care but the next one out has to be Corey. (Barf)
Red – Lets see what the rest of this week brings and who brings it.
Cam – If L25 holds up from each HOH on. In my head it goes. Blue, America, Corey then Jared.
Red – the only thing that changes if it’s mine I would get rid of America first.
Cam – Corey is about to get dangerous. Let him show his cards we can beat Jared we have to get Corey the hell out of here.
Red – there’s always the but the showmance on the block option. in which case it would be Blue, America, Jared then Corey.
Cam – the plan is Blue/America
Red – yup
Cam – anything other than Blue/America is someone going against the group then we have a problem If we have a problem I say it it’s over. (it’ll be two late at that point)
Cam – If anything other than THE plan is chosen I’m out
Red – without us knowing and without reasonable discussion and reasoning.

They go on about how big of physical BEASTS they are.
Red – I already had a W and it felt good..
They continue to talk about winning.

4:24 pm America has fallen asleep outside so Jag and Matt are balancing fruit loops on her.

After she wakes up “I thought I felt something
Big brother – no napping houseguests
America – You blew my cover
Jag – how many did we get on her.. 17

MEME looks asleep as well.

5:27 pm Matt and Felicia
Felicia – they are thinking about now pulling out of their plan and sticking with Jag and keeping Blue. I think that is a bad idea. Keep Jag and get rid of Blue because Cameron even said this morning. Once we get out Jag he’s a great competitor he makes our game easy. Well we don’t want to make their game easy.
Felicia is bothered that this week “They” are giving them all this intel. Wonder if it’s maybe fake intal.
Felicia – Have you talked to them to ask them who they plan on putting up next week?
Matt says he thinks it’s Corey.. Izzy..
Felicia – They are telling us America and Blue

5:39 pm Jag been talking to America about tactics to stay and campaigning speeches.
Jag says Bowie is really with “them”
America agrees she didn’t think they were that close until this week. “The way she’s so comfortable going up to the HOH room. Her and REd are tight”
Jag says he’s going to campaign to everyone even though Cam/RED wants him out.
America – you have nothing to lose… I’m so tired of this voting with the house thing
Jag – I’m tired of that too.. BRO who is the house? we are the house.
Jag counts his votes “You, Corey.. I would need 4 more”
America – If you get Cirie, Felicia, Izzy MEME that is six.
America – you have to convince them you are better for their game to keep you one more week.
Matt joins them. They continue to talk this weeks vote.
Jag – Everyone wants to vote with the house. I know I’m the target.. I’m trying to figure everything out.
They leave after some time talking about the approaches he should take to get votes.

Camera zooms in on the dolls head in the jar.

16 thoughts to ““The next two up will be Blue/America or America/Blue I don’t care but the next one out has to be Corey.” **updated**”

  1. Creepy Cam and Red the Cable Guy will find out in a few days that half the the house wants to evict them…and the other half will just go along. One of them is NOT going to jury.

  2. yup.
    Beastmode Manson’s possessive jealousy has reached if I can’t have her, nobody can level.
    He never got that far with the Reilly obsession, because he was on the block next to her.
    Doesn’t want to save her now that she isn’t his and his alone.

    1. izzy and cirie They laugh Izzy calls him a “Pu$$y” it is real the space nuts are getting played like nintendo. Reilly had the misfortune of being stuck with manson and hisam having it decide her fate. Those two guys have serious issues. Questionable they were approved to play by prodo. For that to decide your fate along with cirie with her snitching son goodnight.

    2. “He never got that far with the Reilly obsession, because he was on the block next to her”
      Don’t you remember what REILLY did on CAM when it was announced that it was time to vote? 🙂

  3. Great recap! You are so funny! I didn’t think I could dislike the b/witchy trio any more but I actually hope the 2 delusional idiots red/cam are on the block next week.

  4. I like red. I do not like Cameron. I don’t like Jared he’s annoying to me. I do like America and Matt. I think meme is playing a smart game not sure how long she will last but I like her too.

  5. ah, i get it.
    Week 2 Jag told America he was going to tell everyone he had the votes for Reilly to get them to vote Reilly.
    Now she’ll never believe he has the votes because he told her he’s the boy that cried wolf.

  6. Jag in the Scary Room and image jumped to baby doll heads in the jars I actually jumped! Thanks for the jump scare Big Brother!! I really don’t want Jag to go!

  7. Listening to Manson and Uncledaddy talk is like a really bad sidewalk community theatre version of Brokeback bigbrother. Both creepy af about women under 30, and about ten seconds from professing undying love for each other.
    Yeah…Cirie rocks with you. You have an unspoken bond…

  8. lol. the next two up will be cameron and red unless red wins hoh (or they go with a backdoor cam plan, but honestly i think putting them up next to each other is safest as otherwise you can’t guarantee one goes). they have no other allies and everyone sees cam as a threat. i’ll be happy to see cam go. nothing against red. if cam goes red can continue to hang around as a floater.

    1. Why does everyone hate cam. I don’t like mommy and baby Jared and Felicia and Omg bully Izzy good grief.

  9. The Jared / Cirie issue in terms of game.

    Cirie’s shield circle is Felicia, Izzy, Matt, Meme.
    Jared’s shield circle is Blue, Cory, Izzy, Matt.

    Cirie is telling Jared that for Cirie’s game… Jared should dump all allies that she doesn’t own.

    In terms of strategic analysis… that’s what it boils down to. Jared is being told his game is less important than HER game.

  10. Let me get this straight. Cameron, Red and Bowie, know there’s a Core 4 running the house (minus Ciri the “saint”) of course. Jag, Cory, Matt and America know there’s a Core 4 ( also minus Ciri the “saint”) running the house as well. But instead of breaking up the “nasty foul mouth squad”, they’re taking each other out because?? These dummies have about 3 percent of common sense when it comes to playing this game. I hoped after 25 years, this would be the season. Anyways, the show to watch is “The Challenge”. It’s waaaay better then BB25. As a matter of fact, watching squirrels run around in my backyard is better then BB25. I’m out and wish your picks luck!

  11. When was the last time someone over 40 won the game, Evil Dick?
    There’s never been an over 50 winner, right?
    Will this season be the first?

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