Taylor “He (Terrance) basically told me he is going to poison the jury.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Michael
Nominees: Alyssa and Terrance
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Terrance and Alyssa will be nominated. Terrance is the target. (Not confirmed but if Veto is played there is a chance Turner is a target)

Lock your ranks in before midnight

5pm Kitchen – Michael, Brittany, Turner and Taylor.
Michael – I was not wanting to talk a lot of game before the veto meeting. And then he told me, well you told me you were done talking game. And I said you know that’s not what I meant. I am not done talking game. And he was like well that is why I didn’t come to you with the Kyle thing. After last night it was emotionally draining. I get that it is frustrating. Like he has tried to pull off moves and its not worked so get that its frustrating. But just because you couldn’t pull off these moves doesn’t mean the rest of us have not played the game. Just because we didn’t play the game you came in wanting to play, doesn’t mean we have not been playing. Turner – The game is being played. Michael – if he wanted to imply that you were the one that wanted to backdoor me and I should be going after you instead .. then its like so you want me go back on what I told everyone!? Turner – yeah. Michael – and he was like I really respect that you’re holding to that but you’re basically saying that I am wasting my week.

Kitchen Table – Monte and Taylor
Taylor – you’re about to hear some sh*t. Monte – who Terrance? Taylor – yeah. Monte – He already went in on me and Alyssa. I was just trying to be a friend to Alyssa to be honest with you. It wasn’t talking any game. So it was just like uh huh.. alright Terrance. He already talked to me about it before so.. anyway. Monte – did he talk to Michael yet? Taylor – oh did he! Monte – you talked to Michael? Taylor – yeah, he came down. Monte – how’s he doing he seems a little quiet. Taylor – he is fine. He (Terrance) basically told me he is going to poison the jury. Monte – I heard the same thing and I was like alright dude!?

5:50pm The house guests are cleaning in the kitchen. Michael is cleaning out the fridge.

6:22pm Chinese Checkers.. and more fridge cleaning..

Storage room – Alyssa and Brittany.
Brittany – how are you doing? Alyssa – I kind of wanted to talk and we can talk anytime over the next couple days but.. I touched base with Michael and he made it very clear what his intentions were and he said if there is any talk of anything flipping you know I am open to using the veto and I have your back. I really do trust him and I really do want to work with you guys. And if this is what it takes to prove myself then. Brittany – not a single person I have heard and myself included has any intention of you leaving. Alyssa – I really appreciate that. So if this is what it is to build trust and show you that I am a team player and I really want to be here then that’s what it is. And the following week, I want you guys on my side just as long as I can prove that and it can workout.. And I 100% trust him and any decision you make I know you put so much thought into it.. so I know you’re not just like throw her up. I love everyone and I trust everyone. Brittany – I don’t think anyone wants to see you go. Alyssa – I am excited to play veto and see what happens. I would prefer not to sit there on eviction night but I do, I trust you guys.

6:40pm Michael joins them. Michael – I don’t know if Brittany has told you anything about what Terrance said? Alyssa – no. Michael – Terrance has basically given up which I feel bad but .. He was very unhappy. He feels like he is done. He basically said he is going to jury and is going to influence them… and try to tank me in the jury. And like no amount of threatening… Like I am not going to respond to that. The whole situation with Kyle.. he doesn’t like how I handled it and he is going to use it against me. All I can do is tell him my thought process. I just put him up on the block and this is his fifth time. Alyssa – this is his fifth time? Michael nods. Michael – he didn’t say he is giving up but he was like my game here is done, I am going to go to jury and play my game in there. Alyssa – that is stressful.. that is a lot.

7:28pm Kitchen – Michael, Brittany and Turner talking about random things..

7:45pm Monte is sleeping.

8:28pm – 9:05pm Bedroom – Terrance talking to the cameras.
Terrance – I think this is why I wanted to be a part of this experience is because or I have never seen a me in this game. And when I say a me, is a person that is really believes in something to the point where its not game anymore its just principle. And some people will tuck in all of this and just be like yo let it go… its not worth it. Who cares. You fighting for the bad. Then there is me. Monte joins him. Terrance – when I went up stairs he (Michael) was like everybody told me that you (Terrance) had another plan about the nominations and you were trying to keep Kyle. I was like yeah, you got that right! But it was quickly dissolved. So whoever brought that to you it was just on some vindictive f**k sh*t. Monte – I think for her she is looking at it as a personal attack because she is on the block… so she probably ran right up and (told Michael about Terrance trying to keep Kyle this last week). Terrance – you want to hug me… man get the f**k out of my face! What the f**k is you doing!? (Wow, anger issues?!) And I’ve always said, have a conversation with me first. And if you don’t take that time to have a conversation before, then go on your own devices. And I am going to have a long conversation with her before I go to just let her know like .. I just feel.. Big Brother switches the feeds. Monte – it was actually a dumb move for their game. Terrance – dumb as hell. Monte – because now you got me, who they could have had me.. but now they lost me because they don’t know that they lost me but they lost me. ..Because once you tried to play that fiddle in the living room about how this is bad for our game and how we had to do our due diligence before we got here. Two points of bullsh*t.. its not bad for your game and you did no due diligence between two weeks ago and now because you were in two separate houses and all this week you (Michael) didn’t have any conversations with Kyle. Next week Michael can’t play HOH, that leaves me, Turner, Alyssa and Brittany to go after him. Terrance – I’m going to pull her to the side and have a real heat to heart with her. And I kind of hope it sinks in somewhere. Monte – she has to know that she is coming in 3rd place.

