Finale Schedule
Sun, 9/20- 8p
Wed, 9/23– 9:30-11p Finale = Winner of Big Brother
Part 3 of 3 – Steve competes against Vanessa (Finale)
9:20am – 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Steve says it creeped them out on the “spaceship” (sequester) about how much he knew about big brother. Vanessa and Steve say they couldn’t sleep last night. Vanessa says she had anxiety dreams. Steve says he’ll tell them his dream when the go upstairs. Steve jokes about Liz dreaming about camping over and over again. Liz says there will be camping after tonight. I am not even afraid of saying it. Vanessa jokes about Austin’s pony beard. Liz says I want that ponytail beard gone my nah nah is going to be like what the heck is that?! Liz heads to the kitchen to make breakfast Steve tells Vanessa that his mom is going to attack him like nobodies business.
9:35am Liz says good morning live feeders! Last day! We’re ready to get out of here to finally see our families! Liz says oh my god I can’t wait to see my JUJU! Steve says I didn’t need a dime to make walking out of here worthwhile. Steve asks Liz if he can talk with her. Liz says yes. Steve says I’ve always been honest with you and never been sneaky or disloyal to you. You’ve always know exactly where I was. Is there anything you want to know from me? Liz says even when you put my up you were honest with me. You’re always been a straight shooter with me. Even when you pissed me off it was for good reasons. Final 6 what the hell can you do. I have zero animosity towards you over that. And good luck on that scale. (Part 3 HOH answering questions on the scale) Steve comments on how season 2 – 14 the final part took place in the living room. Steve says I couldn’t be less ready for the final HOH but couldn’t be more ready for what happens after that.
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10am Liz, Steve and Vanessa give their final goodbye! Liz says Live Feeders I hope you can see I made a goodbye message. We’re going to miss you! Thank you for watching us! We’re ridiculous and we love you! Steve says let me be the example, if you want to get here you can do it! Because I was never going to make it, I was a socially awkward nerd who doesn’t know anything. I just studied the casting process like nobodies business and I got here. Vanessa says I hope we weren’t too boring you guys even though we slept a lot. We played our hearts out! Everyone did. We gave it 10,000 percent and hope you found it at least mildly entertaining. Liz says even though we’re all competing for half a million we still all really like each other. Steve jokes I don’t really like her that much. Liz says STEVVEEEEEEAAAHHHHH!

10:05am Big Brother tells them to report to the head of household room.
Here is a sneak peek of the PART 2 HOH Competition that Steve won against Liz:
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I’m hoping Vanessa wins the final part of the HOH, brings Steve to F2 and then wins. I wouldn’t hate seeing Steve win, but I think Vanessa played harder and kept us more entertained (even if it was with crazy.) Liz is a cum-guzzling home wrecker who deserves nothing more than Austin.
Like her or not Vanessa has been the best player this year.
Steve beats Liz 6-3
Vanessa beats Liz 5-4
My take is the “incentives” cause the part three winner to take Liz but she does not win against either player and Johnny Mac wins AFHG.
Steve beats Liz 7-2, losing only Austin and Julia’s votes. Vanessa, Jackie, and Becky will all vote for Steve.
Vanessa beats Liz 6-3. She won’t have Austin, Julia, or James.
Steve versus Vanessa would be fun. I’d say 5-4 Steve. Vanessa likely has Shelli, Becky, Jackie, and possibly Liz if Steve wins HOH. This decision could come down to the twins. That would be scary.
Dr. Will interview after coaching the Jury said his money is on Steve for the win and he predicts Johnny for AFP. James is open about how much he screwed up. And they don’t like Austin. The Jury is angry, wouldn’t stop yelling over each other, the best strongest cast got voted out too early. There’s no All-Stars show thank god. Everyone’s aware of the cast problems and calls to revamp the show, but he doesn’t know what they will change. And there’s a great picture going around of Van’s next book cover when she was pulling same crazy in her poker days.
Austin isn’t going to win anything, but it sounds like he’s getting laid tonight.
Wonder if Austin’s girlfriend will be in the audience tonight?
