POV Holder: | Frankie | Next POV | Sept 6th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 8th |
HOH Winner | Frankie | Next HOH | Sept 10th |
Nominations: | Cody and Victoria |
12:55am – 1:30am In the havenot room – Frankie, Caleb and Cody are speculating about what the reset twist could be. Caleb asks why would one whole wall be a mirror? Frankie says mirror images? refraction? Cody asks what’s a miror image of myself? Did they clone us?! Frankie asks do we play the final 5 of last year? Cody says we’d smoke them! Caleb says the fact that this thing is gold and silver makes me think money. Frankie looks at the TV and says I want this set up in my house can I have this? Caleb says you can do better than that, this is like an LG tv. They leave the room and head to the kitchen. Caleb, Frankie and Cody compare butts. Cody says that Caleb has a bubble butt. They study the memory wall and talk about who’s faces were merged with whos faces. Caleb says that he thinks Victoria knows because she wouldn’t be letting us hangout together. Cody says well Derrick isn’t here either. They agree that if they’re offered money Victoria will take it. Big Brother opens up the backyard. Caleb and Cody go outside to play pool. Frankie and Victoria join them. Derrick comes out of the diary room.

1:30am – 2:30am Frankie and Cody talk alone in the backyard. Frankie and Cody count competitions. Frankie says if you don’t already know, I don’t care. At this point I am not trying to hide any more. Because if you don’t know I’ve won a lot of comps, you’re an idiot. Cody asks who do you need to hide it from. And what have I done with every single one that I’ve won, kept you all safe. All I do with my power is keep my boys safe. Frankie asks should I tell her (Vcitoria)? I want to tell her in the veto speech. Cody asks about what? Frankie says about us being together. Cody says honestly I don’t think it matters but what if something goes down Wednesday? Frankie says AHHHhh.. oh F**k okay! Cody says I guess you could though. Frankie says but she knows, how would she not know. Cody says she absolutly knows because why else would Derrick put her up and not someone else. Frankie says and Zach told her. Frankie says I would make my speech to you boys. Frankie and Derrick join them. Caleb says I wish we could just bring Ariana Grande out here and just bang it! Frankie asks what did you just say!? Cody asks what the f**k did you just say?! Derrick says no I get it. Bang the music, I got you. Frankie asks did you not see my face!? Frankie says he just said we’ve been talking so much sh*t together and then he said that.
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2:30am – 2:40am Derrick comments that he thinks Nicole was crushing on Caleb before Hayden. Caleb says I am not the type to crush on every girl in the house. Caleb says I can’t wait to see the DR’s. If I have someone’s number and they’re lying about talking sh*t in there I will delete it. Caleb says I think that what people say in there is what they truly mean? Frankie asks you’re not being egged on to say stuff? Caleb says no. Frankie says I get egged on all the time. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Derrick and Caleb play Frankie and Cody in a game of pool. Derrick and Caleb lose and their punishment is to jump in the pool. After they jump in Caleb picks up Frankie and jumps in with him. Frankie says that was so fun!
2:50am In the bathroom – Frankie is showering and Derrick tell him are you ready to go? Once you finish your shower well go. We’ll go from 3am – 6am to make sure we give them enough TV stuff because even John was like make sure you give us some stuff. Derrick says to the camera doing a quick shower, then its time for TA. The mouse is about to hit the house. Give us about 15 minutes. Ain’t no body going to sleep tonight! In the bathroom – Derrick asks Frankie do we want to say bedroom because then no one will sleep in there. Frankie says its up to you.
Beavis Grande winning a comp called BB Freakshow, how did we not see that coming?
Please Frankie make a move!
What I don’t understand is why you would gamble 500k. Keep Victoria she wont win HoH or the Final PoV that’s a one in three shot over a one in four shot if you keep anyone else. These people are just dying to give Derrick the money.
Derrick isn’t smart he’s just playing against morons.
With out this reset which is pretty much useless. Frankie is going out top 4 without the PoV. He’s just a stupid as Christine.
Please Victoria win HoH.
That sums it up. Sadly, this rewind will be an identical replay next week. More boring though and probably more perverted if Freakie continues. So disappointed this year.
Can anyone tell me if they won the mission. Thanks.
If this were a real season, the next logical step would be that Frankie convinces Caleb to vote out Cody. Then when the reset happens we finally have a war in the BB house!
But sadly this is not a real season, so Freakface Helen will suggest to Bitch Mode Helen that he vote out No Balls Helen. Bitch Mode Helen will decide “no, we have to stick with the boys club for final 4 to represent America”. Then Pigsnout Helen and No Balls Helen can pretend like Freakface Helen is their bestest buddy and get rid of VeronicaMarie so that they can all finally put on their assless chaps without VM hogging the mirrors. The reset happens and we get exactly the same results no matter which Helen wins the comps.
Maybe it is just me but does anyone else think it is almost sexual deviant behavior the way that Frankie cannot seem to keep his hands and other body parts off of the other heterosexual guys in the house. I mean he grabbed Caleb’s crotch even after Caleb told him to stop and is still doing it. I have been in the entertainment business a long time and know a lot of Gay men and they are all very respectful and wonderful human beings and ACT NOTHING like Frankie does. I mean if he did this type of stuff in a workplace environment, which BB sort of is, he would be hit with a lawsuit so quick it would make his little pink rat head spin!!! I mean he set there and yelled at Zach to F him, F him and is dry humping all of them and touching them and only God Knows what else and if it was in the everyday world Frankie would be sitting on his rear end because he would of had the crap beat out of him for continually putting his hands on these guys private parts. Cody is only 21 and Frankie is always touching him and he is barely beyond a teenager! There is something wrong with Frankie and surprised that CBS/BB make these men succumb to Frankie and put up with it and yet they cannot punch him in the mouth or they are evicted. Seems as if CBS/BB is almost forcing the other guys to play whore to Frankie’s continued unwanted advances. Would not want my 16 year old around Frankie because I do not think he things he has any boundaries like the rest of society!