11:17pm Terrance is sleeping.

11:37pm – 12:09am Kitchen – Alyssa and Monte are playing Chinese Checkers. Michael and Taylor are listing off music pop stars. They talk about what time they would be watching the live feeds if they were at home.

1:20 am Chit chat..

2:50 am Chit chat
They did comment about Terrance being mad he’s getting send out.
3:40 am everyone left up heading to bed..

4:20 am Zzzzz

205 thoughts to “Taylor “He (Terrance) basically told me he is going to poison the jury.””

  1. Since I decided to stop watching the show I thought I’d read the recap and just found out that Alyssa voted Kyle out.

    Major lol. Does she think that does anything for her own reputation?

    Voting in blocks has ruined big brother and I’ve to expect it but this late in the game is just so unimaginative that it does call into question if anyone knows what they’re friggin doing.

    1. You probably need to catch up. At this point Alyssa has no reputation. All she’s done in BB this summer is have sex with 10 second man Kyle, lay on lounge chairs and bob around in the pool!

      1. I meant that.. did she think voting Kyle out was enough to distance her self from him and his alleged micro aggressions.

        She’s so lame for doing that and not being loyal.

    1. Why happened to his parents are Deacons in the church, Terrance is a fool.

      He’s not trustworthy, he has called Taylor some nasty vulgar names, but yet still smiles in her face, he teamed up with Daniel, tried to get Monte out, Terrance is pissed because he’s on the block for the 5th time, he had the same opportunity as everyone else in the house to win the HOH.

      Terrance did his usual, he lost another competition. This is why I said when he was HOH in the backyard, I personally did not feel like he won, he was HOH because he came in 2nd place, that HOH was given to him.

      I don’t like Terrance, he has this high option of his game play, which is really non existent, he’s a bitter sore loser, he’s two faced, has no word, but yet always saying I got you, well how can he act like he is protecting anyone, he has no power.

      Terrance has been carried in this game from day 1, DJ Smooth is a big baby, if you don’t keep him safe, then he will poison the Jury against you, SHUT UP Fool, sit on the block, who cares what he says when he goes to the Jury, Terrance is a sore loser who can’t win anything, unless it’s handed to him.

      1. Thank you! Thank you! Terrance is obnoxious and if he thinks he’s giving good representation to his race, he’s crazy! He’s stupid, bitter and thinks the world owes him $750,000.

        Terrance, shut up already!!

        1. I like Terrance. He’s the under dog and always shaking crap up. I just love it. I hope he goes in there and poisons the crap out of Michaels jury **if** the pompous ass even makes it to the end. I’m ready to stop watching him win comps and think that he’s smarter than everyone else

          1. He is smarter than everyone else that’s why he keeps winning competitions. Have you been watching the show????

        2. Terrence is a pos and I can’t stand him. However, no one person is a representative of any race. Why is it in the AA community we have to worry about what a single person does? It is very annoying to read something like this! Because he doesn’t represent me.

      2. I’m standing and applauding you!!! You are so right on about Terrance!! He is a big baby boo hoo let Jazzy ‘s boot kick you out the door!! He can try and taint the jury but it won’t work. Know one worked with him in the house why would they work with him in the jury. They’ll know he’s bitter!! Jasmine even said she wished she was in with Mikey!! She blew her game because of a make believe injury!! That ruined her game!! Christmas had an actual injury!! If Jasmine actually played she might still be in the house. But she screwed herself by thinking an injury would carry her to the end!!! Just play the game!! Bust your @ss, win the comps, get to the end on your own and then you deserve the 750. Other than that, go home!!!

      3. Well Michel is concerned what he says to jury. Who ever Michael brings to final 2 hopefully Alissa will win because of the creepy timing of the Kyle comments when he brought them up. Michael can’t explain away how that appears no matter how hard he tries.

    2. Terrance sucks, he’s always sucked. His hatred for Taylor has always bothered me. He’s called her a b*tch so many times, he’s talked trash about her to everyone, and the thing that ticked me off the most about him was when he and Daniel were chatting in the kitchen being total douche bags and questioned how could Taylor win Miss Michigan. He’s freaking vile.

      1. Not as VILE as that weasel Michael. I hope Terrance tells the jury just how sick Michael and Brittany really are.

        1. I completely disagree. Michael is one of the best players ever to be on BB and it has been exciting and fun watching him use his intellect, strategy and physical skill to move through this game from week to week. Against all odds.

          Without Michael this season would have been sleep inducing.

          1. I totally agree!!! Michael is one of the best players ever!!! He will definitely be invited back for All-stars!! Terrance and Jazzy will never be invited back!!!