That’s a really nice way of informing everyone that Will said in his interview, “they like it when you’re genuine. If you say, “Hey, I’m super bitter, and I’m not casting my vote so much for one person as I am against someone else,” then America will respect that.”(excerpt from his interview)
Far cry from what he said at the end of 16: “So at the end of the day is he (Derek sic) a master manipulator or did he just have an alliance with everybody, and eventually somebody had to go…Is there anything wrong with outright manipulation, lying, pulling on your heart strings, is that allowed here?… You guys said that there was a lot of strategic moves that Derek made, but what was his best move…If you’re in the final three you’ve done something right, which brings up Victoria… You guys are in the jury house, you’re at summer camp, she’s playing big brother…I think that’s an excellent question, what’s the most important factor for picking a winner…social game? Okay…”(excerpt from youtube)
Even a further cry from what he said at the end of 15: “Are you deciding who is the nicest person, who you would like to have over for Thanksgiving person, or are you deciding who is the biggest badass who tricked all of you guys… I implore you, decide how you want to vote, don’t let anyone else influence you.” (transcript from youtube)
Hmmm. seems like his opinion isn’t consistent to me. More like he’s a tool of the machine.
I on the other hand cannot stand any of them…but I would love to see Steve win part 3 and take Liz. I just want to see Vanessa’s face. Worth every last minute I spent watching shows, BBAD and feeds.
I thumbs downed the first part of your post. Now I can’t thumbs up the last sentence. 🙁
I appreciate the sentiment lol
Did Steve and Van finally tell Liz that she wasn’t going to F2?
…whoever wins the last challenge is taking Liz with them.
That BB house is filthy…they should make them clean. Steve was the worst. They had to tell him a million times to wash his dishes, glasses. The twins at least cooked and cleaned the kitchen regularly.
Between 4 and 5 pm feed time yesterday, Liz brought up tackling the elephant in the room.
They discussed it then.
What do you remember of the conversation, pls, 😉
The only part that i remember directly is Vanessa saying she and Steve made an alliance early, and that their final two deal was made after Liz and Austin became a showmance.
Steve didn’t try to argue the point that the alliance was made earlier than Vanessa said.
thanks for all of your hard work guys!
Crazy ride . Thanks simon and dawg. Seems like it jus started. Over this evening. Weird season . Will it be the Vanessa domination show still ? We will see . Ants. Austin’s beard. Beanies. 17 seasons ? Yikes. Annoying year, yet entertaining. Thanks for distraction . May best player win . Peace
Yes Vanessa, your cast threw competitions with all your hearts lol.
Just curious why do they mop the floor while playing potball?
Steve was in error when he mopped for potball.
Liz yelled out, ” Steeeeeeeeeeevuh, noooo-wah! That’s furrrr bowwwwlinngah!”
I’m hoping for just a little bit of excitement tonight so that the season can be redeemed.
Simon and Dawg> Thanks for the updates and tolerating the crazies so we wouldn’t have to.
The twist was a fail. Too much like a summer camp this year. HGs should not be able to set it up each week. HGs were way too comfortable. The POV was the only distraction and most of those were thrown. I like the idea of punishments for the losers.
Liz should get a prize for being the most unattractive of the females and tg’d. Still can’t figure out where those twits put their implants……?
Loved the season! Thanks everyone for making this site possible..
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9:35 All HG still sleeping.
9:40 Steve up to BA, washes hands, brushes teeth.
9:48 Steve back to purple room, smothers Liz with pillow until she stops twitching. Giggles at corner cam “I’m so sneeeeky!”
9:49 Steve to KT, rummaging through drawers. Finds fork.
10:01 Steve splits open CoCo with fork from KT. Removes the shank his mother packed in the bear Back to purple room to deal with Vanessa, muttering “Boy THIS, bitch”.
10:03 Feeds offline, Jeffish
Just read that production tried to help Liz win HOH2 by giving her the answers, thats BS. They knew if Liz won HOH2 she would take Vanessa over Steve ensuring that Vanessa makes F2. It also makes me wonder if Vanessa has been wearing an ear-piece under her beanies because she never takes them off and every-time her back was up against the wall she came out on top. Maybe its a coincidence that she won those competitions, maybe its not, but her luck should have ran out weeks ago.
From what i pieced together from their talk on the feeds after the comp, Liz said she’d yelled out that it wasn’t fair because, she wasn’t in the house during one of the clues, it was Julia while working on one of the clues. Production said, yes, you were here, you were hoh.