No, I think the guys are just exploring their sexuality. They are grown as8 men. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. Frankie is a gay man touching other men. What would you think if there was a lesbian on this season and the straight men were always touching her. Would you say that the straight men are deviants and should be thrown off the show? Probably not. My guess us that you would be cheering on the straight guys to convert the lesbian. You are trying to conceal your hatred of gay people with some type of screwed up outrage over people touching each other. They are adults and nobody is forcing themselves on anyone. Except fir maybe Derrick forcing himself on Victoria (pack my bags bitc6″).
You should apply to be on next season’s Big Brother because you are one delusional individual. The producers would eat you up.
Maybe it is just me but does anyone else think it is almost sexual deviant behavior the way that Frankie cannot seem to keep his hands and other body parts off of the other guys in the house. His continued molesting Cody and Caleb after they have reapeatedly told him no is SEXUAL HARRASMENT in the worst form, and yet they can do nothing about it like punching the little deranged molester right in the face. Hope CBS/BB end up with HUGE lawsuits for putting them in a situation of sexual harrasment where BB or CBS did nothing to stop it!! I mean he grabbed Caleb’s crotch even after Caleb told him to stop and is still doing it. I have been in the entertainment business a long time and know a lot of Gay men and they are all very respectful and wonderful human beings and ACT NOTHING like Frankie does. I mean if he did this type of stuff in a workplace environment, which BB is, he would be hit with a lawsuit so quick it would make his little pink rat head spin!!! I mean he set there and yelled at Zach to F him, F him and is dry humping all of them and touching them and only God Knows what else and if it was in the everyday world Frankie would be sitting on his rear end because he would of had the crap beat out of him for continually putting his hands on these guys private parts. Cody is only 21 and Frankie is always touching him and he is barely beyond a teenager! There is something wrong with Frankie and surprised that CBS/BB make these men succumb to Frankie and put up with it and yet they cannot punch him in the mouth or they are evicted. Seems as if CBS/BB is almost forcing the other guys to play whore to Frankie’s continued unwanted advances. Molester is the right word to use for Frankie and would not want my 16 year old around Frankie because I do not think he things he has any boundaries like the rest of society! i MEAN HE DISCUSSING THE GANG RAPING OF VICTORIA AND MOLESTING CODY AND CALEB AND BB DOES NOTHING!
No, I think the guys are just exploring their sexuality. They are grown as8 men. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. Frankie is a gay man touching other men. What would you think if there was a lesbian on this season and the straight men were always touching her. Would you say that the straight men are deviants and should be thrown off the show? Probably not. My guess us that you would be cheering on the straight guys to convert the lesbian. You are trying to conceal your hatred of gay people with some type of screwed up outrage over people touching each other. They are adults and nobody is forcing themselves on anyone. Except fir maybe Derrick forcing himself on Victoria (“pack my bags bitc6?).
WHEN both Caleb and CODY tell Frankie to stop and keep his damn hands to himself that is not them exploring their sexuality bozo; that is them telling Perv FRANKIE to keep his F’in hands to himself and yet CBS/BB does nothing. They have both said it on the feeds numerous times to him. THey are stuck in that house with that deranged deviant with no way out and CBS/BB does nothing to protect them. It is SEXUAL HARRASMENT!!!!
Failed to deliver Flash in the pan
& useless
I don’t know how Cody can say he is skeeved out by rats. He didn’t seem to have an issue with one rubbing all over him for most of the show.
He’s totally going to call that rat out tomorrow!
Best comment of season!
It looks like Frankie is going to win BB. I think he wants Derrick out, just glad this week doesn’t count.
Frankie should be removed from the house for sexual harassment. If Caleb had done the butt rubbing and crotch grabbing to Victoria he would have been removed from the game. Only at CBS do actions not have consequences. I think Grodner picked Frankie to be the winner before the show started. jMO
Look, it;s not sexual harassment. Get a life. Its a game called BB.
Every season we see hg’s mess around with each other. If you don;’t like to see adults engage in consenual physical contact, don’t watch. I think the real problem with so many of you is that Frankie touches guys who purport to be straight and the supposedly straight guys don’t always stop him. Whose issue is it now; the straight guys like Cody who are ambiguous in their sexuality or Frankie, who clearly knows he likes guys. See, I am straight and I would not let a gay guy touch me like that. Shoot, my wife would hurt the guy if he did that to me. So I don’t really fault Frankie that much. He is who he is. Hugging is fine but believe me, Frankie would grab my crotch one time and I’d tell him not to do it again. If he did it again, he and I would have a strong talk and I doubt he would do it again.
You lost me at consensual physical contact… The hugging and cuddling Frankie is consensual.. him grabbing and rubbing their crotches and butts IS NOT consensual as seen by Caleb’s and Cody’s reactions. I have seen Caleb cringe multiple times and tell Frankie NO multiple times throughout the season. You are right it is a game, which is why Caleb hasn’t clocked Frankie yet. Which is also why it is sexual harassment (abuse of power). You can’t tell me that if Cody was cuddling with Chris or Nic and started grabbing their boobs there wouldn’t be h*ll to pay… in my eyes it is no different.
Wrong!!! When the second party is not reciprocating.. it’s harassment.
Frankie is the Freak Show!! Talk about a waist of time. I think they are going to have a yawning , then a yodeling contest to keep the audience starved for more action and suspense
Would love to see Frankie on the Letterman Show so Dave can treat Frankie like a twin to Richard Simmons and turn the fire extinguisher on him, too. That flame is running to high.
Unless David Letterman loses a bet to Les Moonves, ain’t gonna’ happen!
Watching Pigface Deprick trying to promote live feeds into the camera made me puke!Who in their right minds would pay a dime for this BORING horseshit is beyond me. Its going to be so much fun tonight he says.What a dildo! It takes about 10 min. to watch 2 hrs. of BBAD on FF.These are the worst five idiots ever! I hope Vic takes it all (would look great on these boneheads).
You do realize your TV does have other channels on it right?
If you don’t like watching something you can change the channel for free.
Turbo this us America and if mr ed wants to vent that’s his choice. Isn’t what this forum is all about. Voicing opinions Btw your opinion sucks. And FYI I totally agree with mr ed.