          2. Amen!!! Michael and Britt didn’t start sh#t, Kyle did with his paranoia and wanting to get laid! Mikey used Kyle’s words to his advantage and Kyle would have done the same if the shoe fit!! Mike’s been playing since day 1. Getting tired of BB not the show anymore!!! Sad but true

        2. I totally agree him and Brit. Michael pulling this out on Kyle at that moment showed me his true colors. He didn’t do it for any thoughts of doing right for my culture. He did it to stir up crap and get the house against Kyle. He can try to say all he wants about there was no time. No sir! Not going to fly here. If you cared so much, you had the perfect opportunity to tell Monte and Taylor during Brochella!! I don’t buy that if he came back in the house madness. Game play is game play and I get that, but the way he did this was calculated to destroy him inside and outside of the house. As a POC I do not feel what Kyle said was racist. Let’s be honest, when was there EVER an opportunity for a cookout??? Tell me a season, just 1…I’ll wait. However, in all the seasons of any all white alliance was there an issue?? I certainly still watched and had favorites in the alliances where there was no POC. So in my opinion, I didn’t like what Kyle said but it didn’t come from a place of racism, it came out of fear, being over analytical and in no way, shape or form, did I feel it was racist. But, Michael trying to use this against him when he did makes me sick to my stomach!! He even said out of own mouth that this was for leverage!! So you use this against him not because you care what he said but to make him seem racist. That goes beyond simple game play to me. That’s his reputation outside of this game and I’m disgusted. I was Team Michael or Team Monte for the win the whole season! But now, I hope he gets to take a trip into the jury house. And don’t even get me started on Brit and Alyssa, we could be here all day!! I’m not a fan.

          1. Completely agree! I thought Michaels game play and intuition was amazing but this move really disgusted me. Not really many people to cheer on anymore but I guess I’m pulling for Monte or Turner.

          2. I don’t know about that because I’m a black woman and I personally felt it was a racist comment but I didn’t feel anything bad about it.. I understood where Kyle was coming from but it still was base on top of race…because if it wasn’t base on race he would of never said something in regards to being canceled for something.. so Kyle knew exactly what he was saying when he was saying…i don’t blame Micheal and Brittany at all for saying it when they said it because it was never going to be a right time for it…and Kyle was saying and doing everything to get Joseph out and in a sense when Mike and Britt did that it basically protected Taylor for not being the person looked at to be voted out so for me it came at the right time to get Kyle out…Kyle was lieing on everyone to save his behind and sometimes Karma is a real bit__

          3. I’m still Team Michael….Kyle would’ve done the Same thing to Him….Bottom Line….When you play BB….Everything you do and Say Can and Will be used Against you….And this Goes for Everyone in the House!

      2. My personal experience with older religious men, is sometimes they have guilty thoughts when they see a beautiful younger woman and blame the woman, for the unholy thoughts they are having about that woman. Isn’t that how the Salem thing started?

      3. Terrance is vile!! Calling an innocent girl a slut, for no reason is appalling!! He’s a gross man and should have been evicted before jury!! I really don’t think he can taint the jury because of Kyle’s stupidity. The jury knows who is actually playing a good game. Michael wins because Michael knows he has to, in order to win. He busts his @ss every day!! Mikey for the win but it’s not going to be easy!!

    3. I can imagine Terrance going to jury and harping on it. Over and over. Every week when the newest person arrives in the jury house. It doesn’t mean the jurors have to agree with him. They will likely tire of hearing it. Especially Kyle.

      And in the end the jurors will have to vote for one of the two players left. If one of them is Michael, I think he will get a lot of votes.

      But I think Michael will likely end up in the jury house himself.

    4. Terrance will have the same pull in the jury house that he has in the house. Nobody takes a two face too seriously.

      1. I wish you were right, but someone without that kind of inferiority complex will do anything to knock down someone like Michael. He needs a scapegoat for letting Kyle talk him into evicting Joe.

        1. Joe will also be in the jury house. He has told the others already there his side of things.

          I doubt Terrance’s spiteful story /sour grapes about Michael will have much sway with Joe. Joe is there because of Kyle and because of Terrance’s gullibility. Terrance trying to convince Joe that it is Michael’s fault would be ludicrous.

  2. If I remember correctly it is not the 1st time that I thought I have heard Terrence say that he would poison the jury

      1. Which isn’t much of a strategy as a jury member because of the many personalities in that jury house already and with him telling at least 2 people in the Big Brother house it’s backfiring already. The fun will come in regards to some of us who may encounter people online who ask one of 2 questions that elicit the response of “This is not Game of Thrones. He doesn’t mean it literally”

  3. CBS Is so wrong. They allowed the cookout a alliance against white people. But threw Kyle under bus for bringing it up. It’s obvious that CBS is manipulating the game. I think they pre decide the winner. And make comps based on who they want to win.

      1. One that white people couldn’t get into. Racism knows no colors.

        No one talks about the fact that black people have a long racist history with Asians that rivals that of white supremacy but ok now, not the narrative we’re pushing I guess.

      2. So when there is an all white alliance can it be for the white people and not against black people? Sounds stupid, right…

      3. To simply play devil’s advocate, one could say Kyle’s proposed alliance was not an alliance against a possible cookout 2.0 but it was an alliance for Kyle. Kyle has never won BB before.

        I still contend it’s ridiculous to hear the uproar about alliance talk based on race, yet nobody is screaming about alliance talk based on gender. Is it ok to be sexist but not racist? It’s time for BB to cast an entire house of individuals that each have a different race so we can end the stupidity.

        1. gender alliance is next year
          gay alliance in 2024
          lesbian alliance in 2025
          trans alliance in 2026
          Little people alliance in 2027
          blue eyed alliance in 2028
          brown eye alliance in 2029
          It was decided that no one cares for green eyed people so they will be screened from ever coming on
          For 2030 production will determine what group is marginalized
          in society at that time.

          1. Still nobody remembers Asians. It’s like we’re invisible until the Anti-Asian thing came up being blamed for Covid. Having one Asian person per season and getting voted out early makes it insurmountable for an Asian to win. Yes, I know there have been Asian winners. Just saying it’s an uphill battle.

