9:45am – 10am In the hive room – Donny explains to Frankie how last night he was woken up to Devin sitting beside him telling him about an 8 person alliance in the house. Frankie says that Caleb and Zach made peace last night and once that was done pretty much everyone decided they were going to vote …. Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds come back – Donny says ya’ll were the miniority. Frankie says there was an eight person alliance but it was fractured groups. It was never an eight person alliance. Donny says I’ve decided that Pow is going home and I would like to give her my vote. America will understand if I don’t wote with ya’ll.
Tag: Zach Rance

Brittany says the sorry’s are fake, everyone is f**king lying to each other!
5:15am – 6am Out in the backyard – Zach, Jocasta, Pow Pow and Brittany are talking. Jocasta brings up how she heard Zach say about Victoria that he wanted to rip her tongue out. Zach starts getting mad and says that I never said that! I would never say that! I only said she was pretentious, rude and stuck up. Jocasta says and you said she was a piece of “sugar ice tea”. Jocasta says I have a womens ministry I can’t be seen voting to keep someone that wants to rip out a girls tongue. Zach says I can understand that. I never said that though. Brittany tells Zach to not worry about it because everyone lies in this house. She says except me! Jocasta says and me!

Brittany says everyone’s convinced you’re the a$$h*le! Derrick is a d**k! Wow! What a d**k!
1:15am Up in the HOH room – Devin tells Brittany that he pulled her off the block for a reason and that she might hear things. Devin tells her about the Bomb Squad alliance. He tells her all of the members. Devin says that Caleb has been pulling everyone into the bee hive room. I only trust you and Donny. Devin explains what happened with Zach and why he got nominated. Devin says that they we pulled in Hayden. Devin says the only two people I trust are you and Donny. Devin tells her that he no longer trusts the alliance and I’ve left it. I know that I am against the house anyways and everyone wants me out.

Derrick “Your boy came through for you, your 100% Staying.. I’ve convinced Caleb”
9:56pm Caleb and Derrick BEEHIVE
Derrick says it seems like something is going on. Caleb – “If you are true to what is going on we’re going to have 6 votes.”
Caleb counts his votes to evict Zach = Amber, Caleb, Christine , jocasta, Donny, Frankie
Derrick tells him he better hope they got those vote if they lose those two votes they are in the minority and if that happens they will be fighting for their lives the rest of the game.
Derrick – we got to play it safe

Victoria says the house is Mean and Amber is Fake it reminds her of last season
7:22pm Hammock Victoria and Frankie
Victoria says Amber wanted her out this week and POW has been talking shit about her. Victoria wants Zach to stay because if he goes she’s the target for the girls, Amber is so fake I can’t handle it”
Victoria says she kinda wishes she was on the block this week so she could go home she thought this was supposed to be fun “It reminds me of last season I’m sorry I can understand if I was mean and snobby “

Big Brother Spoilers – Derrick -“it’s going to be close.. too close.. do you trust Christine?”
5:41pm BEEHIVE Brittany and Derrick
He compliments her on the Slop cookies.
Brittany tells him she doesn’t trust Frankie, “I heard Frankie talking to Caleb today saying we have to win HOH to get our bird nest back”
Derrick says he wants to keep Zach but will vote with the ouse. Brittany thinks it will be a close vote but she believes Zach will stay.
Derrick says he doesn’t trust Nicole or Hayden because they knew POWPOW made the deal to throw the competition

Devin’s HOH spyc@m “It’s crazy I sit up here watching (Brittany).. I’m crushing hard“
3:00pm HOH Devin and Jocasta
Devin going over her his conversation with Brittnay. She asked him why he put her on slop and how would he feel if someone put his daughter on Slop. (WOW Devin has a daughter never knew) Jocasta asks what made him want to get with Brittany just a short bit ago they were arch rivals. Devin says he usually runs away from the pretty girls, “Usually her personality doesn’t match what she looks like.

Frankie says Devin & Caleb will be out for blood and we can put it all on Cody & Hayden.
10am Frankie is talking to Christine in the bathroom about how Caleb said if another member of the squad doesn’t vote with them they will cut them out like cancer. Christine says starting last night I am tired of playing Devin and Caleb’s game! Frankie says yup. Christine says thats why if we can convince the rest of the house to turn on them then we will be good. Frankie says that means convincing Derrick and Hayden to vote to keep Zach. Christine says last night the both said that they would.

Big Brother 16 – Nicole says if Zach goes then that means me, Hayden and Cody are the targets.
6:15am Nicole gets up and joins Victoria and Brittany on the backyard lounger. Nicole is worried that she and Hayden will be targeted next week. Brittany disagrees and says that Cody / Zach would be targeted. Brittany says I am voting for Pow Pow to leave. I think she is just quick to throw anyone under the bus. Nicole says I think I am too. Brittany says I think Devin and Caleb want Pow Pow here so its better to go against what they want. Nicole says that Zach staying here benefits my game. He’s a big target. Brittany says my, you, Christine, Haydne, Derrick, Cody.

Devin says if another strays, Caleb has already said that person is cancer and we’ll cut it out!
Frankie is talking to Zach about how he still needs time to think about how to proceed. Zach tells Frankie’s game as being a cameleon. Frankie says right now the lines are drawn and what I would like to do is vote for you and blame Hayden. Frankie says can you repair things with Caleb and Devin? Frankie says I feel like my game just got better. I hit the reset button. I was trying to hold on. Zach says the votes I have are Cody, Donny Derrick, You, Brittany. Frankie says I am going to say you don’t have Jocasta and Victoria’s vote. They realize they need Frankie’s vote.

Brittany about Devin’s Crush “He has a strategy.. I’m two steps ahead of you dumba$$”
9:53pm Hammock Brittany and Nicole
Brittany is hoping anyone but Devin, Frankie, Caleb and Amber win the HOH she thinks of jocasta, Nicole, hayden, her, Cody or Derrick win the hOH they can turn this game around.
Nicole says Amber and Caleb have a final 2 deal. Nicole says it’s so obvious that Caleb, Devin and Frankie are running the house it’s because everyone is too scared.

Big Brother Spoilers Devin in Love “I’m losing my mind.. I legitimately like her”
7:55pm Frankie runs up to the HOH room and says so far so good. Brittany is going around saying that she is so appreciative. I think what he did showed a different side of him and I see that he has a heart. So maybe later in the week you talk to her and see where her vote is. Devin says I’m just going to let her do her thing. I already have someone else. Frankie says we have Me, You, Derrick, Caleb Amber Victoria Donny. Frankie says maybe we can even get Jocasta. Nicole and Hayden are up in the air.