POV Holder: | Donny | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 14th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Derrick | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Donny/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 17/July 18 |
Original Nominations: | Derrick’s Noms (Caleb & Jocasta) |
Final Nominations: | Caleb & Devin | ||
Have Nots | Caleb, Amber, Devin, Hayden | ||
POV Players | Derrick, |
2:35am UP in the HOH room – Derrick is talking to Cody about his flirting with Amber and Brittany. He tells Cody I’ve been straight with you from the beginning.. I don’t think you have a target on your back, but it could turn into something if one of them gets pissed. Derrick says if that happens, I would get rid of one of them right away. Cody says I mean, Amber is literally like.. Derrick says she is on your sh*t. Cody says that Amber said I want to trust you, you’re the only one. Derrick says Amber is on your sh*t, what about Brittany? Cody says that she’s hot & cold. Derrick says I don’t think she’s playing games, its just her personality. She’s a beautiful woman but she’s used to being the hottest girl in the room. Cody agrees and says I think she sees how I am with everybody else. Derrick says Amber’s a top model, she’s legit modeled all over the world. Cody says I know. Derrick says I didn’t like it when Zach called me Papa Bear with Brittany right there because it made us (Derrick & Cody) look like we’re the head of the snake.
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3am In the kitchen – Frankie, Caleb, Christine, Devin, Froggie and Hayden. Frankie and Caleb head to the bathroom. Caleb comments on how it bothers him how Cody and Amber could be hiding their feelings for each other. It bothers me more that you would be hiding it from me. Caleb says it’s more so what I’ve done and how she doesn’t appreciate it. It makes me more so to back off a bit you know. I can’t wait to be home. Frankie says you don’t want to go home. Caleb says no I just can’t wait to be around people that love and support me. I definitely don’t want to go home, its just hard being in here were people lie to your face. Cabeb says he and Amber had a great conversation up in the HOH room. She told me I didn’t have to do what I did but that’s just me. I have to try to not be that way. Caleb says if she’s on the block, she’s on the block. She will have my vote but that’s it. That’s how its got to be. I’ve got to keep my head in the game and keep playing how I want to play. Frankie says she is easily guided in this game and instead of rewarding you she avoids you. She is like you’re trying to reward me so I won’t pay you any attention. Frankie says I need you. Frankie hugs Caleb.
3:20am In the havenot room – Devin asks Caleb if he is alright? Caleb says he is just disappointed that his efforts aren’t appreciated. Devin says I am telling you, you are being played for a fool. I am going out the door I have nothing to gain from telling you this. You need to play your own game. If she is up on the block you need to do everything you can to get her out. This isn’t the time or the place to find love, you’ll find it after you win 500k. Caleb says that’s true. Devin says when I go out the door I want you to be the last person I hug when I walk out. Caleb says I’ll be there. Devin says because I am going to whisper to you one more time that you need to play your own game.

3am UP in the HOH – Zach, Derrick, Amber and Cody are hanging out. Christine, Frogger and Hayden join them. The others all clap and chant their names when they enter. Frankie joins them. Frankie takes a shower and then comes out as straight Frankie. Frankie says Brittany, Brittany you’re killing me! How about you and me talk a walk to the bathroom. You know we could do a once around. Like we did did in central park. Frankie jumps on the bed and starts hugging and kissing on Brittany. He then gets up and goes to the bathroom room and says if you need me I’ll just be here in the fish tank. Frankie closes the door and then opens it and is gay Frankie again. They comment on how Zach’s mom is going to slap him when she sees him. Zach says I don’t talk to girls like that. I talk to my boys that way. You think I would actually go up to a girl and be like “YO let me slice your pu$$y!” Zach says all I do is exaggerate. I think I am being funny but maybe I’m not. Hayden, Nicole and Brittany leave the HOH room.
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3:30am Hayden heads out to the hammock to layout. Nicole joins and he says come here hoppy are we about to have a date right now?! He asks are we going to talk sh*t about everyone? Nicole says no. Hayden asks how’s frog life been this week!? Nicole says it sucks, I can’t wait for it to be over. Hayden says you’re the cutest frog I have ever been on a date with. Nicole says shut up you’ll never be on another date with a frog. Hayden says literally every girl in this house but you and Christine suck. Victoria is entertaining but you and Christine are the cool ones. Donny is a great guy. I feel like we can trust him. Nicole agrees. Hayden asks who would you want gone next week. Nicole says Amber. Hayden agrees but says that others don’t see her as an issue. Hayden says I need to stop doing things like working out. Nicole says yeah Christine said the other day in front of people that you’re the most underestimated player. Hayden asks what are you doing Christine! Nicole says that she down played him. Hayden says it would be pretty cool to be targeted. I hope it doesn’t happen now though because I would hate to leave before jury. I would just hate to be be backdoored and not have a chance to fight. Nicole asks do you think production thinks I am all about you. Hayden says yeah. Nicole says I Zing Bot doesn’t mention any thing about it.