            When Mirai Nagasu was evicted and said she was uncomfortable being the only Asian, Julie said she’s often the only Asian. That doesn’t make it right, Julie!

      4. They devastated people based on their skin color. There is no room for that cruelty in a truly equal and just society.

    1. I find it amazing that in over 20 seasons of BB how many all white alliances there have been, no one of color included, they ran the house, some of those alliances were called out for various levels of racism, and most seasons were like a horror movie, evicting people of color first, but the one time that people of color stand up and band together in alliance and pull it off, now there’s complaints, and not once did those people of color complain about the all white alliances, hmmm, smh

      1. Has there been some alliances with all white players? sure
        Did they form those alliances because they were all white? NO
        Did they target others for eviction because they were non-white? NO

        Did the cookout form their alliance because they were all black? YES
        Did they target others for eviction because the were non-black? YES


      2. “most seasons were like a horror movie, evicting people of color first”
        Why you lying ?

        BB2 Monica 3rd place
        BB3 Danielle 2nd place
        BB3 Marcellas 5th place
        BB5 Marvin 6th place
        BB6 Beau 5th place
        BB7 Danielle 6th place
        BB7 Marcellas 9th place
        BB8 Jameka 4th place
        BB10 Libra 9th place
        BB11 Chima 6th person to leave after being expelled by production
        BB13 Kalia 5th place
        BB15 Howard and Candice, 5th and 6th evicted after 3 white guys and 1 white girl were evicted
        BB16 Jocasta 6th person evicted
        BB18 Davonne 7th evicted, Zakiyah 8th evicted
        BB OTT Justin 4th place, Neely 4th evicted after 3 white guys were evicted
        BB19 Dominique 4th evicted Ramses 5th evited after 2 white guys and 1 white girl were evicted
        BB20 Bayleigh 6th evicted
        BB21 see below – 4 poc – Bella , Jack, Analyse and Jessica all went deeper into the game
        BB22 Bayleigh 5th evicted after 3 white girls, Davonne, Kevin, David 7th, 8th and 9th evicted after 3 white girls and 1 white guy
        BB23 – All black players created an all black alliance based on being black, and targeted the other players for not being black which included 2 poc Alyssa and Derek X

        those who left early and why:

        BB1 William he argued with the other HG’s, sabotaged the shopping task – public voted him out over the attractive former stripper
        BB10 Parker left early because of the couples twist , where 2 people left at the same time. Parker’s partner had a boyfriend in the house, she was the target not Parker. (victim of circumstance)
        BB13 Keith 1st evicted After leading the charge against the vets who were in power (bad gameplay)
        BB14 Jodi 1st evicted (By Production)
        BB16 Devin 3rd evicted after being one of the craziest players the game has seen (bad gameplay)
        BB17 Davonne 2nd evicted after getting heated and arguing in a room full of people (bad gameplay)
        BB18 Jozea 2nd evicted after callig himself the messiah and telling the HoH that she’s his target (bad gameplay)
        BB19 Dominique 4th evicted after blowing up peoples games with her talk show (bad gameplay)
        BB20 Swaggy 2nd evicted he was talking about Kaitlyn behind her back,she found out and wanted him out, Kaitlyn won HoH turned on her Foutte alliance, Swaggy was a renom and the secret Level 6 alliance kept their alliance member (bad gameplay)
        BB21 David 1st evicted (By Production) Ovi 2nd evicted he ratted out some players to their own alliance (bad gameplay) Kemi 3rd evicted she talked about getting Jack(poc) out, that info got back to him. he won HoH (bad gameplay) – All 3 of them lost the re-enter comp to an old white guy (Cliff)

        1. Great breakdown of placements. And Tamar won Celebrity BB. Todrick would have won Celebrity BB if he wasn’t exposed as being a backstabber and mean girl/ He was in a house with many POC but trashed any people who liked him so Meisha won – also a comp beast who no one wanted to her to win (Michael the comp beast anyone? Michael had to earn his way since day 1 and was first targeted on the block. He also could not put any faith in any alliance to have his back and only was incvluded to protect the alliance members. Terrence wants to kill the messenger and who cares about timing when Kyle didn’t even want to own his words until the house meeting which was hardly shown. Now Terrence wants to educate Kyle for his ignorance and excoriate Michael because he didnt out a lying manipulator earlier? Terrence has shown his hatred for Taylor multiple times and was mad that Michael who everyone knows has a bond with Britt should have taken Taylor down instead to prove he proteted POC. Three POC have made it pretty far not really playing the game. Terrence is also pissed that he got played by Kyle to get rid of Joseph who is consiered a POC – actually a minority so his guilt is fueling his hatred for Michael. Terrence is a sour grapes loser who likes to blame everyone for his shortcomings. He has complained the entire game that things are not fair. So BB should ban anyone who actually is playing the game and competing and he should automatically have a leg up and some level playing field?)

        2. Awesome breakdown! Kind of puts the whole narrative into perspective huh? But unfortunately people are going to see what they want to see.

          1. that was a breakdown of black players, but they cant argue that non-black poc players have been targeted first either because thats even more BS especially since we’ve had several non-black poc winners

    2. Jim I think your really stupid and how many years have there been all white alliances the only difference is you knew they form together because of there race of being AA..

  4. Terrence’s game was out the door when Evil Elvis left. He is a bitter angry black man. He is like a child. Gonna take his ball and go home.

