12:15am Backyard – Paul, Jozea and Bridgette are talking by the hot tub. Jozea says the only votes against me are Tiffany, Corey, Michelle and maybe James. That’s it! And worst case James or Frank vote against me, I still have the votes and everyone else to Paulie. That’s a straight no brainer! Paul says I think you should keep pissing Michelle off. Bridgette says she gets mad if I’m even in the same space with her.
Tag: Tiffany Rousso
“Vic thinks he’s so big and bad.. He’s pretty soft.. I felt him I was like you are soft” – Corey
9:08pm Da’Vonne, Michelle and Corey
Corey telling them all the times today he “Rattled” Victor by making advances towards Natalie and telling stories about how Natalie is always touching him
They all laugh.
Corey – He was not happy..
Michelle – Corey go work out so I can watch
Corey – Learn to breath buddy (watching Paul work out)
“I’m struggling … the fatal 5 vs 4 returnees.. I’m worried about the fatal 5 .. Tiffany” -Da’Vonne
Nicole asks her if james talked to her about his conversation with Bronte/Natalie by at the pool earlier today.
Da’Vonne says James talked to her told her Bronte and Natalie will vote with the house majority this week. James almost found out who Bronte’s targets where but something came up and she wasn’t able to tell him.
Bronte “I don’t play dirty but when those guys go to pick us a part, I will lie and make sh*t up!”
5pm – 5:15pm Backyard – Natalie and Bronte are talking. Bronte says I think Victor is one of the biggest threats. Natalie says I don’t want him to go home. He’s strong and he’s in our group. Natalie says Tiff was saying that James is really good at comps. I love James to death. He’s someone I would hangout with. Natalie says we’ve got to stay strong. Bronte says Paulie is the target.
“now I gotta be honest when you say solid 6 and forget about me, add me as seven it makes me want to change my vote”
11:30am Bridgette and Frank Bathroom
Bridgette is worried “I keep thinking they are trying to split the vote somehow”
Frank – who is going to try and vote you out
Frank says he’s voting with the majority and the majority is not voting out Bridgette, “Obviously I’m not voting you out.. I would hate to vote Paulie out but if the house is going that way I’m going that way if the house goes the other way maybe i’ll go the other way”
Paul “F***ing dumb@$$ B***H! (Tiffany) I f**king hate that girl so much! If she died right now..”
12am – 12:35pm Cam 3-4 Backyard – Bronte, Paul, Bridgette, Victor, and Jozea are talking. Bronte says they put up Bridgette so that in a couple days they can come to her and say we’ll save you. Paul tells Jozea you need to confirm with Zakiyah. Jozea says she’s not going to flip. She’s with us. Natalie says I told her this isn’t the bachelor.
“you are 100% safe I’ve never been more sure about anything in Big Brother before”
9:04pm Living room Paul and Bronte
Paul says Tiffany was wearing sunglasses at 10 pm in the house she was doing it so people couldn’t see where her eyes were looking. Paul says he f****g hates her.
Bronte – She’s sketch
Paul – she’s a lawyer.
Paul – everything is so unnatural and fake.. It’s strange…
Jozea “I feel REALLY REALLY confident about this elimination.” Paul “As you should!”
7:10pm Cam 3-4 Backyard – Nicole talks to Jozea in the hammock. Nicole says I heard you were gunning for me and so I was like I guess I have to put him up. I don’t know. Moving forward I would like to work with you and not be gunning after each other. I’ve played in 6 comps and only won 1. Jozea says the way they made it look to me was that you were sneaky.
Big Brother 18 First Power of Veto Ceremony Results! “Its like f**k you, you’re going home!”
In the bedroom – Paul says if he doesn’t go home, I would understand why you would be worried. Just know Vic and I have your back. You don’t have to worry if he doesn’t go home. We’ve gotten him to forget about that incident. Thanks for letting me spit my bullsh*t. Nicole says no, thanks it helps me too. Paul goes to talk to Zak. He tells her that they know no one is going to vote out Bridgette.
Frank “They don’t think its going to be Bridgette [replacement nom], its going throw another curve ball!”
12:55pm Da’Vonne asks Michelle and Nicole we were talking about Fatal 5, which one do you think is gonna be easier to get out, James or Frank? Michelle and Nicole both they should put them up together when numbers reduce. Michelle laughs that James will get 7th place again. DaVonne leaves. Nicole says that Victor told me that Bronte was gunning for me.
Paul “Nicole do you hate it when Michelle fawns over you?” Vic “Michelle has a stash of your hair”
10:15am Cam 1-2 In the kitchen – Paulie, Bronte and Bridgette are in the kitchen. Bronte asks them what type of cars they have? Bronte says she has a Toyota Rav4 Bridgette says she has a Subaru Forester. Paulie says he has a Honda CRV for work and Mercedes for play. James wakes up and joins them.
Cracks in Fatal 5 – “why the f*ck are you talking to me like that, are you f*ckg kidding me”
12:20am HOH Fatal 5
Nicole brings up talking to Victor today and he told her there was 6 votes for sure Jozea to stay. Tiffany says they are doing a good job making Jozea feel safe. Nicole says Jozea told her jokingly she is a target of the newbs but there’s others before her.
Tiffany wants to know who his before Nicole.
Nicole – he didn’t give names
Da’Vonne – you are for sure before her
Tiffany – why