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6:50pm Bedroom. Ricky, Lolo and Tamar relaxing in their beds.
7:20pm Kitchen. Lolo and Dina playing cards.
7:46pm Bedroom. Tamar talking to the cameras. Tamar – this is like enough of the cameras stuff today. This is too, too much. Big Brother – the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Tamar – I don’t know who asked about the bedroom lights. I just said the cameras stuff. Its just too much today. Too much. Everything is not a damn television show. I’m in the reality business too .. its just too much sometimes.
7:55pm Dina and Kandi playing pool.
8:30pm – 8:43pm Tamar crying under the covers…
8:46pm Kandi – so where do you spend your holidays? Lolo – this last year I few into Thailand because I was so frustrated with everyone. I was just tired of spending holidays by myself. Kandi – you don’t spend the holidays with you family? Lolo – I do but it got harder and harder every year because it got harder and harder .. everyone was married and everyone had kids and I would be the only single on there. It just made me more and more depressed being the only single one there .. and so I just couldn’t do it any more. They would be like why doesn’t she want to spend time with us and I would be like because everyone has kids. Kandi – you don’t want to see your nieces and nephews? Lolo – I see them all the time.
9:03pm Dina passed out ..
9:07pm Kitchen. Kandi to Lolo. Kandi – so tomorrow we have the veto competition? Lolo – yeah. Kandi – is the veto ceremony going to beon Tuesday or Live on Wednesday? Ricky – Tuesday.
10:10pm Bedroom. Ricky, Tamar and Lolo. Tamar – let the a$$ whipping week begin!
10:30pm Lolo and Tamar get in the hot tub. Ricky joins them.
11:22pm Dina and Kandi playing cards again..
Dina’s back …WHOA!

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Tamar complaining about the cameras being on around 8:30 at night. It’s just too too much she says. Another celebrity who doesn’t know what BB is all about. Or thinks the rules should change just for her because God would want it to be so. Then an hour later she’s crying under her bed covers. Hard to feel sorry for her.
Makes you wonder how she got the power.
She received the power because she is on another reality show and have atleast six family members on the same show with fans of their own. Plus, Toni Braxton is an international celebrity. They all posted Twitter that week to tweet her hashtag to get her the numbers up. They may do it again for America’s Favorite Player too, so don’t be surprised. I’ve watched Braxton Family Values since season one and when she thinks someone has done her wrong, it’s over. Her sisters have had many struggles with her on their show. However, fans of their show will back her because she actually has a good heart but gets in her own way all the time.
she got the power because early season feeders would rather keep a loudmouth pot stirring fly off the handle malcontent on the show in order to ensure the season doesn’t become a kumbaya festival. Given that she is one of the highest d/r per episode quotients for the season, audiences are given an added sense of familiarity to her (believing they are hearing her opinions… even though d/r is heavily scripted). Being loud and obnoxious and being given a heightened voice of the season d/r role saved her more than any actual support for her as a winner.
I seriously doubt there will be a CBB -3 after the Tamar/Loco nightmare….. high maintenance, constant editing….. the feeds were down a lot… I am glad they were able to snag a few good people. It’s funny, the ones I thought would be douche canoes actually turned out to be nice, funny guys . The attention seeking , no self awareness, mean spirited people all settled together in that one bedroom, oh well , that saying “ misery loves company “ must be a thing. Still hoping Kandi can pull off a miracle and win veto! Lolo on the block, Lolo go home…. Kandi wins Final HOH and chooses Dina……Kandi wins, season possibly saved…..buh-bye Tay-tay
So right I’m disgusted with her and her dancing Pig jig like some wannabe tap dancer only she’s so bad at it it looked like a messy way to polish floor. Can’t stand her “I’m great so it’s gotta be all about me and god provides cause I’m his special angel. Ha ha ha ha yeah right she’s mean conceited selfish only nice to kandi to mug for camera but was quick to add it’s for her vote and help or she’d be out due to her overly large mouth . I guess that’s so she can keep her big as foot in there. Lease god I’m nobody but please don’t give her any more money.
Will be good to have this season over. There’s no one I want to win,but it’s still the BB addiction of following it til the end.
Lolo doesn’t want to be with family on the holidays because they all have kids? Geez, my younger siblings don’t have kids and don’t want them, but still show up. Everything has to be about Lolo. Lolo needs to look within and ask herself why she is alone. She is accomplished and attractive. Last I checked, that’s what a lot of guys like. If I was a guy, she’d scare me. Too angry and intense. Men like a little softness…some peacefulness. Just my 2cents. I’ve been married forever now, but back in my day there wasn’t a shortage of men. All I did was smile and have fun and the phone rang! It can’t be that different now.