    1. SO true. He’s obnoxious, can’t wait til his sour a** gets kicked out! He thinks he’s entitled because he was stupid enough to fall for Kyle’s eviction of Joe.

    2. How ironic, you have no clue how patently racist it is to call someone an angry black man.

      The ugly is seeping.

      Go on, defend it.

      1. Hahahaha! Amanda does not have skills to explain herself! Maybe she needs to get some tips from the skillful intellect of Michael!

  5. Bitter jurors happen. Like, every season someone gets evicted and becomes salty about it.
    It depends on the houseguest navigate that. A good player can calculate and determine how to lessen the damage of a bitter juror, or how to schmooze a potential bitter juror.
    This season, there are a couple houseguests that have entered with the premise that if they are not the winner, they pre-calculated being bitter. I’m looking at Terrance and Britt. Both have talked about being bitter jurors since week 5.
    Here is the calculation that has to be made:
    How much sway does that bitter juror have. Imo, Terrance and Britt can scream into the wind in jury because not one houseguest has any respect for them whatsoever.
    The worry that has to enter most houseguests minds? Joseph, Kyle are charismatic talkers. That’s who I’d be more worried about as a potential finalist.

    1. Michael will be very influential inside or outside of the jury.Also don’t overlook Jasmine,she had a lot of influence over her minions.

      1. Michael, to be honest, will not be influential to jury. He shies away from conflict like he has an allergy.
        Michael, at this point… he had Indy, and maybe Jasmine. Joseph blamed Michael for not being indoors, therefore putting him in harms way. Kyle blames Michael for outing his bias discussions.
        remaining houseguests? Terrance is essentially saying that Michael is more problematic than Kyle (who he wanted to keep) because Michael hasn’t done what Terrance wanted in either of his HOH’s (evict Monte). He started talking about tainting jury against Michael with Daniel right after Nic’s eviction. Now that it’s HIS ass in danger, suddenly the cause exists, and he’s measuring Michael for a white pillow case. That will be his take away if he’s evicted. But the jurors don’t respect him.
        Monte? If Monte hits jury he’ll be the bitterest of all. His opinion will have weight because the house gave his opinion weight starting week one.
        Britt? If she hit jury nobody would believe her. They have ZERO respect for her.
        Turner? How much jury weight does Fire and Facts carry?

        1. Unfortunately Michael will face a jury of bitter bitter people, led by the worthless Terrance. Sad to say, even if Michael gets to F2 against almost insurmountable odds, what chance does he have with Terrance soaking his bitter venom through the jury house?

          1. So you believe the jurors will all be easily influenced by Terrance? He is so influential with these folks that he has been on the block 5 times! Yes, they will definitely subvert their own opinions to do what he wants them to.

        2. Yes Michael avoids conflict but when his back is against the wall,look out.Kyle should have.The Puppet Turner is white as a ghost for a reason.

        3. I’m not sure monte will be bitter juror for every final 2. He definitely will for MB though. He’s not calming down about it at all. Amazingly, he’s sharing it mostly with Terrance who he should not trust with these rants at all. I cannot tell if it’s just how passionate he feels about the issue or if it’s game play. Is Monte so certain Terrance is out this week that he’s riling Terrance up to help Monte win with the jury? Or is Monte giving Terrance the ammo to finally get Monte out? Either way, it’s becoming clear Michael may only win with Brittany next to him. His game is very transparent to all of the jurors except the first two. The house split will be what ultimately tanked Michael’s entire game. Monte, Joe, and Kyle appeared to understand why it went down the way it did. Monte realized he was expendable and the backup if Jasmine won veto. Kyle definitely realized he was expendable to Michael. If this season ends up with a “bad” winner, I am afraid we will have to blame the twist, and I hate that.

        4. Unfortunately, at this point, it looks like either Monty or Turner will win the game; neither of whom, in my opinion, are deserving.

        5. I think if mike is up against a goat, the jury will give the win to mike after they calm down and see how they will be disregarded as bitter. This jury all want to vote with the house so it will be the same by finale night. They dont want to be on the wrong side of history

    2. Yes bitter jurors happen all the time. Paul should have won twice but was very abrasive withhis ming games as was Vanessa. Danielle Reyes played a brilliant game and would have been the first POC and woman in season 3 to win if she just would have remembered jury management and not left scathing goodbye messages. Terrence is a sore loser and also feeling guilty about being bamboozled by Kyle to get rid of Joseph. He has always wanted a level playing field and though Michael being a comp beast was unfair to everyone. Hopefully some of the jurors vote on themerits and not from one game move that was warranted when Kyle backed him into a corner. Kyle has never been loyal to Po’s Oack, Oasis, the Pound, The Committee, the Five Swatters, the Leftovers, The Afterparty or his final two with Turner which he outed and he lied and manipulated his way throuhh the game. He has to own the words he said which Michael should not have to pay for.

  6. Terrance needs to realize that he would still be in this exact same spot on the couch even if Michael didn’t come forward with Kyles ignorant comments. He might have even been sitting next to Kyle. Lol. Michael dropped the info after his veto win, and he still brought Brittany down. Monte and Taylor are the ones that benefited from that move. Not Michael.

    1. Michael clearly intended to benefit most from that move, and he definitely got the most immediate benefit. He got Turner to put up turner’s closest ally on turner’s own hoh. Michael did not do that to save Monte and Taylor. He did it to tank Kyle and assure he was marginalized. He would have been just fine with Monte or Taylor leaving. It was all to tank his biggest threat going forward and in a way that made it appear he was still riding with leftovers and playing the more moral game. He just underestimated his fellow competitors.

