7:55pm Backyard Adam and Shelly Adam says he’s more confident they can make it to the end with JJ. Adam reassures her that he hasn’t told JJ about Shelly.
Shelly drives home that they will not beat Jordan and Jeff in the jury he’s got to admit to that. Adam thinks his chances with JJ are greater than DP.
Shelly asks him how is he going to vote if he’s in the Jury.
Adam claims he’ll vote based on game play.
Shelly asks Adam if Rachel won the last 3 HOH’s and was in the final 2 with Adam who did he think should win. Adam says Rachel
Shelly is shocked.. “WOW.. so you have no porblem with a person that lied and cheated and played the way she did” Adam stumbles.. Shelly: “Why are you playing with JJ it doesn’t make snense.. ”
Adam stumbles says he trust JJ more than Dani.
Adam: “with dani she always tells the truth but never the whole truth”
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