No, not an earpiece.
She wears the beenie to hide her horns.
Shall we call it the “Sorry Not Sorry Season”?
Try more like “waiting for BOLD move season.”
So now that this season is winding down I have to ask: Every season people complain about the show being fixed, about production getting involved and guiding players.
Can that be true? Don’t the players still have the freedom to vote the way they choose?
Also, every season (since I’ve been watching anyway) people always say “this is the last season! I’m done watching this show!” Do they really stop watching? And then the next year it’s new people getting frustrated and leaving the viewership? If that’s so then it would seem there would not be enough of a fan base for the game show to be renewed every year.
No, because everyone that says that is tuned in the following episode. It’s just whining.
Yea i never would stop watching but around the middle of last season and Frankie i quit the feeds and wont get them again after watching them since bb6
There are major Federal Laws against fixing game shows. watch Quiz Show
I’m going to miss this site
So this is my observation of some of the cast this season.
Meg, she is genuinely sweet and is probably a really good friend.
Becky, strong and athletic who doesn’t take people’s crap.
Austin, wants to be famous so bad and tries too hard.
Vanessa, played the game and the people in the game, but she is a manipulator not only in the game, but also real life probably.
Steve, I actually am really proud of Steve for doing this. Not easy for someone who is on the Autism spectrum.
Liz, she is easy. She would of been with Jeff or Jace if they would of made it further. She wanted a man to protect her and was willing to do what or who she had to get there.
Julia, it was kinda like she wasn’t there.
I found her to be better than Liz, because she wasn’t making out with Austin.
James, he seemed to blend in with the goblins and I didn’t appreciate his sex talk. Really should have stuck with Becky to get Vanessa out instead of Shelli.
JMac, was a target from the beginning. Tried to find an alliance, but couldn’t. Steve was his only real friend in the house. I wish it would of been whoever was closest to the number of seconds instead of closest without going over during the final 4 HOH. Really liked him, because he wasn’t drinking the Kool-aid. He did well in comps, often coming in second, but unfortunately not good enough. Probably an awesome dentist who will do just fine.
Jackie and Jeff, I really did not want to see you on this show. You were annoying on the Amazing Race.
Audrey, wow. You were something! Played a little to hard and it’s too bad no one listened to you about the alliance and Vanessa. Their mistake and yours. You made yourself a target.
Jason and Day, you knew there was twins and could of used it to your advantage. You are both blabber mouths. Cost you your games. Too bad because you both were entertaining.
Jace, too much bro talk. Should of won or threw the first HOH. Needed to lay lower. Liz could of and would’ve been your girl then.
Clay and Shelli, Clay was not a comp beast, but rode the coat tails of his lady. They should have spent more time with the others. I don’t think they will work out in the real world.
Just my opinion. Enjoyed the season and, of course, Simon and Dawg’s efforts were great. I hope Steve wins the final HOH, takes Liz, and wins. Vanessa has enough money and it would be awesome to see her get this far only to be booted.
if anyone deserves or qualifies to be deserving to boot Vanessa it is indeed Steve…he and her have had final 2 deal since very early…she doesnt respect him..she uses him…and has really treated him as “NOT AN EQUAL” ..he should have no guilt pushing himself further at her expense!
What happened to
A twist every week
Pandora’s box
America votes
America’s player or players
super veto
Yeah haters Vanessa “had a ear piece in her beanie” these people are hilarious arent they? It never ends haha.
Wait till after she wins tonight. You will read so much jealous hate and lies it will make your head spin.
The haters are going to be real fucking mad tonight. I am going to be sitting watching the finale and rolling on the floor laughing at all the haters mad as hell. 🙂
Epic fail all season on their Vanessa hate. She is now known as the best Big Brother player ever. And all your hate has made her even popular and will bring even more success her way. As for you haters. Theres always next year and a new person to obsess on. In the meantime try and find a career or at least a job.
Go Vanessa! Congrats on the win!
You sound unhinged.
If she wins without a beanie, and hair pulled back, then could can call them out in their conspiracy theories 😉 I think the earpiece thing also stems from BB16 when they were talking about Donnie having an ear piece in the black box BOB in the house and production stopped them from talking about it…….
