5:10pm Backyard – Corey and Nicole are playing dominoes. Meanwhile – Paul and Nat are chatting on the lounger about their lives outside of the house. Paul asks what time it is. Corey tells him. Paul jumps up and says nap time! He heads inside and tells them to wake him up if there are any drones. He heads up outside the HOH room and tries the Paris telephone.
Tag: Victor Arroyo

Big Brother 18 Week 11 Power of Veto Ceremony Results
11:29am London room James and Natalie
Natalie – that was a really nice speech.. “I’m not going to campaign against her.. “
Natalie – we made a really dumb game move trusting Nicole and Corey..really dumb game move.. What a dumb game move
Natalie says they should have trusted the people in “This room working together to get Paulie out” (But Natalie PAul lied about FRIES!)
James- hey that was my fault..
Nat – that’s not your fault
James – ya..

Paul “I know you’re a straight shooter but Natalie is telling me something completely different.”
12am Kitchen – Nat says I have a feeling a few cast members aren’t going to be liked by other cast members. James agrees. Nicole and Corey join them. Nicole is bragging about beating Corey in dominoes. Corey tells her he’ll meet her on a basket ball court any day. Nicole says you’re so bitter after you lose. Corey asks what makes you think I didn’t let you lose. Nicole says you of all people would not let me lose.

Natalie – I want you to hang out with other people, I really do
10:50pm James and Corey Pool..
James misses a shot “C’mon what the hell”
Corey misses a shot “Shut up”
James – where’s everybody at
Corey – sleeping like a little baby..

Nicole “That was the meanest thing you could have said to me” Corey “IT WAS A JOKE!”
2:45pm – 3:15pm Suntanning… Corey says I think we could go to the end. You and me in the final 2. Nicole says don’t jinx it. Corey says I think we could beat Paul and Vic. I really do think we could pull this thing out. Its just so funny we made a final 2 day one and look where we are final 5. Nat and James walk up holding hands. James asks if its okay.. A little public affection? Nat says yeah. They talk about whether or not Michelle was Dan Gheesling’s cousin in law.

Paul “I’m really going to let her know in her goodbye what kind of person she is!”
10:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Paul and Vic head out to the backyard. They lower the awnings. Paul says that girl man! F**K THAT GIRL! Vic says I know! That demeener. Sh*tty attitude. Paul says James is under the impression that he is going and has a good attitude about it. Her .. she thinks she is staying and she’s being a c**t. Super co*ky! So we keep him under the impression that he is leaving ..send her a$$ home. Everyone sh*ts their pants. Vic says the jury will be like what?!

POV Competition Results! “You’re going to get blindsided, I’m going home!”
9:15pm The live feeds return to all the house guests in the HOH room. It was a timed veto where they had to each compete individually. They talk about how Corey did the comp in 6 minutes. Corey says that was hard. Vic says dude gets to go to Atlanta! Behind the scenes! Paul says oh yeah right! Nicole tells Corey that she’s very proud of him. I didn’t think you were going to get it. I like when I’m surprised, like that.

Nat “I have no reason to be nice anymore. I hope you win the veto and use it on yourself.”
2:15pm Corey, Victor, Paul and Nicole are talking in the bedroom. Vic says we’re dating the same girl. I have a cold sore. She shows up with one the next day. Vic laughs. Nicole explains how cold sores work and how they come from stress. And how you can only catch one if you have it. Vic says I know you can have the virus and never get one. Nicole says I don’t have them but that’s why they want people in here to take the meds because its so stressful in here.

Natalie – “Sorry I backstabbed you guys.. I really trusted James and his opinion”
10:02am Natalie apologizes to Victor and Paul..
Natalie – sorry I backstabbed you guys.. I really trusted James and his opinion.
They thank her and say they appreciate it.
Victor – at the end of the day it is a game..
Paul says he thought they had a good thing going ..
Natalie says she believed the wrong people and she betrayed the people that had her back..

“They got so excited they had HOH, a hint of power… f*** everybody else.. Complete backfire”
Victor – they got so excited they had HOH a hint of power… f*** everybody else.. COmplete backfire.. Meech gone.
Nic – Meech was bawling ‘I just want Paul gone before I do I don’t care about anything else’
Vcit – that’s what she was say about you and Corey
Paul – I don’t want them to beat me..
Paul – 18 days after tomorrow
Nicole – we got to get some good rest tonight.. We need that W

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I do like you guys. You guys had my back and I back stabbed you.”
5:10pm – 5:55pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds return – In the kitchen – Nat says it pays off to not sh*t on people. Vic says that’s not my style. James says that’s not my style either. Vic says I put you up. This is why. It’s that easy. James says I appreciate that. Nat tells Paul I really do like you. I do like you guys. Vic says I thought I was done on day 23. Nat says I back stabbed two people. You guys had my back and I back stabbed you.

“What’s up America, I’m the target of the house going on the block.. this ain’t my first rodeo”
James – it’s day 80 in case you guys didn’t know Your boy is finally a target the true target
Nat – the target of the house
James – i’m the target of the house going on the block.. this ain’t my first rodeo.. But.. hey.. I guess I can’t say I played big brother if I didn’t hit the block right
James – she’s going on the block she’s not the target she’s just a pawn..
James- If I win the veto then she become the target..