Well Big Brother fans …there is just over a month until the season premiere of Big Brother 20 airs on June 27th! We will be posting the cast of house guests as soon as they’re released (sometime around June 18th). As always there are lots of rumors about who the cast will be for the 20th season. Will it be an All Stars season?
Tag: video
Big Brother 14 Videos and Commercials

Big Brother 19 Interview Roundup
More to be added as the come available. I haven’t watched them all yet but I will over the next week. WE’re going to go a Kraken hour to talk about these delusions so keep your eyes open for that. Doctor Will backyard CBS all access link GEO Blocked for Canadians https://t.co/pc35F47wUn Rob has a […]

Grodner Interview “the house theme plays a big role in a game twist “
Just one day before the Big Brother 18’s 2 hour premiere where we’re being told a bunch of the twists and hopefully the mystery 4 houseguests are revealed. We’re all hoping for some well thought out intelligent twists that keep the game moving and not subject it to “Being on rails” like we’ve seen in the past twists. In a recent interview with Big Brother producers Allison Grodgner we learn that the house theme plays a big role in the twists “intertwined

Big Brother 18 Commercial Officially Confirms 4 Mystery House Guests!
The newest Big Brother promotional commercial below officially confirms that there will be 4 more house guests in addition to the 12 new cast members that were released earlier this week. The identities of the four mystery house guests has still not been released but it will likely be Big Brother alumni returning. Check out our post about the rumored alumni that could be joining the cast of newbies. Will they be competing for the grand prize along with the other house guests or will they be coaches? Or possibly involved in some other twist we haven’t seen before? Only time will tell!

Big Brother 18 Cast Interview Roundup
Three sets of interviews have came out, K-frog, Jeff’s CBS live feeds, and Sarah’s ET Canada. The ET Canada ones are pretty sparse in content and Jeff’s are alright. The K-frog ones have a bit more substance, They are voice only.
Bronte brings up how she’s going to give out favours for the first half of the game like the mafiosos do. She’ll bank on those people paying her back those favours. .
Below are the CBS interviews with Jeff, They are Geo Blocked. If you want to see them in Canada grab a VPN service. With all the geo blocking of services nowadays it’s almost a necessity for Canadians here’s the link to the service I used. https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ I did short summaries of the Jeff interviews here for teh most part they were so so

Big Brother Canada 3 Meet the first 6 house guests **VIDEOS**
Today the first 6 cast member of Big Brother Canada 3 were released. Zach Oleynik, Brittnee Blair, Bobby Hlad, Sarah Hanlon, Ashleigh Wood and Jordan Parhar. Next batch of 5 will be released on Tuesday with another 5 on Wednesday. On Friday we get to see the house and maybe learn more about all theses twisto twists I’m sure they will be throwing at us.
Since every year I’m completely wrong with my first impression assessment. I’ll just say they all have potential to make for some exciting Live Feeds.

Big Brother Canada 1 Flashback Moments Part 2
We’re running a series of posts this month highlighting some of the better moments from Big Brother Canada. With Season 3 only weeks away these are some reminders of why this show is such great fun to watch. In case you’ve missed the earlier posts, the links below.

Memorable Moments in Big Brother Canada History Season 1 Part 1
With Big Brother Canada Season 3 premiere coming up this March 23rd it’s time to look back at how great the feeds are this show. We’ve gone through the archives, 310 posts for BBCAN1 and 356 for BBCAN 2) to select the more memorable moments of Big Brother Canada. Leading up to the premiere we’ll try and bring these long lost posts to light. With this first part We’ll focus on BBCAN1.

Big Brother Canada 3 News Round up
Welcome back everyone a new Big Brother year is upon us. Network programming change for Big Brother Canada 3: After airing 2 seasons on the SLICE Network Big Brother Canada 3 is moving to the larger GLOBAL TV Network. This is a positive change as Global TV is a larger network that is available to […]

Big Brother 16 Post Season Interview list **Videos**
Last night was the Finale of Big Brother 16. We witnessed Cody winning the final HOH and sticking true to his alliance the Hitmen. COdy Evicted Victoria and Derrick won the game by a vote of 7-2. Bellow is a grow list of post season interviews. I will continue to add to this list as more videos become

Big Brother 16 PREVIEW of Tonight’s Second HOH Competition! “OVER THE COALS”
Tonight the second episode of Big Brother 16 air CBS at 9pm. Tonight is also the second premiere of the 2-night premiere for the 16th season of Big Brother. CBS released a video of the house guests meeting Brittany where she explains that she’s mother of 3 and single for the first time. Another CBS promotional commercial was also release which shows a preview of tonight’s second HOH competition “OVER THE COALS”

Cody Meets Brittany for the first time “First time in my life being single.. it’s pretty crazy”
CBS released a 30 second teaser video from tonights show. All the houseguest together around the kitchen table probably the two groups of 8 meeting for the first time. Brittany is telling them about herself, She’s 29, originally from long beach, mother of three, single, looking for meat… etc etc