Desperate for attention much?
Silly rabbits, don’t feed the trolls.
LOL You are trying WAAAAAAAYYY too hard.. Good luck with your therapy.
Good try, Mel!
suck it !!!!! van has NO integrity!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Just curious, but why would anyone be a “hater” for no good reason? Derrick and Dan played masterful games, yet are loved by the majority.
I believe the word that you’re looking for is “respect”. Vanessa is not respected because of her lack of character. Anyone who is delusional enough to preach integrity in their diary room sessions, while playing a very manipulative game won’t be liked by the public. Period.
Is there anything wrong with playing a manipulative game? Of course not, but own it. Don’t pretend to be better than someone else, and constantly call out others in the diary room for tactics you are using.
I actually feel quite sorry for her regardless if she wins the 500k. She has some very deep personal issues that money will only magnify.
I seem to remember the comments on here about Derrick this time last year being only slightly less angry than the ones about Vanessa. There were calls of cheating, of production rigging, personal appearance insults galore. Plenty of people calling on the hopes of a bitter jury.
A year later and look at how things have changed.
If memory serves, Dan had a similar response at the time of his game.
Haters hate. That’s their function. They don’t say why the others should win, they just bitterly whine and shout and cry and make accusations about one player without giving positives about the others. They don’t argue what their favorite has done to deserve to win the game. Most of them don’t even talk about the other players’ games, they just spew hate.
BS dawg or Simon could pull the polls from last year at seasons end, and Derrick was at the top, or near it. The same with Dan. Get out of here with that! Lol
Actual comments about derrick by looking at the first ten comments on three seperate days. These are the mild ones:
Also, Derrick will not win and may not make final 2. I would think that a better end to this season is for Cody to win final HOH and take Victoria to the end and Cody win OR for Derrick to win final HOH and take Victoria to the end and have the bitter jury give the money to Victoria. se.23.14
My main problem with Derrick isn’t that he played dirty. I love watching people mixing it up behind the scenes. My two main problems with him were that he had it way too easy and that he didn’t own his game to the fans who see everything he does. se.23.14
can’t understand why everyone is against Derrick. He has played the best game this season and he deserve to win. Why do you want someone who is a jerk to win. If derrick goes home I will never watch big brother again. I am sick of all the comment and cbs chosen someone like Frankie who is nothing but a jerk . I am with Dan Derrick should win. se 13.14
I am so against Derrick because he does not play his game from a position of strength. Yes, he gets the results he wants (at least so far, but I am not convinced he will be the overall winner), but he does it so sneakily and underhanded. I haven not watched the other seasons of BB in which Will and Dan played but if they won because they were masters of manipulation, deceit, lies, and backstabbing then I don’t respect them.
People need to win from a position of strength not weakness. I respect Caleb a lot more than Derrick because Caleb is much more direct than Derrick. I respect a man/woman who is tells you to your face he/she doesn’t like and beats you at the HOH or POV competition. No sneaking around lying to your face and stabbing you in the back. Backstabbers are weak and don’t deserve $500k.
Derrick may win but he won’t be respected. That is for sure. se.13.14
Didn’t Derick sleep like 18 out of those 24 hours? He was just lucky enough to be cast with a bunch of weak minded house guest that he was able to talk into doing all the work for him. They won the comps, they made all the moves,they did all the work. He did the things cops do that get inocent people to confess to things they didn’t do. If he had been in any of the last seasons that sh!t wouldn’t have worked. The only thing he is good at is mind f#&king. Hope he goes after Frankie. He’s got so many lies going on. at one time right now that I hope they come back to bite him on the a$$.se.13.14
People who are pissed off at Derrick aren’t “haters.” They’re just fed up with his over-the-top manipulations and unjustified superiority attitude. It’s as simple as that! se.3.14
Deprick stated earlier that if someone talked to his daughter the way that Frank and Caleb talked to Vic, he would punch them. So Derrick – if a man talked to your daughter the way you talked to Nicole this morning, would you say “great job – I’m glad you learned from the best”? se.2.14
I didn’t bother with the pig nose, fat and ugly comments. There were too many to choose from.
Lolz You get some of that every year, especially with the better players. My point is that Derrick was being voted as the favorite houseguest, as was Dan.
