The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Tyler Crispen

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 9 review and eviction results
Cody won head of household and the Power of Veto Put Tyler and Christmas on the block. After this week we’ll have the pregame alliance VS Christmas. More Kraken than I could ever imagine. That’s all I got onto the show. Enzo votes to Evict Tyler Nicole votes to Evict Tyler Memphis votes to Evict […]

Cody – “Nicole is like I am throwing it [HOH] because they’ll go after Cody.”
8:06pm HOH room. Enzo, Nicole and Cody.
Nicole – so what is the plan for tomorrow are we telling him (Tyler), are we blindsiding him.. well not blindsiding since he doesn’t think he is staying. Cody – think the only one.. I think its blindside or you tell him. Nicole – and then it is going to be 3 zero right!? Enzo – hell yeah! Cody – cause its going to be like I’m not voting to keep you and then he (Enzo) is going to be like well alright Nicole told me she isn’t going to vote to keep you so what am I going to do?! Nicole – do you think he has nothing he can say about me really. Cody – no. Nicole – so should I just tell him? Cody – yeah. Enzo – he may say that all three of us are working together.. who the f**k knows at this point. Cody – I would just rather it be tomorrow.. just tell him like I’m sorry I just can’t do it.

“I wouldn’t hate it the slightest bit if at this point of the game they made weeks like 4 days long instead of 7”
3:15 pm Cody and Tyler
Cody talking about Enzo and Nicole being up in the HOH last night until super late.
Cody saying that Nicole can’t sleep. “I feel bad”
Tyler says he was in the zone after the glass of wine “got the melatonin early.. I’m outta here. Cancelled the day.”
Tyler says red wine makes him sleep white wine doesn’t thin it’s because of the sugar in white.
Cody – I don’t f**Ing know.
They talk about the Guinness bothering their stomach. They complain about Guinness and stout beers.
Tyler – we need to play charades tonight. it’s the last night we can do it you can’t do 2v2
Cody agrees 2v2 doesn’t work but 3v3 does.
feeds cut. When we’re back Christmas has joined them.
Christmas – can we play charades later.

Enzo “Christmas is taking Memphis to the final 2. He is not going to cut her over you.”
8:30pm HOH room. Enzo and Cody
Enzo – I was like you and me .. if we win HOH what are we doing? He was like I would put up Christmas and Nicole.. And I was like I don’t know about that YO! I was like I don’t know YO! Alright we’ll do that then. I would put up Memphis and Christmas. Cody – yeah. Enzo – do you trust if you’re on the block with F**king Christmas? That’s his number .. he knows that Christmas is taking him (Memphis) to the final 2. He is not going to cut her over you. Cody – but here is the thing if I am on the block next to Christmas .. he is beat. I doesn’t matter.

Tyler – If I stay it’s 4 VS 1 if I go it’s 3 vs 2
3:45 pm Cody and Tyler
Tyler – I’ve talked to Nicole and Memphis about their votes. Memphis told me he’s voting me out. He said he wants to..
Tyler – I don’t want to tell Nicole or Enzo this he said he’s scared of me and wants to have weaker players in here.
Tyler – He said he wants to have Enzo, Nicole, and Christmas in here to go after you. He didn’t say that verbatim but he said he’s trying to knock out the strong players so he can win easily
Tyler – I don’t know why he’s being so honest with me.. he said 99% voting me out
Tyler – Nicole said as long as you and Enzo want her to keep me she’ll do that so she doesn’t piss you guys off. Have you talk to her about it?

Cody “We already know how the week is going to play out. It almost like kind of sucks!”
10pm HOH room. Cody and Memphis.
Memphis – honestly like we’re in such a good spot. Cody – yeah we’re in such a good spot but I’m trying to think like if Christmas wins like it could be like something could get f**ked up! Memphis – the only thing that could get f**ked up is if Christmas wins and Nicole.. Cody – comes off.. Memphis – wins the veto. Cody – that’s all I’m worried about. Memphis – that is the only situation that could end up bad. Cody – but that is all I am thinking about at this point because like Thursday hasn’t happened yet and I’m kind of like alright.. We already know how the week is going to play out. It almost like kind of sucks! In a sense because I am like oh god dude just get me to Thursday!

“I don’t think I’ve seen two people like that make it this far. There’s always one person that gets dragged along but now there’s two” [Enzo and Nicole]
1:38 pm Memphis and Tyler
Memphis – I’m leaning towards voting you out.. You’re a beast and you scare me. Honestly, between me and you, the only way I am going to make it through this f**ing thing is if I win 2 vetos. This coming veto and the next one. That’s the only way. I think everyone is looking at me the same way.
Memphis – If my a$$ is on the block it’s the same way and if they don’t they’re idiots
Tyler – I think you’ve rubbed people in the jury the wrong way that is why I wanted run through this thing with you. But I do thin you can win
Memphis – with Enzo and Nicole still in this house there’s no way .. whoever is making that decision with the veto there’s no f***ing way they are going to keep me that would be dumb does that make sense.
Tyler – yeah those two

Memphis “The best situation is if Cody is on the block with Nicole.”
5:10pm HOH room. Enzo and Memphis.
Enzo – its done! That’s it! What are going to do! Memphis – Like I am sure he (Tyler) is going to ask everyone. I am just going to be like I don’t know how everyone else is voting. But I will probably wait till Thursday morning. Enzo – because then you want Christmas to be a little on edge too. Like whatever the f**k .. I mean we already told Christmas so she already knows about it. Memphis – Yeah she knows but I still feel like she is all over the place. Enzo – yeah she is all over the place. Memphis – like if I have to ask you that next week I am going to be pissed. Next week is going to get interesting. Enzo – its going to get crazy. Memphis – the only way for us to pull this off ..the only way that it can end up us four.. Ezno – we have to get rid of Nicole.

“It couldn’t have worked out better”
3:23 am Enzo and Cody
Enzo talks about there is no reason to start drama in the house to “Shake it up”
Enzo – yo..
Enzo – would have been great to see Christmas in there right after Dani YO
COdy – that’s all I can think about BRO..
Enzo – Dani would have a field day on her YO.. She would have said interesting
Cody – Christmas would have walked in their reaction would have set her off..
Enzo – Christmas has a really short fuse YO
COdy – Christmas would have snapped that’s it
Enzo – I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Christmas snapping in this F**Ing house

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “Man Cody is unreal YO! He is a beast YO!”
Bedroom. Christmas and Enzo.
Enzo – it is what it is! Man Cody is unreal YO! Christmas – I know. Enzo. he is a beast YO! Christmas – I haven’t talked to him yet. Enzo – he isn’t going to use it. Christmas – I don’t know who he is leaning towards. Enzo – it doesn’t matter we’ve got the votes. YO You’ve got me and Memphis. You know what I am saying .. like who the f**k cares! Christmas – I wanted to ask you has he mentioned my name? And have you seen his season?

“When you’re a target the entire game you’re [Tyler] not good at this game that’s how I feel”
10:43 am Nicole
Nicole – it’s Not Good.. When you’re a target the entire game you’re not good at this game that’s how I feel. Not even a target when people just talk about it’s not good. I know a good player and I’m really good at giving props to people that deserve it . Tyler’s So bad.. I just can’t help he’s just so bad.