After almost a week since the Big Brother Canada Finale episode the house guests have been reunited for the ET Canada Reunion Special. The special reunion was hosted by ET Canada’s Roz Weston where he interviewed and spoke with all the house guests. Roz speaks with the season 1 winner Jillian about how she won the grand prize, as well as with Topaz where she explains what happened and how despite the mix-up runner-up Glitter Gary gracefully took it all in stride. In addition, Roz also puts Alec and Emmett in the hot seat when he shows their showmances Topaz and Jillian footage they hadn’t seen before.
Tag: Thomas Plant

Big Brother Canada: The Morning Show – AFTER the Finale! Is GARY okay with SECOND PLACE?
Love it or hate it, the events that transpired on last nights Big Brother Canada Finale Episode could not have be predicted. There is only one rule to Big Brother and that is to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED and that was surely what happened last night.
With a SHOCKING Big Brother Canada FINALE episode last night, everyone is wondering what the house guests are thinking about conclusion of season one. Last night’s 2 hour finale episode was filled with surprises and jaw dropping moments. First the season front runner Emmett was evicted by the final HOH winner Gary and then by some insane mix up Topaz mistakenly voted for Jillian to win when in fact she wanted to vote for Gary. The shocking reveal of the votes by host Arisa Cox will go down in Big Brother history as one of the most unbelievable mistakes that ultimately cost Gary the Big Brother Canada Grand prize.

Big Brother Canada DOUBLE EVICTION / HOH Results!
Big Brother Canada Live DOUBLE EVICTION Episode: March 21th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
On the block for eviction tonight are: Thomas Plant and Liza Skinner.
- Tom goes home
- Liza wins HOH puts Gary and Topaz up
- Gary wins POV
- Alec goes up
- Topaz goes home
- Andrew wins second HOH
- War on the feeds.
Who do you think will win?

Tom Searches for the Diamond Power of veto “I’m going to go Osama Bin Laden on his A$$”
11:00AM Hot tub Emmett, Tom, Andrew
Tom talks about Andrew’s knees and how freaking they are. He’s glad to see they are getting better.
Tom jokes that he’s had that before (The Zombbie rot knees) “Around my penile area but that was crabs.. Kidding”
Andrew: ‘And the cameras zoom in on Toms Dong”
Tom: “I’ve never had anything a little pill can’t cure”
Tom starts pretending his “Dong” is his arm (See screencapture above)
Andrew mentions Willie during Big Brother 14 who got removed from the game. Tom jokes that he should get Talla mad at him and slap him.

Liza is determined to Win BBCAN Gary: “She’ll s*ck.. she’ll f**k .. She’s a s$x worker that’s the twists”
12:35pm Storage room Emmett and Garry
Emmett is trying to talk Gary into Getting rid of Liza he’s pretty worried about what happens with Tom gone.
Emmett: “I you would change it you would have Me, Jil, Talla, and Aj.. if you told Suzette..
Gary: ‘Suzette wants him gone”
Emmett: “When he’s gone people are looking at me..
Gary: “I know we have to win the competitions”
Emmett: “Gary as much as i want to say i’m a confident person we cannot go week to week.. “
Gary pretty much saying it’s too late to save Tom. Emmett says that Tom is his shield they need to keep him in the house to protect Emmett, “Tom will always go before me”

Jillian says Liza is a lying sack of sh*t! Shut up, I am going to punch you in the head and kill you!
8:10pm Jillian and Emmett wake up from their nap and start talking game. Jillian says that Gary is gutless, look what he did to Tom .. he broke his word .. I never would have done that. You can’t look someone dead in the eye and do that to them. I could never trust Gary, he could do the same to us, put us both up and look us dead in the eye. Jillian says that Gary will make another big move .. he will put up you and I. Emmett brings up how Gary tells Topaz everything and he told Gary to stop doing that. The conversation turns to talking about Liza.
Jillian says that she should talk to her but she just has such a big mouth.
Jillian says Liza tells me that I can’t trust you.
Emmett tells her to tell Liza that Emmett never said your name and that he only hates you know because you talked sh*t about him.
Jillian says Liza is a lying sack of sh*t!
“Shut up Liza, I am going to punch you in the head and kill you.”

Big Brother Canada Live Feeds: Gary says I know this is mean but I want to be the next Liza.
6:20pm Jillian and Emmett are in the havenot room taking a nap. Liza and Tom are in the have bedroom laying in bed together. Aj, Peter and Andrew are in the kitchen talking about random things. Talla is out in the backyard working out by herself. (She barely works out for 20 minutes.)
6:50pm Gary and Tom are in the bedroom talking. Gary says that this next week he wants to work on making something more concrete. Gary says I know this is mean but I want to be the next Liza. Tom laughs. Gary says that he doesn’t want Tom to hold this against him. Tom says that he knows it wasn’t him it was a house decision. I don’t hold anything against you. Gary says that he has a very good feeling that Tom will win HOH this week.

Big Brother Canada: Jillian says she would rather throw the HOH than be a havenot again.
3:10pm – 3:20pm Aj, Andrew, Topaz, Suzette and Jillian are out on the backyard couches. Jillian comments how she doesn’t know what she will do if she is on slop again. Andrew says that he doesn’t want to be around her if she is again. Jillian says that she would rather throw the HOH than be a havenot again. The conversation turns to talking about how small Emmett is getting. Andrew says that pretty soon Peter is going to be bigger than Emmett. Jillian comments that she was joking about that yesterday. Meanwhile, Liza and Tom are laying in the hammock talking about doing some traveling together after they leave the house. Tom says there is really only one person that hates me… that’s if I win HOH. Tom comments that he doesn’t think he could satisfy Liza. Liza says she thinks he could, it’s only one part of the muffin.

Suzette: “I don’t see myself getting angry and having blow ups that’s not the kind of person I am”
11:51AM working out Suzette and Alec
Suzette says she could handle Slop no problem. Alec points out that you never really know what it’s like until you are on it. Alec: “I thought I would breeze through it.. I’ve been on slop for 6 days straight.. the past week we have beavertails and poutine which was alright”
Suzette: “I don’t see myself getting angry and having blow ups that’s not the kind of person I am”
Suzette: “I skip meals.. I end only 1 or 2 meals a day”
AJ joins them they start to work out together

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery March 20, 2013 **updated**
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]

The Big Brother Canada House is a MESS Gary: “I’ve always been partying my whole life”
POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 23rd POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th Original Nominations: Tom & Liza Current Nominations: TOm & Liza Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec 9:35AM Emmett and Liza backyard Emmett keeps complaining about not getting enough calories, […]

Big Brother Canada Gary “You would think the wall would come down now that the d!ck is exposed
POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 23rd POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th Original Nominations: Tom & Liza Current Nominations: TOm & Liza Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec 12:22AM Tom and Emmett tossing the football around Gary is in the pool. […]