1:15am – 2am Up in the HOH room – Caleb, Amber, Derrick and Cody are talking about Brittany going home and what they need to tell her. Caleb says if Brittany asks me I am telling her that I am going with the house. I can’t put a target on my back. Caleb says I feel like the whole alliance is voting to evict her. Caleb says that Nicole, Christine won’t vote for her to stay either. Amber says Victoria might vote to keep her but it doesn’t matter either way which way she votes. Caleb says there is no hope in keeping her. She is going out on an 11-0 vote. Cody says people were saying why did Caleb feel so safe in the veto to take the money over the veto.
Tag: Zach Rance

“Nicole/Christine setting themselves up, developing wedges, you know old school strategies
9:34pm Hammock Derrick and Cody
Derrick – this is for Hitman only nobody else.. we got to be more tight lipped.
Cody – I love it
Derrick tells him Christine and Nicole told Victoria that Derrick and other people knew Donny was going on the block. “If that gets out it’s horrible it makes us look bad and them look good”
Derick says they cannot be too trustworthy now., “Let it die it won’t hurt us”
Derrick – “Dude this is why we can’t have a 5.. 6 person alliance because only two people win money”
Cody – why would they do that”

It’s time for people to get doing something before we don’t have the numbers to do something -Donny
7:24pm Backyard Nicole and Donny
Donny tells her if he survives this week they name names. Nicole agrees tells him she will do everything she can to keep him safe. She will make sure of it he survives the week. Donny thanks her says he’s planning on keeping his mouth shut.
Donny tells her they need to start “doing something if things keep going the way they are going they won’t enough people to “Do something”. Once 4 people go they don’t have the numbers anymore. Donny points out flipping the house and taking the

Donny “theres a leader somewhere dictating all this.. Cody wouldn’t have put me up”
4:35pm Backyard Jocasta and Donny
They agree the house is going through the people just like Devin was saying in order.
Jocasta – That’s the largest Alliance that i’ve seen in the game
Donny says they probably don’t meet all together like a group of 8 they are a group of four with people on the side.

Cody “Thanks a lot Victoria you just had to use it! You were sh*tting bricks up there!”
1:15pm Donny tells Frankie and Caleb I need to come up with a good speech like Devin. Frankie says I would just do your whistle and sit back down. You’re going to stay with flying colours. Donny says I hope so. Caleb says well Cody’s duties are done. Frankie says up. Brittany is up there talking to Cody, I don’t even know what she is talking to him about. Even if she tries to flip the script on Donny no one will fall for it. Caleb says its probably more personal. Frankie and Caleb start talking about 9/11 and how messed up that was. Frankie says it was crazy how well organized all that was. Caleb says I know that was enough to get me turned up.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! If he puts me up next week FRANKIE I’m going to kick you in the nuts!
11:20am – 12:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return we learn that Cody didn’t do what we thought he said he was going to do minutes before the ceremony. Up until the ceremony Cody decided on who to nominate this through the course of the morning from having his diary room sessions, looking at the photo of his brother and speaking with Brittany and Donny. Cody realized that the best decision and only decision was to nominate Caleb as the replacement nominee. HOWEVER during the feeds being blocked he nominated DONNY instead of Caleb.

Donny says If I win HOH I’d put up Derrick & Frankie with Amber as the replacement.
8:40pm Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Hayden and Donny are out in the backyard. Hayden is in the hot tub and Donny’s beside in a chair. Donny says that he slept in the fire room because the others kept giggling and carrying on and I got upset. Donny says I slept well in that room. Donny says I would like 2 minutes with Cody because I don’t have a good feeling about today. Hayden says that Zach did some campaigning yesterday but he doesn’t always come across in the best way. Donny says I had a good speech planned but I think I will just keep it simple. Donny says I might not get that opportunity they’re too comfortable.

Caleb says I’m not gay, but after 30 days in Iraq I was starting to thinking it. Guys started looking good!
12:20am Up in the HOH room – Brittany tells Jocasta that she feels like they will find a reason to get rid of her no matter what. Either because I’ve given up or Because I’m a strong competitor. Jocasta agrees. Brittany says I just feel like I’m the step child in the house they just keep throwing more at me.. and it hurts. The camera switch to Hayden and Nicole in bed in the fire room. Out in the backyard – Zach, Christine, Victoria and Frankie are talking. Zach tells them that when he was younger he got jumped beat up really bad. He says his eye was so bad that he couldn’t see for two weeks.

Zach tries to get Caleb on the block “He’s going to swing at you before you swing at him”
POV Holder: Victoria Next POV July 19th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 26th HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2: Cody Battle of the Block Winner Jocasta/Amber Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 25 Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots ? POV Players Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach 7:52pm Christine., […]

Big Brother Spoilers “It’s good i’m going up as a pawn for my game” – Amber
7:00pm HOH Amber, Frankie and Cody
Amber saying she’s in a worse spot than the guys in the alliance. Frankie tells her he felts vulnerable to when Debvin won HOH he was in real danger. Frankie leaves.
She asks Cody what is wrong. He feels like she doubts him a lot.
Amber wants to be on good terms if Brittnay stays or leaves.
Amber says yesterday she was told she is working to get the guys out she doesn’t know where this questioning is coming from.

Brittany – “I never had a glass of wine.. oh never mind someone gave me the bottle”
3:51pm Hayden give a Dan gosling motivational speech to Brittany
Brittnay .. You’ve been out of here since 8 o’clock last night.. and you have kicked almost 22 hundred goals.. Did anyone think you can do it. .. NO”
Donny – “NO”
Hayden – “Even you didn’t think you could do it”.. I had my doubts but you know what you are almost at 22 hundred”

Brittany – “I would much rather be in labour right now this sh1t is no joke”
1:56pm Backyard Brittany, Christine and Donny
Brittany – “I would much rather be in labour right now this sh1t is no joke”
Brittany wonders if the live feeders see her playing the game. Christine says they do but they have to piece together what is going on. Brittany says everytime she hits the ball it hurts.
Brittany goes and grabs some candy “ C’mon sugar rush give me a frickin spike give me a sugar buzz”