3:40am – 4:35am In the HOH room – Cody, Derrick, Christine, Zach and Frankie are talking. They talk about how Caleb is jealous of Cody/Amber. Derrick says but the thing is he will never put you up because he know’s you’ll never get votes to be voted out. Because everyone would know the reason why he is trying to get you out. The conversation turns to them solidifying their 5 alliance and naming it to make it official. They come up with a spin off name of the Bomb Squad called The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, and Cody. Cody asks what’s a detonator? They tell him and gather in a circle to blow it up. Cody asks Christine what does Amber think of Caleb? Christine says that Amber said that she does not like Caleb at all. Frankie says that Amber is scrambling. He says that others want Amber out because of it. It’s a good thing. Christine says that people around the house are getting scared of your relationship with Amber. Cody asks who? Christine says Brittany, Victoria and Jocasta. Cody asks Jocasta!? Christine says that Jocasta’s said MMmmHHmm about you and Amber!
Frankie says that the reason Caleb isn’t up here is because he is dumb. Amber isn’t up here because she is poison. And the reason Hayden isn’t up here because he would beat any of us. They discuss how the decisions they will make will be collective and that if they ever have any issues they will talk about it and not blow each other up. Christine comments on how she loves Nicole but when it comes down to it I have no problem taking her out. Derrick says if Amber goes first to jury, I think that Caleb will want to go next to be able to spend a week alone with her in jury. Christine says that’s brilliant. Zach tells them how he told Victoria that Frankie is a flip flopper. They all tell Zach not to say stuff like that. You agree with stuff people say but don’t add to it. They all think Victoria is a non-issue and that she will go in the next couple weeks.
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4:40am – 5am HOH room – Derrick tells Cody I think if it was me and you competing for Christine’s attention I think I could pull her over you. While you are taking your shirt off I would be inside cooking food getting to her belly. Christine asks who’s hotter Brittany or Amber? Cody says I think Amber is smokin. They think Amber is more naturally beautiful. Zach says about Brittany I would love to see those bottles! Deivn thanks for bringing us together we’re the detonators and you’re the first to be blown up. They decide to head down stairs. Frankie tells Zach I want to have s*x with you. You’re the chick I’d switch for. Zach says if I were questioning my s*xuality you’re the person I’d switch for… but that’s probably not going to happen.
5am – 5:35am In the backyard – Derrick and Zach are playing pool. Hayden asks Zach are you really Amanda’s cousin!? Zach says yes! Derrick asks are you really? Zach pauses and then says no, I just like going along with it and messing with people. Zach says I am not trying to mess with or lie to you guys. Derrick says okay because you really do look like her. Hayden says I am going to call you ZUCK (Amanda Zuckerman) from now on. Cody joins them. Hayden heads inside. Derrick tells Cody that he’s not crazy about the Detonators alliance AND I’m pissed we wasted a great name on it. Derrick says I don’t like that Frankie is a part of it because we can’t trust him. They agree that Zach talks too much and doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. We need to keep him on a short leash. Cody and Derrick try and think of their final 2 alliance name. We can’t use Jump Street or Bad Boys because they’re copyrighted. Derrick says we need to be careful of Nicole. If you guys think I know this game, she blows me out of the water. Derrick says you and I are the only alliance I really have because I just don’t trust anyone.
5:45am – 6:25am Hayden and Nicole head to bed. Derrick is sitting in the living room and comments on how he looks nothing like his picture. Frankie agrees and says I’ve never seen that person before in my life. Frankie says Zach doesn’t look like his photo either he looks like a weasel.. well yeah he is.. Frankie heads to bed. Derrick and Cody head up to the HOH room to figure out their Final 2 alliance name. Derrick says Victoria has no alliance in the house. Jocasta has Donny. So we need to get Jocasta out so that we break that up. Cody thinks of the name “ONE UP” because they’re always one step ahead but decide against it because it needs explaining. Derrick says how about the “HITMEN” you don’t see it coming. You just got wacked! We just put the hit out on Jocasta, dude you just been wacked! Cody says I love it. Derrick says Frankie the word just came down you’ve been marked. Derrick and Cody decide against the name because it doesn’t flow and is supposed to be Hitman not Hitmen. Derrick says this is kind of a stupid name but “The Early Birds”. Cody says what about the “After Party” because we’re always up late. Derrick says but you need to love it and your face tells me different. Derrick says I keep coming back to the “Hitmen”. We take a shot at someone, we don’t miss. Dude, we’re killing for money. The more people we send home the more we make. We’re the hitmen. Sorry Jocasta, we’ve already got you locked. We’ve already gotten paid. The hitmen are silent too. We’re killers, we’re killing for money.
