Special 2 Hours Big Brother Episode Kyland wins the Head of Household and the power of veto. He keeps the nominations locked at Hannah and Tiffany. The three cookout boys decide to stick together this week and they will be voting out Tiffany. The feeds will be down until tonight at 10pm PST. When they […]
Tag: Tiffany Mitchell

Hannah “If I win next week I am getting rid of one of the two [Xavier & Kyland].”
7:35pm – 8pm HOH room. Hannah talking to the cameras.
Hannah – .. you and I have played similarly in the sense that we’ve never been selfish. When it came to getting the cookout one step further, X and I were never involved in conflict. In fact we were probably the peace keepers of the cookout which is ironic considering we’re the two youngest but that is besides the point. My pitch to Xavier was basically… you and I have always had a close personal and working relationship so lets continue that by you keeping me. I am pretty sure that is the direction that he is leaning towards but I have to check in again with him tomorrow. And I basically told him that when I evaluate what I feel the winner of this season should represent he kind of meets all of my criteria. So if it is not me that ends up winning, I would want it to be him and I am committed to helping further his game because I feel like he deserves it.

“These two are trying to mind f** me badly… I’m trying to make sure all three of us [GUYS] get to the end.”
2:35 pm Derek and Xavier (pacing)
DF – this is what I told Hannah .. In Hannah’s conversation, I let her know that once again you boys are definitely going to go at it because of that whole thing.. how y’all talk to each other.
DF – Hannah also let me know me sitting next to you, You win. Me sitting next to Ky, Ky wins. She said she’s not coming after me and Azah next week. She doesn’t know where your heads at. Ky didn’t take any of the deals she offered her.
DF – Umm…. She’s got a lot of respect for this game. She knows that umm.. she feels as though it’s best for her to be here.
DF – I told her the goal for me was to make sure the boys go at it.. If the boys go at it I sit there and look pretty. I did tell her I’m leaning towards her for staying. X, Y, Z that was my conversations with her. I told Ky, I’m telling you so you all know.

Tiff “Why does Derek think he could beat X in the final 2?” Kyland “He thinks he & X played the same game.”
HOH: Kyland Nominations: Hannah and Tiffany Power of Veto: Kyland Power of Veto Ceremony: Kyland did not use the veto. Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS – View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid Big Brother Spoilers – Tiffany most likely being evicted. 7pm The house guests are […]

DF – “This is how I look at it. Tiffany is going home, Hannah is next, Azah is next”
X – if I win HOh who do I put up?
DF – Azah
X – how does Azah feel like that because we have a final 3.
DF – unfortunately, she’s going to have to suck it up Azah has not been a pawn.
X says Ky has made a deal with everybody
DF – we all have.
X – let’s say I win the next HOH and I take a shot at Hannah and Azah. What’s to stop Ky from taking a shot at me at four?
DF – Don’t you guys have a deal or something?
X – as long as he honours that he might say f** it.. I don’t think he would I’m playing out Scnarios
DF – we got to pray I can win so you can feel comfortable to go to four

“They want you to apologize. You got two black women on the block what kind of guy are you?”
HOH: Kyland Nominations: Hannah and Tiffany Power of Veto: Kyland Power of Veto Ceremony: Kyland did not use the veto. Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS – View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid Big Brother Spoilers – Kyland did not use the veto Hannah and Tiffany remain […]

Kyland “What I can say to you.. welcome to final five!” Azah “THANK YOU! YAY! I am so happy!”
10pm – 10:40pm HOH room. Azah and Kyland.
10pm – 10:44pm HOH room. Azah and Kyland.
Ky – so you do want to go up or you don’t want to go up? Azah – Ummm.. do you need me to? Ky – I don’t. I don’t believe I do. Azah – ummm.. okay!? Ky – so I am considering things and that comes from in all honestly its weird because .. this week has kind of been the most vulnerable we’ve all been and .. its like next week is like the most most most vulnerable that ahhhh.. that I … would ..that I have been for sure. I don’t know about would. That at least have ever been. And because its like moving into a week where I can’t play and I just put two people up at least two people… but I am trying to figure out with the noms as they are do you have a preference who you would want to stay or leave. Azah – I know what I told you when you won. For me I would prefer to honor the intended target that you have. Putting aside whatever personal preference or thoughts that I have. Both of them that are up there..

Big D “My resume over the course of this season shows.. I put in the work at the beginning to avoid this at the end.”
12:35pm Kitchen Table – Big D and Azah.
Big D – if I look at what is left, I need to win the next comp and if not I don’t know if I can win the following comp. Azah – What needs to happen is Hannah can’t win the next week unfortunately. Big D – no, no, no, no… or the possibility of you or me going home. Azah – no, it will be Ky or X going home. Big D – that is too much for me. Azah – and I don’t want to make that decision. I told Ky next week if he is on the block I wouldn’t vote for him… so I can’t go against that and so that is a much better decision to make if Hannah is on the block next to him because I haven’t made any deal with Hannah. Big D – so either X or me need to win.. or you. Azah – its honestly better if its me or you because X will definitely go after Ky and Hannah will definitely go after Ky.

“Unconditional respect. Unconditional loyalty. I will never choose my own personal over what I have promised to you”
Tiff – I want you to go further and I want you to win if keeping me prohibits that then you can’t keep me and I understand. I also don’t know if not having me ensures you stay any longer. If I’m here and they want you out that buys me another week.
Tiff – anybody will keep you long-term. I don’t think anybody will keep you at three and have to choose between anybody else and say I will take Kyland. I would but we have to get there.
Tiff – I’m sorry. I know people want me gone and they will always want me gone. But they want you gone too If there is one other person with you that will agree with you to save me one more week that buys you one more week.
ky – I know you would stay loyal to me in this game. I am 100% open to those options right now the easiest way for me to do that is if you know of options that .. and of course.. I’m going to do this with everybody tomorrow.

Kyland WON the Veto!! “You’ll see me arguing with production for at least 8 minutes!”
12:37pm – 6:37pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the BB Comics power of veto competition.
The house guests are in the kitchen talking about the competition. Xavier – you will watch it back and literally see me arguing with production for at least 8 minutes! As far as the attention to detail that sh*t was done. I laid them all next to each other so that I could see the differences so that when I went across it was easier to spot them. Azah – I thought I did that sh*t in 9 minutes! They all laugh.

“One of the questions I ask myself is. should I have always trusted him or should I have never trusted him”
9:10 am Tiff and Azah
Tiffany – one of the questions I ask myself is. should I have always trusted him or should I have never trusted him
Tiff – there was a point I did and there was a point I doubted. There was a point I felt guilty that I doubted and tried
Tiff – there was a point I didn’t then there as a point I tried
Tiff says X and Kyland are working together “there is no way they are not working together. They want two of the guys in the final 2. I’m not mad about that”
Tiff adds that the three guys have something together they might take Azah but they might make it all guys in the end.

“I just want to be the best me.. to be the best me is to put myself in a situation that can truly unlock my potential”
12:49 am Kyland
“I was stoked getting a letter from you after my third HOH.. maybe a bad decision we’ll find out”
“Yeah I .. I’m honoured to be asked to be your best man.. of course. I’m so excited for the opportunity.”
“I need to go bed right now I have a veto tomorrow, and an important one. I love you man”
“It’s pretty significant for the cookout to make it to the final six unscathed.. we are arguably the most successful alliance in this game and now we’re going to have our first African American winner in the game.