10:37AM Bedroom Suzette and Garry Suzette tells Gary that she’s seen Alec, Peter and Emmett talking a lot and she’s sure they have a final 3. Gary isn’t sure about it he’s thinking that Alec and Topaz are really close. Suzette disagrees, she thinks the “Boys” will drop the girls off in a heartbeat. She tells him if Gary wants to make it in this game he must get in with the “Boys”. GAry is busy working on his brand. While Suzette gives him Mad game talk. Suzette suspects that the boys had a system during the last HOH competition to ensure one of them would win she mentions that “You could see in the mirror all the answers?” . Gary continues to work on his brand while agreeing with Suzette and muttering “Gotta get in with the boys.. how did the boys get to run the house”
Tag: Talla Rejaei
Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery March 12, 2013 **Updated LIVE**
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds […]
Big Brother Canada Alec warns Topaz “saying you want Tom out is like saying Voldemort’s name”
12:30AM Backyard Alec and Topaz
Alec had lost his mouthguard somewhere in the backyard while working out.
Alec is saying he’s talked to Emmett and Peter about Liza. Topaz asks him if Peter and Emmett trust LIza. Alec says Emmett doesn’t but Pete does. Alec: “Pete thinks he can talk Liza out of anything.. I don’t trust he can do that” Topaz: “I don’t either.. and that Emmett doesn’t trust her..” Alec thinks Pete is trying to get close to Liza because he’s nervous that Alec/Topaz and Emmett/Jillian are pairs and he doesn’t have anyone. Topaz: “But Liza has Tom.. She would choose Tom over Pete”
Big Brother Canada: Emmett says Aj thinks he’s king sh*t, he needs to be more modest.
10pm Andrew, Aj and Alec are in the bedroom talking about Tom. Andrew says that if he wins HOH next week he wants to get Tom out. Andrew says that he is a 38 year old man going crazy in this house and says that he can’t hide his feeling very well about not like Tom. Alec tells them that have to be cautious about going after Tom so soon because Tom hasn’t made a move after them. Alec says that Tom put you (Aj) up as the replacement because he didn’t think there would be any repercussion. AJ says I am probably quite low in Tom’s group. Alec and Aj talk about getting Aneal to join them and think they would be strong with him.
Big Brother Canada: Suzette starts making some big moves of her own to save herself from eviction!
6:50pm Liza heads up to the HOH room. Tom wants to talk game with her. He asks her what her game is, what’s her strategy? Tom tells her that right now she sucks at competitions. He says that right now she is playing the game right and says that everyone trusts her. Tom says that his gut right now is screaming Andrew, not this week or next but soon. He is being weak and waiting to make his big move. Tom says everyone is talking Aneal and Gary but I want Andrew out of the house before he has the opportunity to make a big move. I don’t think anyone has the balls to put up Andrew. Gary would and Aneal would but I don’t see them winning an HOH any time soon. Liza says its not good tv for one of the 9 to win. The producers are going to tailor the competition for one the others to win. Tom asks Liza who she would put up if she won. She says Aj and Andrew. tom asks if Andrew wins POV and comes off what would you do. Liza says I could fix it.
Big Brother Canada: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!
3:18pm The live feeds come back for a few seconds and we see a bunch of the house guests sitting on the backyard couches. Then big brother blocks the feeds again..
4:25pm When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds return from being blocked again we learn that Tom used the power of veto to save Gary and nominate Aj as the replacement. Yesterday Tom had informed Aj that he would be nominated as the pawn. Tom had made a deal with Gary that if he won the veto he would use it to save Gary as Suzette is Tom’s target this week. Tom felt that making this deal and following through with it would earn Gary’s trust moving forward in the game. Despite this deal Tom still plans to target Gary next week.
Garry has had enough of Andrew’s flirting “every time he slaps my butt he adds 10 years to my life”
POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th Original Nominations: Garry Suzette Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian 9:53AM Backyard Andrew, Liza, Talla, Alec and AJ Liza is saying that there is no studies that prove that […]
Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery March 11, 2013 **Updated LIVE**
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds […]
Big Brother Canada Liza “I’m Smart.. I’m the puppet master.. Dance Monkey Dance”
POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th Original Nominations: Garry Suzette Current Nominations: Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian 11:50pm Peter and Liza (Thinking they are the smartest people to play Big Brother) Liza says that the one […]
Big Brother Canada Talla starts giving out Lap dances “You think my mom is going to see this?”
10:32pm Kitchen Everyone around the dinner table drinking and having fun. Emmett brings up Big Brother 9 where Natalie was giving guys lapdances. Talla asks if she gave a lapdance it would be on Camera. Tehy tell her yes so she starts giving Aneal a Lapdance. Everyone is freaking out laughing..
About 10 minutes later you can hear Talla telling big brother “Can you delete that Lapdance”
Most hosueguests are tipsy a bit.
Big Brother Canada Garry “Tom’s taking me off the block..I’ll do whatever he wants”
6:42pm Garry and Talla Hot tub
Garry: “Aneal is so up and down.. he thought i orchestrated the Danielle thing.. I don’t know I feel like he’s my major competition”
Garry: “Tom’s taking me off the block.. if he did that to earn my trust he earned it.. I trust him till the end.. I got his back.. Whatever he needs I got him… I’ll do whatever he wants. “
Garry adds that he wants Aneal gone because he’s “Mooching” his identity, “Why are you wearing my heels, why are you talking like me.. you are emulating my brand” Garry Wishes Aneal was just himself.
Garry wants Aneal and AJ gone, “Aneal’s a threat socially for me”
5pm Big Brother switches camera 3 to the storage room to point at the telephone. The telephone lights start flashing and the camera zooms in on the storage room door handle. After 10 minutes of staring at the door. Andrew is told by big brother to change his battery pack. You hear him say why it has a green light. Andrew goes into the storage room and changes his batteries. The phone rings and Andrew says ah! He answers it and no one is there. He hangs up and it rings again. He answers and says yup, okay. Okay. He laughs and says oh god. Okay. Does it.. Thank you. (You can’t hear what is said on the other end of the call but it sounds like he has been given a task that will be hard to complete.) He then hangs up the phone. He grabs a pop out of the fridge and leaves the storage room.