7:55pm HOH room. Scottie and Haleigh. Haleigh – he is going to take Angela down and the I will put Kaycee up. Scottie – I think it would be unlikely for him to not use it. Haleigh – he sat right here and said how we needed to build trust. And I said Tyler, I will not put you up and I will not backdoor you. Scottie – but he spent last week solidifying his trust with Angela. Granted I think that whole thing was planned. Haleigh – that was her wanting to go after Bayleigh. It had nothing to do with wanting Tyler off it had everything to do with her wanting Bayleigh up. Tyler thinks you’re his number one. Even if he keeps the noms the same I would be okay with that. Please try and talk to him.
Tag: Tyler Crispen

POV Competition Results! “Hopefully Tyler is a man of his word. Don’t f**k me Tyler!”
6:46pm HOH room. Rockstar & Fes Rockstar – hopefully Tyler is a man of his word. Fes – what did he say? Rockstar – I said he wouldn’t be up here if I didn’t help him. I didn’t help him on purpose. Don’t f**k me Tyler. Don’t f**k me! He said I won’t. I definitely didn’t throw it, I am just an idiot! I am just a f**King dumba$$! A f**king dumbass. Fes – we’ll figure it out. Worst case scenario he doesn’t use it, you don’t go home. Why would anyone vote you out? They will just throw you on the block next week. Rockstar – I guess. F**King Idiot!

“Take the f**king pole out of your a$$. Maybe dance around it & have some fun you pretentious spoiled b***h.”
12pm Bathroom. Sam – I see the best that someone has to offer and the opportunity for future growth. Rocstar – Kaitlyn used to say that sh*t too. Looking at everyone through a lens of love and light. Sam – well that’s a bit delusional. Rockstar – here’s how I view people… when a person shows you who they are .. believe them. Sam – I view things a big differently.. I save my first though, then there’s rationality and then there’s reality. But none of us will get to reality in this house. Just be real. Bay was like that. Rockstar – I like Bay too. Sam – I refuse to go back on my morals or what I said I would do but I will go back into my real life without regrets.

Haleigh “We could put eye drops in their water. Makes them throw up & p**p!”
7:55pm HOH room. Sam joins Haleigh and Scottie. Haleigh – If Rockstar goes home on my HOH I am self-evicting! Scottie – then if both of you go then I am going to have to self-evict. Haleigh – I hope one of us wins the veto and then I would just keep the put the noms back the way they were. Sam – Like Kaycee and Angela? Haleigh – yeah. Sam – who has the third power? Haleigh – its either Kaycee or JC but its expired at this point. Sam – don’t be so sure. Its not Scottie? Scottie – I wish I had a power. Haleigh – JC said he is not telling us if he has a power but that if he did have a power he wouldn’t use it on anyone but himself.

Hacker Changed a Nomination! “There are some pu$$y a$$ motherf***ers in here!”
HOH room. Tyler and Haleigh. Tyler – I swear its not me. Haleigh – its like why target her. She hasn’t won a comp. What because I’m HOH?! Tyler – I swear its not me. Haleigh – I believe you. I really don’t think it was you. There are a few people I think it could be. At this point we just need to win veto and put it back to the original noms. So that’s just what has to be done. The good thing is I name the replacement. The only thing is if Kaycee wins the veto then she can’t go back up. If you get picked I need you to play really really hard. Tyler – I will.

“I f***ing won… I F***ing won… Lets go” – KAycee
***updated *** Kaycee – “I f***ing won… I F***ing won… Lets go”
KAycee – don’t tell JC don’t tell Sam
Tyler leaves…
kaycee tells Angela she should have said to keep it from brett…

“It is really just occurring to you that he [JC] might be the bad guy”
Big Brother Spoilers – Tyler or JC one of those will be Haleigh’s treat but of course the hacker and Veto can change all of this. Also keep in mind that Tyler has the Cloud app. If the Hacker compe and Veto don’t go Level 6’s way he pops the cloud app before the Veto ceremony and he’s save from the backdoor.
11:31am The HIVE
fes – I like JC I don’t think he would wrong me
H – can we just establish that this four is a good four
Scottie – YES
H – and we trust everyone in this four
Rocks – yes
Fes – ok
H – so going forward I don’t need anymore of this who said this who said that
Fes – what do we do about JC
ROCKS – keep him at an arms distance..
Ha – listening when he has something to come to me with..
Haleigh says they reevaluate what he says and figure out what is bullsh1t.

Nomination results “If you don’t see your face there you know I’m working to backdoor you”
Big Brother Spoilers Haleigh nominated Angela and Kaycee
9:08pm HOH Haleigh and Rocks
Haleigh mentions how Tyler was telling her if he didn’t see his face on the nom board he will know that they are working on improving their relationship.
Haleigh – no Tyler.. if you don’t see your face there you know I’m working to backdoor you
Rocks – JC has loyalty to fes..
Haleigh says JC has been actively working with the other side.
Rocks says if JC goes up Fes would be livid..
Haleigh – it’s not like he’s a number for us..
Haleigh says JC is a scary person
ROcks – if you put Angela and Kaycee up if someone else win they’ll put us up together ..
H – I think people will do that anyways
Rocks – no t if we keep winning.. that’s the goal

“Turn off the lights.. I’ll wait for you to go to bed then I’ll go downstairs.”
Big Brother Spoilers Angela and KAycee or Angela and JC are going up. Haleigh is going to try to backdoor Tyler. Hacker competition played today.
2:25am HOH Haleigh, Fes and Rocks.
Haleigh – I nominate you Angela and you Kaycee.. guys we are getting down to the last few weeks of this game and the further we go in this game the harder it’s going to get. I know we all have amazing relationships we’ve built theses friendships but this is the p[art of the game that sucks.. I had to nominate 2 people and I’ve made my decision based on how close I was on everyone in the house.
H- Angela, you and I are friends and I think we will be friends outside of this house.. it’s that what she said to Bayleigh.. inside of this game we haven’t had much game talk.. and with everything that happened last week it just makes me think that you will definitely come after me.
H – Kaycee, I think your a$$ is floating through the entire game

“I feel like I am the only f**King real person in this f**king house & I am trapped in here with all you f**king psychos!”
11:34pm Havenot room. Sam and Haleigh. Sam – who is making fun of me? Haleigh – I don’t think anyone is making fun of you. I think people take advantage of the fact that you’re a genuine true person. And I think that some of the people that you have put your trust in don’t have your best interest at heart. Sam – who is it? Haleigh – no one has said anything. Sam – but people are making fun of me. Haleigh – why do you think that? Sam – I don’t know. I just think that things are happening and I need you to tell me. Tell me who is making fun of me?!

Sam “I volunteer as tribute. Take me out. Get me the f**k out of here!”
9:05pm Havenot room. Haleigh and Angela. Haleigh – there is so much still to happen. Angela – if I do happen to get the hacker I will come to you and we will figure it out. Haleigh – good, thank you. I appreciate that. Angela – these next few day are going to be long. I am so excited for this hacker bullsh*t to be over. Well if you need moral support or advice I am here. You’re going to be woken up at 4am and asked to look decent. Angela – also don’t let anyone get you to do their dirty work. I had a few people try to do that with me. Haleigh – I am excited to talk to Tyler and see where his head is at. There’s a lot that has to happen tonight.

“I’m over Sam.. she’s risking our game ” – Kaycee
7:08pm Tyler and Kaycee Storage room
Tyler- I’m over Sam
kaycee – i am to
Kaycee – it’s personal.. she’s risking our game .. she might put Sam out
Tyler – maybe not because of that
KAycee – i’m over her
Tyler- Dude..