8:07pm Victoria and Derrick HOH
Derrick says he needs her help to get to the truth of something. He was talking to Donny, You know how Donny and powpow were super close. a couple days before the Eviction POWPOW and Zach got really close and before powpow got evicted Zach told her a secret. Zach told POWPOW that he’s AManda zuckerman’s cousin. POWPOW told Donny that on his way out the door.
Derrick – ‘He’s the same type of player he’s really aggressive’
Vic “What’s his last name;
Derrick – “Rance.. you are pretty close to Brittany and I know brittany was close to POWPOW
Vic – Brittany and POWPOW weren’t that close
Derrick wants her to find out from Brittany if she’s heard that rumour don’t tell her who you heard it from.