9:10pm – 11pm Lounge room – Shelby, Scott, Alex. Scott – those three … Kryssie, Neeley and Danielle are going to vote against me no mater what. They don’t even got to pretend. Shelby – that’s what happens when you say you’re going to put them up in front of them. Scott – well I did nominate two of them and I took out the other ones boyfriend. Its to be expected. I’ve used both of them as pawns and took out Danielle’s boy toy. Shelby – but you played with emotions apparently but now if they want to get you out because of that, that’s not playing with emotions?!
Tag: Updated

Jason “I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the f**k she wants. I don’t trust him for sh*t.”
9:20pm Bathroom – Justin & Jason. Justin – I’m going to talk to Kryssie so that maybe we can get Scott’s head off the block this week because it would be good for our game. Jason – no, no, no. Justin – we need to get Shelby out of here. Jason – its not good for our game. Plus he’s already told everybody that they’re working with us. Justin – that’s not true. Jason – Alex’s been the one saying that. Justin – so you think it’s a bad idea? Jason – I think we just let Kryssie do whatever the fuck she wants.

Big Brother Over the top Have not results! “I’m fine.. I’m someone that doesn’t really care”
1:09pm Alex and Shelby
Shelby and Alex agree that Jason will be cranky this week.
Alex says either Neeley or Scott will be America’s nomination.
Shelby says ther’es a 2/3rds chance she’s being nominated.
Alex – Scott will be the backdoor for sure.. Ugh I don’t want Scott to go home.

Kryssie “Scott can’t come down & if he does, then everyone has to be ready to kiss Shelby goodbye.”
9:25pm Storage room – Morgan, Alex and Whitney. Alex – I feel like if you go back to back to talk to Kryssie she will view it as fake. You need to talk to her tonight. I think together will have more power. Last night when you went separate it was like a group thing but if you go together it will be like you’re together .. separate from us. Morgan – we need to make sure this is her target and the we will vote how she wants. Alex – say then next two weeks honestly.

Justin “I was waiting for someone to drag my name through the dirt” Whitney “I should have”
9:15pm HOH room – Kryssie is talking to Morgan while Justin listens from the HOH bathroom. Kryssie tells Morgan – Scott is looking pretty backdoor-able … so do I give him what he wants. I think of all the girls you have the best social game. Morgan – I think people for get that this is a social game. Kryssie – you hugged me after Shane left. I won’t forget that. Whatever happens this week, its not personal. You told me week 2 that I was safe. I can tell you right now I have no intention of getting you out.

“he basically said keep me and all my terrible C**T friends, take your own people out cause they actually have a soul”
Jason laughs
Jason says Scott is arrogant says he thinks he’s hot shit and Jason wants to “pull his wig off”
Jason says Alex is “Actually” smart and calculating. Adds that Alex’ social game is lacking.
Danielle comes in
Jason says Scott is doing comedy routines,
Jason – he basically said keep me and all my terrible C**NT friends and take your own people out cause they actually have a soul

Neeley “I want to scare the f**k out of Shelby and Alex is going to know I’m coming for her!”
9:15am – 10pm HOH room – Shelby, Alex, Morgan and Scott. Shelby – it annoyed me that she said that. I’m already on slop you don’t need to say anything else. This is another week everyone can go home, I don’t care. Scott – you got to chillax. This is a long a$$ game and we’re not even a third the way through it yet. Tomorrow is day 22 and we’re going to be here for 60 days total. And its only going to get more boring. Shelby – No one has even approached me about who I’m voting for.

Over the Top Double POV Ceremony results
Yesterday Scott chose the Double Veto for his America care package. Alex, Justin, Kryssie, Danielle, Neeley and Scott competed in a puzzle. Alex and Justin both won a Veto.
Alex did not use her Veto
Justin used the Veto on Kryssie
Scott nominated Shane in her place
Shane, Danielle and Neeley are nominated for eviction.

Nominations and Veto results “We got problems, bad news all the way around”
10:05am Danielle and Shane..
Shane says the Veto is at 1 o’clock
Jason saying something about “Daylight savings”
the three of them head into the London room..
Shane – you better kick a$$
Danielle – I have no idea
Shane – That sucks.. that did not go the way we wanted it to go
Jason says Justin is the 1 person on their side that is not wanting to make a move
Shane says Justin’s got to start making making moves.

“It is your birthday Whitney.. why don’t you get it low!” “Whitney’s Mom I’m sorry!”
9:20pm – 10:30pm The house guests are hanging out in the kitchen talk about how they didn’t the stuff to make a cake for Whitney’s birthday. Jason goes to the storage room and finds 2 bottles of wine and some beer. Jason – Happy Birthday Whitney! I knew I heard them in the storage room. Good job Big Brother, I don’t have to snatch your wig! They ration out the alcohol. Jason – thanks for Whitney being born. They cheers to it being Whitney’s birthday. Someone says the beer tastes like piss.

Kryssie “I could f**k on camera. I think I would look way grosser giving a bj than getting railed.”
9:10pm Bedroom – Morgan and Shelby. Morgan – what are the chances of Kryssie ever flipping to our side? Shelby – I think we’ll find out after this conversation. I would say pretty low. Morgan – I don’t get their side of the house. I don’t think they think anything game wise. Shelby sarcastically says you’re a snake if you talk to the HOH. Shelby – so you think we should do anything.. I think we should leave the wrappers in the spot where they left the crackle bars. So when they look for them, they just find wrappers.

“We still have the numbers and with America on our side, I believe in America they ride with me” – Kryssie
2:45pm Kryssie and Neeley Kryssie talking about the 8 thousand people that follow her on twitter and how she can interact with them no problem even with all this social anxiety she has. Says she’s a entertainer. Kryssie – I was so scared coming in here.. I’m so f****g thankful for you girl Neeley – […]