2:20pm Backyard. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – what are you thinking about? Holly – like if Tommy will campaign against me and how he will do it. Jackson – he will. Holly – I wonder what he will say, you know? Jackson – I think he will say about splitting you and I up. You know. Holly – MMMhhhmm. Jackson – and then if he won he would take the other one (me) out. Holly – but it doesn’t even matter, it all comes down to the veto. It doesn’t even really matter. Jackson – I know but if it is 3 v 1, better chances than 2 v 2. But they’re not going to do it. I trust them. They’re good folks. I truly trust them. Holly – yeah. I am going to make a campaign brunch. Jackson – I am so nervous for next week. In a good way though.