10:41pm Cam 3-4 T!T$ – Jenn
Ashley mentions that the house is full of HUGE threats why are they worried about going up. She brings up Shane, wonders why the fuck he’s not a target this week. Wil thinks that Joe is the target this week. Ashley understands that everyone wants Joe out but she’s thinking that Shane is better because he’s so strong ast Power of Veto competitions.
Wil saying he wants to get rid of “Boogs and Dan” first. AShley says if something happens this week and Dan leaves they can probably pull Shane in to work with them.
Ashley has a feeling that they are going to put up Joe and Danielle. Wil disagrees thinks it’ s going to be him and joe. Ashley says no it’s going to be someone out of that group (Dan, Danielle, Britney, Shane)