4:30pm Storage room. Brett and Winston. Winston – I say we go up there in the middle of the night just you and me. We ring the door bell and wake him up and have a meeting just us three. And we lay out a strategic plan till the end and I’m talking to the end with this kid. Its the only way he go for it. And I’m talking somehow, some way over the next few days if he’s decided to use the veto on you. He has no one right now. I have it in my back pocket that he lied to the entire alliance that he voted for me. I will shut up and not spread that if you backdoor Kaitlyn. I’m talking about 3am.
Tag: Tyler Crispen

Big Brother Spoilers – “I had a vision to, I was on a beach playing with BOOb!e$”
**** Updated ***** 9:57am Tyler and JC (JC playing with his balls the entire time.. wtf)
JC – you have to throw that competition
Tyler – I know .. I’m going to
JC tells him to go out after Rockstar.. “don’t go top 3 don’t go 4 or 5th after Rockstar”
Tyler says Scottie is telling everyone not to use the veto and if they do he will put up their best friend.
JC – the four is already too powerful.. who do we vote out
Tyler – I’m not sure yet..
Big Brother 20 Power of veto Players

They can’t take a sh*t without the other one being like “Where’s Brett!? Where’s Winston!?”
7:40pm JC, Kaycee and Rockstar in the HOH room. JC – If I win the veto, I’m not using it. Rockstar – that’s why I don’t want to play in the veto. JC – who ever stays now comes after Scottie. Everyone in this house has one target. If you’re trusting all these people blindly you’re making a mistake. We need to get the bros out. JC – when we send Winston home. Brett and Angela are going to get together. You can tell she is falling for him.

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I want to take him by the throat & slam him up against the wall”
6:20pm HOH room. Brett and Scottie head up to the HOH room to talk. Scottie – its really straight up. You guys have a connection with literally every girl in the house. By the time we get the votes later, you’ll be like Paul and unstoppable. I am not about that backdoor sh*t. Especially if its a competitor that I respect. I want you to have the chance to take yourself off. Brett – I respect that, that’s fine Scottie. Scottie – and your votes will always be the same. Brett – I’ve promised you safety. I’ve been straight up with you.

Scottie – “I was thinking of doing some crazy sh1t.. I was considering the BRos up”
*** UPDATED **** Big Brother Spoilers 1:47pm JC and Scottie
JC brings up a examples of him looking for what’s best for Scottie’s game.
Scottie – you’re not on my radar at all.. the only reason I would consider it is the power app
JC – I haven’t got the power app and a lot of people think I have it.. They’re putting the target on me..
Scottie wonders if there is a power app maybe productions is making us paranoid.
Scottie- I have a pretty good idea who I am putting up
JC – no one is targeting you so there’s no necessary for you to make a big move
JC adds that if he gets a lot of blood on his hands he might be a target next week. if he makes a small move and does it smart no blood.

“The amount of Charisma Brett has is crazy..in 5 minutes I was buying everything he was saying”
Big Brother Spoilers – Power app is over. 100% sure Haleigh has the Crap app “readdit” and Maybe Bayleigh has the powwer up.
10:59am Bathroom Scottie and FesĀ
S – I talked to both of them last night
S – the amount of Charisma Brett has is crazy..
S – in 5 minutes I was buying everything he was saying .. I was like YEAH YEAH.. then had to walk around for 20 minutes and be like NO NO
S – he’s so f***ing good..
F – did they admit to you
S – no, the exact opposite.. they doubled down.
S – they tried to blame Haleigh again, I have to make sure to let her know

Big Brother Spoilers – “Brett is the core Winston is the shield I’ll take either”
*** Updated *** Big Brother Spoilers 2:16am Scottie and Tyler
Scottie – i think it’s best for me to start that war..
Tyler – yeah
Scottie – we’re at the point if this side loses another number they don’t have enough people to go after the other side..
Scottie – they put you and Kaitlyn together no
Tyler- I got a lot of shit to f**ing tell you..
T – first of all we made a really good decision to vote Swaggy ot
T – Swaggy told bayleigh about the core.. bayleigh told Rockstar about the core.. Rockstar told Kaitlyn about the core and Kaitlyn asked me about the core

Haleigh “I voted to evict Winston.” Kaitlyn “You’re f**king sketchy!”
8pm Rockstar – talking to herself in the lounge room. Rockstar talking to herself – I can’t believe it! I knew he was a sleeper threat! Its smart. It’s so smart! I’m going to play the veto for Steve and take Steve off with the veto. And then go out in the first round and then talk to him. What an evil genius. So smart! Break up loyalty. What a smart move. WOW! And then wear a shirt ..genius. I have to appreciate it. Big Brother switches the feeds.

“do something funny and throw the bros on the block.. I can see him saying it right now out of his cocky little mouth”
***** UPDATED ******* 7:20pm BROS
Brett – we need to put in his brain that Bayleigh and Fes might be after him because of the swaggy vote
Brett – he voted Swaggy out
Winston – really I thought it was haleigh
Brett – and Haleigh.. that’s two votes..
They count the votes…
Winston – Scottie voted for Swaggy don’t get twisted.. Scottie did not vote for me he voted for Swaggy
Winston – he’s full of crap .. You’re probably fine unless he says I’m going to do something funny and throw the bros on the block.. I can see him saying it right now out of his cocky little mouth.. one of us has to win the veto..
Brett – we’re fucked.
Winston – I don’t think you will go up.. he will base this off personal relationships..

Big Brother 20 Week 2 Summary and Live Eviction Results
When Kaitlyn won the Head of Household I sent Dawg a message “Buckle up we’re entering loony toons”. I was wrong the week wasn’t loony toons but the HOH sure the hell is. In Kaitlyn ‘s own mind the fandom is blown away from her move, it’s more like we’re blown away from her crazy. […]

Big Brother 20 Week 2 Animated Gifs
Big Brother Spoilers our best Animated Gifs from the week captured from the #BB20 live feeds. Follow us on @bigbspoilers or @dawgsbigbrother to catch them live.

Big Brother Spoilers – “Shutdown for an hour then we’ll get locked in for 2 hours”
POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th POV Used yes POV Ceremony July 16th HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th Noms: Winston, Scottie Swagz Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar Big Brother Spoilers – They’re all campaigned out. These last 3 days have been pretty dense with the conversations. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Near the end of […]