Derrick and Cody agree that their final 2 alliance name will be “The HITMEN”
6:25am Derrick and Cody head to bed… Derrick tells the camera that obviously I am in 5 alliances but I am only true to Team America and The Hitmem… everything else is just a buffer to keep myself safe. If I have to go up I hope obviously that I go up right away. I trust Cody, I think he is playing a good game and that he is definitely playing his own game but I think we can make it to the end together. The Detonators there are a couple weak links in that one. Los Tres Amigos its nothing, its just something that Zach came up with.
6:40am Derrick goes to sleep. All of the house guests are now sleeping..
Alliances (Some of these only a few of the members actually think the alliance is real the bombsquad is done but some people still think it’s real)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Feed watchers = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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I just wanted to say that you all are amazing for keeping this website updated so fast. I watch the live feeds and these houseguests never go to sleep. As for the game, I think it is time for a power shift. I am sick of the folks who have been running things thus far. I never thought I would say this, but I wish Devin was staying. He could be an asset to the outsiders. Caleb is more worried about finding love than playing the game. This is Big Brother not the Bachelor.
I agree we need a shake up. I hope a non-detonator and Caleb/Amber don’t win the HOHs. I’m hoping someone else just to see who goes on the block and how the nominees handle it.also, I’d like to see one of the quieter people in the role of HOH to see if they become control freak/ego maniacs. Since things have been stays quo this week, I’ve just been reading the spoilers here to keep up.
Your nuts if you think Devin can be of use to anyone. He couldn’t remain loyal to his own original alliance, he choose to bring Amber in only to try to backdoor her to the members of the Bombsquad and Caleb, he brought in Christine and Amber without consulting the Bombsquad, he promised Pow Pow if she threw the competition he’d save her from the block, and instead pulled Brittany for the same delusional reasons he mocks Caleb for.
The man cannot be trusted and is poison. Anyone that makes a deal with him is a fool and deserves to be voted out.
I originally wanted Devin to stay to keep things exciting, but he has been a disappointment this week. He has some good campaigning material, (going after his former alliance) and his angle is telling people that Caleb is only loyal to Amber?!? I think they know that.
Watching people on the block lay down and wait to be evicted is my biggest pet peeve on this show. This is almost as annoying as watching Arlie give up on BB Canada. And has he really earned the right to say he’s too tired to fight on the third week??? Its $500,000!! Put in a little effort!
I really don’t know where Christine’s loyalties lie in this game. In her diary room sessions she says Nicole and Hayden are her true alliance, but she doesn’t act that way watching the feeds. She always seems to be her most honest self when she’s talking to Frankie, and this is now the second time she’s said she’ll cut Nicole.
I don’t trust Christine at all. She is playing everyone. She’ll tell Hayden and Nicole what they want to hear, and she’ll tell Frankie and the boys in the Detonators what they want to hear. But at the end of the day, she’ll choose whoever she thinks is the strongest ally in the house, mentally and physically. She’s definitely a flip-flopper, so hopefully either of the two groups will realize that and get her out before it’s too late.
I think Christine is more loyal to Hayden and Nicole than the Detonators. Small alliances often go far in BB. Both Nicole and Christine are super fans so I think they know what’s best for their gameplay. Honestly I want to have a 7-person alliance (adding Nicole and Hayden) and they will definitely control the house because there are only 13 left in the house and I believe Jocasta or Victoria won’t win a thing. If those 7 are the only left in the house, I think they should send Cody, Frankie, Derrick to the jury because everyone likes them. Hopefully Hayden will win this season. I hope Christine will win the next HOH comp with Nicole or Hayden. It’s time she stepped up her game and tried to play this game more than being a floater
Unless Christine is someone who can be a very athletic and smart later in the game, clearly she is playing for fifth place. LOL. Honestly, how can she ever think that she’ll be able to squeeze herself among four athletic guys, three of which are clearly working together. If she’s smart she’ll expose the four to the HOH next week to throw them off the game. At this point the housemates should be able to size their competition and eliminate the threats to their later game. Neda and Jon were able to cruise to the final three because they win the challenges against competitors who are “weaker” than them. Had they not eliminate Andrew, Kenny, Ika and Kyle early on things wouldn’t be the same for them.
