Big Brother Canada Spoilers Girls Gone Wild “be cool like a little Fonzie”

12:05AM Couch Gary and Alec

Alec brings up what happened with his iPod. Topaz was listening to the music and fell asleep which resulted in the iPod being taken away.

Gary says he’s been hearing his name being thrown out there, “I’m hearing Andrew and AJ.. but this is what I’m hearing from Talla”

Alec asks him if Topaz, Gary and Peter do not win the HOH.

Gary: “I would go up”
Alec: “I don’t think Jillian and Emmett will do that”
Gary :’I still think i’ll be the pawn.. I don’t want to feel like the

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Showmance on the rocks Alec about Topaz “That isn’t anybody I want to associate with in my life PERIOD”

strong>10:45pm Bedroom Peter, Alec and Emmett

Alec is saying that Topaz is mad at him. Emmett points out that Topaz is acting like she’s trying to defy Big Brother.

Alec says at first he liked her but now he’s finally seeing that she’s not his type of person. Alec: ‘At the same time I’m in this position that it doesn’t help me in the game to distance myself from her”

Alec says that there might be a play to get Topaz out next week through Jillian. Peter: “It would make sense next week could be endurance.. I would throw it to Jillian.. I have no problem with that”

Alec: “I won’t do it.. GAry would come after me”
peter: “I can’t do because of my relationship with Him (Alec) “
Emmett: “I could put her up”

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Big Brother Canada: Suzette tells Gary that she loves how all these guys that work out think taking out me is a big move.

12:25pm – 12:55pm Aj and Andrew are talking out by the pool. Aj says that he is almost worried there will be another power-shift to save Suzette. Andrew says lets not even talk about it. Aj says its like lets play a basketball game and pour our hearts into it and have the fans decide who wins. Alec comes out and they discuss Tom’s Why not bro speech. Aj and Alec laugh about how Tom told Alec he wanted to go after Topaz. They laugh about how stupid it was to tell the persons strongest ally you are taking out their friend. Alec, Aj, Peter, Emmett, and Andrew start working out.

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Big Brother Canada: Andrew says that Evel D!ck is like Howard Stern but not nearly as smart.

9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Andrew, Peter, Aj, Alec and Talla are sitting out on the backyard couch. They discuss how long it took to set up the POV competition but that it was taken down so quickly. It took longer because they realize Big Brother had to do run through’s of the competition to make sure it worked. The conversation turns to talking about past seasons of Big Brother and cast members. Andrews says that Evel Dick is like Howard Stern but not as smart. They start talking about the Power of Veto competition again.

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Big Brother Canada Power of Veto Results Suzette: ‘I’ll be the token native on every show they need me”

1:00AM Bedroom Suzette and Andrew

Suzette saying she did really good at the competitions she could have won the leprechaun because she works in the record industry. Andrew asks her if she threw it, “Gary won it didn’t he”. Suzette didn’t throw it but could have probably gone further. She lists off a few more comps that she came 3rd or 4th in. Andrew: ‘You were never a have not.. thats a good thing”
Suzette adds that she did well in the last HOH competition. Andrew: “You were 1 minute away from 10 thousands”

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Emmett does Gary’s Make-up. Jillian says if it was a challenge, he would have failed miserably.

4:30pm When the live feeds come back from showing the hush hush screen all morning and afternoon, Emmett is in the bedroom doing Gary’s make-up. Gary says that it looks ridiculous. Emmett says yeah that’s how they know I did it. Meanwhile in the kitchen Jillian complains that she has food poisoning. Aj and Talla talk about how some people take this game really personally and that you can’t. Aj says that Tom took it personally. Jillian heads to the bedroom and tells Emmett that if that was a challenge to do Gary’s make-up, he would have failed miserably. Jillian says cool Emmett, do you like doing Halloween make-up? Gary asks is that what this looks like? Jillian says that she wants to be ready for the competition tonight (Power of Veto Competition). Emmett tells Gary when he goes out there don’t say anything, see if they think you did it.

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