9:23pm Chess room. Derek X, Whitney and Hannah.
Hannah – we’re not telling him he’s going home. Whitney – so we’re all on the same page. Derek – I mean we will have to give him.. do we just give him everything? Whitney – he can go back and watch the episode. I feel like I would just be like there is a pattern of the strong white men going home first. Maybe? No!? Hannah – Mmmmm. Whitney – I just don’t know what we can tell him where he doesn’t take it super offensive. Because if we do tell him – you’re chauvinistic, you’re arrogant, you have a big personality, you’re a lot to handle, no one wants to be around you.. as the real reasons that would really really hurt. Hannah – Mmmmhhmmm. Whitney – I would rather come up with a way where his feelings are hurt the least as possible and then he can go back and watch it if he wants and see oh sh*t I did do that.