5:32pm Caleb and Zach
Caleb says he’s done with looking like an idiot on TV maybe when they are outside the house she’ll give him a call and be like “Wheres that date” Caleb is certain if any of the girls win the HOH they will put up 4 guys.
Zach wants Victoria to go this week doesn’t want the POV to be used but if POV is played maybe jocasta would go home. Caleb thinks they should put Donny up with Jocasta and they will just send Jocasta home.
Clabe says that amber is sure something he hasn’t talked, Sat or looked at her all day, ‘She doesn’t deserve to hear my voice” If she tries to talk to him he’ll say “Shhh SHhh bye bye”
5:37pm Frankie and Caleb
Frankie tells him if Victoria wins HOH he’s putting up Donny the power couple.