7:52pm HOh Amanda, Andy, Spencer and McCrae
Spencer tells them that if Helen can get into Ginamarie’s head she could do some major brain switching.
Aaryn says she was just in the hammock with Helen and Elissa. It wasn’t anything like she thought it was there was no game talk. Amanda: “Because they are buttering you up”
Amanda says she is pissed off that Helen is calling her Evil and a bad person. Amanda wants to say something.
Spencer asks them what they would you do if Helen called them all in and said this is Helen’s funeral
MC: “Amanda if you say something I will be livid”
Amanda: “Shut up mcCrea I’m not going to say anything”
MC: “You shut up.. “
Andy gives them Spencer’s riddle for Candice.
“A rat, a tattle tale and a Snitch are all things we call this b!tch”
Andy makes up his own “Even though you had no power you f!ngered yourself in the HOH shower” everyone howls..