7:10pm When the feeds return – In the kitchen – Natalie tells Corey thank you for not putting me up. Corey tells her she’s welcome. Nicole says there is something I would like to talk to you about that Z told me. I promised Z I wouldn’t bring it up prior to.. Its been bugging me all day. Meech tells Nicole that I shouldn’t have said it. Nicole says its okay you wanted to out with a bang.
Tag: Zakiyah Everette
Big Brother 18 Week 7 Summary and Live Eviction Results
How it all started..
Da’Vonne is evicted with only two votes to stay from Michelle and Zakiyah. Victor goes beast mode and wins the HOH. Paulie has a heavy say in the nominations and they eventually they settle on putting Zakiyah and Michelle up. Initially at this point Nicole, Corey, Paulie, Victor and Paul are all on board to get Zakiyah out.

Big Brother 18 Week 7 Top Animated Gifs
The 7th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. A boring week up until the last 72 hours when the house flipped and TOTAL chaos reigned. Gif’s in no particular order.. FLASHBACK and watch everything you missed: Live Feed 7 day FREE Trial! via GIPHY Zakiyah and Paulie #BB18 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/5TjflnfMJb — OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) […]

Zakiyah – “I tried to warn Paulie I think I’m going”
1:32pm Bathroom Zakiyah and Nicole
Zakiyah – I tried to warn Paulie I think I’m going .. right now I’m not feeling too confident about it
Nicole – it depends on who James nulls votes
Zakiyah – ya.. his lady was really upset.. he might take out someone else’s lady
Nicole – I don’t think he’ll do that

1am London Bedroom – Natalie heads in to the london bedroom tells Paulie I just said the honest truth about you. Paulie says you and Michelle have fun in there. Natalie talks to Michelle. Natalie says he said have fun in here with you. What does that mean? He said Michelle is going home and you are right after. That’s when it all started, I said I was an honest girl and he said no you’re not you’re fake.

“Everybody was coming to me dude.. They were telling them all sorta sh1t.. Natalie came to me”
James – A lot of them trying to use me to get shit started cause I have the two votes..
James- they are trying to come at me so i’ll get pissed and to crazy shit with them.. Everybody was coming to me dude.. They were telling them all sorta sh1t.. Natalie came to me ..
James lists off all the people last night. (F)
James – I feel like they were trying to f** with me

“I can cut people at their F***ing core with my words… it’ll make you F***ing cry “
7:57pm Safari Room Paulie and Zakiyah
Zakiyah going over what natalie said..
Zak says Natalie is telling people to put Zakiyah up with Natalie.
Zak mentions the Venezuelan booty.. “She was just talking about sh1t”
Paulie – Literally everything that she is guilty of she’s putting on me

Natalie drops the Paulie BOMB on Zakiyah! “I hate him! I HATE HIM!”
In the bathroom – Natalie says I tried to get her to come talk to me but she’s not coming. You already told Paulie so he already did damage control with her. Pualie’s not going to let her talk to me. James says I’m sorry man, its rough out on the streets. Nat says he told Paul that Nat is coming after him. I’m not coming after him. James says its good that you nipped that in the bud because now he’s not coming after you.

“People are scheming in this house bro.. People are scheming” -Corey
2:20pm Corey and Paulie kitchen
Paulie says he talked to James about Natalie and said the sh1t she’s doing is typical Jersey Girl moves. He’s warned him about Jersey girls.
Paulie says James was telling him he really cares about the girl.
Corey – we played 21 games of pool yesterday .. ya ..ya
Corey – People are scheming in this house bro.. People are scheming

Natalie “Paulie is playing the f**king house.. OPEN YOUR EYES!” James “I sleep!”
12am London Bedroom – Natalie says I don’t trust him (Paulie). James says you don’t trust him but you didn’t give me any reason not to trust him. Natalie says well that’s the reason why. James says now after how many days later when you find out he was talking crap about you. Natalie says I don’t want you to do anything about it. I’m so over it. What if someone was making fun of you.

James – “If I wanted to save her I could but I would piss the house off ” Nat – “3 people”
9:42pm Natalie and James
James says he’s been looking at the memory wall.. They start giggling away..
Natalie – hows your day
James- been alright
Natalie – that’s good

Meech “If I do leave, I will definitely go calling him [Paulie] out as I walk out the door.”
5pm HOH room – Meech and Vic. Meech asks who do you want to go home? Vic says I honestly want Z to go but I don’t vote. Meech says I honestly think we can do it if James uses his thing. Vic says yeah, it just depends on who he uses it on. Meech says I think he is scared to use it on certain people. Some people want me out because I said I would blow stuff up or something. Meech says you know I’m not coming for you or Bridgette.