Monday’s premiere showed the 16 House Guests entering the house for the first time. They soon found out that the house is a) Amazing and B) lacking their personal belongings, food and furniture. The details were vague but from what they were told on the show they will have to earn these items. The other twist of the season was for the houseguests to each nominate two players for eviction. The two houseguests with the most votes will be nominated and given the chance to play for the Power of Veto.
Tag: Sindy Nguyen

Big Brother Canada 3 Premiere Episode Spoilers
Well folks here we are again, the start of another Big Brother Canada season. The house looks great some pictures can be seen here and here. The cast is populated with the usual character types, they all have potential. If you want to watch the Free Live Feeds and are located outside Canada you can use a VPN. Here’s the instruction on how to set up a vpn it’s and pretty cheap.

NEW Big Brother Canada 3 Commercial Featuring the House Guests!
The newest Big Brother Canada 3 promotional commercial was just released highlighting the all new cast of house guests. They’ll be moving into the newly redesigned house shortly, which we will get our first look at tomorrow! Monday on Global Big Brother Canada is BACK! The TWISTS begins the day they move in! This is the season that could bring the house down!

Big Brother Canada 3 Houseguest Twitter/Instagram Roundup
The 16 Big Brother Canada 3 houseguests are now released here are their twitter accounts. Their intro videos came out in three batches Here, Here and Here. There’s also some interesting haristyles from Jonny on his Google+ page. The internet seems full of Brittnee images from her modeling but nothing for Patrica.

Big Brother Canada 3 Meet the FINAL 5 house guests **VIDEOS*
The Big Brother Canada 3 première is now less than a week away and the new cast of house guests are slowly being released. On Monday, we learned the identities of the first 6 house guests , yesterday we got to know another group of 5 new cast members and today we get to meet the final 5 house guests to enter the house. Read up on all the house guests full bios to get your first impression of the all new cast.

MEET The Cast of Big Brother Canada Season 3!
As part of ET Canada’s special sneak peek they revealed 6 of the 16 new house guests for season 3 of Big Brother Canada! With the première only a week away we get a sneak peek at the cast to make our first impression. This season Big Brother Canada will air on the Global TV Network for the first time which will reach a broader audience than it did on the Slice Network. We can’t wait to see what types of crazy twists these new house guests will have to endure throughout the season as they fight for the $100,000 grand prize + $25,000 gift card to The Brick + $10,000 trip of a life time.