Dani – the delivery (of the nominations) was not okay. Kevin – and to being you into their fold .. that is a humiliation. There is a back door a foot. Dani – I wouldn’t be surprised. I am going to have to go back up there and kiss some booty cheeks. I have a feeling like I have no idea what is going on in this game.. no one wants to talk game. Nicole is crying and Dani is comforting her. Nicole – I am the friggin outsider that gets nominated early .. it is so f**king embarrassing.
Tag: Tyler Crispen

Big Brother Nomination Results – “F**k that! F**k that bullsh*t! Motherf**ker I’m 30 years old!”
6:50pm Storage room. Kevin, DaVonne and David.
Kevin – I knew it even before he said it because he looked dead at you. David – I’ve been seeing it all week. I knew it .. come on. Kevin – you can turn this around. I was at a low .. you can turn this around. David – I knew it when he said you can be a havenot. You know .. the comment he said there .. I’m not even upset. I am just angry at those two word he chose. DaVonne – yeah. Kevin – you can win and not even have to campaign against. David – that’s what I’m going to do.

“We might be projecting this sh*t on Janelle but Dani is the smartest f**king player.”
5pm HOH room. Christmas and Memphis.
Memphis – if its me, NicoleF, Tyler, and Dani next week playing in the thing we have the ability to pull ..save two people in our alliance automatically. The odds are in our favor. Christmas – who else would be playing? Memphis – NicoleA would be the only one and she might not even be here next week. You know what I mean. Oh and Enzo but he is just floating around like a birdie.. I am not worried about him at this moment. In my decision making right now .. I see Nicole she is the only one with the safety suite that is on that board that is not in our alliance minus Enzo.

Safety Suite results “I’m a sharpshooter baby I am a sharpshooter I’m here to dominate”
3:38 pm Sh!tmas
Christmas – I just smashed this competition let the whole house know I’m here to play I’m here to dominate if you are coming after me you better have your targets and sights dialed in I’m a sharpshooter baby I am a sharpshooter”
Christmas – I just confirmed 2 sides of the house, Janelle, NicoleA, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, KAysar.. Kaysar I love him
Christmas – floaters are David, Ian, Enzo, Kevin,
Christmas – The other side of the house, Dani, NcioleF, Cody, Tyler and he’s sayig Memohius is playing for himself.
Christmas brags about being in a great spot. She’ is locked into the 6 person alliance and she just won safety. (isn’t a member.. the founder of the 6 person alliance the HOH right now so why race to get safety?)
Christmas explains that by her winning safety for no reason it helps her alliance by not outing them.

“I don’t know if I should talk to Memphis or not I wish I would have watched the show. “
8:40 am Kevin and David
K – have you talked to Memphis yet?
Kevin says David being have not gives him the advantage because he has to walk by the HOH room on his way up. Points out that last week he noticed Memphis would hang out on the sky bridge on one of the two seats waiting for Cody.
K – I’m a have not I’m hanging out over theere and you can catch him
D – I just, I dont’ want to give him something if it’s inevitable
K – what do you mean
D – I feel like ..
K – what is this inevitable crap
David says based on Memphis not really talking to him, and how last week went and how “my dumb a$$ said I wanted to experience the game” David thinks he’s going up “To save him (Cody) the blood”

NicoleF “Cody is going to tell Kevin about the votes.. about how Janelle was trying to flip it.”
9:25pm Bedroom. Dani, Cody and Enzo.
Enzo – what happened with Christmas and DaVonne? Dani – I don’t know what happened after. Enzo – DaVonne was mad at Christmas. Cody – that is all stemming from Janelle… Janelle is causing so much sh*t. DaVonne was mad because Christmas was keeping sh*t from DaVonne. Enzo – Janelle is with Memphis? Dani – I don’t know.. Enzo – yeah Janelle is with Memphis. Enzo – if one of us gets put on the block we have the votes to stay. Dani – yeah. Enzo – a good portion of the votes. Cody – I don’t think any of us are going on the block. Its a matter of someone staying that is going to help us.

“we’ll take out the tail of the snake, NicoleA.. Let him go after David”
6:35 pm Christmas and NicoleF
NicF tells Christmas that she’s Janelle’s target.
Christmas – if I’m their target because they see me a threat .. they better be
NicF – We have to make sure Ian stays in the house this week I have a very close relationship with him.
NicF – Out of all the people from their side.. Ian is a number for us
Sh1Tmas – I agree with that 100%
Sh1Tmas – Janelle f***ing pisses me off man
Sh1Tmas – that kind of player makes me so mad

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 1 review and eviction results
The first week of Big Brother 22 Allstars. I want to say it was EXPLOSIVE and the best week one of all time but it wasn’t. I give CBS 3 Enzo Yo’s for giving us this first week of feeds it was nice to watch. I give No Enzo yo’s to the pre gaming which […]

“[Janelle] this might be it! Your 4th try. Two decades later! This might be the story YO! Stars have aligned.”
HOH room. Enzo and Day.
Enzo – Memphis is walking around like .. YO you going home too YO! Stop it! Kaysar keep cooking your carrot f**king top cake. You’re going home too YO! F**k That! I want to win this sh*t tomorrow YO! I want to go back to back. I want to win this tomorrow. So bad I want to win! Day – yeah I want to see my kids. Enzo – Yo D! I don’t give a f**k .. on my season I was scared to win HOHs and do good in the house. Now its all star season .. YO! F**k that! There is a good chance all of us are going to go.. only one of us wins. So might as well just play! I like you Day. I like Dani too. Day – I like her a lot. That’s what I want to talk to ya’ll about. Enzo – I think at one point we’re going to have to merge people in. Not right now.. just keep everyone close that we trust and then at one point we just merge. And then I’ll come up with that name so they won’t know that me and you were in something. Trust me YO! Work with me Yo! Day – how do you feel about Tyler?

Janelle “I asked.. I said if I’m done week 1 or 2 do I go home to my family. They said no, we go back mid-September.”
Head of Household Winner – Cody Have nots – Ian, Kevin, Memphis, NicoleA Nominations -Keesha and Kevin Power of Veto Players are – Cody, Kevin, Keesha, Enzo, Kaysar, Ian Power of Veto holder -Enzo Power of Veto Ceremony – Enzo doesn’t use it. Nominations stay the same. Safety Suite – Kaysar & Janelle Live feeds —-> […]

“I think Social media has kinda ruined this game”
3:55 pm NicF and Tyler
N – Has anyone else tried to talk game with you
tyler – Nah
N – Same
T – I felt good about Christmas but then Memphis brought their names up.
N – it’s going to be 2 sides next week. It’ll be Nicole, JAebnlle, Kaysar possibly Kevin, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne
T – that’s a lot
N – David is like.. I don’t know where he is
Tyler suggests that David is with Enzo

“Cody, David, and Tyler have flipped.. Instead of targeting us, they want to work with us”
11:20 am Kaysar and Janelle
Kaysar says Keesha is going to be evicted they will just have to “Go with it”
Janelle – right, that works.
K – I think Cody really wants to work with us now (Sigh)
Kaysar – I don’t fully trust it so we’ll see what happens
J – Who will he be targeting then, Cody?
K – Memphis will be his next target (Sigh)
J – Memphis is just laying around.