I honestly think Christine is turning into a floater I honestly couldn’t care if she went home.
The whole Frankie/Zach thing is interesting. I think Zach really is into Frankie as well, but denying it because it’s National TV. What do you all think?
Couldn’t care less.
COULD care less
I’m kidding lol
No .. Devon gotta go .. He is emotionally and mentally unstable. His daughter probably is the only thing in his life that grounds him. He doesn’t understand how to play a game where lying is involved .. He claims honesty and then switches to dishonesty way to quickly. He goes
Rogue often and this doesn’t help him at all. He is a bad person to have in the game because you can’t play until he is gone. He is just disruptive in a bad way and once he is gone it will be better big brother scheming and power shifts. Bye Devin .. If you can learn anything from this experience I hope it’s lying and going rogue gets you no where .. Be honest to yourself first before you attempt that on others …. Now go be a good father.
Lying is what BB is all about. Derrick has lied himself into 5 different alliances. Devin’s only fault(if you think it is one) was putting Zach up. But, Zach asked him to. Devin said ok…how is that lying. Besides, Zach was telling people he planned on sending Devin home…ASAP
I don’t really care for the name The Hitmen but I would be happy with that final 2 because they are both in my top 3 (with Hayden).
As long as Derrick, Cody, Hayden, Zach, and Nicole make it far (at least Jury) I’ll be happy.
It would be great for one of my early favorites to actually win..
They spend so much time and energy on finding the right alliance name. I’m sure they were thinking about them before they came into the house.
Starting all these different alliances within alliances is going to blow up in thier face. I bet the detonator blow them self up before it’s over. Hoping for a Donny and Jocasta win in the hoh comp. Doubt it will ever happen but I see those 2 as the only ones that will put up all strong players and we will have the pleasure of watching them scramble all week and destroy some of these alliances. Simon and Dawg, just keeping up with all these alliances is a full time job. It’s a great site and it’s appreciated.
Brittany need to win HOH, she’s the only one that will target the BS alliance member, and then everyone will tell on each other and the other alliance will definitely blow up. It would be beautiful if Jo/ or Do win HOH with her.
all those alliances are making this season boring.. everybody seams to be scared of making big moves.
I think would be better if Victoria wins HOH with Britanny.
because Donny and Jocasta would be more likely to vote Derrick, Zack, Cody or Caleb out, because they are the only 2 that wont do what the house wants…
Having Victoria as HOH would be a useless move. She would just do what she is told to do. Cody and Derrick will get to her and still control the house. The only players i can see going after the power in the house is Donny, Jacasta, maybe Brittany and Hayden. Nicole and Christine are still trying to play it to safe, It makes it tough with this BOB twist this year. If you put up 2 strong players and the other HOH puts up 2 weak players, then the strong players will win BOB and be safe for the week. So the only way to get 4 strong players up on the block is to have 2 people not afraid to get some blood on their hands.
As much as I love & am rooting for Brittany, and wanting her to win HOH asap
I am afraid she’s put too much trust in Derrick and unfortunately he will
control her HOH, I wish we had a Neda in the game. All the women are being
controlled by the guys like robots. This alliance with Frankie & Christine sucks!
I had such high hopes for this season, the only ones I can root for are
Donny, Britt & Jacosta
I agree – too many alliances.
Simon/Dawg – can either of you confirm whether or not this is the most alliances in a season (especially given the fact that this is only week 4)?
I don’t know for certain but I would bet money on it being the most alliances.. at this point people are aligned with the toaster, the elliptical, the hammock, Victoria’s face wash, Devins eight personalities, etc… its never ending..
Looks like Caleb is coming to his senses and is realizing that Amber’s just playing him. Obviously his efforts to get her to like him turned obsessive and stalker-ish, and he even screwed up his own game just to be on the block instead of her, but Amber doesn’t give a shit. I don’t think she ever said thank you–not that she has to, but it just goes to show that she has 0 appreciation for what he did.
Cody might mess up his own game because of his flirtation with both Amber and Brittany.
Good for Amber if she’s playing him this is Big Brother even Caleb in his bio talked about his main strategy being to get the girls to like him then he would do anything to win, obviously meaning use them to his advantage. Guess he didn’t count on being the one to fall head over heels for a girl and since I can’t stand his arrogant a$$ I’m glad Amber doesn’t like him.