Vanessa has consistently been at the bottom of all the polls.
She is flat out disliked by the majority. Get over it.
I know your point. Vanessa isn’t well liked.
My counterpoint is that while people conceded that Derrick would win, it doesn’t mean he was liked, or even that they wanted him to win. As well, i’m pointing out that the comments made now may or may not be the opinions expressed in a year.
If she wins, the opinion may change or soften (like with Derrick), if she loses, the opinions will stay the same (like with Frankie).
This season was a disappointment. I haven’t even watched Sundays episode. Usually I’m do ready to watch on the CBS app. I don’t care who thinks Vanassa deserve it. She’s just not a nice person. Her game can be compared to Derrick but at least he was nice and wasn’t so desperate swearing on everything sacred.
I think her game is more BB14 like Dan. She has been ruthless with her decisions, and her back stabbing. Didn’t she admit that was the only season she saw before entering the house?
I think Vanessa has played a good game, but this is the weakest crop of BB players I’ve ever seen.
It’s like being the winner of a beauty contest at a nursing home. Congrats, here is your cookie!! Now go wash it down with some ensure.
Why does Vanessa owe over $50,000 in student loans? Because she is broke. Her poker winnings have long been gone. That is why she has played so desperately! Anyone who has gone through over 4 million in such a short time has some real issues.
I think Vanessa was lying about owing more than 50K on student loans to make it sound like she needs the money.
Vanessa told Liz and Steve that they were going to find out something about her after tonights show. She is worth millions.
On You Tube she describes being “off tour” and trying to earn a living as a DJ to sell her music but it’s very hard. To play poker, you have to put up money, & couldn’t cut it as an anouncer critics saying she was overrated as a player. She said she took music song writing classes on line and hired a DJ coach. She also said she’s got to pay for Mel’s degree. Who knows what the truth is, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got student loans for cash, deferred them and they are trying to collect.
Didja see the size of them hounds lying by Mel in the recorded home message during the oneive show awhile back? Her money is fertilizing her back yard. It all went for truckloads of dog food.
Vanessa is the best player this season. I hope she wins because she deserves it but in the BB house, anything can happen. She played no less of a “dirty” game than others and a cleaner game than the likes of James, Jason, Audrey and Austin. I find that many people dislike people who are talented, smart, accomplished and know how to play the game. Vanessa has no worse of a personality than does James, Jackie, Austin, Jace, Audrey, Da’Vonne or Jason. In fact, her personality is better than their personalities.
Rigs if that were the case then why were Derrick, Dan, Dr. Will, etc. all loved.
Just because the majority doesn’t agree with your view, it doesn’t make them jealous.
Maybe it’s because she seems like a crappy person?
Crappy unstable person. Nessa was a 5/10 player in a group on 2or3/10’s. Of course she is the most deserving to win inside the house but she sucks compared to past house guests on pretty much every level. My 2 cents of why I don’t like her. 😉
As a male, the first thing I noticed about your comment as “Dan, Dr. Will and Derrick”. They were all males and alpha males at that. Vanessa is a female but she is also an alpha male. A crying (females side) side coupled with an alpha male side is hard for most to appreciate. If you could see her as a female when she does female things, like crying, and see her as a male when she is a dominant alpha male, then you have a chance at appreciating her. When you add how smart she is, how caring she is and how she does the best she can to be as fair as she can in the game of BB, well, that is just too much for the average mind. She is a very complex person and most people seek out simplicity, hence the likability of James and JMac even though JMac is a lot more complex than he lets on.
Because Vanessa is a woman. Women can never do things men do in shows like BB and not be made out to be villainous. Its nearly impossible for a woman to win next to a man in BB (happened with BB Canada finally with Sarah vs Godfrey, although the majority of ppl were Sarah haters as well).
Hate Vanessa if you want, however I believe if a man did the same thing people would love him and say he is one of the best BB players of all time…
Go Vanessa! Played the best game over Steve and Liz BY FAR!!!
RIGS= I.V. DRUG USE…Do you and Van use together?