Thanks Frank. Turbo must be one of the saps paying for this shit and yes I do watch other channels.(alot more now since this crap keeps getting worse bt the day).Have a nice day !!!
I’m not even watching the feeds or show any more and all the pics of Derrick talking to the camera to us and telling people to buy the feeds is nauseating. I could do with a lot less Derrick screen captures, but sadly, there are more and more since there are few people left in the house.
I’m only interested in Wednesday’s show, hoping for jury sighting.
Hey, maybe we’ve seen a preview of Derrick’s new career. Watching him try to hawk the Live BB Feeds was not only stomach-turning but also a lot like hearing a USED CAR SALESMAN schmoozing a customer. Leave that Desk Sargent position behind, Mr. Silver -Tongued Devil.
I think you have made a good point. The fact that Derrick is trying to sell the feeds for CBS in his camera speeches to America is a telling sign that the ratings must be going down. I am thinking there have been an OVERWHELMING amount of cancellations. I say keep on cancelling those BB CBS subscriptions. You can probably get most of the good stuff for free on youtube anyway. Maybe then you will finally see some BB changes in production and casting that we have been asking for. As it is right now it’s hardly even worth Simon and Dawgs valuable time. I am sure they are Dawg tired of it. Pay them instead.
Turbo, I happen to agree with Mr. Ed. You have admit this season sucked big time. I’m a huge fan of BB. Even though it sucks I will watch till the end. But looking forward to seeing the house guests faces as to how much Donny was America’s favorite. So let’s all do what we do. Enjoy this circus.
I did complain last year, after watching every episode day and night since BB began years ago….last year was definitely the most BORING group …but at least it had racism to exploit on other channels including Julie’s daytime shows by turning an ignorant blonde into a card-carrying KKK member. CBS was shocked…all the way to the bank. THIS YEAR….no shock….even the snooze alarm refuses to work. My whole family always looked forward to BB as a family thing to do….now we don’t even bother to listen to it when it’s on. The fish tank is more interesting. THE FAULT LIES IN THE PRODUCERS! GET NEW PRODUCERS! They were trying desperately to get a relationship going with AMBER and anybody….then the two blonde nitwits…and finally with married woman and stud. NOW they realize they are ruining a person’s marriage and her relationship with parents and pastor back home. JULIE never once addressed the Cody issue with Christine the way she pressed the racist girl on the hot seat. Yet, the audience booed louder at Christine than the last year’s bad girl. CBS lost their one bid at some controversey to boost the terrible ratings. This may be the final year for BB.
Afraid not final year they already are casting calls in areas.
Flakie can get a job as a fluffer after the show.Right down his alley for all the stroking he does!!!!!
Being the oldest person in house, Francie sure brings a new meaning to ‘aging old queen’.
If Frankie was put on Dancing with the Stars do you think he’d get disqualified if he grabbed another dancer’s crotch on the show?
What happened to the Sock Monkey? Did he kill himself like Clownie?
Sock monkey and both bunny slippers expired after choking on Derrick’s mist.
Unfortunately their demise has gone unnoticed by the house guests. We the viewers will miss them. They gave soo much joy, and received so little in return. Sock monkey was fondled and tormented nightly by Caleb. While the poor bunny slippers were forced to endure weeks of having his overly large sweaty feet stuffed into them.
Thank goodness we still have The Toaster! RIP Bunny Slippers and Sock Monkey!
In what world do men pull down their shorts to compare butts? I get they are bored and stuck in the house with the same people, but I don’t even think guys in prison would do this!
The boys were giving us the universal greeting of Ass Clowns everywhere!
Maybe with his TA money, Frankie can finally by some big boy underwear.
This season is such a HUGE joke. Why are they still doing this stupid TA sh*t? It was a EPIC fail and they refuse to let it go. I am sure they noticed that not that many people voted and still want to carry on with this stupid twist. Is Julie program to say “the twisted season of all?” She say it every damn Thursday and there has only been 3 twists! Why bring this reset sh*t out now when the majority of the house is gone? Why didn’t they bring this out when Nicole came back? This season is the worst!
When the remaining TA voted out part of TA, Donny, they should have been penalized. That should have put an end to TA. I hate to see them still getting money for not entertaining the viewers. The missions suck!!!! I can’t remember a worse season! Yet, I’m still watching. Must be a horrible addiction because I’m still following this train wreck of a season.
when Joey was evicted, a 3rd TA member was chosen. If they planned to continue TA, why did they not chose a replacement for Donny?
Because Production knows America gives a rat’s a$$ for those remaining in the game and probably wouldn’t pick any one of these morons to replace Donny.
Especially when they knew that Derrick and Frankie were in an alliance and Derrick didn’t like Donnie. But yet the go and tell them to come up with a mission on their own. I hope they give Donnie the money also if they pass this TA task. It will maybe also make up for some of the asinine banter Derrick does about TA in the camera.
I like TA stuff, it makes a predictable show more entertaining.
The main goal of Team America should have been to make it to final 3 and if they fail then they lose all mission money. Then let America vote on who the final 2 are. That would’ve made this Team America “twist” worthwhile.
How was Derpig able to become a police officer with his total lack of athletic ability?
Derpig’s has amazing athletic ability when he is making moves on Victoria. He may make it to 3rd base before this season is over.
I really like that take on TA. That WOULD have been great. Imagine having 3 people who can’t stand each other forced to work together to make it to the final 3 so that they can keep the money they earned doing TA missions!
I like that.
Also, I think that the BOB would have been better if the HOH whose noms won would have stayed HOH. It would have made it more interesting…
Was this TA mission to have everyone up for 24 hours or 6am? I missed it. If only 6am it would be a joke because they stay up till 3-4am every night.
This whole thing has become SO juvenile! Other than Frankie’s gutter mouth, there is no longer anything about it to qualify as adult entertainment! You would think that these fools supposedly hunting down a rat they were instead taking down BinLaden
Just goes to show you how impressionable these people are. Nobody has seen the rat or any indication one exists,but because the leaders of the Dunce Troupe (Derrick and Frankie) says it, they all decide it real threat that can only be dealt with by staying up all night. What happens when nobody sees this ‘rat’ any longer? It came and went just like the alleged sabateur that’s never mentioned again.