Amber is in quite a situation, like she said she didn’t ask for this. Now this guy might actually want her out just because she’s not appreciative. Like, what? She has no control over his feelings or the things he does, it’s on him. She’s not going to react the way he wants. I mean if you don’t like someone you don’t like them no matter what they do.
If he tries to get her out because he’s heartbroken I hope he fails.
Well said Queen
Thank you. Lol. I was beginning to question people’s reasoning of reality of the siuation when I keep reading how she’s playing him or leading him on like he isn’t the agressor. HIs ego is the issue more than anything else. And I thought in her mind they were all in an alliance so that’s another layer. How she still thinks that is another story. But either way, whatever he’s doing he’s doing it for his own benefit and its acting rather entitled really.
I think some people just love to hate Amber and associate any dislike for Caleb with Amber. Because if you remember, the first week the general consensus was that Caleb was a stalker and obsessed with Amber, now it seems everyone wishes to forget that bit where Amber expressed she was just interested in playing the game, that Caleb started planning to vote her out of the house because she didn’t reciprocate his feelings for her.
I wonder when these same criticizers of Caleb and Amber, will begin to want to get rid of the other “showmance” that is a TOTAL showmance in the house: Nicole and Hayden?
It’s from lack of food, like a fast, you start to see more clearly. Let’s see what happens when he can eat food again…. God forbide if Amber is nice to him and then it’s down the rabbit hole again.
Devin told him flat out…”Since I’m leaving….Amber’s using you. Get her out at the first opportunity she’s messing with your game.”
Devin is as an a** that’s why he’s exiting right behind Pow Pow who he was also an a** to and out her throwing the comp. after he asked her too to save Briteny, who doesnt’ even like him. I guess it would be too mature for Caleb take responsliblity to just work with Amber and not try to date or acquire her like his property. He missed his own game up just like Devin.
Wow I guess it would be too mature to take responsibility for his own actions and game. And just play the game with her like a normal person without some sort of ulterior motives. No, he needs to vote her out . But Devin is a a** and that’s why he’s going out right behind Pow who he was very disrespectful by throwing her under the bus about throwing that comp. in order to save Britney. Who ironically cant’ stand him. Lol. Caleb played himself, just like Devin overplayed himself. lol
Devin is such a snake. “Amber’s just playing you like a fool,” meanwhile Devin took Brittany off the block for a delusional one sided love affair…seems like his and Caleb’s game isn’t too different.
But being the twisted little snake that he is, he’ll target Amber (one of his original loyal allies) rather than target Brittany–who has TRULY played him like a fiddle. The way I see it, Amber never played Caleb, she merely has tolerated him. She can’t tell him she’s uninterested without Caleb getting psycho and playing the “I’m such a nice guy” victim card, and she can’t reciprocate without Caleb planning their wedding and the 10 babies they are sure to have. Brittany meanwhile may a snake deal with Devin (rightfully so) to get herself off the block, but she was never in an alliance with Devin, and never planned on saving him from the block this week.
Devin’s weak.
Actually, the BS said they wanted to keep Brittany. Remember? Derrick talked with Devin and planned to but Hayden in Cody’s place
The only reason she became a target was because Devin put the target on her, then he began liking her and that’s why he decided to take her off the block. The only reason the Bomb squad defended Brittany staying was because they wanted to undermine Devin’s power in the house. But the reasoning for Brittany staying safe in the house is the EXACT same reason that Amber remained safe.
No strategy, just playing and thinking with everything BUT their head for these girls that don’t even like them.
so glad that derrick didnt want frankie in the alliance (even though he is) but he realizes the little rat, and knows he is not to be trusted
I’m sick and tired of Caleb and his Amber obsession!! Dude, get over yourself! She’s using you and making an ass out of you! Wake the hell up and play the friggin’ game! Christine remind me of the chicks from high school that want to be hanging out with the popular kids, but is just socially inept and acting like a bitch! At first I liked Zankie, but now they’re both getting on my nerves! Zack doesn’t know when to shut the hell up and Frankie is Andy 2.0 and definitely more annoying than Andy; and beginning to dress like him with the athletic shirts and shorts (creepy)! Victoria and Jocasta is just a waste of space and beds in the Big Brother house this season! Hey Victoria! You are not Kim Kardashian and the HOH is not your personal room so take your stuff out of there and put them in your suitcase because you’re gonna be next! Jocasta, I don’t know what the hell is your obsession with bowties, but doesn’t Playboy bunnies wear them? I had high hopes for you, but I’m wrong…just another floater! I’m waiting for Hayden to stop trying to get some nuggie from Nicole and make a move that would get out a major player in the house! Brittany, stop complaining and play the freaking game! Cody, you may be hot, but you’re not all that! Stop riding Derrick’s coattails and think of the game and not Brittany as a MILF! Nicole need to smarten up and realize that Christine is using you! The only two players that are worthy are Derrick and Donny! I hope Derrick will not be another Tony the Cop wannabe from last season of Survivor; and Donny…what is not to love about Donny? He just a good ol boy and so loveable. I hope Donny to win the 500k and Derrick for the 50k!
