Andy tells Gina she should just self-evict over her hurt foot and make it easier on everyone.

8am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the fish screen to wake up the house guests. When the live feeds come back – In the storage room David and Aaryn complain to each other about how even though they go to bed early they can’t sleep because of how loud everyone is when they stay up late. They talk about telling the other it’s not fair. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Andy tells GinaMarie that she should just self evict over her hurt foot and make it easier on everyone. They both laugh.

In the have not room Eliss and Helen are talking. Elissa doesn’t understand why the others want her out. They talk about the possibility of how there a number of them who have no siblings and the others are each a sibling of a past house guest. Elissa says that she is admitting to the fact that Rachel is her sister but that no one else is admitting to anything. Judd comes in and Helen questions him asking him if he is a only child.

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Judd says I hope I don’t do anything weird on the feeds. Amanda yeah that’s what I am worried about like that I have sem*n on my face.

3:50am In the kitchen – Judd, Spencer, Andy, Amanda, McCrae talking about random stuff. Judd says that he just hopes he doesn’t do anything weird on the feeds. Amanda yeah that’s what I am worried about like that I have semen on my face.

3:55am Jeremy and Kaitlin are in bed together talk about still trying to comprehend being in the house. They talk about how Jessie was chewing Jeremy out today. Jeremy thinks that if there is drama on us …then it will put a target on us. Amanda joins them. She says that she was so wrapped up in not showing her titties earlier that she can’t remember where she put her sunglasses. Amanda puts a weave over her face and pretends to be like the girl from the movie The Grudge.

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Amanda tells McCrae he has to get rid of Elissa because that’s what he’s told the whole house. You would be the hero!

1:58pm – 2:15pm McCrae, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Judd are in the lounge room talking about how McCrae wants to call Elissa out this week. They talk about how they know Elissa is Rachel’s sister. Judd tells McCrae that he will go down in history for evicting Rachel’s sister.

They all laugh about how they figured out Elissa was Rachel Reilly’s sister on the second day. Kaitlin comments that Candice acted like a fu*king nut case in the have / have not competition. She says she was yelling shut the fu*k up. Jeremy says that she turned into a monster out there. Kaitlin says that she repeatedly yelled at me. Kaitlin hold her fingers up to her head and pretends to blow her brains out. Jeremy says that if he wins HOH next week he will put her up again. Jeremy and Judd leave the room. Kaitlin and McCrae talk about how Elissa blew up on him and started freaking out. McCrae says I don’t know what she was thinking, I still have power this week. McCrae says that he told both of them (Elissa & Jessie) that they were going up and one took it well and the other didn’t.

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Big Brother Spoilers “There’s lots of F*** Rachel haters out there”

12:26AM Aaryn and DAvid

Aaryn is pissed off that half the people in the house don’t know how the Power of Veto works. Aaryn is also stressed that Elissa will continue to win MVP because she’s rachel’s sister and will have Rachel/Brendon campaigning for her to win it. She explains to David how the MVP works. Elissa can put up anyone she wants, nobody will know what happens and therefore Elissa will not get any blood on her hands. Aaryn adds that the MVP twist essentially makes Big Brother a game of chance.

Aaryn mentions that Helen and Elissa are very close they have to be tight lipped around them. David and Aaryn both say they fully trust each other and they only have each other in the house.

Aaryn says that Kaitlin was an alternate during the casting. Davide mentions that Katilin had failed her drug test and was having trouble getting on the show.

David points out that Spencer has been weird lately. He mentions that Howard was getting Chummy with him earlier in the day. Aaryn says that David needs to get closer to Howard because that is a vote. She adds that there is so few people in the house that understand the game.. “They’re fu*** retards”

Aaryn goes on and on that she worked so hard to get on the show, studied it over and over..