At first it seemed unfair for TA to get the rat mission because it seems easier. (personally I think TA should be done but we didn’t get that as an option) After I think about the alternative, maybe it’s for the best. Had they had to make everyone not eat, it would have been 24 hours of whining.
It was a complete set-up for this ridiculous “we got a rodent”. Production needed some action shots for the next show (probably Tuesday) or they were all going to be given their picks slips by CBS. Hopefully they will smarten up, re-group and come back next season with old school BB that we all love!!
he will win, you homophobes are all jealous. victoria in second place because of her stunning looks and stealth gameplay.
the rest of them (and you) can watch the schools being built in africa and weep all winter.
Dammmmm where do you get your drugs crack head? Waite, is this Ariana Grand Delusional herself? you sticking up for your delusional brother?
I would bet he even makes Arian cringe!!!
First I’m going to say there is words called RESPECT and MORALS. Does not matter to me what your sexuality is your choice. But acting like a “BUT HEAD” (which I want to use other words) does not give you the right to have that behavior on the show.
How did you get on a computer Frankie? You self deluded douche bag.. Your the only idiot in the world that could say those things and belibe it. Hope someone flushes this pink haired turdlet down the toilet. Your 15 mins of fake is up, now disapear.
If by stealth you mean non-existent game then yes, Victoria is playing a great game. The only reason she is still in the house is because her naïveté and blinded and unquestioning belief in her man crush, Derrick.
Derrick has convinced Vic that she is top girl, she thinks she out-played them, she did not
out-play, just out-stayed!! Hope someone sends her packing to her boos this week
You must work for CBS .It show’s what type of company CBS is to allow this putrid piece of shit to remain on the show after all the sexual harassment he’s been involved in and his suggestion to the boys to rape victoria. After big brother is over I hope never to hear of this pink haired, molesting, low life again unless its about him taking a nose dive off a building.
I don’t like Frankie as much as the next person but the word “rape” never came out of the dudes mouth. Was it bad taste, yes, but no different than the way a lot of guys talk about having sex with females in the locker room. The term “sex offender” has lost it’s meaning with all the non sex crimes that can get you placed on the registry.
Just because he didn’t mention the word rape is moot his words said it all. Suggesting the nonconsensual double teaming of a virgin (who is waiting until marriage to DTD) in order to “take ALL do of her virginities” in one night is akin to suggesting rape in my book. How any of the people who thumbs upped this comment cannot make that connection is beyond me and actually makes me a bit sad.
Now that I think about it…. Ew I’m actually really disgusted by the fact I have to explain this to any functioning human being.
Lol…I can’t even decide what part of your comment is more ridiculous! There are so many reasons to dislike Frankie and not one of them has anything to do with him being gay! I have never in my life seen a person so full of themselves and just because he says he is going to help build schools in Africa doesn’t mean that he’s actually going to do it. There is no way that a person that self centered would ever do something for another human being without benefiting from it in some way. That guy is putting on quite a show in that house…it’s like he has been auditioning for a part the whole time. It’s nauseating to watch him talk about himself constantly.
There is nothing stunning about Valerie..or is it Veronica…anywhoooo….that poor clueless little girl is a mess! How does she survive in the real world! I mean…This is a girl who sued the city she was rollerblading in because she fell down on the sidewalk. ..seriously?!
I fear for her mental health when she finds out that the only reason she is the last girl is because she was just that bad of a player! If there was a contest to see how long you could stare at yourself in the mirror…hey she would beat them all!!
I’m not sure if you’re watching the same show the rest of us are.
Well said.. my thoughts exactly. He is so self centered I can’t even stand it anymore. At first, I thought it was funny and that it was just his schtick for the show but quickly I realized this is who he IS!!!! Sickening. As far as Victoria goes… stunning good looks is not what her “claim to fame” from being on BB will be, it will be her sheer stupidity, naivety and inability to be a competitor in an challenge. Wait until she gets home and gets to re-watch the entire season. If she has any self pride, she will be embarrassed about how she came off… vain and highly unintelligent. Her looks are nothing but average as far as I am concerned, but she has a very high opinion of herself.. she has that princess mentality.
Alright, CBS, I’m ready for my close-up.
Your fame is evaporating, your schtick is nauseating.
You are going to end up like Joe Gillis, floating in a swimming pool in the BB backyard.
Capitalization indicated the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun.
Watch out! Here we go again! It’s the GCP Police out on patrol again.
Ok…thanks for the correction. Are you just trolling through correcting everyone’s grammar and typing skills? Are we being graded? What an A$$…I capitalized that for you dingus.
Ia’m Gay, I don’t like Frankie because he’s a mean, asshole.
it has nothing to do with being a homophobe or not, it has to do with Frankensein being the most disgusting human being to ever enter the Big brother house. He is classless, perverted, piece of trash. Oh how I pray that his Troll headed, rat faced, snake in the grass body get booted on Wednesday. Poetic justice.
Ain’t sarcasm great?
Laughed my ass off when I read this. The original post is obviously tongue-in-cheek, but most took it as serious. The responses are hilarious. Well done.
Thanks for the heads up on Victoria’s style of game play…”stealth” ??? Got it! Thanks again!
Agee ! ! Everything Frankie done should be KICKED OUT of the Big Brother House.
I agree. Sexual harassment at it’s WORST! Talking about raping Victoria? Cmon CBS no penalty? Oh wait, he IS arianna grande’s brother…puke
Well Frankie isn’t married so what’s your point? He is hitting on unmarried men. I don’t have a problem with that. I have more of a problem with Derrick hitting on Victoria. I feel bad for Derricks wife and kid. It’s really sad.
Seriously? Just “hitting on unmarried men”?
Sorry to make an assumption, but with a name like Samantha I figure you to be female. Now let us also assume that you are single (even if you are not, let’s just pretend. ‘K?)
