1pm HOH room. Cody and Dani.
Cody – I am more focused on the veto and keeping it the same than anything because it is going to be a tough conversation. Granted we can do whatever we want .. I don’t want to do what we want ..lets split it 3/3 and then I have to .. Like I don’t know how Nicole is going to be about it. I don’t know how Tyler is going to take it. Dani – no Nicole doesn’t care. I’ve already talked to her. Cody – I know she doesn’t care. I’ve had that conversation with her. She will do whatever she has to do. Dani – she wants Christmas gone. Cody – she doesn’t want Christmas gone. Dani rolls her eyes – okay! I literally talked to her about it for an hour yesterday. Cody – when I talked to her it was not like oh we need to send Christmas home.