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8:45am – 9:30am Shelly and Brendon are awake and in the kitchen talking. They are talking about random stories about themselves, their friends and families. Rachel joins them in the kitchen. They talk about how late the other houseguests were up last night. Shelly says that Kalia was up late too. Rachel says that’s when they talk game so much. Shelly says outside of the house when she’s up late she just does email and stuff. Brendan says he was up late everyday while they were in Vegas. Rachel says that no he wasn’t. Shelly says she stays up late to Skype business contacts in China. Kalia joins them in the kitchen. The conversation changes to talking about Ragan’s birthday party, shopping, and how Rachel has gotten a lot of parking tickets in LA. They talk about how its illegal to use a cell phone or the GPS while driving. Brendan says that the LAPD are here to serve and protect …and here to serve and harass. Lawon is now out in the kitchen. They start talking about jury duty and how to get out of it.
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