Now a guy comes up to you and grabs your boobs and crotch and rubs up against you, wouldn’t that be sexual harassment? Of course it would. Or do you think that man is just hitting on you? How is Frankie, a gay man, grabbing another man’s genitalia not considered sexual harassment?
How do you not see that?
Samantha is probably 14, and an Ariana Grande fan.
It kind of feels like home when Frankie does that to me.
Don’t be so sure. Frankie might just win (or be given..which ever is the most convenient at that time)the HOH again. The most we can hope for is he has a melt down and self-evict or gets fired (depending on who you believe) like Chima in BB11.
Frankie for EVICTION the nth time….where are your ball guys it seems its gone taking steroids for your body? or Fankie already s**k it up??
They should have stopped the TA when they broke the team up or if they do make this work they should give Donny the money too even though he isn’t there. He might not be in the BBhouse, but he is in the game still in the Jury House
People are too blinded. Frankie has played an amazing game. If derrick or Cody were women … they’d be considered huge floaters, riding on caleb and Frankie’s coattails. It’s ridiculous . Frankie has killed almost every comp. He gets no credit. Y’all are blinded by a cop’s manipulation. .
No, we are alert to Frankie’s ego!!!
I actually agree with you. There are a lot of fans that are so enamored with Derricks supposedly amazing skills that they just don’t see the big picture. I think they are in for a huge surprise when Derrick gets evicted because he was too slick for his own good.
You, Anonymous, are blinded by your perceived “brilliance.” It appears you somehow feel nobody else has anywhere near the same genuine insight to anyone or to anything BB related.
Looks like Anonymous hit a nerve. Did that comment upset all the police trolls on this site?
I don’t think TA will accomplish their mission today – why would the FAB FOUR be afraid of a rat – they’re all related to them aren’t they?
You remember that picture in Derricks HOH basket that Derrick did not want anyone to see? Yep, you guessed it, it is Derrick dressed up as a rat.
Frankie deserve to win. Followed by Caleb . You are just manipulated by a cop and jealous of the money.. Frankie’s sister has. Frankie is a comp killer. Cody and Derrick are just coattails riders . If they were girls, you’d want them out.
that’s it, take another hit of your crack pipe looser
Sorry I don’t do crack. Big brother is about winning. Not being a little cop floater. Dan won comps. Go take another hit off your meat pipe.
As overrated as I think Derr is… he is not a floater. He is a much better player than Caleb who is only on the show to get fame. I think he is way better at reading people than Frankie because Frankie is too self absorbed to pick up on cues. Frankie thinks he can control Vic still… delusional. The only person who can control Vic is Derr. Now on that note, Derr IS a wimp and does play this game scared. But on the same note Frankie knows he is the next to go if they get an opportunity and he still isn’t attempting to make a big move either so he is a wimp also. This season gets worse every day and because it is so crappy I hope the worst person wins just to prove how terrible these players are (aka Frankie). Now at the same time I do think Frankie is a good competitor and can intimidate others with his words so he is a decent player just not a decent human being.
Frankie will be Derrick by preventing Derrick from making it to final 3. Put that in you pipe and smoke it dude!
If BB was only about winning comps then they would only have athletes as HGs. I don’t want Derprick to win but Fakie is nothing but a mean vile little fame ho.
It is about winning and keeping yourself safe. Most strong comp winners are usually evicted. With that being said caleb and frankie have continued to win and stay in the house. Derrick isn’t a mastermind. He listens to frankie. Why the hell is Cody still around ?
How is keeping yourself off the block not protecting yourself? Derrick has been throwing comps all summer to keeping the target off his back. Cody too.
Just winning comps is not enough in BB. Cody and Caleb will look at who is easier to beat in comps between Derrick and Frankie, and take out the one that can beat them and put them on the block.
Big Brother is a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT game… yes comps have something to do with surviving but the social part is equally important.
Yes this is a social experiment. Scary as hell knowing that how bad society is when this is what is represented as whats coming !!!!
Derrick to the fans and other players throughout the season. Until he’s in a position to extract $5K from CBS for a lame practical joke. One good outcome from this assignment is restoring Team America’s delusion they are loved and entertaining, perhaps setting them up for a bigger fall to reality.
Amazing how angry Skankie became when Caleb said about bringing Airianna Airhead out and “Banging it”. Too bad Skanks didn’t get angry over the Violet incident. Wish someone would take that piece of video and somehow insert Frankie’s sister into it and post it to you tube for Skanks to see.
Spot on! I was just about to comment on that myself, when I read your post. Also Codependent and Derrick jumped on that as well. I guess it’s ok unless it’s Frankie or Derrick’s or Codependent’s wife,sister, daughter ect… What hypocrites!
As soon as I read what Caleb said, I wondered what Frankie would say and BINGO…………Frankie reacted with anger. So, it’s OK to take Victoria’s virginities by 2 men but not OK to Bang it Out with Frankie’s sister. Douche Bag, vile, disgusting, perverted, molester Frankie!
And have you also noted how quickly Derrick and Cody diffused the situation by explaining what Caleb meant? But then, Caleb was talking about Ariana as opposed to a HG. Hypocrites, all of them!
Did Frankie REALLY get angry when Caleb made the Ariana comment?????
Looks like all the Ariana fans found this website today….
So Frankie can joke and laugh hysterically at gang banging Victoria but gets upset if he thinks you implied banging his sister. Hypocritical much?
Exactly… she is someone’s daughter, possible sister (can’t recall if she has siblings), cousin, friend etc. Why is it okay to make a comment about gang banging Victoria but it’s not okay for Caleb to innuendo about banging his sister.. one on one. So, Franking condones gang banging a woman but not having one on one sexual relationship with his sister? He’s a hypocritical slob. I don’t like Victoria as a game player, but I can separate her being a game player from being a human being who should be treated as a HUMAN BEING. He’s foul…. God, I can’t stand him anymore, really just proving he is a true low life, in my opinion.
