9:43am Ika and Neda Bathroom (this may backfire on Ika) Ika is working to plant seeds of doubt in Neda about Sindy, Bruno and Kevin. They agree in the house they are both closer to Bruino than kevin, “Kevin doesn’t really to talk to me” Ika says that Bruno, Kevin and Sindy have mentioned Neda’s […]
Tag: William Laprise Desbiens
French Canadian Big Brother Canada 6 House guest. Best known for falling in love with Kevin Martin.

“They’re livid I didn’t throw it to them” -Kevin
Big Brother Power of Veto Winner is Kevin 1:41am Storage room Bruno tells Kevin once Neda’s immunity is over Ika is going to take a shot.. Bruno – Dillon needs to stay.. as long as he’s here we’re in the background. 1:51am Emily and Dillon Dillon tells her he’s not going to campaign against her. […]

“B1tch I don’t bully b1tches I block them sit your a$$ right there” -Ika
Nomination Results William nominated Dillon and Emily for eviction. POV Players are William, Dre, Karen, Dillon, Emily, Kevin Text will be light but I chopped each conversation up into smaller pieces Conversations that happened before nominations Check out the one with Ika and Dre. Jackie and William HOH William asks Jackie to not use the […]

Kevin – “You’re the beautiful Gummy that just won HOH”
Everyone including William have to sleep in on the floor tonight. Ika is giving them a rundown from a talk she had with William. Says he’s worried that Bruno would put him up, is pissed that people talk to Dre wants them to talk to him directly. Ika says the best thing for them is […]

William – “we talked a lot about game.. but I was drunk.. shit I forgot”
Sounds like Kevin and Karen had a drinking contest. Karen is in rough shape this morning. Hang in there Karen! 10:13am HOH William and Dre William – we talked a lot about game.. but I was drunk shit I forgot Dre says last night there was a “reunion” between Jackie, Emily, Dillon and Bruno trying […]

Bruno – “hows Karen doing” Sindy – “She’s passed out”
Feeds come back after being down 12 hours+. Sounds like they got alcohol and everyone got plastered. If any of you remember BBCAn 1-2 AKA they would show these alcohol parties. It was the golden age for BBCAN. Dre is in the bathroom saying that William and Kevin are in the HOH together for the […]

Demetres “I’ll have to vote you out” Gary “you told me 100% on the couch”
Spoilers Gary was evicted William is HOH Next week is double eviction 10:00am Gary and Demetres Demetres – I’ll have to vote you out.. .. Its a numbers thing.. Gary – why Demtres – you’re the hardest person to vote out Gary – Demetres you don’t have to do this Demetres – I’ll tell you […]

“Trust me I didn’t want to win that F***g HOH.. Send one of these people home I didn’t even vote for them”
Demetres Sindy Kevin Bruno and Ika HOH Ika says they have stuck their neck outs for their alliance and taken people out that weren’t coming after them but did it for the alliance. Ika – they’re people coming after us and you’re telling me you are not going to target those people Iak – leaving […]

“we’re going to have to put Ika on a f***g chain, she was having a bad day yesterday”
10:20am Emily and Dillon EMily – frig tomorrows Thursday I hate Thursdays.. Have to figure out what I’m wearing 10:30am Hot Tub Demetres and Bruno Demetres – F*** I’m not looking forward to tomorrow.. Bruno – is he still pushing Dmetres – he said his piece Bruno – if tomorrow is another nothing day… F**** […]

Bruno about Emily/Dillon targets – You’re saying we should say you and Dre? Ika – yes
Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds but live outside of Canada? Bypass the geoblocking with HideMyAss VPN and be Canadian Anywhere: VPN Help Guide (Text will be light for most of the day but I’ll try and include all the videos ) 10:00am Neda and Demetres HOH Chit chat 10:00am […]

Head of Household Results – Demetres to Gary “We’ll have a talk”
Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds but live outside of Canada? Bypass the geoblocking with HideMyAss VPN and be Canadian Anywhere: VPN Help Guide Head of Household Results Winner is Demetres Demetres tells Gary they need to talk.. 3:16pm Ika, Dre and Bruno bathroom Going over production shenanigans. Trying to […]

“This game is f***g broken bud.. I came here to play the game not for stupid f*** gimmicks”
Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds but live outside of Canada? Bypass the geoblocking with HideMyAss VPN and be Canadian Anywhere: VPN Help Guide Have not competition. THey got to vote for who was have nots. The votes were shown. Instead of players with the most votes it was players […]