  7. What happened to referencing the parents who were deacons in church and who believed forgiveness was the right decision? I guess Terrance’s god’s forgiveness is only to be doled out to those who can move him further in the game towards $750K. I don’t like hypocrites. I hope Terrance sees that it’s not within his capability “to poison” the jury, to control their votes. Every person has the free will to vote the winner in the end. Good luck to all remaining players. Let’s leave the phoney god references out of the game.

    1. Yeah – I’m wondering during his exit interviews if he’ll be asked to explain his support of Kyle instead of Taylor & then further probed on the disgusting & continual shots he’s taken at Taylor the entire game.

      (actually hoping they give him specific examples bc he’s been uber nasty about her)

      THAT might stop him in his tracks as he heads to jury. It’ll make him ponder how he’s being viewed externally & perhaps shift his current mindset on poisoning the jury and if that will further impact the outside opinion. (ie: supporting the racist but not the whistleblower).

  8. Terrance picking up his toys and won’t play. His anger is directed at Michael when it is really about himself and what he did to Joseph.. and choosing to believe everything Kyle fed him. He feels the fool and is hurt. He’ll get over it but it’s time for him to go

    1. I’m watching Thursday night now and I completely agree. Terrance is a fool for allowing Joe to be evicted and to believe Kyle. But he’s too in love with himself and narrow minded and bitter to admit anything. Most obnoxious HG this summer.

      so Michael becomes his scapegoat. And yes he will take his bitterness to jury and spew his slime talk.

  9. I guessed a booklist two weeks ago: Boot list: Kyle-Terrance-Alyssa-Taylor-Michael. Final 3 Brit-Monte-Turner – Final 2: Turner/Monte Votes for Monte 7 to 3. At the start of BB this season, my original hope was for Brit to win or come second. I don’t really mind who wins.

  10. Terrance lasted waaay longer than he should have. He’s not the first person to enter the jury house with bitterness against the person who put him up. Juries are not sheep, each one has their own thoughts, opinions, & ideas. Terrance, of all people, doesn’t carry that much influence and juries don’t blindly follow when a single jury member sings the blues or plays the blame game. Who died and made Terrance king ! ? !

    1. I hear what you’re saying, but bitter worthless people like Terrance need to build themselves by knocking down someone with Michael’s talents. It will become his mission.

        1. If joseph wants to not believe kyle would do him dirty, he might think it was Mike who told Terrance to vote him out and blame Terrance

  11. I am behind but I want to talk about this Kyle thing. Why is it okay last year to have the cookout but this year if someone wants to do it again but with white people it’s wrong? For Michael and Brittney to twist this 2 weeks later is shameful and they should have let him explain himself before calling him a racist on national tv.

    1. Why has there only been one black winner in 23 seasons? Why did it take an all black alliance to get a black person to win? How many all white alliances have there been in all seasons? Your points are really ignorant and petty. Get educated or get over yourself.

      1. You have to remember the numbers. When there are twenty people playing and only two are black, there’s a good chance that an alliance will be all white. Not because they planned it the way the Cookout did, but because of the percentage of players. If it were all reversed – 18 black players and two white, then the majority of winners world be black. So…talk to CBS about why they cast the players the way they do.

  12. I don’t judge how players play the game,they have to use what they have.But what I hate and have no respect for is players who use personal attacks to justify their moves.It’s a strategy that sadly often works but it’s the cheapest lowest form of gameplay.This is why I want Monte to be the last one to win this game.His one big move in this game was turning the house on Taylor,and he still couldn’t get her out.People trash Alyssa and Britt,calling them floaters.Why does Monte get a pass?

    1. I’ll go out on a limb and say he will thrive in the wake of what happened to Kyle. He’s using it for all it’s got. I used to respect him but not anymore. He needs to start doing something, like playing comps and winning. Talk is cheap. That’s why I respect Michael so much. He’s out there working while most of the others do nothing but complain,

    2. How can it be the lowest form of game play (M&B) in a game where anything go.
      BB set the rules nothing off limits, except physical contact/attaching someone.
      are we trying to make a unrighteous game righteous? Or a game based on no morality (to lie, cheat, dishonesty etc) , Moral?

        1. well terrance did go up on the polls being understanding last week. That is why it is shocking he is so cruel this week. But Being on the block 5 times, when you dont believe you are the seasons pawn, must be hard to realize at the end

  13. Is it just me that thinks telling the house you are going to poison the jury against a houseguest… actually gives the rest of the house incentive?
    I mean, if you know some crackpot is going to jury to poison minds, well then keeping them around even if they have won multiple comps… even a frickin baking contest, might be in order… hmmm. Yup, I’d be playing up ‘doesn’t matter how many comps I win if some asshat is poisoning the jury, so hey, maybe you should work with me.’

    1. I understand what you’re saying but Terrance is so foul and so bitter that I think he’ll pull out all the stoppers to poison against Michael.

    2. I know!! The guy even won the bake-off!!

      Are you suggesting that Michael should use this strategy about blob Terrance now?

    3. I would agree with you if Terrence wasn’t….Terrence. Didn’t Taylor and Monte practically roll their eyes when he said that. If most of the people in the Big Brother house and the Jury House weren’t onto his antics then I would agree.