Francie has been over the top all season. His antics: rubbing guys butts, knees jobs, kissing and fondling, makeup, wearing Daisy Dukes, and behaving like a junior high cheerleader I have found very offensive.
It doesn’t surprise me that he would join in on a rape conversation. Seems he has no respect for women.
The only woman he cares about is himself.
As hypocritical as all the fans defending Derricks realationhip with Victoria and his secret conversations with her off camera to the relationship between Christine and Cody.
When Frankie was basking in his own glory in the HOH after becoming POV, (did Derrick really lag behind for 23 seconds so that he would not win and be obligated to either of his minions on the block) I thought Frankie was saying that he would be able to also play in the next HOH. (all of which I watched with closed caption as I could not stand the sound of his voice)
Maybe he already knows what the golden button will do…I smell a rat in the diary room!
By the way Frankie, most of us BB fans are “Fundamentally Offended By Your Existence As A Human Being”
Just want to say a special “Thank You” to Simon and Dawg. You guys have made this season of BB bearable for all of us. You are the best.
He was basking. I thought he said he couldn’t play in the HOH and something to the effect of having an even bigger target on his back because of his wins. I think I’m more curious about what criteria the jury will use to crown a winner if Frankie and Derrick both make it to the end.
And yeah, Frankie is awful but I’m just about equally turned off at how some of them clearly don’t have any boundaries. All the cuddling and sleeping on top of each other was ridiculous. Letting him sleep in the HOH room with them. Frankie has warmed himself up all season and has gotten progressive with his comments and how he touches them because he has tested the lines . But they all set up that atmosphere and lowered the bar. It wasn’t like he was touching Donny’s d*ck because he knew not to. What’s ironic is that Victoria was pegged as the one that was doing too much in the bed and Frankie ended up being 100 times worse.
Now all BB has to do is put a real rat in the house and watch the fireworks! My only concern would be that Caleb WOULD kill it and cook it.
There are already rats in the house. Big a Brother calls them houseguests!
And now we are comparing buts. “What a piece of work is man”. – Shakespeare, not Frankie.
Cody and Caleb have some firm round hot looking butts! Frankie’s looked like an old stanky
sagging gaping hole!!
I was watching some of the clips on you tube. Funny stuff.
Thanks for reminding me. I think it comes on tonight,right? Let’s hope it’s not some overly-produced farce that becomes cringy worthy like that other Fox show ‘Paradise Hotel’ or such a bad knock-off of BB like ABC’s ‘Glass House’.
Been watching past seasons of survivor and can’t help but think this show would be a million times better if Jeff Probst was involved.
Now if you want to see a cop who really played a great game and worked hard to win, look at Tony from the last Survivor. That guy was a true cop not like this phony sneak like Derrick.
So their grand accomplishment was they kept everybody up til 6? and they normally stay up til 4:30-5am? please let america vote on whether they succeeded, because i’m betting it will be an overwhelming NO. 24 hours without sleep would mean all would have to stay awake thru normal sleeping hours which are from 5am to 1pm.
The reset button should also void the TA mission this week…
It’s apparent by the recent posts that the teeny bopper, Fakie (Arianna) fan club has arrived @ this site! I wonder how these fans Mommy’s would feel if they saw these live feeds and what comes out of Fakie’s trashy mouth. My goodness what a good role model for his young following #over30pervert!!! He kisses his Mommy, Grandmommy and sister with that dirty mouth of his *ugh*
Yeah, and Derrick is going to kiss his daughter with the same lying and conniving mouth that berated young women on this show. And that’s not even talking about what he has done to Victoria with that mouth.
Someone mentioned here the other day that the morph photo contest as a POV would be a shoe in for Valencia to win as she is a photographer, made sense when I read it. OK that didn’t work…..maybe a POV where she can name members of her family although I’ll keep my fingers crossed for her cause she may still need a little help.
Vesuvius needs a Kim Kardashian challenge…she would ace it!!
Valencia wouldn’t get beyond naming Kim Kardashian. All those other ‘K’ names are too confusing for her.
First time back in a week. Hard to watch since Donny’s left. Looks like Frankie is molesting all the boys on the show. Come on CBS, give us a reason to come back and watch….
And no, The Frankie Horror Picture Show isn’t doing it.
I hope Frankie gets booed way worse than Chirstine
I was one of the people who was riding the “Hate Frankie” train, but I have to give him his due, the guy is very good at competitions…,….he’s a beast! I think he deserves to win and I hope he does.
Cody and Caleb are Derrick’s puppets; Derrick thinks he’s so clever but it’s easy to manipulate the weak. I can’t stand him because he’s a let down to the Organization that he works for. I find it difficult to understand how he made Sergeant unless his Police Department has a low criteria. He would not have stood a chance in my Organization! He does not act like a Police Officer, he comes off as a “wannabe”.
I feel that the guys on this show are a bunch of “wussies”. Any proper man would not let a guy cuddle or touch them inappropriately without calling him out on it. It has nothing to do with whether they felt that Frankie would evict them. Derek, most of all, surprises me since he comes from a “Macho” organization where that sort of thing is never condoned and yet the other day I heard him asking Frankie to cuddle with him while they were in the HOH room. Go figure! These guys all had the opportunity at one time or another to politely tell Frankie to desist from grabbing or touching them, just like Caleb called him out on it.
People, think about it rationally!
1) Yes Frankie is a beast in comps. That does not mean he should win.
2) Derrick knows that his game plan is not what would be expected of a cop and told his squad what he was planning. Derrick is playing a classic BB game. It is a cross between Dr. Will and Dan.
3)Speaking of Dr. Will, for all you out there that think winning comps is the end all and be all of BB: Dr. Will threw EVERY comp he was in; ALL SEASON LONG. He even threw the last HOH comp knowing that the winner would take him to F2. When he made his speech, he explained how he LIED, MANIPULATED AND THREW COMPS TO WIN THE WHOLE THING AND HE DID.
4) I will agree with you on the not calling Frankie out out on his behavior.
