The 7th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. A boring week up until the last 72 hours when the house flipped and TOTAL chaos reigned. Gif’s in no particular order.. FLASHBACK and watch everything you missed: Live Feed 7 day FREE Trial! via GIPHY Zakiyah and Paulie #BB18 @DawgsBigBrother — (@bigbspoilers) […]
Tag: Tiffany Rousso

Big Brother 18 Week 6 Top Animated Gifs
The 6th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. My favorite is probably the Corey Victor ones showing thier budding showmance. Gif’s in no particular order.. Let me know which one is your favorite. Mine has to be the condom balloon on the head. FLASHBACK and watch everything you missed: Live Feed 7 day […]

“Natalie came to me was like Paulie.. He’s going to float to the end” James to Paulie
9:41pm James, Corey, Nicole and Paulie
Chit chat
Victor joins them..
Paulie tells James he knows all of Natalie’s friends she’s a “Wild Child”
Nicole chimes in “She says she dances on tables”

“I’m not going to lie to you bro.. The one positive thing about the slop diet bro it definitely shreds you up.. “
3:08pm Victor says he’s been asked in the Diary what is up with his hat..
Victor – keeps my hair up..
Paulie- BRAH .. I’m not going to lie to you bro.. The one positive thing about the slop diet bro it definitely shreds you up.. .

“I felt like a damn kid getting into trouble.. I felt like shit thought I had to throw up”
9:32pm Safari room Zakiyah retelling to Nicole..
Zakiyah – it was unresolved.. He basically cut me off..
Zakiyah starts to cry
Nicole – it’s hard to deal with boys especially in the house..
Zakiyah says she hasn’t felt that way since talking to her ex, “I feel so stupid”
Zakiyah – I’m like why are you being cold.. I know she’s separating it but…

Nicole – “Is this going to be a blindside.. are we blindsiding Z and Michelle too”
Nicole to James – you OK with getting Da out
James – ya
Nicole – I know you guys are close
James- on a personally level not a game level..
Nicole – is this going to be a blindside.. are we blindsiding Z and Michelle too
Paul comes back says they are blindsiding Da’Vonne, Zakiyah and Mcihelle.

“She told me I was her ride or die.. Ohh thanks Hommie.. Never knew”
1:06pm Paul and Nicole HOH
Nicole (the whiniest voice you can imagine) – whhhhhhhhyyyyyy areeeeeeeee theyyyyyyyyy protectingggggggggg DAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nicole is worried Zakiyah and Michelle will target her and Corey during the double.
Paul – Z will never do anything to me.. Beat me in a HOH or POV..
Paul says one of the reason he put Da’Vonne up is because Da was so confident going into the HOH..

“People are sitting real comfortable.. Having drinks cracking jokes never been on the block”
10:24am Paul and Da’Vonne
Paul is telling Da’Vonne she’s going up he’s needs a pawn that will keep her cool to make sure BRidgette goes home. (Total BS)
Da – What happened when you asked Zakiyah
Paul explains that Michelle said i’ll do it If I have to I don’t want to be next to Bridgette..

“I’m going to go up to Z and be like Hey you want to go up as a nom, they will shit their pants”
9:58pm Paul, Paulie, Michelle , Nicole, Zakiyah and Corey
Paul – I’m going to ask about replacement nomas and if any of y’all are willing to do it.
Michelle – I will
Paul – will you really .. no sh1t..
Michelle – I would like to think you guys would send out Bridgette..

“I don’t even know if Paulie will pull himself down.. Even Goldie and tall boy want her (Bridgette) gone”
12:18am Paulie and Victor
Victor – when it’s 5 guys … whoever wins the HOH.. we litterally have a high possibility..
Victor wants to keep Bridgette around to use to take out some girls from the girls on the other side.
PAulie agrees, “As long as us 5 guys are not on the block we control the votes from here on out”
Paulie says he’s worried about Michelle because later in the game competitions become more mental.
This is the reason Victor wants to keep Bridgette to compete in the mental comps.

Big Brother 18 Week 6 POV results “We might be on the outs” -James
1:36pm James and natalie in paris room..
James tells her if Da’Vonne goes up that’s the plan it’s a backdoor plan.
James says Da’Vonne doesn’t see it coming. James tells her if Natalie goes up Bridgette goes home if Da’vonne goes up Da’Vonne goes home. Natlaie says Paulie and Paul want to work with Bridgette.
Natalie says Victor let Paulie win the POV, “It was obvious”

Have nots / Veto Players Picked “This is a good veto to be in because I don’t even care”
9:34am Corey and Nicole
Nicole – I gotta get on your good side in case you win a prize
Corey – I really hope it’s a luxury comp.. I don’t think it will be though
Nicole – I think it will be .. that is why they are doing it early cause you always get your costume tonight…
Nicole – and all the punishments tonight when the backyard opens..
Corey – I Hope so.. I’ll take anything at this point ..