8am – 8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. They start getting ready for nominations and then the live feeds are blocked.
9:20am – 10:15am Still showing the hush hush screen.
10:15am – 10:20am When the live feeds come back Talla is in the kitchen cleaning. The camera flashed to the storage room where all of the memory wall photos have been taken down. (The Power of Veto competition will most likely have something to down house guests faces or past events.) Meanwhile, Emmett is out in the hot tub room walking back and forth mumbling the past events of the house. He is studying the past events of the house for an upcoming competition. Emmett heads back in to the backyard. Gary is in the hammock. Emmett asks Gary does she (Talla) seem worried? I’ll talk to her again. Gary says I don’t think she is worried at all.