Cody says “caleb you got a bubble butt” after the guys pull down pants to compare butts. Huh? Wtf? This is crazy and i can only come to the conclusion that cody is in the closet. Frankie deserves to have his face smashed beyond recognition. If anyone grabbed my crotch without my permission we are fighting to the death. I dont care if it’s on live TV. Going down as one of the weirdest seasons ever.
So where is all the outrage about these straight guys showing off their butt? Hmmmmmmm if Cody and Caleb were so put off by Frankie why would they be showing off their butts? So for all the talk about sexual harassment and all the indignation at Frankie touching the boys, I don’t see why , if Cody and Caleb didn’t like it, that they would be showing off their naked butts to Frankie. Doesn’t make any sense yo this straight guy.
CBS please explain to me how keeping the hgs up until 6am counts as sleep deprivation when they slept until 4pm the day before?? up for 14hrs straight, wow watch out they are all going to start going crazy now! Lame! I wouldn’t be so annoyed if I wasn’t sure of the fact that these dumb TA missions are a replacement for AFP.
I was one of the people who was riding the “Hate Frankie” train, but I have to give him his due, the guy is very good at competitions…,….he’s a beast! I think he deserves to win and I hope he does.
Cody and Caleb are Derrick’s puppets; Derrick thinks he’s so clever but it’s easy to manipulate the weak. I can’t stand him because he’s a let down to the Organization that he works for. I find it difficult to understand how he made Sergeant unless his Police Department has a low criteria. He would not have stood a chance in my Organization! He does not act like a Police Officer, he comes off as a “wannabe”.
I feel that the guys on this show are a bunch of “wussies”. Any proper man would not let a guy cuddle or touch them inappropriately without calling him out on it. It has nothing to do with whether they felt that Frankie would evict them. Derek, most of all, surprises me since he comes from a “Macho” organization where that sort of thing is never condoned and yet the other day I heard him asking Frankie to cuddle with him while they were in the HOH room. Go figure! These guys all had the opportunity at one time or another to politely tell Frankie to desist from grabbing or touching them, just like Caleb called him out on it.
People, think about it rationally!
My take on some of the houseguests. Agree, disagree or agree to disagree.
Frankie: Personality aside (in my opinion, the man is a bitchy, two-faced, self centered brown nosing wannabe), his social game is good and he is a beast in competitions be they mental or physical. For that reason alone, he should have been gone weeks ago. He doesn’t win because he has to…he wins because he is that good. 1 of 2 who will not need to be carried to Final 2. If he gets there, he will win the whole thing based on game play alone.
Derrick: The man came into the house positively chubby which tells me his job as a police officer involves being a desk jockey or a patrolman riding in a car all day. Not believing the undercover bit for a minute…undercover officers cannot risk their cover being blown on national television. So no, he is not a physical competitor but his mental and social game are on point. He dismisses the others’ weaknesses and plays to their ego. He is seen as the caring one, the one who wants to listen, who gives encouragement and support when needed. All while planting seeds that further his game and making the person think it was all their idea. He is 2 of 2 that will not need to be carried to Final 2. Against anyone but Frankie, he wins it.
Cody: THIS is the biggest floater in the house. What has he done but lucked up on a solo HOH (he won another when the 2 HOH twist was in play and I think the other person won it for them) and get handed a POV? He has done nothing except talk of making a big move and been a vote. Yes, he is cute and likable, but has he done anything to win the money?
Caleb: The poor child is delusional, blindly loyal and I think socially awkward/inexperienced, hence the “stalking” of Amber. I also think despite his military experience, he really has not seen much of the world and thinks his BB popularity can help with that. His gameplay has been borderline (some days he plays, some days he floats) and he still doesn’t realize who would have been best for his game. Too bad they’re gone now.
Victoria: I like her. She tries hard (she has some comp wins under her belt) but more often than not, it just isn’t good enough. She has definitely been carried but attaching yourself to one of the most liked and respected players in the house (Derrick. Love him or hate him, no one makes a move without running it past him first) is always a good strategy. She doesn’t make waves, she goes with the house and why more people haven’t approached her with a Final 2 deal is beyond me.
Had the last 5 jury members (Hayden, Nicole, Donny, Zach and Christine) banded together to take out the Whole House Alliance (possibly using Zach or Christine as a Mata hari to float between the two alliances),we would be watching an entirely different game.
Doesn’t it seem a bit strange the guys don’t bother with Victoria, Derrick takes his shots subtlety Fruit loop is gay so we can understand that. What is Cody and Caleb s excuse. I have never seen guys not get amorous with any female at last call closing hour. These guys hang around Frankie for companionship and excitement and cuddling leaving Victoria to her self and her mirror
According to his entrance video Derrick states he used to work as an undercover officer and now is a police sergeant.
To the three morons in the house, stop giving the comp wins to Skankie! Stop playing lazy and get his ugly ass out of the house already. Thank goodness for the rewind, but at the same time Skankie would not be playing HOH if the rewind did not exist and likely Victoria would be gone. So with the rewind Skankie is given two more chances to win and likely he will since these morons cannot win anything against him.
If next week replays like this. With Frankie as HOH and POV, the I predict Codependent goes to jury. He is better at comps then Venice. I don’t believe Frankie really wants to sit next to Derrick in the f2. And Derrick doesn’t want that either. Then the next one they will remove Caleb. I think Frankie and Derrick want to be sitting next to Veronica.
Caleb and Cody have really nice butts. I wish they cropped Frankie out of that picture though because I am vomiting just from seeing it.
So once again Frankie wants to b famwhore and tell Victoria about the obvious the boys are working together .So he can grandstand and put her on the spot for some type of reaction. Some of them have watched too many past seasons. Get some new material. Victoria is vapid but I don’t see any reason to put her on the spot and she has never did anything to Frankie but not thorugly dislike him after putting her on the block that first HOH. I’m pretty sure she think/knows she’s going out. I kind of wish he would do it anyway and she say I know it F*ck Face and so it can irriated Derrick and Cody. Their alliance isn’t like the Brigade because they had one female member who actually helped them by bringing them information and using her to help keep them safe. Some of the girls were actually told and were part of the alliance. So get over yourself.And as usless a Victoria has been in the game. At certain points she has told Derrick things she’s seen for his benefit. They should thank the Big Brother gods that they had a few weak-minded women in there.
