6:05pm Kevin and Pili
Pili says if they keep Bobby and Bruno they will get rid of them.
Kevin says if Bobby and Bruno win HOH they are putting them up no Sarah.
Kevin says Bobby and Bruno are freaking out they don’t trust him.

6:05pm Kevin and Pili
Pili says if they keep Bobby and Bruno they will get rid of them.
Kevin says if Bobby and Bruno win HOH they are putting them up no Sarah.
Kevin says Bobby and Bruno are freaking out they don’t trust him.
4:30pm Out in the backyard – Bruno tells Godfrey you’re getting big man! Godfrey says I’m just an organism trying to turn into a beast! Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Pili says that she saw Bruno and Bobby talking earlier. Willow says it can’t be good. Something is up. Kevin joins them. Pili tells him you’re doing so good. Kevin says I’m on big brother Canada wearing a maid costume …its a dream come true.
Out in the backyard – Sarah tells Bruno not to push Kevin too hard to put up Zach. Just feel him out because I don’t want to loose God.
2:25pm The feeds return to all the house guests staring at the diary room door. After a few moments Zach and Kevin come out of the diary room wearing maid outfits. All the house guests crack up laughing. Kevin says “may we be of service to you?!” Kevin shows his garter belt and exposes himself. Zach and Kevin head upstairs to start cleaning the bathroom. Kevin and Zach complain about how uncomfortable the heels are to walk in. Kevin asks how do you girls do it?!
In the bedroom – Sarah, Brittnee and Willow celebrate that big brother is punishing Zach and Kevin for not cleaning up after themselves.
12:30pm Kevin says hey man, I know its like tough for you to like relax right now because what’s happening but like I swear to god if you just chill a bit today.. we’ll have that conversation. Godfrey says okay. Kevin says stuff will make sense. Godfrey says but we’re still good right though? Kevin says I talked with Pils and I don’t f**k around with this. Just relax. Godfrey says at the same time I am trying to not seem to comfortable. At the same time I already told people I think he might put me up because everyone is asking me dude what do you think is going to happen.
8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Bobby gets up first and heads out to the hot tub room and while out there he does his normal routine of looking for secret vetos under the hot tub cover and under the cushion of the seats. Brittnee makes the rounds with the new batteries. When she gets to Sarah she tells her I had a bread down last night in the diary room. I was exhausted, it was bad. Brittnee says I wish I hadn’t done it. I had the option. I should have said nope. Sarah says its good to be real sometimes. Britt says I just don’t want my mom seeing that. Or everybody for that matter. Its 10 times worse than posting personal stuff on facebook. Britt says after she went and laid on the hammock for a while. Sarah says I’m sorry I didn’t notice.
3pm – 11:10pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition to take place. AFTER just over an 8 hour competition in which Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili all competed in, KEVIN WON. He also won $10,000! Guessing from how long the feeds have been down it is likely this was either an endurance POV or a competition where one player competed at a time.
When the live feeds return – Kevin and Pili are in the HOH bathroom – Pili tells Kevin I am so frigging stoked for you!! Pili wonders if she has to put the lobster costume back on? Kevin tells her no, your 24 hours is over.
2:58pm Bruno, Bobby and Godfrey
Bruno says it sounds like production is doing the POV competition outside.
Godfrey – All i can do it watch now.
Bruno says they never know what is going to happen with this show it could be a diamond power of veto.. you never know. Bobby might win it and be able to put Zach up.
Bobby chimes in it might be a double
12:05pm HOH Brittnee and Sarah
Talking about Bruno freaking out. Brittnee brings up talking to Ashleigh where she said she might use the veto on Bobby. Sarah says Bobby is in an alliance with AShleigh.
Sarah – We figure that out weeks ago
Brittnee says there’s no way Bruno is going up.
POV Players
Kevin picked Pili chip
Bobby picked AShleighs chip
Brittnee picked Sarah’s chip
(Kevin, Bobby, Britnee)
Brittnee – I feel bad I didn’t pick God
2:26am Kevin and PILI in the HOH
Pilar – you are so freaking cute..
Studying going through the days. Kevin says the boot order looking into the future is Sindy, Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey, Kevin, Sarah, Brittnee, Willow, Ashleigh, Pili wins!
Kevin tells her he cares about her a lot
Pilar – I have feelings for you like real feelings
10:33pm Bedroom Willow and Sarah
Willow says she thinks the couples are going after Bobby. Willow says they will have to vote out Brittnee. Willow and Sarah agree they really don’t want to but they would have to vote out Brittnee.
Sarah – I would Vote Brittnee out before Bobby
7:33pm Kevin, Willow, Pilar and Zach
Willow – you’ve talked to god
Kevin says he hasn’t told him but he feels Godfrey has clued in to the social cues
Kevin mentions that Godfrey was saying that Brittnee is really pissed she’s going on the block again
Zach explains it’s part of the HOH you have to put people up.