3:39pm Cam 1-4 HOH Bedroom Britney and Danielle
Britney asks her if she’s sure taking out Frank is the best route to take. Danielle most definitely wants to still evict Frank she thinks they are screwed if he stay in the house.
Danielle saying that she had a talk with Shane about him not giving her a hug every morning, he use to talk to her all the time and now he barely is around her. (Shane is 1000% not into Danielle) Britney avoids this conversation..
Britney: “Do you know what Ashley said about you the other day.. “
“Danielle likes to feel important we need to make her feel important because she feels like she’s 3rd rate in this house and so unimportant…”
Britney mentions that the only reason she’s telling her this is because ashley said it in the kitchen and Danielle could’ve heard. Britney adds that Ashley was with Janelle at the time but said it really loud. Danielle doesn’t know how to take that.. She doesn’t really like ashley says she hasn’t spoken with her for days. She caught Ashley and Janelle in the arcade room ‘Scheming” they acted funny towards her. Danielle thinks Janelle is giving her funny looks all the time.