I think Frankie wants to tell Victoria to be mean and get a reaction but I also think he knows that by telling her, it will hurt Derricks game. He’s hoping she will not vote for him if sent to jury or she will no longer trust him if she stays.
It’s interesting that when straight guys perceive a flamboyant homosexual (not a judgement-just an observation) as being the strongest most powerful person in the house- or at least the most dynamic how strangely flirty and strange they will act. I seriously cannot imagine any other scenario that macho merican Caleb would be looking for compliments on his bod and comparing his body for the entertainment or attention of a character like Frankie. I don’t think he would have before entering the house either. Lines get very blurry in the bb house. Last time Cody compared his ass with other guys for male attention was probably the Wednesday before the show started.
Love him or hate him, Frankie is the best competitor this game has ever seen!! There isn’t 1 comp he isn’t capable of winning. He might end up being the first player ever to rely solely on winning comps to get to the F2 from here. Frankie vs Derrick would be one of the best F2’s ever whether anyone likes it or not!!
Have you stopped to consider that Frankie is the most physically fit person in the house—has been since the beginning. Also notice that all the comps are not involving things he can’t do—like the ones that involve getting wet and cold. He is good at comps, but I will be willing to bet that like Evil Dick, he was promised the win. The one time he was on slop, they also got fish,the o my food he ever cooks. He also got to use a sleeping bag for cover— no-one else did. If i was in there i would have thrown a fit about his special treatment, but they all know they can’t complain or they will go out next.
I realise that BB is totally run by production and every move is orchestrated by same, but it takes a little something away when DePrice says he is told by “JOHN” to give them good tv footage or when Skankie talks about being egged on in DR.
The longer Frankie is in this game the more I hate him please let this twist button thing get him out! Please Derrick or Cody win the HOH reset!
Nope, Vic has to win HOH. Derrick & Cody would still pussy out & evict Vic.
Did anyone ever say what happened to Derrick’s finger…happened back about the time Victoria was talking about putting a finger in a girl’s hoo-hoo?
Derrick cut his finger while opening a bottle of champagne during the Jeff/Jordan engagement party.
Thanks, I missed that one.
My wish for the rewind is that Victoria wins HOH and Frankie gets voted out. He walks out to boos and has to tell the jury that Victoria got him out. Justice is served.
Your wish should become reality!!!
I have a feeling like in years past production fears negativity they will not allow normal studio audience and bring in the CBS staff and family for frankie
There should be a BB16 poll that determines the most delusional HG. Frankie or Caleb for thinking they are America’s favorite player, Victoria for thinking she has played a great game because she is the last girl left standing, Derrick thinking the viewers are still pulling for him because he was chosen for TA, or Cody convinced he has acting potential, and that it was appropriate behavior touching Christine continuously.
Is anyone still watching this sh**? I just come here to get the updates but I dont actually watch the show anymore. This season is so ridiculous and boring.
THE RAPE JOKE; Unless you’re a sexual deviant, I think we can all agree it was very poor distasteful humour aimed at Victoria and their absolute dislike of her. They could have said they wanted to each line up and take a shot at punching her and it is equally violent and ill conceived.
Keep an open mind: The evening of Victoria’s juvenile questioning of sexual acts while they were all in bed the other night was really poor taste and as a person trying to present her ‘virgin storyline’, it was pretty transparent.
Regardless, the men handled it by answering her questions, not with the rapey vibe; they actually discussed it and did not disrespect her during that convo.
If anything, she was way out of bounds to bring it up (now that there are no women), trying to use the power of her pus*y or thinking about it…..
She knows what she’s doing, and she has now become the full-on bitch Victoria that’s used to getting or ‘taking’ everything she wants. No more women to feel threatened by makes her probably feel the queen left standing; not the annoying barnacle that stuck to Derrick after flinging herself at everything and finally stuck to him because he saw a meal ticket.
She knows what she’s doing and the whole ‘innocence’ portrayal is getting old.
She is Frankie in female form more or less but lacks the verbal and social skills to have influence. They don’t see her as anything but a hair weave in a make-up bag, wearing spandex and unfortunately she is just that shallow, vain and greedy.
Simon or Dawg.. On the Rewind, Reset, wouldn’t that also rewind the TA Mission as well? IF the whole week don’t count, then the TA mission shouldn’t count either, correct? What do you guys think?
No, the team america doesn’t have anything to do with the reset. It just resets after Christine was evicted .. so they will replay the HOH (without Derrick as he was the last HOH), re-nominate, re-play the veto, and evict someone.
Why are Frankie & Derrick only concerned with keeping everyone awake until 6am? I thought the challenge was to keep the houseguests awake for 24 hours???? They’ve slept yesterday till 11am-12noon???
Could you please clarify?
For the mission to catch a rat they only needed to keep them up till 6am. They started at 3am only to make sure BB had enough footage for the episode. The other mission which wasn’t picked was to fast for 24 hours.
I read where this will be the last season for the BB series. There is talk of starting a new series of social experimental interaction .Called Oddball Brother and it is for 3 weeks !!!!
Ironic really…how they are in search of rats that live in the BB house.
Would have been a more apropo alliance name:
Rat Patrol
Interesting chat on the hammock between Derrick and Victoria when she said Frankie stated that no one will win the final sitting beside Derrick or when even Victoria noticed there might be something fishy with Derrick being the only one who’s never been put up on the block .Does it mean the jig is up for Derrick? Does it mean there might be other people in the house too who start to see Derrick’s game? Derrick said smugly in a DR sessions that Donny noticed Derrick’s game and he’s out.Then Nicole spot it too and she needed to go.But what if all the remaining HGs are seeing Derrick’s play and will turn together against him? Derrick is a little bit jumpy already.
The way I see it, all the players left are legends in their own mind, certainly, I don’t think so.
Perhaps Frankie’s next show can be celebrity rehab–for a sex addiction. I like him. He’s entertaining, but he needs restraint for his own good.