Jason uses the veto on himself. Morgan’s only option for a replacement is Shelby. Justin and Jason will get to vote tomorrow on who they want to evict. (Hint it’ll be Shelby) 7:50pm – 9:20pm Bedroom – Kryssie and Justin are talking. Kryssie – I don’t know how I’m supposed to go in there and […]
Tag: Shelby Stockton

Big Brother Over the Top Final Power of Veto Competition
Justin up first, time = 1:56 Shelby Second, Time = 4:24 Morgan Third, time = 11:00 Kryssie Fourth, Time = 2:05 Jason last, time = 1:30 Jason wins the veto 3:20pm Girls are sad they lost the LNJ is happy they won. (Safe to say Jason will use the veto on himself and Morgan will […]

Justin “We’ve been the underdogs” Jason “That changes tomorrow! Because I’m going to kill these hoes!”
8pm – 11pm Morgan and Shelby are playing Jenga. After they head up to the HOH room. They go into the bathroom. Shelby puts on her bikini and sunglasses. Shelby – get ready America we’re about to do bath time with bikini girls. Only its just going to be me in a bikini. Morgan goes and puts her bikini on over her shirt. They start their Bikini Girls show called “Bubbles and Beef Cakes” edition. Morgan – our first beef cakes .. lets do some of out own. Shane Vs Justin.

“I make up for my face and Clothes with my personality”
11:51am Jason and Kryssie
Jason – that’s the nicest Shelby’s hair been all week .. Do they not know that we’re being films all the time
Jason going on about Shelby and Morgan looking “Fake” because they get dressed up for HOH pictures but the rest of the time they don’t
Jason – they see you the other days when you’ve worn the same pajamas three days in a row and your hair looks like a f***G rats nest on your head
Kryssie – even I didn’t get all gussied up when I won HOH
Jason – it’s silly.. everyone knows you look like sh1t they’ve been watching you look like sh2t

Jambalaya gang is over “these hoes ain’t loyal”
12:53pm Justin, Kryssie and MOrgan
Morgan – Jambalaya gang.. Are we calling it quits? Just officially
Justin – Probably so
Morgan – OK… I just wanted to know.. I was taking it seriously
Justin – it was going quite good but then I realized that I was probably going to be PLAN B if this didn’t work out so it’s kinda pointless..
Justin – regardless i was probably going to have to go home if Jason didn’t
MOrgan – not necessarily but.. I get where you are coming from. Just Just wanted to check because when I shook on it I really meant it

Justin wins final Care Package.. Final 4!
8:30pm Morgan, Jason, Kryssie and Justin are in the kitchen. Justin – I’m just so glad its over. It’s done and I’m blessed. Kryssie – so if he is safe, does that mean we have one more safety ceremony? Jason – we must. Kryssie – whatever night we don’t have a safety ceremony I’ll make peanut butter balls. Morgan – yeah I’m assuming they’ll just do it Sunday.

“Bikini Girl for Final 3”
1:38pm Morgan in the bubble bath enjoying her HOH…
Morgan – I’m losing my mind but that’s OK because I have HOH
Morgan – I hope America you see I’m a competitor in this game.. I’m here for the next 2 weeks..
Morgan – So America, Hoping you’re enjoying bath time with Bikini girl

Jason “I want to make them eat dirt! I want to run them over. I want to grind these girls faces into dirt!”
8:25pm Jason talking to himself. Okay, so whoever doesn’t get nominated… HAS to win the veto. Like HAS TA, HAS TA, HAS TA! Thanks for the endurance comp that I asked for … that I tanked at! I should have know that do back flips over herself would have been able to stand on that sh*t forever. We’ve got to win the veto. f**king eh! I clearly can’t win anything.

Big Brother Over the Top Final 6 eviction results Jason Vs Danielle
Jason and Danielle are nominated for Eviction Danielle says it’s harder to stay in the block with Jason than Shane. Jason misses his friends and family.. thanks the house guests for a unforgettable experience. Justin Votes to Evict Danielle Morgan votes to Evict Danielle Kryssie votes to Evict Danielle America Votes to evict Danielle Danielle […]

Justin “No matter what.. whatever my care package is, I’m using it on you” Kryssie “I trust you”
9:45pm – 11pm HOH room – Morgan & Shelby. Morgan – well we know who Kryssie is going to target if she’s HOH. Shelby – probably me. Morgan – yeah it probably would be you but now Jason will have an excuse to go after me as well. Shelby – Jason will probably still want me out if he’s smart. Morgan – see that’s the thing they’re not freaking smart! I can honestly see them be like … yeah Shelby has won more comps but lets get Morgan out because she’s going to want revenge for us getting Alex out.

Veto Meeting Results “If they vote for me over Danielle I’m going to flip out”
12:45pm Morgan and Kryssie
Morgan – Alex was my sister.. so… that was a big twist.. Jason got out my sister I’ve been targeting him.. that is why I want to be HOH..
Morgan – even if I go home.. I want to do something on a game and personal level
Kryssie – ok
Morgan adds that she broke her word to Kryssie earlier in the season and she’s hoping with coming to Kryssie with this truth now she can mend things.
Morgan is planning on talking to Justin as well.

“People are probably going to try to convince me to use it (veto) another way but I will just laugh in their faces”
8:30pm Morgan and Shelby made up a game tossing balls into pots. Meanwhile Danielle, Jason and Kryssie are sleeping. Jason and Kryssie start talking. Kryssie – I didn’t even say anything bad. That proves they don’t listen. Jason – its not about whether its good or bad. They probably think it was bad because I […]