Every week we search through our twitter feed to dig out out favorite 10 Animated Gifs from the Big Brother 20 week. They’re just our personal favorites that capture the magic of this week. This week I could get it 10 enjoy the bonuses. Happy 4th of July #BB20 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/Gp85eorlWn — […]
Tag: Tyler Crispen

Tyler “Sam has the power, she is not going anywhere! Not a word about this to anyone.”
11:10pm Bedroom – Fez and JC. JC – when I talk to them I am always trying to put you in a good place. There is no reason for them to target you. I don’t want that to happen. Fez – yeah. JC – you realize you and me are probably the most liked people in America right now. (LOL) Fez – why do you say that? JC – because the biggest guy in the house and the shortest one. Its good ratings for the show. People love that. Fez – its trending. JC – I know Steve is close to us and we’re going to use him. If we’re a really powerful group we will be able to destroy the others but we won’t be able to destroy each other.

Winston “Rachel is hell bent on keeping Sam now. Who the hell died and made JC KING?!”
Living room – Faysal and Rockstar. Rockstar – it definitely was a game affecting punishment like they said. Its better for our game to do Steve because he also comes with Scottie. But like it just sucks.. its a stupid.. Faysal – The way I look at it .. is if anyone was thinking about keeping Sam on our side for long term… I understand long term but for the short term its better to keep Steve because we need to keep the numbers. So if someone wants to spice it up and keep Sam it might just screw one of us and make one of us go home next week.

Big Brother Spoilers “Don’t tell anyone they’re a swing vote.. Other than that you’re doing a great job.”
2:59pm Tyler and Sam
Tyler tells her Scottie Told Steve and Steve’s told everyone that Sam said Scottie and Kaitlyn were the swing votes.
Sam – is that major
Tyler – you can’t tell someone they’re the swing vote because then they’ll go tell other people that you think they’re the swing vote.
Tyler – don’t tell anyone there a swing vote
Sam – I didn’t know that was a bad word..
Tyler – that’s a bad word
Sam – ok
Tyler – Scottie has told you a million times he’s voting for Steve to stay so if you go to him, Hey Scottie your a swing vote he’ll be like What the F** why am I the swing vote

“Steve can’t stand on 1 foot, I’m badA$$ as f* give me a chance to learn and I’ll master this sh1t”
Big Brother Spoilers – Ohh my goodness.. Very much looking for to see what SCottie will do with this information from Sam. I hope he takes her up on the offer. I’m not sure if I see KAitlyn flipping now that she’s back with the fromance.
12:32pm Sam and Scottie
Sam – I really like you.. we have common strengths..
Scottie – Yeah..
Sam – I think we should be some sorta Team.. in the event if Steve isn’t here and you want to work with me..
Sam says she’s not going to pressure him into being a teammate, “I’m looking at you as a partner not a minion.. ”
Sam says the vote might be pretty close and at this stage the votes are all unanimous. If you dec
Sam – How many people can do what I can do.. How many girls can get shot by a paintball and not flinch.. none of them
Sam – Steve can’t stand on 1 foot.. ok .. I love the man he has a family.
Sam – if you decide to keep me.. which means a lot to me.. Pinky swear is a big Deal.. I Pinky Swear to work with you
Scottie – If in the event the votes go your way

Rockstar “I tried to talk to Brett & he just walked away. He only talks to people he wants to f**k!”
8pm HOH room. Fez and Swaggy. Fez – we’ve got to come up with something because Kaitlyn and Haleigh are close with them. Swaggy – yup, so if they win.. then Kaitlyn and Haleigh are safe. Fez – so that means you or me are going up or both. Swaggy – Haleigh told me that if she wins HOH she is putting Brett & Winston on the block. She don’t care. She maybe bluffing. Fez – I think she is bluffing. She might put up Winston. That’s why I’m not doing all this lovey dovey sh*t with everywon.. you lovey dovey until someone wins HOH.

“Fessy don’t you feel a little bad you were like a huge part like why I was F*ing attacked”
Tyler – I don’t trust Fessy..
Kaitlyn – I don’t know If I can anymore
Tyler – It sucks because I did.. he won’t talk.. he barely looks at me anymore.
Kaitlyn – if I was a viewer these are the people… I would be like Swaggy needs to go home , Fessy needs to go home.. Bayleigh.. like that whole side.. like that would legit be what I would be saying as a viewer.
Tyler – what do you think viewers
Kaitlyn saying she can care less that fessy is in a showmance she would want nothing more than her two bes friends to fall in love.

“Keep Flirting.. Today we’re going to get Fessy pissed with the amount of flirting you are going to do”
2:28pm Bros HAve nots
Brett – She was like do you think you’;ll win you did so good.. I was like No no girl it’s all you (girls parts are done in Brett’s girl voice)
Brett (girl) – do you think will happen
Brett – I know it’ll happen you’ll rule .. do great .. blah blah
Brett – I was like.. will I be safe .. she said YOU will be safe.
Winston – So I’m a target for her
Brett – I think they are positioning you against her man

“I’m a energy reader.. People forget that.. I intuitively know.. MY F*ing JOB is choosing love”
10:30am Angela and Kaitlyn
kaitlyn – has it been obvious I’ve been upset
A – yeah
K – it’s been a lot un game related.. SO LIKE.. I’m really like no.. a fan of being spoken about and beating around the bush.
K – I’ve come into this house fully authentic..
K – this whole thing has shown me so much trust in Tyler.. he’s been such an amazing friend
Kaitlyn – for me to be eating at midnight and see people talking about me in the mirror
Angela – how did you know
K – I’m a energy reader..
A – ohh
K – People forget that.. I intuitively know. You can be in here and I can be downstairs and I know when my name is said.

Kaitlyn “I am a f**king meditation instructor, like what are you f**king talking about?!”
11:55pm HOH room. Tyler, JC, Rachel, Kaycee, Angela. JC – Fezzie gets information from Rockstar, Kaitlyn and then from there he just gives it to Swaggy. That’s how it works. That’s literally the game play. That’s the best part of that team. He is like oh I’m running this house. Rachel – so Kaitlyn reports to Fez and Fez reports to Swaggy? JC – Swaggy doesn’t talk directly with Kaitlyn. Angela – so Swaggy thinks he is the CEO?

Kaitlyn “Are you f**king kidding me?! You’re dodging a question about a deal you have with Winston!”
8:50pm Hammock. Rachel and Angela. Angela – him (Swaggy) and Bay are definitely messing around or something. Rachel – they have to be. Angela – I can tell how they act around each other. 100% and they’s trying to hide it and the more you try and hide it the more obvious it is. Its so funny because Swaggy walks up to Winston and goes “Everyone thinks you and Angela are in a showmance. HAHAHA .. oh is that deflecting?

Big Brother Spoilers – Brett – I’m telling you these girls.. College athlete.. HEY!
5:18pm HOH Brett, JC and Tyler
Brett – This is the nicest way possible.. Haleigh, going to a FCC school theres a lot of girls who are.. they see a college athlete and that’s where the success is.
Brett – he was a college athlete .. she tied right into that .. that’s why
Tyler – you think
Brett – 100%, First person with power.. he was a college athlete
Brett – I Have not been impressed by his performance..
Brett – I haven’t been able to prove myself either..
JC – yeah you’ve only been in one..
Brett – I’m telling you these girls College athlete.. HEY