Do you have her “rig or hit” waiting for her?
lol…she wasnt nice at all in this game..she has 0% integrity…she treat Steve like he was wayyy less than worthy to even talk to, she framed Jeff, she shit on Austin, she lied throughout the game…but god forbid the person that tried to play the game back…Becky she totally made up that she was cruel and mean
Be careful how much you “rig”….cuz being away from it for 3 months her tolerance levels are down…dont want to see the winner overdosing at about 4am.
MrJWall is one of those people I was talking about, LOL. How old are you, 13? Vanessa is much less likely to be an IV drug user than you are. Your hostility is often seen in abusers of opioids found in “hillbilly heroin” like Vicodin and OxyContin.
She showed more compassion and interest in the other house guests than most. She was relatively nice and certainly nicer that others. What do you know about integrity? Look at your posts. You have no standing to talk about Vanessa and integrity. Jeff and Austin deserved to be blindsided. She played a fantastic game, worthy of being among the top of BB players. The biggest problem with BB is that the fans turn it into a popularity contest and they do so because it is “simple” to do so.
I agree Dawg, but she also couldn’t help but bragg about her poker earnings. It kind of defeats the purpose if that was her intent.
Why was the cast so young this year? It was just awful watching some weeks because of how dumb these players were.
Nobody can say this season wasnt entertaining…it was best in years!
What if Steve does win hoh? does Vanessa have a chance to talk him into keeping her? How much time is there?
If Steve won HOH, I don’t think Vanessa would be able to convince him to keep her. From the time the person wins the third part till the person is evicted is only a matter of a few minutes.
thanks…i think they will allow more time this time tho…
I dunno, if Steve wins HOH, watch Vanessa closely. Like the Barracuda she is, she’ll have Steve in a corner so fast telling him how he absolutely owes her his life and what he has to do for “her” game. Just like she has done with every other HOH this season. In-credible how she could tell all HGs what they had to do to further her game, and they would swallow it.
Derek was a ringer in a sandlot game. Albeit a nice ringer… to an easy win.
Misty Dan was a good player
Will and Boogie were the most fun to watch.
Vanessa…. Vanessa, I think, made a lot of us look at ourselves and when we looked back decided we didn’t like her at all. She did play to win, you can’t take that away.
Steve for the win
JMac for AFP. As he shouted once in the diary room, “LET’S DO THIS!”
Best to Simon & Dawg for another great “onlinebigbrother” season. THX!!
OIL, I agree with everything you said. Boogie and Dr will, very entertaining. Also were impressive.
I too hope Johnny mac wins AFHG, unless Steve gets nothing, I would hope he gets it but slim chance.
God, I knew one of the twins will probably make it to top two. Kudos to them either way, they did something right for their game. It pays to be a habitual self-serving brat I guess :/
that question was mine about how much time
Feeling sad that it will all be over tonight. I’m sure Vanessa will win tonight if she’s in the final two but I really dislike her as a person. She was the only one playing hard all season and deserves the win. Here’s hoping next year there will be better players and more twists. This season was a huge let down for the fans!
Thanks Simon & Dawg for all your hard work this season!
im glad they did away with the get rid of BOB
and Slop and have nots ..maybe make them compete for luxury foods/drinks
make them budget and grocery shop like BBUK
This summer was more like expect the expected..
I have to say I’m glad this season is over. Major disappointment, CBS, there was nothing twisty or unexpected; no Diamond Power of Veto, no Pandora’s Box…If the big twist was the twins, that lost its luster very quickly.
Please take a good hard look at what didn’t work, which was most of the season. Change up comps, make them REALLY earn luxury items, and reinstate punishments. Jackie wearing armor was a pain in the ass for her, I’m sure, but not the worst thing ever. No condiments for slop, either – add enough ketchup, garlic or map,e syrup to something and it masks the taste.
Please make this worth our time again.
no slop period! it has run its course …pb&j better…or maybe just “BEANS&BREAD&WATER” now that be interesting? maybe compete for a 1 day outta the week pass amongst the 4.? winner gets to chose 1with him/her for the 1 day reprisal?