Are you sure Lolo is looking foe a man?
Love your user name, lol so apropos!
Be careful…before someone is dancing on yours. I see people take this game real serious. I don’t like her on her own reality series, but Indont take it that far. Here’s why I don’t care for her although there are times she’s sincere(she misunderstands what people are communicating and go into rage wven with her sisters on the show) The nastiest attitude I’ve ever seen within a family.
I understand her very well…..self-absorbed, antagonistic, and acts like anything but a Christian…..can’t stand her after watching her make an ass out of herself and be downright mean to Tom….didn’t know who the eff she was before this show, and hope I don’t have to see her again on my TV
Has anyone heard if there will be a regular BB this summer?
Yes it was confirmed last season by Julie.
Robyn Kass
Happy New Year, #BB21 hopefuls! Our mailbox has been flooded with questions from people wondering why they haven’t been contacted yet. 1) Casting doesn’t begin for another month. 2) You will only be contacted IF you are continuing in the process.
2:01 PM – Jan 3, 2019
Big Brother 21 Casting Events:
Studio City, CA – Sunday, February 17th 9AM-1PM at Jalapeno Petes, 11618 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, CA 91604
Nashville, TN – Saturday, February 23rd 9AM-1PM at Bar Louie, 314 11th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203
Scottsdale, AZ – Sunday, February 24th 10AM-1PM at Wasted Grain, 7295 E Stetson Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Minneapolis, MN – Wednesday, February 27th 4PM-7PM at The Pourhouse Downtown, 10 South 5th St, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Oklahoma City, OK – Wednesday, February 27th 4PM-7PM at HeyDay Lower Bricktown, 200 S. Oklahoma Ave, Suite HD, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Erie, PA – Saturday, March 23rd 12PM-4PM at Erie-sistible Mattress & Furniture, 901 W.12th St, Erie, PA 16501
and dont forget BB Canada starts March 6
my version of a Reality check: Loco doesn’t want to be with family on holidays because she can’t ‘poor me, my childhood’ to siblings that had the same childhood. Too much attention is paid to the children, which takes attention away from her. I get the feeling that in a universe where she does have a child, she’d still avoid family holidays because her child wasn’t getting more attention than the others, or she wasn’t getting attention as an individual, just as a mother. It’s always going to be some excuse. Just my opinion.
This morning as she’s playing her latest bout of sympathy seeking, this time vote counting who would support Kandi to Tamar and Kandi, she gets butt hurt when it’s pointed out that if it were Loco and Kandi then Loco starts with a three or four vote handicap. The scenario didn’t end with poor Loco getting warm fuzzies so she switched to cold pricklies and wants Kandi out.
Decent fight between Lolo and Kandi at around 1:30am
season review episodes always have me thinking the story line writers are all yelling ‘clean up on aisle three.’
Ugh, Loco wins veto…. bye Kandi
Kandi: “her time was amazing, five minutes”
Tamar: “that was her challenge, it was hurdles!”
Just going to leave this here.
I usually have a fave to win..going from 5 to 1. My number one is usually to number 2 or 3 and so on.
This season…I don’t give a fig really.
Of course, this will be unpopular. That’s OK..I’m not playing for 1st, 2nd or fave player (smile)
Ricki….Insulting, hardly on the show.
Kandi. Played late…and pretty fake IMO. Won nothing.
Dina. Basically a hat stand. Added nothing.
Tamar. No class. Loud. As they say. * Empty vessels make the most noise*.
LoLo.. Angry, aggressive. Seems like no friends..has probelms with people whatever she does.
So..who’s left.
All i can vote fave player.
I may do Tom…but his Hohitis put me off. And paranoia. And..constant scenarios. But…he was *Fun* in that his Osprey? was brill. So, I think I’ll give him my vote.
Kato. Nope.
I guess Ryan or Tom.
RYAN was classy..and the *victim* of Lol and nat.
Cool, Classy.
And I respected his openess about his past behaviour.
Joey. That obsessive nudnick grew on me.
I hate that it could come down to a safe *player* like kandi or Dina.
For me…they were non players.
Ok. Vote down. The *worthy* winners out of this bunch are already evicted. PFFFT.
Part of me thinks it’ll be hilarious for Tamar to get to the final 2, only to lose to whoever is playing beside her. I don’t think she can win against ANYONE. Even with her wins, she’s had a really bad social game. Lolo might just squeak past her for votes. Ricky hasn’t been nice, but he hasn’t had screaming matches or danced a jig in front of someone leaving the house.