Head of Household: Nominations: Breydon and Austin The Power of Veto Players are: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin, Ty POwer of Veto Winner: Ro Power of Veto Ceremony: ?????? Have nots: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin 2:38 pm Breydon and Austin were nominated. They’re spinning their wheels trying to figure out who is HOH Austin – It’s […]
Tag: Tychon Carter-newman

Vic – “What do I do?”
Vic says she’s loyal to their final 4 “I don’t have it and if I did I wouldn’t be putting you up.. ”
Vic – no one has any idea that we are working together.. Austin and Breydon came up to me and were like I hope you have it.
Vic laughs “If I won I would put up Ro and Austin”
Vic – no flippity floping
Ty – 100% same page
Vic – how was your sleep
Ty – good till the nonsense..
Feeds cut..
When we’re back..
Vic says she thought the HOH would be known by now

“I’m going first unless Jed and TY want to go first because you’re HOH this week”
“Jed, speaking from personal experience for someone who shaves their entire body it’s funny how you aren’t even smooth”
“They say you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take Ty has shot his shot and is still sleeping on Keifer’s couch .. Ok Keifer”
“It’s fitting that you’re the cook of the house because you always seem to find yourself in boiling hot water”
Breydon impersonating Jed “YO you did me dirty.. YO”

Tera “Everyone wants someone else to take the shot.” Keifer “I can’t take the shot if I wanted too. I’m in too deep!”
11:40pm Bathroom. Vic and Tera.
Tera – have you had any other convos with anyone? Vic – just right now briefly with Jed and Ty. I was like I don’t know do you think Kyle is the right choice? Like really quickly in the kitchen. And they’re like oh you too huh?! And I was like oh did you have any other conversations? And they were like yeah, we think Tina and Tera want Austin to go too .. but they think its just because they’re coming after them. So like they’re going to talk about it. They said its not off the table. Tera- I had a conversation with Ty and Jed.. Vic – and it didn’t go anywhere? Tina – no, it didn’t sound like..

“A Big part of me wants her to go home instead” Next week “Boom Kyle and Ro again”
10:31 am Beth and Ty agreeing they have to shift the focus on Austin, Breydon, and RO as a triple to keep the heat of their love triangle (Beth spent the night in a room with Jed alone but she’s also kissing Ty…)
Beth – it wouldn’t be the worst thing to let Tera win HOH. Unless she goes back on her word. Like making other people do our dirty work is such a good way to play Big Brother
Ty – I agree, I still think it’s really early for one of the three of us to have HOH (Famous last words)
Beth – it is early.
Beth says the house doesn’t associate Kief with them but if one of them wins HOH the blood will be on all their hands.

Vic “You don’t need to lie.. just play the game you don’t need to do that extra sh1t”
10:40 am Vic and Breydon
Vic is pissed at Kyle and Ro. They were up pitching her name to Kiefer all while telling her they weren’t
Vic says people need to be called out for me “that FAke”
Vic – You don’t need to lie (LOL)
Vic says she never pitched anybody to Keifer.
Breydon – we said everyone pitched two names..

“I’m taking out LT’s biggest enemy, Kyle. that’s who she wanted out. “
10:00 am Kiefer, Tina and Tera
Kiefer – every day you get a little bit less soft at this point I don’t even care everyone is telling me not to get blood on my hands so I wore red today let them know I’m the f***ing butcher
Tina – saying not to get blood on your hands? You’re HOH who are you not going to get blood on your hands.
Kiefer – I was told I was the pawn twice I’m still pissed
Tera – have Breydon and Austin pitched you anything?
Kiefer – no they are very comfortable. They came up to me yesterday before the POV and made a final 3.. yup.. lets go all the way to the end of the game Kiefer no one will see it coming.. we don’t have to talk that much all we have to do is keep each other off the block, Kiefer..

Keifer “He’s worried about me getting blood on my hands and I’m the butcher.”
12am HOH bathroom. Keifer, Beth, Ty and Jed.
Beth is giving Ty a pedicure. Keifer – To be honest I was kind of happy to see Ro win that sh*t. Jed – it was literally the best case scenario for what we wanted to do so that we didn’t have to be the ones to do it. Ty – he deserved it. Keifer and Jed – yeah. Ty – on an empty stomach.. he worked that hard. Keifer – and if he wins again. Ty – no, no he doesn’t deserve that. Keifer – no I didn’t mean that .. I meant if you win it and he’s on it (slop) again. Ty – oh 100%! There is no doubt in my mind. Jed – he is close to snapping .. if he is on it again. holy sh*t!

“If I were to win and take one of them down .. that is HUGE. It would be sick”
10:00 am Jed and Beth
They talk about cutting a deal with KyRo if they win the Veto. Or offering a deal to throw it to them.
Jed – I’ll take you down if you don’t target me
Beth – yeah
Jed – that would be perfect
Beth – what a week or two?
Jed – yeah
Beth – does the competition happen real quick after players are chosen?
Jed – umm.. a couple of hours last time..
Beth – I don’t know what to do with Austin she’s so hit or miss

Kyle “I’m going to be looking for a secret POV all week. I’m going to be grinding!”
11:45pm Kyle, Austin and Breydon.
Kyle – when you were waiting for the setup? Breydon – yeah. They were like we’re going to have to dive in there. Kyle – so they’re probably nothing. Breydon – no they’re something .. I don’t know what. Austin – no, they found probably like 20 right now. Kyle – what?! Breydon – there are tons. Kyle – I just found it and then I showed Ron .. and then I got called immediately. He didn’t know until just now. Austin – I saw you in there going like this. Kyle – yeah I was in there with Vic and I just looked at it and slid it into my pocket. What are the other ones? Austin – there’s a lot. And they’re.

“I’m still loyal to LT.. she wanted them up, If I can send Kyle home LT would be happy”
10:25 am Kief, Jed, Ty
They talk about Kyle saying he’s unemployed
Jed – that’s a lie there’s no way
Kief – I’m telling you he’s dangerous and out of everyone he would put you two on the block together.
Jed – I don’t think Ro would as much as Kyle would

Jed “Not one person has left from your room.. until this week.”
11:55pm Hot Tub room. Jed and Ty.
Ty – I caught Aus trying to listen to us in the defender. Jed – who was? Ty – I think Aus was trying to listen to us in the Defender. Jed – Aus, how do you know? Ty – because when I came out she was standing right there. Jed laughs – yeah, whatever. Yeah, I was like I can’t believe the way that played out. Like anyone else win that HOH besides our team we would have been pretty f**ked. Ty laughs. Jed – anyone else wins today .. we’re f**ked. Ty – you know what we’ve gotten lucky. Jed – we’ve gotten lucky and unlucky. But we’ve been unlucky more than we’ve been lucky. Ty – yeah. Jed – its time that we get more lucky. Ty – we’re getting bad bounces.