I like “Zankie”. Even if individually I couldn’t care less if they’re in the game; as a couple they’re pretty adorable.
And I must vehemently disagree about Frankie being worse than Andy. I couldn’t stand Andy last year and I actually find Frankie entertaining (I just don’t want him to win the game).
Too late, I think he will give Tony the Cop a run for his money on being a smuck!
Simon and Dawg, I just wanted to say thank you for making this site a great place for updates and for us fans to vent our feelings about the houseguests…you guys are freaking awesome!!!
Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying the site.
Dang looks like Donny was right about his assumptions about Christine. Nicole should have listened. Now her so call “bestfriend” in the house is forming a new alliance behind her back. Christine is playing both sides though. I hope it doesn’t bite her in the butt, but I really do lol.
derrick is killing this game! layers on layers of alliances but i don’t see how this could blow up in his face honestly…. the only people that i think could screw up his game are donny hayden and nicole
It seems so random, the Detonators forming because they were in the same room when they started talking about it… If it was me, I’d have tried a bit harder to get the people together that I think are trustworthy.
Anyway, I’m glad The Hitmen were reaffirmed and finally named right after that, since both Cody and Derrick obviously weren’t very happy with having yet another alliance with the flipflopping rat Frankie, the tearing-every-alliance-member-down-with-him egomaniac Zach and the hiding-behind-human-shields-until-the-end comp thrower Christine.
How many times will Zach blurt out strategic stuff to everyone that involves others:
Zach: “hey guys, just so you know, Donny approached Cody and me for an alliance!”.
Everyone else but Cody: “oh, really? interesting.”
Cody’s forehead vein: “pop!”
I wish Candice was on this season..
Sorry but Candice sucks. She was only likable because we needed someone to root for
We need Amanda, Hellen and Aryn
Fabio, be honest with me, ok? I’ve been watching your posts and beginning to believe you say things just to get down votes. Am I right to guess this trend? 🙂
candice as in candice from last season? she was a terrible player! nice girl but a terrible player! only reason people liked her is because she had to deal with some of the most disgusting people alive
How can anyone be considered a good player, when they don’t even get the chance to play?
I mean Candice and Howard were targets for eviction from day 1 because they were black. You try playing a strong strategic game when 1/3rds of the house are racists pigs and another 1/3rd are sheeps following the racists pigs.
Not much alliance planning can be done there.
Why do people put race in situations that have absolutely nothing to do with race?
Have you been living under the rocks, or just in the backwoods??? Last season was KNOWN for its racism and bigotry, it’s a big reason why CBS kicked it into high gear during last season trying to disassociate the network with the actions of the game members they chose to put in the game.
You can try to see things from a color blind lens, but that still doesn’t change that the truth is the truth. And last season was ABSOLUTELY all about race, so please stop being so credulous.
I wouldn’t have mind seeing her in this season but not with some of the type of women in there. I could see her thinking Devin was cute and than being supremely disappointed. Last year was a rare situation so I don’t agree with people saying she didn’t know how to play that game. I think if most people were in a situation like that they wouldn’t have been playing the game supremely either because racist stuff is so off putting when you have navigate through it. That group was very low class overall. And having someone like Howard there was probably helpful but also not on some levels since he was more passive. She may have handled it better if Howard wasn’t there “containing the beast” because I think she would have been very vocal and defended herself differently. She probably wasn’t prepared to go into the KKK/Vile headquarters with the secret executive secretary being Helen who was supposedly her friend.
Helen was so disappointing but a lot of minority people that aren’t black play themselves like Helen. They side with the racists bigots and think well I’m safe because they’re just targeting black people so I’ll be safe, but those racists pigs targeted her just like they did Howard and Candice.
In cases like last season Helen, Howard, and Candice would of gone further if they stuck together because when its a question of racism, minorities have to stick together or they’ll be plucked off one by one in a game like this.
Helen was so disappointing but a lot of minority people that aren’t black play themselves like Helen. They side with the racists bigots and think well I’m safe because they’re just targeting black people so I’ll be safe, but those racists pigs targeted her just like they did Howard and Candice.
