10:55 pm Kief and Vic
Kief – I appreciate the honesty last week.
Kief warns her people are after her.
Kief – I convince them I was going home.. I followed your plan. You are not going to go home on my HOH. For us to work together you can’t look too comfortable.
Kief says he promised LT to put certain people on Slop and she told him Ro, Kyle and Vic.
Kief – I feel bad I just wanted to give that to LT. But you are not going home on my HOH and there are people already pushing..
Vic – we are the two super fans in this house
Kief – everyone is going to be like you know Vic put you up. I f**ed up. I honestly don’t know what to do. I am telling people what they want to hear at the moment.
Kief – if there is a backdoor situation you will not go on the block.