***** UPDATED ****** Kailtyn – I can’t look at you
Swagz wants Tyler to com up here at some point.
K – last week was hard for me I thought I had solidified friendships and alliances..
K – I heard from multiply people that I was a liability and i am reactive.. it’s true i am .. I just didn’t want it to be you..
K – you didn’t speak to me all week.. I don’t know.. I didn’t want to do it Swaggy.. from the minute you won that first competition I was sacred.. I wanted to join you I wanted it to work.. my intuition told me not to.. you told me you didn’t trust you that’s scary..
K – I’m just sorry I liked you as a person, I feel so terrible.. my younger person .. never stood up for myself.. being part of a group I knew they were talking about me and I just stayed because I had nowhere else to go .. I kind felt like that with our gropu.. I knew it was a huge risk. I knew I had a lot to lose I kept saying I don’t even care if I get out Week 3 at this point