POV Holder: | Kevin | Next POV | April 3rd |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner | Bobby | Next HOH | April 1st |
Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | Jordan, Brittnee, Naeha, Godfrey | ||
POV Players | Godfrey, Willow, Johnny, Britt, Kevin, Bobby. Jordan is the VETO HOST! |
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9:15am – 10:25am Big Brother begins waking up the house guests by turning on the lights. Soon after they live feeds are blocked. At 10am the live feeds return. In the kitchen Jordan and Kevin are talking. Jordan comments that at first being a havenot wasn’t so bad but then it got worse. They head out to the hot tub room. Kevin says its been a successful week but that it was scary. Kevin asks about when Jordan informed him he was the target in the bathroom. Jordan says these guys are so stupid. Kevin says so stupid. Jordan overheard them talking in the kitchen. Bobby was dead set on putting you up. And being an easy target. He’s using an archaic reason for putting you up and you would use in big brother 3. Jordan suggests they bring in Captain Canada. (Zach) We’ll be at the core and out number him 2 to 1. Then you branch out and bring in Pili. And he can branch out and bring in Ashleigh or someone else. Jordan and Kevin agree they’re good and will talk again soon.

Up in the HOH room – Willow is talking to Ash. Willow comments that last night they hear Big Brother tell Kevin and Pilar to put on their mics while in bed. Willow laughs. She says she’s going to ask Pilar about it because she knows she won’t lie. She doesn’t know how to lie.
10:30am In the bathroom – Bobby tells Ash – “You’re so beautiful!” Ash – “Stop” Bobby – “I’m sorry, last time, last time”
Johnny says I almost shat my pants when they called us all into the HOH room. Graig agrees. Graig says lets make a deal not to go after each other this week. Graig includes Naeha in the deal as well. They both agree to keep each other safe. Johnny asks do you think there will be another bum veto? Like the one Allison pulled out of her bum last year. Graig says for sure. Johnny says he thinks it will be in the vault. In one of the boxes. Johnny talks about how the boxes have keys to unlock them.
10:45am – 11:15am Bruno and Bobby head out to the hot tub room. They talk about how they don’t meet up much. Bruno comments that he doesn’t talk to Ash much. Bobby says that he doesn’t talk to Willow much either. Zach joins them. Bobby asks who do we not want to win next week? Bruno says Naeha and Johnny. Zach says we put up God as a “pawn”. Bobby says God is really with us now. Bruno says that would work because everyone would understand us putting up God thinking he’s the target when he’s not. Bruno tells Bobby that they’ll protect him this week since he can’t play for the HOH. Bobby says he thinks Kevin didn’t really buy that he wasn’t the target. Bruno says your reasoning made sense because they were the first 2 down. They talk about how Cindy told Bobby to put up God. Bobby says that he explained to God that Cindy wanted him out and we kept him off the block. I just hope he realizes we saved him. Bruno comments that by putting up God we’re losing a vote. We’re getting ahead of ourselves, we’ll wait to see who wins. They talk about how they don’t think Kevin trusts them. Bruno says the thing is Kevin and Johnny are super tight. Ash joins them. Bobby asks Ash – any intel from the girls side of the house? Ash – “They don’t tell me nothing.” Bobby wonders how close Johnny is with the girls because he is definitely closer to them than the guys. Bruno says the only thing we can’t let happen is let Johnny or Naeha can’t win HOH. Bobby asks what Britt might do if she won? They’re not sure. Bobby says he doesn’t want her to win HOH either. Bruno says he thinks she’s okay with us. Bobby laughs and says I could just make out with her. Bobby says that God will do anything we tell him to do. Bobby thinks Naeha going up might be best. They agree they can’t talk all together. Bobby suggests they talk in two’s and relay the messages. Zach says we should act paranoid with each other. Like I don’t know where his heads at. They talk about their goodbye messages and exposing the chop shop. Bruno is worried if someone comes back they could then name us all as being in an alliance. Zach says they wouldn’t do that. If they’re going into sequester they wouldn’t hear a thing. They wouldn’t do that.

Zach says his goodbye message to Cindy – “Cindy your mileage is running low in this game. I know you pulled into a shop for an oil change but this isn’t your regular shop, this is the chop shop!”
They’re worried the HoH might get the remote for the spy screen and suggest they not do any more chopping because that would expose them. They end their conversation and head inside.
11:45am Up in the HOH room – Jordan talks with Bobby. Bobby talks about how he wanted this week to be an easy week and that’s why he let everyone know what was happening. Jordan tells Bobby that he appreciates that. He says that if he wins HOH he is safe with him. They end their conversation. Bobby heads to the bathroom and asks the girls if they want to do yoga soon. They say yes. The girls go to get changed. The guys head out to the backyard. Graig asks if they’ve thought about votes yet? Godfrey asks we’re sticking with the plan right? Graig says Cindy. Godfrey says yeah. Jordan says she tried to campaign to him but that its not happening. Jordan says they need to win the HOH. He tells them to study what happened every day.
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Finally getting in to this season.. can’t STAND Willow.. ughh She’s still sooo aware of the camera’s, trying to be cute, funny etc etc. shut up for a second girl!
Every member of the chop shop is starting to annoy me! The least annoying among them is Ash who doesn’t really talk that much. Damn, I’m really hoping Sarah, Kevin, Johnny and Naeha survive next eviction, I don’t want this to be a repeat of BBUS season 16 where the people in control are the most annoying and unwatchable ones.
funny where he asks Ash what are the girls saying, and she says she doesn’t know. Of course she doesn’t know, doesn’t she spend all her time in the HOH bathroom with him? That or in larger groups. Does she talk to anyone ever?
I also lol at Zach saying how he’ll get Ash or whatever it was, when it seems pretty obvious she is more interested in Bobby and he with her.? I do notice in stills & pics, she is one incredibly beautiful woman, but she also seems goofy enough to be likeable by both Ms and Fs?
Omg Kevin don’t pull a beast mode cowboy or Zach and think you’re in with these guys 🙁
I hope the girls win HoH and don’t pull an Ika and target Godfrey… Put up Zach and Bobby that’ll sure crack the Chop Shop
No one’s going after Jordan and Sarah right now I think they’re both in good spots, obviously Pilar will make it final 4 at least – cannot believe canada kept her she’s going to be so useless
Sindy leaving is the worst thats one more down for the girls I know if she won HOH it would be so different
Naeha, Jonny, Sarah or Britt need to win hoh or else Naeha or Jonny r going up forsure
The flop shop is like the bomb squad not again with voting with house crap
Kevin wake up please wanting Zach in the fortress crap is going to be horrible for you then all the boys r going to know when to get rid of u
If they were smart, they would keep the girls, since they would be obvious targets. I hope the returnee gets HOH.
I think I’ve been watching Big Brother for too many years cause I’m actually agreeing with a lot of these comments.