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Big Brother 15 Nominations Week One “The Moving Company Alliance” yo

9:26pm HOH Howard and Nick

Nick “Jeremy told everybody.. McRae knows I know.. everyone knows.. he totally exposed himself he told everybody.. “ (Didn’t catch it all but I think it had something to do with the blonde alliance)

Nick “The BlondeTourage.. Everyone knows they are together.. it’s so stupid”. They both comment on how the Blonde girls have been walking around spending all their time together since they’ve been in the house.

Howard says if Rachel2.0 stays for a couple weeks she’s going to be dangerous.

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Big Brother 15 Episode 1 “Pizza Boy Delivers”

Julie Chen reveals the MVP Twist to the house guests

“For the first time in the history of Big Brother.. There will not be 2 nominees every week… There will be three nominees every week”
“The HOH will only nominate two houseguests”
“the third nomination will be made by someone in this room”
“Here’s how it works.. Every week America will vote for the houseguest they believe is playing the best game.. That person will be name The Big Brother Most Valuable player and they will make that weeks third nomination”
“This BBMVP will be informed their status in secret and he or she will also make their nomination in secret.. They have no obligation to ever reveal their identity”
“The player that the MVP nominates will be revealed right before the Power of Veto Competition each week “

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Big Brother 15 Episode One Sneak Peek House Guests get their Keys! **Video**

During today’s Big Brother 15 Special on The Talk we got to see a sneak peek of tonight’s premiere episode. The two clips show the house guests getting given their Keys at home. If you want to watch the entire episode of the talk featuring Julie, Ozzy’s wife and that girl from Rosanne CBS has posted it here If you just want to see the Big Brother 15 clips they’re in the you tubes below.

Dawg posted pictures from the Houseguests entering the house and the first HOH competition. The early bird special is over but the feeds are still cheaper than last year. $26.99 for the season no subscription just one time flat fee.. Support this site and order them by clicking the badge —>
CBS Interactive Inc.

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PHOTOS of the Cast Entering the Big Brother 15 House and The FIRST HOH Competition!

CBS has released some photos of the house guests entering the Big Brother 15 house and a photo of the very first HOH competition. The house guests likely entered the Big Brother house over the weekend as it is custom for them to enter the house prior to the première in order to record the footage for the first episode and to do photo shoots with the cast.

The première episode which airs tonight will introduce the Big Brother 15 Cast, show them interacting and introducing themselves for the first time, show their reaction when Julie Chen notifies them of this seasons twist, and show the very first HOH competition.

The first HOH competition as seen in the photo below shows that it is an endurance competition where the house guests have to hang on to the giant popsicle sticks for as long as they can to be the last one hanging. From learning about the house guests the past few days, who do you think would have the ability and endurance to hang on the longest?

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Big Brother 15 Backyard Photo Shoot VIDEO of the BB15 CAST!

With just over 24 hours until the Big Brother 15 Première, CBS has released a video of the backyard photo shoot of the new Big Brother 15 cast, individual photos of the cast, and photos of the cast in front of the Big Brother house & in the Backyard. To my knowledge CBS has never released a video of the backyard photo shoot, so this is a special treat for all the Big Brother fans to see the new cast interacting for the first time.

Tonight at midnight (11:59pm Pacific Standard Time) the price of the Big Brother live feeds will go back up to their regular price of $26.99 for the season and $9.99 per month.

Subscribe today and SAVE! ONLY $23.99!

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NEW Big Brother 15 Commercial And The Early Bird LIVE FEED Offer Ends Tomorrow!

Well Big Brother Fans, tomorrow June 25th is the VERY LAST DAY to subscribe to the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds before the price goes back up to the regular pricing. The Big Brother Early Bird Special Discount pricing is a LIMITED Time Offer that expires tomorrow night, so DON’T MISS OUT!

As we patiently wait for the première of Big Brother 15 to air this Wednesday June 26th, there are a few new videos released that we can share with you. The first video is the newest Big Brother 15 promotional commercial of the new cast. The second video is an interview with Julie Chen the host of Big Brother where she talks about the two BB15 twists that have already previously been revealed.

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