Hey Dawg,
Why don’t you apply for BBCAN4? You would have an awesome story helping run a blog site. Would you help all our wishes on here and actually help pull moves to entertain the live feeders opposed to killing off all the talent early in the season? I’m sure lots of us on here would get the old platinum voting status and ride or die with you to the end 😉 (BBCan, we can vote for stuff that happens in the house, like extra vetos, powers, ect)
AH yes I really should. And I would be more entertaining than the majority of the house guests that get cast. I definitely wouldn’t be scared to make big moves and cause some chaos in the house. 🙂
Do it then! I got to semi finalist consideration last year with my audition tape (skipped the casting calls) following Arlie’s format on his video. I bet you may get a call back too if you don’t flop the process like I did lol
Good for you for getting to the semi finals. We’ll see I need to regain my sanity first be for I do anything.
Young ppl are easily manipulated. They don’t know what they want yet. I think they wanted a sexier cast but sexy ppl can be boring sometimes. If clay didn’t get into thta fight with James you wouldn’t of known he was there.
Casting ppl with an extreme advantage like being an undercover police officer or a poker player makes the playing field uneven. Even though there were different hoh’s bb 16 n bb17 only had one real hoh all season. They need a new gimmick. Like casting reg ppl who wants to compete their hearts out.
Nothing you reported surprises me except that the Jury doesn’t like Austin. He grossed me out personally but I thought he played a fairly decent social game. Must not be too pleasant in the jury house.?
Thank you Simon and Dawg, I spend way too much time on your site and the comments are as good as your synopses.
My problem with Vanessa is the BS crying while exclaiming she is a good person. Preaching incessantly the world according to her…bragging, bribing, exaggerating every accomplishment, ugh…I guess I could go on for a while…sigh. next season
Careful you might get called a “hater” and be accused of having a miserable life if you don’t think Vanessa is a good person!!
Thanks so much for this website.
I have never watched a full season since that Drew season with the twin twists. And even then, this may have been the first time I read spoilers from BBAD.
Thanks so much again, was entertaining. I won’t be upset if either of the three wins, it will just add to entertainment. However, van is annoying me now though I was rooting for vanessa from the start I had my money on the poker player. Now I don’t care if she doesn’t win.
but to be honest, if I was in the house, I would’ve aligned myself with Steve from the get go! And No, he is not affected by autism spectrum disorders, I’ve worked with those affected as a behavior therapist and he seems perfectly fine and normal to me! Plus I have a thing for nerds 8) unfortunately he has a thing for blondes and probably Jewish, I’m raven-haired Arab :/ Let me mourn that for a sec.
Hah, ok.
Dawg/Simon, you could definitely get in bbcan, that would be one awesome experiment with a leg up on everyone!
My first comment here but thought should share my gratitude, will remind myself to use your link to Amazon next time I order something 🙂
Have a great rest of the year!
Thank you! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed our updates and I hope we’ll be seeing more comments from you 🙂
Wait a second. Now that I think about it there only seems to be one person who defends Vanessa on here.
Mel, is that you?
Summarize Steve’s game from the perspective of why he deserves to win. Hell, summarize Liz’s game from the perspective of why she deserves to win.
Has anybody done that? Without comparing them to Vanessa or saying because they dislike Vanessa?
Tell me why they are worthy of the win, instead of just saying negatives about Vanessa’s game. I’m open to the idea that they can win, but nobody is telling me what they’ve done in the game that shows they should.
Honestly IMO, Vanessa does deserve it between the three of them, but her not winning makes for good tv. Gotta love it!
odds of james getting lucky while in jury…jackie 1:1, juju 3:1, becky 10:1, meg 15:1, shelli 25:1. james brought some laughs to the house so hopefully his lucked turned in jury lol….james getting lucky while in jury and van NOT winning tonight would be a win-win
If it did it was with Austin.
The only redeeming thing left would be to see Nessa fall off the scales of justice and land on her beanie.
If Steve wins part 3 of the competition and takes Liz ..I can see Vanessa getting bitter and not giving Steve her vote
We all know Nessa is winning this season of Rig Brother.
Steve.. Yea
YESSSSSS!!!!!! I was wrong! !! Finally! !!!
A couple of the women on the jury are going to swing the vote just to give the wind to a woman. Criminal!
I have a feeling Liz won. What do you Nessa supporters have to say about the bitter vote now? ??
Oh thank god. Sweet sweet redemption. The austwinessa monkey is finally off the back. Feels so good! Lol to all the entitled Nessa supporters!