Big Brother 19 house “Summer of Temptation” Where the houseguests will be challenged like never before as they embark on a season of tempting offers that could give them money, power and safety in the game but, they will need to be careful, because for every temptation taken, there will be a consequence to face. […]
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Big Brother 19 House Guest – The Christmas Abbott Story
Christmas Abbott Story: “What do you see when you look at me? I’m not who you think I am. I have tattoos, muscles and an attitude but you have to know my story to understand me. It hasn’t been an easy life but its mine. Where I’ve came from and been has shaped me and made me and even broken me alone the way. At 13 my life changed instantly after a horrific car accident….”

Jason “Why couldn’t you have painted condoms before when we needed a shallow person to stare at people?”
9:20pm HOH room – Kryssie & Jason. Kryssie – if they want to air thanks giving dinner, I just hope they air it as it happened. Every time they asked him (Justin) to wake up he had f**king cotton balls in his ears and he was breaking the rules all day .. and he got away with it. Jason – just showing thanks giving makes it look like it wasn’t game related and that he was just a home sick baby! Kryssie – he’s a pouty little b***h and he’s mad at you.

Big Brother Over the Top Special Ceremony
Jason – as the winner of the final HOH competition I have automatically secured my spot in the Big Brother over the top finale my last responsibility as Head of household is to bring one of you to finales.. Jason picks Kryssie to go to Final 3, Says he’s got a better chance to beat […]

“I’m not only disappointed in him as an ally, a friend, literally a person.. I’m pissed, I’m disgusted”
4:14pm Jusitn, Jason and Kryssie
Jason says he doesn’t feel ill towards them and if Justin had won the first HOH he would have picked Kryssie to.
Justin – I just have to focus on my own game right now
Jason – there’s no game left it’s studying
Justin – I’m in my own head.. distancing myself.. playing my own game it’s me vs whatever.. it’s me vs y’all in the end
Jason says Justin has been acting like a a$$
Jason complains that Justin never read his letter in front of him but read it to Morgan and Kryssie..
Justin tells him it’s not like that

“Tell us more about how we were your servants playing into your hand.. NOT for a second b***h!”
8pm – 9:35pm The house guests are sitting around the kitchen table chatting. Jason talks about how Vanessa on his season was a professional poker player but he didn’t find out until press day after the finale. Jason comments on how he won’t be competing any more comps. Morgan – at least all of us one 1 comp … none of us are Victoria. Justin asks who Victoria is? Jason explains Victoria from Big Brother 16. Jason – when I cam in here I wasn’t going to squander this … I almost did .. but I didn’t.

Justin “We’ve been the underdogs” Jason “That changes tomorrow! Because I’m going to kill these hoes!”
8pm – 11pm Morgan and Shelby are playing Jenga. After they head up to the HOH room. They go into the bathroom. Shelby puts on her bikini and sunglasses. Shelby – get ready America we’re about to do bath time with bikini girls. Only its just going to be me in a bikini. Morgan goes and puts her bikini on over her shirt. They start their Bikini Girls show called “Bubbles and Beef Cakes” edition. Morgan – our first beef cakes .. lets do some of out own. Shane Vs Justin.

Veto Meeting Results “If they vote for me over Danielle I’m going to flip out”
12:45pm Morgan and Kryssie
Morgan – Alex was my sister.. so… that was a big twist.. Jason got out my sister I’ve been targeting him.. that is why I want to be HOH..
Morgan – even if I go home.. I want to do something on a game and personal level
Kryssie – ok
Morgan adds that she broke her word to Kryssie earlier in the season and she’s hoping with coming to Kryssie with this truth now she can mend things.
Morgan is planning on talking to Justin as well.

Kryssie “I can’t believe those b***hes tried to take f**king group pictures without us!”
7:40pm Backyard – Shelby, Justin and Morgan. Justin – this is crazy. Morgan – its close enough that people can see the light at the end of the tunnel. No point in going home now, we have 20 days left. If things go as I’m thinking .. which they normally don’t. Justin – no they normally don’t. Morgan – We worry about the veto tomorrow and then figure out a plan for Wednesday. Justin – I don’t like the way she tried to manipulate y’all to think I wouldn’t work with y’all.

Shelby “You better prepare for another temper tantrum from me if I go home [next week] Big Brother.”
8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.

I was disappointed in how I played in the comp, at the same time I already won a HOH I don’t need to be greedy over here
2:14pm Tokyo room Kryssie and Danielle
Talking being suspicious where Whitney’s loyalties lay. Danielle adds that Justin is not a big game threat to her. Danielle says she has the most comp wins so far this season and she didn’t win anything the first 4 weeks.
Danielle – I hope Jason wins this.. He’s thinking really negatively like she’s always catching a break.. (Shelby)
Danielle – I’m like HEY you don’t know that it could have been us catching a break she might have finished it faster than you..

BBOTT HOH Results! “You’ve survived the dreaded double eviction. Now its time to reflect!”
10:15pm Danielle gathers the house guests in the living room to read the Head of Household competition rules. “Its time for the head of household competition. As the out going HOH, I will not compete. Tonight’s competition will be played one at a time in the backyard. At this time each of you will draw a chip to determine the order in which you’ll compete and what room you will wait in before being called to the backyard. The house guests then draw chips.