In cases like last season Helen, Howard, and Candice would of gone further if they stuck together because when its a question of racism, minorities have to stick together or they’ll be plucked off one by one in a game like this.
The obnoxiousness in this house is really tired, especially coming from people who are doing and have done nothing, aka Cody.
Derrick is only loyal to Cody and TA?! So, he’s gonna stay loyal to Frankie and Donny, but he is trying to undermine any chance of Donny forming an alliance. I bet Derrick will try to make Donny dependent on him to keep Donny “loyal” to him.
Donny, Derrick and Frankie know from Hayden that Joey claimed to be America’s player…
They must (at least) strongly suspect that she was indeed the 1st member of Team America, and that a “new” 3rd member was named after her early exit.
So my guess is they don’t give a rat’s a$$ whether someone from Team America gets evicted or not, as they’ll assume that a NEW new member will then be voted into their “Alliance”.
They don’t say so to the camera because they don’t want to pi$$ America off, and/or because production tells them to pretend like this is actually a real thing…
Seriously, TA was a terrible idea to begin with.
Derrick has no clue what he is doing.
By the true definition of a floater, christine and cody are the BIGGEST ones there are!
I think the only true alliances are Derrick/Cody and Nicole/Hayden. I think Nicole would stay true to Christine but not reciprocated. Donny wouldn’t put Jocasta up but would vote her out, if he felt he needed to for his game.
I like Cody, Donny, Nicole and Hayden. I was initially pulling for Derrick but he overplays a little which will bite him in the a**. I’m also really anxious to see what happens when Victoria, Donny, or Jocasta win HOH. Let’s see who can really talk game then!! I wish Derrick wouldn’t have been picked for Team America because it went to his head.
I would be happy with a NicHayden or Dercody final 2. Donny is lovable but needs a strong alliance with a strong player (not physically strong but strong game skills with loyalty). Ready for next week!!!
I’m sorry, but Caleb did not volunteer for Amber. He volunteered for Derrick. It was Derrick’s idea, he put the idea in his head, he manipulated Caleb, and he just used Amber’s name to do it. And Caleb was just too damn stupid to realize it. If Devin didn’t go, Derrick wanted Caleb to go, but he didn’t want Caleb to realize he was no longer part of the alliance, so he put the idea in his head that he volunteered. And why the hell is Derrick talking to the camera? I never seen anyone talk to the camera so much, outside the diary room.
Evel Dick used to talk to the camera all of the time. He would sit in the backyard alone and talk. He said that he was a fan of the show for years and he would be annoyed that people would just sit there in silence. He wanted the people who watched the feeds to know what he was thinking.
I wonder what CBS will do with ” Team America” this first task was just a flop.
Why do you consider it a flop?
It was a huge mistake! First off, the rules were: TO KEEP THE SPOTLIGHT OFF OF TA…..{}.. Frankie gets his way of who they will use (Zack) in the task while pinning the source of the rumour on DONNY via Pow Pow. Then Frankie goes and tells Zach (first) and then Christine & then others that Donny is spreading rumours. ALL OF THIS WAS JUST BEFORE THEY INITIATED THE TASK. So now, Donny has been getting the blame as being a gossiper and it’s now created a target. I don’t understand how this task was a success? Poor Donny is out in the cold and can’t defend himself unless he outs himself as the only TA. Derrick and Frankie making jokes about it doesn’t make this go away for Donny. I hope Donny is the only one who gets the $5 grand
Zach is screwed now as he has no one… 🙁
Once Devin is gone the house better fraking wake up.
I mean Hayden,Nicole,Donny,Jocasta,Brittany,Victoria,Amber,and Calib. they could control the game but instead the house will likely be controlled by the backstabbers Derrick,Cody,Christine,Frankie,and Zach.
Notice I mentioned Zach last yes hes actually grown on me the the other four are more backstabbing lowlifes then he,particularly Christine and Frankie gawd vote these two out soon!
I think this next HOH should have a twist.
The next HOH winnder would have a choice to make.
Receive $100,000 and leave the Game?????
What would you do take the money or risk it all??
Let’s see, hummm if I had to see Frankie’s pink troll hair everyday
and be surrounded by the likes of Christine I would take
the money and run!!!
I like Derrick. He seems like a genuine person, BUT he looks like he should be in a early 2000’s boy band! I don’t mean it in a bad way. I just half expect him to bust out singing a backstreet boys song or something.
He’s not even good looking enough to be in a boyband…
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but this years cast is about a million times better than last season.
I know it’s early, but so far, despite their flaws, they are respectful of each other and not making personal attacks against religion, race, sexual orientation etc. Which is a far cry from the outrageous houseguests last year.