  14. Sorry, not sorry “Mr I Got You” aka “Ya Boy” aka the Potato needs to stop with his bitter pity party crap. He acts as if he has played this stellar game, when he’s really just been a cushion warmer.

  15. If Michael wins BB, it will forever be tainted in the way he did it, he will always have that uncomfortable/guilty feeling,…He will know, That we all know how pathetic he is.

    1. I disagree. If Michael somehow wins every comp and is able to dissipate the foul Terrance’s venom against Michael, Michael will be remembered as someone who with tenacity and fervor and skill and intellect won this game.

      What you may not remember is the all boy’s alliance that formed in the early days and Michael knew he was being left out of it. I remember him talking to the camera about it and he knew, beyond a doubt, that he would have to work four times harder than anyone else to stay in this game. And that’s pretty much what he subsequently did. He played BB.

    2. I totally and completely disagree, I believe your thought process is flawed. Michael has absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, not now not ever. Look what Kyle did—lied about Joseph to dismantle the alliance and trash Michael in the process …which was Kyle playing *his* game & he need not feel guilty for that either.
      Side note: In Survivor they lie, cheat and steal and nobody goes home “tainted” or “feel forever guilty”.

    Monte and Terrance talk about the wall yellers at Dyrefest that said Kyle is a Racist (that’s what was yelled the second wall yeller, first one was Kyle is a liar). So Terrance’s whole song and dance about would have saved Joseph if Michael had spilled the beans before dyre fest is…. bullshit? This is the third time this topic has come up, and the third time it’s been cut.
    I direct you to the tmz planted story from production saying security (production assistants with walkie talkies) has successfully kept wall yellers away from bb all season. If the Brochella know what was yelled… evidently THAT story is 100% false, and so is Terrance’s claim that he had no idea or indication.
    So, If i go into my personal Way back machine and remember my much earlier work in tv production…. Yeah, prodo is probably not impressed with having to do the Kyle reveal and two episode arc. They’d been using the season 21 method of look over there at that shiny ball of tinfoil rolling across the floor, don’t pay attention to what we’re doing with feed cuts for about a month. They had Julie Chen out there making a whole great big ass of herself in interviews saying things akin to ‘welll… microaggressions are a part of life, and we have to show understanding because they don’t know they’re microaggressive’ from week 2 until the day of the veto ceremony last week. I think they didn’t want to cover that in storyline. At all. They were hoping putting Kyle into a final four alliance with Terrance would clean that right up. They did call Joseph to d/r so that alliance could be made.
    So, if my premise rings true, and we look at those weird d/r calls Michael and Britt got during Brochella when they discussed revealing then and dropped the idea after the calls… I’d surmise they were asked not to reveal. When Michael decided to reveal, there would have been talk with legal, Michael using the wall yellers and cookout 2.0 warnings in week 6 as evidence that it was ALREADY a part of storyline, and therefore fair game. There would have been a 24 hour period for Michael to consider his actions, and Kyle would have been given a heads up that it was possible. Explains why Kyle told Alyssa there was a possibility he could be evicted this week the day befrore the reveals happened (before the veto was played).
    That leads us to…. Terrance and Monte again. Note: anyone tracked the just after d/r thing that precipitated their earliest talks saying Michael and Britt think the same as Kyle?
    Go back and check. The first two times they discussed it was RIGHT after one of them had left the d/r.
    For everyone thinking Prodo set Kyle up? Doubtful. They’d spent WAY too much energy trying to cover for him on feeds. They gave him warning in d/r. They continued to cut/switch feeds after the warning.
    We know production puts their hands into the game. We know from past seasons that they actively discourage some things, and actively aid others. Since the court decision that reality entertainment programming does not fall under the guidelines for game show rules… we know their hands aren’t tied in this matter.
    What Michael is going to have to do? Kaycee his way through comps for the rest of the game. Oh come on. Kaycee’s HOH win week 11? The cameras focused on Brett and missing Kaycee winning except on wide shot? She used the live HOH against production when Brett was supposed to win. This is why her HOH basket had an open stale bag of chips with a cigarette butt in it, and her own 12 week old leftover food from sequester. She gamed production and won a live comp she wasn’t supposed to win. This is why Brett was loudly complaining he was supposed to win that comp.
    The big problem: Individual time comps are coming. You know, the production makes up numbers and nobody saw it head to head, so who’s to say we’re lying comps.

  17. Just when you think Terrence can’t get any sleazier, you see the “ crockpot pu$$y “ video on Twitter……..ima ‘bout to barf

  18. I forgot to note in my tinfoil hat a few minutes ago…
    If Terrance is evicted, he isn’t going alone, it’s a double.
    SO even his threat is neutered.

    1. Do you think that they are smart enough, assuming Brittany doesn’t win HoH (given past history of Big Brother the odds are in her favor), to evict Michael in the 2nd eviction Thursday night

  19. Yesterday’s concern is intensified today.
    That concern was the message being sent by Monte and Terrance: the messenger is more evil than the message.
    A couple of hours ago Monte pontificated that the world is going to be tough on Britt because she didn’t stand up sooner, and she’s sending the message to white people that it’s okay to enable by waiting so long.
    My takeaway: so it’s worse to be the person that delivers the message. One look at bbtwitter last week and some comments here for the same period…. and yup. Being the messenger is more evil than the message they deliver.
    Good to know. Man people suck. We’re right back to ‘everybody hates a tattletale’ and ‘snitches get stiches’, and ‘don’t tell anyone what I just did, they won’t believe you’ days, aren’t we? Grrrreaaaat.

