Stooges: “Peter and Alec had so many alliances and lied so much they assume we’re like that to”

11:38AM Stooges
(Stooge banter is the best)

Andrew brings up about Peter sitting down with them when they were chatting in the living room, “PEter you know what is going on.. walk on.. that is why I sat there cause that’s where peter and Alec always sit to look at the wall and ponder.. I was like I’m sitting here all day so they can’t”

Alec pops his head in for a minute asks them if they are speculating. Andrew: “No” Talla: “one thing Alec can you leave Aneal’s bow tie”
Alec leaves

Andrew: “all I want.. I don’t care about what happens tonight.. all i want is Alec to go.. one of those guys (Topaz/Peter) can win I don’t care put me up I’ll be right behind Alec in the Jury.. I just don’t want Alec to win.. He’s already won 10 grand and I don’t like the way he’s been playing”

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Andrew hoping for another shower slip “Talla open the doors for us give us a quick show”

10:10Am Bathroom Talla, Andrew and Emmett

Andrew is going over the days and weeks, when competitions were won, POV’s used etc etc… Big Brother Warns them that the backyard will be closed soon
Talla is in the shower.

Andrew: “Talla open the doors for us give us a quick show”
Talla laughs says the camera isn’t even on her so she could do whatever she wants. She then realizes that a camera is on her and she goes back to showering. (Talla is pretty short so you really don’t see her in the shower like the other girls she has to prop herself up to look over the top. While doing this she slips and falls back into the shower “FAIL FAIL” is all you hear.. )

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Topaz: “I need to wax my cr*tch tomorrow… Big Brother don’t zoom in on the pub$s”

12:00AM Hot Tub Talla and Topaz

Talla: “Are you scared for tomorrow.. “
Topaz: “Ya.. you’ve never been on the block before but even though you know you are safe you still feel nervous”
Talla: “you haven’t been doing the Sh1t Alec’s been doing.. “ Talla points out how Peter is sticking up for Alec instead of Topaz.
Topaz says that Peter and her are not close they are only close via Alec. Talla: “Do you guys talk.. one on one”
Topaz: ‘we do talk.. when Liza backstabbed him”
Talla: “And he still was fighting to keep Liza in the game.. what does that say”
Topaz: “I guess he was in love.. honestly i’m telling you right now we wouldn’t be allied if it wasn’t for Alec.. we are 2 different people”

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Big Brother Canada Jillian & Talla tell Topaz about Alec’s speech to win the votes..

9pm Andrew, Emmett and Alec head out to the hot tub room. Alec talks about when he went to go get his car insured and he found out he had to get it air cared. He said he waited till the last day and when he was going to take it in he got a ticket.. then the car broke down. He says that he couldn’t park it on the street without being licensed or air cared so he scrapped it for $200. Andrew asks and how much did you pay for it? Alec says $300. Emmett says his friend got one of those boots on his car so he decided to cut it off .. but since they had his license plate number they made him pay for all the tickets and the cost of the boot. The conversation turns to talking about celebrities and meeting them. Andrew says that there is no celebrity that I would care to meet, they are just normal people like you and me.

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Andrew says I want to make a toast tonight.. Alec I AM VOTING YOU OUT!

5:50pm Alec tells Andrew that Jillian is a liar and I don’t believe for a second that she will vote to keep me if the vote ends up being two to two like she says she would. Alec says that if he stays he will go so hard for the HOH and that he will put up Emmett and Jillian on the block. Andrew asks him so if you are telling me this, what are you telling them? Alec says that he is telling them that I would nominate you and Talla with Talla being the target. Andrew says well that’s not believable. Alec says yeah, and I shouldn’t have told them that because I know they wouldn’t believe it.

Andrew says that he is getting sick of talking about it, I am a grown man and I can make my own decision. You have talked to me now three times. Alec says yeah but this time its different. Andrew says no its not.

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Peter says Jillian isn’t smart enough to know what you are doing, she will take it as a threat.

2:30pm Andrew and Emmett are in the hot tub talking about the game and other random things. Andrew says that if we make it to the end I know you will probably take Jillian and she will probably take you .. which sucks for me. I have a difficult decision of deciding which one of you to take. Emmett says that he doesn’t think he can win against Jillian. Andrew says we will be friends no matter what .. it will just decide who buys the drinks.

Meanwhile in the bathroom Alec and Peter are in the bathroom. Peter says that he doesn’t think Jillian is smart enough to know what you are doing .. she will take it as a threat. Emmett my understand. If Andrew and Talla are smart .. and that’s a big IF.. they may understand it. Peter says its a bold move and I like it.

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Spoilers – Andrews done everything in the game except have a showmance “Emmett, can you lend me Jillian”

10:27AM Hot Tub Emmett and Andrew

Andrew is saying Talla won’t vote him out so if he goes up int eh case of a twist it will send Talla a message that Jillian trusts her. Emmett doesn’t know thinks it’s a bit risky. Andrew points out that they only need 2 votes so if it’s Andrew up against Alec he’ll be OK. Emmett thinks it’s too dangerous with Talla if the twist results in the nominations being Andrew and Topaz.

Emmett about Talla “Does she honestly think that Talla deserve to be here”

Andrew: “She said she needed to win to increase her stats.. she doesn’t even have a stat. “

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Big Brother Canada Spoilers “You ask why.. I have two words.. Why Not Bro”

12:36AM Bathroom Topaz, Alec, Andrew, Talla, Peter
random chit chat.. Alec says that he would really get along with Liza outside of the house he just didn’t like her inside. Peter says the only reason why he didn’t like Tom was because of the entire “Liza thing” Alec asks him about that elastic he wears on his fingers. Peter says it’s Liza’s Alec wonders if Peter and Liza will hook up. Peter doesn’t think so.

Alec and Peter joke that they are going to the Vancouver casting calls for Season 2 of Big Brother Canada. Andrew mentions they should go as Emmett and Tom wearing muscle suits. Peter brings up something Tom said “You ask why.. I have two words.. Why not Bro” ALec breaks out in laughter (Damn i’m missing Tom )

Andrew, Talla head to bed. Topaz says she’s going to go into the Hot Tub.

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Peter Campaigns to Talla – Jillian walks in and scares her..

9:10pm Peter is in the storage room with talking with Talla trying to save Alec. He pitches the idea of saving Alec so that they can all work together with hopefully Andrew to get Emmett and Jillian out. Peter tells Talla that he has trusted her for a long time in this game and I trust Andrew. Peter tells Talla that there is an east coast alliance. Talla asks well how many votes does he have? Peter says well he has me and Alec is working on Andrew … if we can get you then Andrew would be much more inclined to work with us if you are wanting to. Jillian opens the door and Talla gets startled and screams. Peter comments we were just about to make out. Peter leaves. Talla tells Jillian her conversation with Peter. Talla says that she should just tell them she will vote to keep him ..but won’t really. Emmett joins them. They tell him the conversation. Emmett leaves.

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