So great job Big Brother on selecting this bunch (they are very good looking to boot!)
Thanks Simon and Dawg …. you guys are the greatest!
My picks for final four right now are
This cast is a whole lot nicer and more respectful than last year’s, like better human beings overall. i appreciate that CBS understood that most of us literally could not take another season of bigots and racists and whores and disgusting slime like last year – and cast this year in a socially conscious way. However, this group is nowhere near as good looking. they just aren’t. If cody is the best looking guy and amber is the best looking girl, which to me both are, then they’re hot but nothing outrageous. Brittany is ok but she’s mostly implants (and i am not hating on impants bc I have them) and devin/caleb are ehhhh ok too i guess but last year the cast was definitely hotter overall. I glad sacrifice attractiveness for human decency though.
I don’t like how Nicole is so close to Christine. At first I liked them working together but now I see Christine is not loyal at all. I really like Nicole. I hope she figures out about Christine sooner rather than later!
“Zach says if I were questioning my s*xuality you’re the person I’d switch for… but that’s probably not going to happen.”
What hetero man would say such a thing?!? I don’t know of any – especially throwing in the probably part. My prediction is: Zach and Frankie will hook up at the Vegas party this year.
Zach is going the one to blow this alliance up, the same way that Devin did with the bomb squad. Like they said, you don’t start up shit about your own alliance members, you just nod and agree. I see them turning on him. He is a ticking time bomb… He is the one that will give us our summer entertainment, he is a tool. lol.
going to be*
Zack has a plan! LOL
Maybe if production switched up the BOB twist to where the HOH;s nominees had to win or they would be punished somehow, that would change things around. They would be putting up the best players all the time and we would have a really good show to watch.
It’s a numbers game and at this point the actual numbers have no clue they are the numbers, and the people who are not the numbers believe that they are the numbers. The numbers are scattered. This is what I would love to see happen.
Christine and Nicole vote evict Caleb (2) Donny and Jocasta decide to vote to evict Caleb (because he is cocky) (2)…. then Victoria votes to evict Caleb (1) then the ultimate fuck up so she can flirt with Cody openly, Amber votes to evict Caleb (1) that is six votes…. They are thinking of frame up votes and if they think about it so is someone else.
The problem with the alliances this season is that they never talk to each other. Their games are fractured.
An accidental House flip and tons more distrust in the House.
Personally I want Devin evicted and Caleb to stay…. Game wise I want Caleb to be evicted and Devin to stay.
I wish the disposables would rise up and declare themselves NOT disposable.
If Amber were smart she’d vote to keep Caleb, as sucky as it is to have him on her arms, him leaving the house is all that sneaky, jealous Nicole wants to vote Amber out.
And with Devin being the Uncle Tom that he is, he’ll work with the very backstabbers in the house that plotted his demise to begin with. They’ll use him to orchestrate a backdoor on Amber and then once they get her out, they’ll suddenly go back to wanting him out of the game for good.
That’s my prediction for the next two weeks…and trust me, that’s the only game playing you’ll see Nicole do. Jealousy makes a girl move quick.
How in the world is he an Uncle Tom?? And I think Devin is a lot smarter than that.
You clearly haven’t been paying attention to the livefeeds. Everything Devin does is for the superficial approval for the white people in the house. Generally there’s nothing wrong with that, but Devin’s doing it for superficial reasons, Uncle Tom’s are historically out of touch and in some capacity don’t like to associate to closely with their own race and rather show preferential treatment to the majority (Whites). Last season was definitely racists, but Devin’s a black man with some serious internal flaws towards himself and his own race.
Think about this: He said he didn’t like Amber because she wasn’t a “white girl,” although Amber’s biracial. Now imagine what message it sends to his daughter who is biracial, her own dad essentially said he doesn’t think a biracial girl is good enough for him to date, what can that possibly represent for his child.
I think Zack is seriously thinking about forming something with Donny. He right out said in front of the other guys that Donny was his man. Not sure why he would do that unless he is trying to put a target on Donny.
Thoughts anyone??
Ok from my perspective it looks like BB found some of the weakest players ever! Nobody is strong enough to go against the the popular vote. Very disappointed in the female house guests as they just watch the men plan to pluck them one by one not realizing they will be next. Derrick has definitely turned in to the calm manipulative version of Devin (controlling the house guests). And as for team America, it serves no purpose!
Devin was the only player that stirred up the house and although his strategy wasn’t good for his own game it….it sure made it more interesting to watch!! This is now officially a boring season!