      1. That’s total bs. They didn’t give a damn what Kyle had to say untell they figured out that they could use it against him and further their game. That’s obvious by how long they held on to it.

        1. 100%. Listen to the pod cast of Derrick and Cody. They summed it up perfectly. No one is excusing Kyle but why the “messengers” are getting blow back is because they are attempting to weaponize racism. This was 100% strategy…not a “heavy heart”. Before Michael dropped the info he said “I have the receipts” after the veto comp Michael said “bye Kyle”. I was all for Michael till he weaponize a sensitive discussion for strategy, and villanized Kyle’s paranoid thoughts/fears into racism. The timing (3 and a half weeks after.the conversation happened), the “this hurts our game”, the two on one conversations with each house guest, the reveal to two not three of the POC without looping in Kyle…all.of.it left a terrible taste in my mouth. I want Monte, Turner, Taylor in the final three. Monte to win. No longer respect Michael. And the sheer loathing you all have dor Terrance is off the chart. While I don’t like most of his game, didn’t like how he interacted with Taylor. I am still impressed with how.he spoke to Kyle and the house about the root of the problem. He won points with me. As did Taylor who acted the fool.in the beginning of the game and was.unlikeable based on her attitude, not her skin color which gets conveniently left out of the discussion. After her initial social awkwardness, ahe has handled her self with grace during some horrific behavior. She has been poised and wise. So not a Terrance hates, with all the redemption served up, I am for Monty for the win. Would be fine with Turner or Taylor as well.

      1. did a single law change in reaction to metoo? That’s been my big doubt. Call me when a law changes. Until then, great, people are sharing their stories, but.
        Okay i woke up full on cynic today.

  20. I love that everyone is mad at Terrance for being bitter against Michael, but when Michael and Brittany were talking about being bitter in the jury against Turner and Kyle most people cheered. Y’all are hypocrites smh

      1. Just a question…..why are players who aren’t in the game still being ranked? I’ve always wondered…..once they are eliminate, I never give them a vote…..waste of time IMHO. Thanks!

      2. So have you set up the totems to make sure that the past history of most Big Brother Double Evictions doesn’t repeat itself? Otherwise Brittany will end up being the DE HoH. This way, assuming Alyssa isn’t evicted, Alyssa ends up being the DE HoH instead due to same past history

      3. So the mean girl ganging up to bring Taylor down? Look, Paloma is a good-looking, catty woman, so if that is what you like Simon, embrace it. Is she a “better BB character”? lol

  21. Wow, Terrance really put his foot in it. I realize being on the block 5 times is hard but at least he stayed each time and handled being on the block well till this time. After saying I will turn the jury against you, there is no way to save him now. Being the oldest with a spotty win record of a win, he has gone far.

  22. C’mon! Terrance, one of the nastiest cast members to play BB, is ahead of Michael and Taylor in the rankings? And Monte, who I was coming around to, is now in 1st or 2nd place? Has everyone forgotten how horrific both men treated Taylor? No recollection of the vile, crass, down right dirty comments Terrence has made? Don’t remember the two chuckling about what a bitch mf Taylor is – no way she won Miss Michigan unless it was Miss Michigan of a grocery store? That is why I still have a problem with Monte. He was not such a nice guy this whole game. He redeemed himself recently – until now. Now he is doing what he is accusing MB of doing. Harping and harping on the “timing” of the big reveal and he is doing it for game reasons. He wants to piss everyone off against Michael. It’s the only way he can beat him. It’s dirty and I don’t like it. Man up and just play the game. I am hoping for a Michael/Taylor final 2. PS – just donated and I encourage everyone to do what they can. This site is the bomb. Thanks guys for all the hard work you do to bring us this great site.

          1. Simon, I am ready for this season to be over and done with. I do not/didn’t enjoy it. It reminded me so much of BB15 and the way they treated Candace and they treated Taylor the same way in the beginning. I hope that we have another Celebrity Big Brother, better still another BBOTT! People on Social Media have been saying BB25 will be ALLSTARS. The HouseGuest will be those that have never ever one Big Brother. I am so looking forward to that if it is true

  23. Without Michael this season would most assuredly be a snooze fest. I hope he’s earmarked for a future BB All-Star season.

    One parting shot at Terrance: you get the clueless award.

  24. If Terrance was telling the truth about saving Joe and evicting Kyle in DyreFest if he knew about Kyle’s scandal, then why was he still gunning for Taylor AFTER he knew about it??? He said in the house meeting it would’ve changed things and Joe would still be here, but in reality, he was still going to keep Kyle when Taylor was sitting next to Kyle on the block!

    1. Aaaand since he and Monte have brought up the wall yellers comments three times… he already disregarded and kept Kyle in the game when he was on the block.

  25. I held out hope for Turner and Monte. Now I’m moving on. The Michael Brittany show is the most boring ever. Done.

  26. Say it for what it is people. I am a poc but the cookout did not include other poc like Derek. It was strictly a black thing. One of the comments were right. Blacks are racist against Asians. Just that nobody brings that up, it is all about whites are racist waah waah waah.

  27. I can’t believe the looks on all the other hgs faces when Michael hit the bell after solving the puzzle to win the HoH, a total sign of dejection.

  28. Michael your not going to win this . Your doing wrong . I hope like hell Alyssa gets the whole thing and you should be ashamed what you are doing . Terrance i hope u win to

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