1:27 am Cedric talking to the camera
“So tomorrow afternoon. I want to talk to Makensy and tell her but not tell her that she’s going to be my replacement nominee. Try to finesse her not being super angry at me, which
probably won’t work”
“But I think it’s enough to at least give me a fighting chance next week, in the first round of nominees, if she wins HOH, I think if I don’t put her up as a renom, everybody in the collective is going
to be upset, shake it up. It’s going to be upset. shake them up. What y’all think sounds better. Shake them up, club, shake them up, gang, Crew they’re going to be upset”
“So I think I’m telling Makensy tomorrow. Look, everybody came out to me telling me to put you up as replacement. because you had a chance to fight in the veto. Everyone thinks she has a power
and you can choose whether you want to use”