6:18pm Hammock. Tiffany and Claire.
Tiffany telling Claire what to say to Ky – okay, I am hearing your points. I would like to talk to everyone else and lets catch back up … but don’t give him a flat out no. Just make him feel good. Make him feel smart. Claire – make him feel heard. Tiffany – definitely make him feel heard. Claire – she (Hannah) was like I haven’t talked to Ky.. I just want to be like I am not doing it. Ahhh.. maybe don’t do that. Tiff – Naaa… Chaddha you got to play a little game. Clarie – but she wanted to be like why have you talked to everyone else but you haven’t talked to me. Tiff – yeah I understand. Claire – one thing I learned was when someone wins veto they want all the information. Tiff – MMmmhmmmm.. because that’s their chance at power. Claire – that is how Alyssa felt like two weeks ago when she won it and Ky got the double one. Tiff – yeah dealing with a guy like Ky .. he is smart and intelligent. He is egotistical as well.